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Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 20:30:00 -0500
From: Dan Tulovsky <>
To: Darren Martyn <>
Subject: Re: Microsoft Windows vulnerability in TCP/IP
 Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2588516)

Seems to be what you want.

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Darren Martyn
<> wrote:
> Off topic (kinda) but with all this talk on SCAPY, has anyone a good
> reference on using it IN a python script for crafting/reading packets? Me
> and a friend wanted to write a python version of Ettercap/dsniff using the
> SCAPY libraries as a challenge and as a learning experience. Even if we can
> just get some reliable ARP poisoning to work with it we will be pretty
> happy, and will have learned something. Any good literature?
> Also, ON topic -
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Mario Vilas <> wrote:
>> I've used Impacket to craft raw packets of all kinds. Then again I don't
>> know if that counts - used to work at Core at the time, so it was pretty
>> much the only choice due to licensing issues with other libraries.
>> I don't mean to say it's a bad tool to work with, not at all. I happen to
>> prefer the newer Scapy, but it's just a matter of personal taste. :)
>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 6:53 AM, Antony widmal <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Dan,
>>> Impacket was at first a Pysmb copy/update from Core Security in order to
>>> play with RPC. (look at the source)
>>> They've done some work on pysmb library in order to implement DCE/RPC
>>> functionality in this dinosaurus lib.
>>> Saying that we should use Impacket in order to craft *raw* UDP packet
>>> is definitively the dumbest thing I've heard today. Seriously. Anyone can
>>> confirm that ? Mario ? Carlos ? ....
>>> Anyways, This guy doesn't understand shit, talks a lot about shit he
>>> doesn't know about, why would you even spend time reading his shit ?
>>> This vulnerability is about sending a *huge fucking* stream of UDP
>>> packets on a closed port in order to trigger a int overflow via a ref count.
>>> Most of the people here didn't even understand what we are talking
>>> about/dealing with.
>>> Anyways, it's probably time for you to unsubscribe since you don't follow
>>> and S-K's like are trying to act like they know.
>>> Yeah right, a UDP int overflow triggered via a refcount UDP overflow that
>>> you can trigger with 1 single TCP (with the right ACK) packet is the way to
>>> go.
>>> This mailing list is getting gay, seriously.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Antony.
>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Dan Ballance <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Okay, now I'm confused!
>>>> From
>>>> "Impacket is a collection of Python classes focused on providing access
>>>> to network packets. Impacket allows Python developers to craft and decode
>>>> network packets in simple and consistent manner. It includes support for
>>>> low-level protocols such as IP, UDP and TCP, as well as higher-level
>>>> protocols such as NMB and SMB. Impacket is highly effective when used in
>>>> conjunction with a packet capture utility or package such as Pcapy. Packets
>>>> can be constructed from scratch, as well as parsed from raw data.
>>>> Furthermore, the object oriented API makes it simple to work with deep
>>>> protocol hierarchies."
>>>> Thanks for your input Antony. Can you explain why impacket has nothing
>>>> to do with crafting UDP packets?
>>>> Fascinating thread this. Thanks to all!!
>>>> dan :)
>>>> On 11 November 2011 22:42, Antony widmal <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> You are definitely a lamer secn3t.
>>>>> Also for you little brain, impacket has nothing to do with crafting UDP
>>>>> packets..
>>>>> Thanks for proving this again and again.
>>>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 2:36 PM, xD 0x41 <> wrote:
>>>>>> well look at that :P
>>>>>> not same author but , nice coding predelka! good one, i will add you
>>>>>> to coderslist... i guess there is a few codes you have
>>>>>> now done wich might be useful... cheers.
>>>>>> xd
>>>>>> On 12 November 2011 05:43, Ryan Dewhurst <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > An attempt at a possible MS11-083 DoS/PoC exploit, by
>>>>>> > @hackerfantastic:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Thor (Hammer of God)
>>>>>> > <> wrote:
>>>>>> >> Yeah, I gotta say, I’m going to use it at some point ;)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> From:
>>>>>> >> [] On Behalf Of
>>>>>> >> Mario Vilas
>>>>>> >> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 9:02 AM
>>>>>> >> To: Ryan Dewhurst
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Cc:
>>>>>> >> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows vulnerability in
>>>>>> >> TCP/IP
>>>>>> >> Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2588516)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> I liked the "heavy breather in the perv closet" bit.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Ryan Dewhurst
>>>>>> >> <>
>>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> I think Jon just said what everyone else was thinking, he said what
>>>>>> >> I
>>>>>> >> was thinking at least.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Jon Kertz <>
>>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>> >>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:59 PM, xD 0x41 <> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>> About the PPS, i think thats a very bad summary of the exploit,
>>>>>> >>>> 49days
>>>>>> >>>> to send a packet, my butt.
>>>>>> >>>> There is many people assuming wrong things, when it can be done
>>>>>> >>>> with
>>>>>> >>>> seconds, syscanner would scan a -b class in minutes, remember it
>>>>>> >>>> only
>>>>>> >>>> has to find the vulns, gather, then it would break scan, and
>>>>>> >>>> trigger
>>>>>> >>>> vuln... so in real world botnet, yes then, with tcpip patchers,
>>>>>> >>>> like
>>>>>> >>>> somany ppl i know myself, even use (tcpipz)patcher ) , wich
>>>>>> >>>> rocks...
>>>>>> >>>> and it is ONLY one wich actually works, when you maybe modify the
>>>>>> >>>> src
>>>>>> >>>> so the sys file, is dropped from within a .cpp file, well thats
>>>>>> >>>> up to
>>>>>> >>>> you but thats better way to make it work, this will open
>>>>>> >>>> sockets/threads, as i could, easily proove with one exe, but, the
>>>>>> >>>> goal
>>>>>> >>>> is, to trigger the vuln then exploit it, less than 49days :P , so
>>>>>> >>>> ,
>>>>>> >>>> iguess if this exploit, in real form, gathered 2 million hosts
>>>>>> >>>> over 3
>>>>>> >>>> nights.. i guessing that the exploit, could possibly be triggered
>>>>>> >>>> with
>>>>>> >>>> ONE properly setup packet.. people forget that, a packet is one
>>>>>> >>>> thing,
>>>>>> >>>> and a crafted UDP packet, is quite another..
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> I'd really like to see you actually explain this bug with code.
>>>>>> >>> Either
>>>>>> >>> with a poc or with the disassembly. You seem to act like you know
>>>>>> >>> what's going on, but so far your description has been off base
>>>>>> >>> (from
>>>>>> >>> what I can make of your writing).
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> No one cares about paragraphs of speculation and bragging, code or
>>>>>> >>> you
>>>>>> >>> are just another heavy breather in the perv closet of FD.
>>>>>> >>>
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>>>>>> >>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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>>>>>> >> the enemy
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>>>>>> >> people.”
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>> the enemy of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When
>> the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the
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