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Message-Id: <E1RA3j9-0000xz-I4@tytso-glaptop.cam.corp.google.com>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2011 13:51:55 -0400
From: "Theodore Ts'o" <tytso@....edu>
To: linux-ext4@...r.kernel.org
Subject: e2fsprogs 1.42-WIP-1001.tar.gz released
Hi, I've uploaded another prerelease for e2fsprogs: 1.42-WIP-1001
This is purely a bug fix release over 1.42-WIP-0925; see the
debian/changelog file for a quick summary of what's changed.
As usual, the git trees on github, repo.or.cz and Sourceforge have been
updated with a signed GPG tag, and signed tarballs have been uploaded to
Sourceforge (at https://sourceforge.net/projects/e2fsprogs)
An upload to debian unstable will follow shortly.
- Ted
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