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Message-ID: <e819cb86e574e68ded493db5ca8452015981c8f3.1740387599.git.mchehab+huawei@kernel.org>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 10:08:20 +0100
From: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+huawei@...nel.org>
To: Linux Doc Mailing List <linux-doc@...r.kernel.org>,
Jonathan Corbet <corbet@....net>
Cc: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+huawei@...nel.org>,
"Gustavo A. R. Silva" <mchehab+huawei@...nel.org>,
"Mauro Carvalho Chehab" <mchehab+huawei@...nel.org>,
Kees Cook <mchehab+huawei@...nel.org>,
Subject: [PATCH v2 14/39] scripts/kernel-doc.py: move KernelDoc class to a separate file
In preparation for letting kerneldoc Sphinx extension to import
Python libraries, move regex ancillary classes to a separate
Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+huawei@...nel.org>
scripts/kernel-doc.py | 1634 +-----------------------------
scripts/lib/kdoc/kdoc_parser.py | 1689 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 1691 insertions(+), 1632 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 scripts/lib/kdoc/kdoc_parser.py
diff --git a/scripts/kernel-doc.py b/scripts/kernel-doc.py
index faae66aa6ead..193a30fcfb7c 100755
--- a/scripts/kernel-doc.py
+++ b/scripts/kernel-doc.py
@@ -42,53 +42,15 @@ SRC_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(SRC_DIR, LIB_DIR))
-from kdoc_re import Re, NestedMatch
+from kdoc_parser import KernelDoc, type_param
+from kdoc_re import Re
-# Regular expressions used to parse kernel-doc markups at KernelDoc class.
-# Let's declare them in lowercase outside any class to make easier to
-# convert from the python script.
-# As those are evaluated at the beginning, no need to cache them
-# Allow whitespace at end of comment start.
-doc_start = Re(r'^/\*\*\s*$', cache=False)
-doc_end = Re(r'\*/', cache=False)
-doc_com = Re(r'\s*\*\s*', cache=False)
-doc_com_body = Re(r'\s*\* ?', cache=False)
-doc_decl = doc_com + Re(r'(\w+)', cache=False)
-# @params and a strictly limited set of supported section names
-# Specifically:
-# Match @word:
-# @...:
-# @{section-name}:
-# while trying to not match literal block starts like "example::"
-doc_sect = doc_com + \
- Re(r'\s*(\@[.\w]+|\@\.\.\.|description|context|returns?|notes?|examples?)\s*:([^:].*)?$',
- flags=re.I, cache=False)
-doc_content = doc_com_body + Re(r'(.*)', cache=False)
-doc_block = doc_com + Re(r'DOC:\s*(.*)?', cache=False)
-doc_inline_start = Re(r'^\s*/\*\*\s*$', cache=False)
-doc_inline_sect = Re(r'\s*\*\s*(@\s*[\w][\w\.]*\s*):(.*)', cache=False)
-doc_inline_end = Re(r'^\s*\*/\s*$', cache=False)
-doc_inline_oneline = Re(r'^\s*/\*\*\s*(@[\w\s]+):\s*(.*)\s*\*/\s*$', cache=False)
function_pointer = Re(r"([^\(]*\(\*)\s*\)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)", cache=False)
-attribute = Re(r"__attribute__\s*\(\([a-z0-9,_\*\s\(\)]*\)\)",
- flags=re.I | re.S, cache=False)
# match expressions used to find embedded type information
type_constant = Re(r"\b``([^\`]+)``\b", cache=False)
type_constant2 = Re(r"\%([-_*\w]+)", cache=False)
type_func = Re(r"(\w+)\(\)", cache=False)
-type_param = Re(r"\@(\w*((\.\w+)|(->\w+))*(\.\.\.)?)", cache=False)
type_param_ref = Re(r"([\!~\*]?)\@(\w*((\.\w+)|(->\w+))*(\.\.\.)?)", cache=False)
# Special RST handling for func ptr params
@@ -106,1598 +68,6 @@ type_member = Re(r"\&([_\w]+)(\.|->)([_\w]+)", cache=False)
type_fallback = Re(r"\&([_\w]+)", cache=False)
type_member_func = type_member + Re(r"\(\)", cache=False)
-export_symbol = Re(r'^\s*EXPORT_SYMBOL(_GPL)?\s*\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*', cache=False)
-export_symbol_ns = Re(r'^\s*EXPORT_SYMBOL_NS(_GPL)?\s*\(\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*"\S+"\)\s*', cache=False)
-class KernelDoc:
- # Parser states
- STATE_NORMAL = 0 # normal code
- STATE_NAME = 1 # looking for function name
- STATE_BODY_MAYBE = 2 # body - or maybe more description
- STATE_BODY = 3 # the body of the comment
- STATE_BODY_WITH_BLANK_LINE = 4 # the body which has a blank line
- STATE_PROTO = 5 # scanning prototype
- STATE_DOCBLOCK = 6 # documentation block
- STATE_INLINE = 7 # gathering doc outside main block
- st_name = [
- "NAME",
- "BODY",
- "PROTO",
- ]
- # Inline documentation state
- STATE_INLINE_NA = 0 # not applicable ($state != STATE_INLINE)
- STATE_INLINE_NAME = 1 # looking for member name (@foo:)
- STATE_INLINE_TEXT = 2 # looking for member documentation
- STATE_INLINE_END = 3 # done
- STATE_INLINE_ERROR = 4 # error - Comment without header was found.
- # Spit a warning as it's not
- # proper kernel-doc and ignore the rest.
- st_inline_name = [
- "",
- "_NAME",
- "_TEXT",
- "_END",
- "_ERROR",
- ]
- # Section names
- section_default = "Description" # default section
- section_intro = "Introduction"
- section_context = "Context"
- section_return = "Return"
- undescribed = "-- undescribed --"
- def __init__(self, config, fname):
- """Initialize internal variables"""
- self.fname = fname
- self.config = config
- # Initial state for the state machines
- self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
- self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NA
- # Store entry currently being processed
- self.entry = None
- # Place all potential outputs into an array
- self.entries = []
- def show_warnings(self, dtype, declaration_name):
- # TODO: implement it
- return True
- # TODO: rename to emit_message
- def emit_warning(self, ln, msg, warning=True):
- """Emit a message"""
- if warning:
- self.config.log.warning("%s:%d %s", self.fname, ln, msg)
- else:
- self.config.log.info("%s:%d %s", self.fname, ln, msg)
- def dump_section(self, start_new=True):
- """
- Dumps section contents to arrays/hashes intended for that purpose.
- """
- name = self.entry.section
- contents = self.entry.contents
- # TODO: we can prevent dumping empty sections here with:
- #
- # if self.entry.contents.strip("\n"):
- # if start_new:
- # self.entry.section = self.section_default
- # self.entry.contents = ""
- #
- # return
- #
- # But, as we want to be producing the same output of the
- # venerable kernel-doc Perl tool, let's just output everything,
- # at least for now
- if type_param.match(name):
- name = type_param.group(1)
- self.entry.parameterdescs[name] = contents
- self.entry.parameterdesc_start_lines[name] = self.entry.new_start_line
- self.entry.sectcheck += name + " "
- self.entry.new_start_line = 0
- elif name == "@...":
- name = "..."
- self.entry.parameterdescs[name] = contents
- self.entry.sectcheck += name + " "
- self.entry.parameterdesc_start_lines[name] = self.entry.new_start_line
- self.entry.new_start_line = 0
- else:
- if name in self.entry.sections and self.entry.sections[name] != "":
- # Only warn on user-specified duplicate section names
- if name != self.section_default:
- self.emit_warning(self.entry.new_start_line,
- f"duplicate section name '{name}'\n")
- self.entry.sections[name] += contents
- else:
- self.entry.sections[name] = contents
- self.entry.sectionlist.append(name)
- self.entry.section_start_lines[name] = self.entry.new_start_line
- self.entry.new_start_line = 0
-# self.config.log.debug("Section: %s : %s", name, pformat(vars(self.entry)))
- if start_new:
- self.entry.section = self.section_default
- self.entry.contents = ""
- # TODO: rename it to store_declaration
- def output_declaration(self, dtype, name, **args):
- """
- Stores the entry into an entry array.
- The actual output and output filters will be handled elsewhere
- """
- # The implementation here is different than the original kernel-doc:
- # instead of checking for output filters or actually output anything,
- # it just stores the declaration content at self.entries, as the
- # output will happen on a separate class.
- #
- # For now, we're keeping the same name of the function just to make
- # easier to compare the source code of both scripts
- if "declaration_start_line" not in args:
- args["declaration_start_line"] = self.entry.declaration_start_line
- args["type"] = dtype
- # TODO: use colletions.OrderedDict
- sections = args.get('sections', {})
- sectionlist = args.get('sectionlist', [])
- # Drop empty sections
- # TODO: improve it to emit warnings
- for section in [ "Description", "Return" ]:
- if section in sectionlist:
- if not sections[section].rstrip():
- del sections[section]
- sectionlist.remove(section)
- self.entries.append((name, args))
- self.config.log.debug("Output: %s:%s = %s", dtype, name, pformat(args))
- def reset_state(self, ln):
- """
- Ancillary routine to create a new entry. It initializes all
- variables used by the state machine.
- """
- self.entry = argparse.Namespace
- self.entry.contents = ""
- self.entry.function = ""
- self.entry.sectcheck = ""
- self.entry.struct_actual = ""
- self.entry.prototype = ""
- self.entry.parameterlist = []
- self.entry.parameterdescs = {}
- self.entry.parametertypes = {}
- self.entry.parameterdesc_start_lines = {}
- self.entry.section_start_lines = {}
- self.entry.sectionlist = []
- self.entry.sections = {}
- self.entry.anon_struct_union = False
- self.entry.leading_space = None
- # State flags
- self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
- self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NA
- self.entry.brcount = 0
- self.entry.in_doc_sect = False
- self.entry.declaration_start_line = ln
- def push_parameter(self, ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
- org_arg, declaration_name):
- if self.entry.anon_struct_union and dtype == "" and param == "}":
- return # Ignore the ending }; from anonymous struct/union
- self.entry.anon_struct_union = False
- param = Re(r'[\[\)].*').sub('', param, count=1)
- if dtype == "" and param.endswith("..."):
- if Re(r'\w\.\.\.$').search(param):
- # For named variable parameters of the form `x...`,
- # remove the dots
- param = param[:-3]
- else:
- # Handles unnamed variable parameters
- param = "..."
- if param not in self.entry.parameterdescs or \
- not self.entry.parameterdescs[param]:
- self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = "variable arguments"
- elif dtype == "" and (not param or param == "void"):
- param = "void"
- self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = "no arguments"
- elif dtype == "" and param in ["struct", "union"]:
- # Handle unnamed (anonymous) union or struct
- dtype = param
- param = "{unnamed_" + param + "}"
- self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = "anonymous\n"
- self.entry.anon_struct_union = True
- # Handle cache group enforcing variables: they do not need
- # to be described in header files
- elif "__cacheline_group" in param:
- # Ignore __cacheline_group_begin and __cacheline_group_end
- return
- # Warn if parameter has no description
- # (but ignore ones starting with # as these are not parameters
- # but inline preprocessor statements)
- if param not in self.entry.parameterdescs and not param.startswith("#"):
- self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = self.undescribed
- if self.show_warnings(dtype, declaration_name) and "." not in param:
- if decl_type == 'function':
- dname = f"{decl_type} parameter"
- else:
- dname = f"{decl_type} member"
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"{dname} '{param}' not described in '{declaration_name}'")
- # Strip spaces from param so that it is one continuous string on
- # parameterlist. This fixes a problem where check_sections()
- # cannot find a parameter like "addr[6 + 2]" because it actually
- # appears as "addr[6", "+", "2]" on the parameter list.
- # However, it's better to maintain the param string unchanged for
- # output, so just weaken the string compare in check_sections()
- # to ignore "[blah" in a parameter string.
- self.entry.parameterlist.append(param)
- org_arg = Re(r'\s\s+').sub(' ', org_arg)
- self.entry.parametertypes[param] = org_arg
- def save_struct_actual(self, actual):
- """
- Strip all spaces from the actual param so that it looks like
- one string item.
- """
- actual = Re(r'\s*').sub("", actual, count=1)
- self.entry.struct_actual += actual + " "
- def create_parameter_list(self, ln, decl_type, args, splitter, declaration_name):
- # temporarily replace all commas inside function pointer definition
- arg_expr = Re(r'(\([^\),]+),')
- while arg_expr.search(args):
- args = arg_expr.sub(r"\1#", args)
- for arg in args.split(splitter):
- # Strip comments
- arg = Re(r'\/\*.*\*\/').sub('', arg)
- # Ignore argument attributes
- arg = Re(r'\sPOS0?\s').sub(' ', arg)
- # Strip leading/trailing spaces
- arg = arg.strip()
- arg = Re(r'\s+').sub(' ', arg, count=1)
- if arg.startswith('#'):
- # Treat preprocessor directive as a typeless variable just to fill
- # corresponding data structures "correctly". Catch it later in
- # output_* subs.
- # Treat preprocessor directive as a typeless variable
- self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, arg, "",
- "", declaration_name)
- elif Re(r'\(.+\)\s*\(').search(arg):
- # Pointer-to-function
- arg = arg.replace('#', ',')
- r = Re(r'[^\(]+\(\*?\s*([\w\[\]\.]*)\s*\)')
- if r.match(arg):
- param = r.group(1)
- else:
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {arg}")
- param = arg
- dtype = Re(r'([^\(]+\(\*?)\s*' + re.escape(param)).sub(r'\1', arg)
- self.save_struct_actual(param)
- self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
- arg, declaration_name)
- elif Re(r'\(.+\)\s*\[').search(arg):
- # Array-of-pointers
- arg = arg.replace('#', ',')
- r = Re(r'[^\(]+\(\s*\*\s*([\w\[\]\.]*?)\s*(\s*\[\s*[\w]+\s*\]\s*)*\)')
- if r.match(arg):
- param = r.group(1)
- else:
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {arg}")
- param = arg
- dtype = Re(r'([^\(]+\(\*?)\s*' + re.escape(param)).sub(r'\1', arg)
- self.save_struct_actual(param)
- self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
- arg, declaration_name)
- elif arg:
- arg = Re(r'\s*:\s*').sub(":", arg)
- arg = Re(r'\s*\[').sub('[', arg)
- args = Re(r'\s*,\s*').split(arg)
- if args[0] and '*' in args[0]:
- args[0] = re.sub(r'(\*+)\s*', r' \1', args[0])
- first_arg = []
- r = Re(r'^(.*\s+)(.*?\[.*\].*)$')
- if args[0] and r.match(args[0]):
- args.pop(0)
- first_arg.extend(r.group(1))
- first_arg.append(r.group(2))
- else:
- first_arg = Re(r'\s+').split(args.pop(0))
- args.insert(0, first_arg.pop())
- dtype = ' '.join(first_arg)
- for param in args:
- if Re(r'^(\*+)\s*(.*)').match(param):
- r = Re(r'^(\*+)\s*(.*)')
- if not r.match(param):
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {param}")
- continue
- param = r.group(1)
- self.save_struct_actual(r.group(2))
- self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, r.group(2),
- f"{dtype} {r.group(1)}",
- arg, declaration_name)
- elif Re(r'(.*?):(\w+)').search(param):
- r = Re(r'(.*?):(\w+)')
- if not r.match(param):
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {param}")
- continue
- if dtype != "": # Skip unnamed bit-fields
- self.save_struct_actual(r.group(1))
- self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, r.group(1),
- f"{dtype}:{r.group(2)}",
- arg, declaration_name)
- else:
- self.save_struct_actual(param)
- self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
- arg, declaration_name)
- def check_sections(self, ln, decl_name, decl_type, sectcheck, prmscheck):
- sects = sectcheck.split()
- prms = prmscheck.split()
- err = False
- for sx in range(len(sects)): # pylint: disable=C0200
- err = True
- for px in range(len(prms)): # pylint: disable=C0200
- prm_clean = prms[px]
- prm_clean = Re(r'\[.*\]').sub('', prm_clean)
- prm_clean = attribute.sub('', prm_clean)
- # ignore array size in a parameter string;
- # however, the original param string may contain
- # spaces, e.g.: addr[6 + 2]
- # and this appears in @prms as "addr[6" since the
- # parameter list is split at spaces;
- # hence just ignore "[..." for the sections check;
- prm_clean = Re(r'\[.*').sub('', prm_clean)
- if prm_clean == sects[sx]:
- err = False
- break
- if err:
- if decl_type == 'function':
- dname = f"{decl_type} parameter"
- else:
- dname = f"{decl_type} member"
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"Excess {dname} '{sects[sx]}' description in '{decl_name}'")
- def check_return_section(self, ln, declaration_name, return_type):
- if not self.config.wreturn:
- return
- # Ignore an empty return type (It's a macro)
- # Ignore functions with a "void" return type (but not "void *")
- if not return_type or Re(r'void\s*\w*\s*$').search(return_type):
- return
- if not self.entry.sections.get("Return", None):
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"No description found for return value of '{declaration_name}'")
- def dump_struct(self, ln, proto):
- """
- Store an entry for an struct or union
- """
- type_pattern = r'(struct|union)'
- qualifiers = [
- "__attribute__",
- "__packed",
- "__aligned",
- "____cacheline_aligned_in_smp",
- "____cacheline_aligned",
- ]
- definition_body = r'\{(.*)\}\s*' + "(?:" + '|'.join(qualifiers) + ")?"
- struct_members = Re(type_pattern + r'([^\{\};]+)(\{)([^\{\}]*)(\})([^\{\}\;]*)(\;)')
- # Extract struct/union definition
- members = None
- declaration_name = None
- decl_type = None
- r = Re(type_pattern + r'\s+(\w+)\s*' + definition_body)
- if r.search(proto):
- decl_type = r.group(1)
- declaration_name = r.group(2)
- members = r.group(3)
- else:
- r = Re(r'typedef\s+' + type_pattern + r'\s*' + definition_body + r'\s*(\w+)\s*;')
- if r.search(proto):
- decl_type = r.group(1)
- declaration_name = r.group(3)
- members = r.group(2)
- if not members:
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"{proto} error: Cannot parse struct or union!")
- self.config.errors += 1
- return
- if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"expecting prototype for {decl_type} {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for {decl_type} {declaration_name} instead\n")
- return
- args_pattern =r'([^,)]+)'
- sub_prefixes = [
- (Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*?\/\*\s*public:.*?\*\/', re.S | re.I), ''),
- (Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*', re.S| re.I), ''),
- # Strip comments
- (Re(r'\/\*.*?\*\/', re.S), ''),
- # Strip attributes
- (attribute, ' '),
- (Re(r'\s*__aligned\s*\([^;]*\)', re.S), ' '),
- (Re(r'\s*__counted_by\s*\([^;]*\)', re.S), ' '),
- (Re(r'\s*__counted_by_(le|be)\s*\([^;]*\)', re.S), ' '),
- (Re(r'\s*__packed\s*', re.S), ' '),
- (Re(r'\s*CRYPTO_MINALIGN_ATTR', re.S), ' '),
- (Re(r'\s*____cacheline_aligned_in_smp', re.S), ' '),
- (Re(r'\s*____cacheline_aligned', re.S), ' '),
- # Unwrap struct_group macros based on this definition:
- # __struct_group(TAG, NAME, ATTRS, MEMBERS...)
- # which has variants like: struct_group(NAME, MEMBERS...)
- # Only MEMBERS arguments require documentation.
- #
- # Parsing them happens on two steps:
- #
- # 1. drop struct group arguments that aren't at MEMBERS,
- # storing them as STRUCT_GROUP(MEMBERS)
- #
- # 2. remove STRUCT_GROUP() ancillary macro.
- #
- # The original logic used to remove STRUCT_GROUP() using an
- # advanced regex:
- #
- # \bSTRUCT_GROUP(\(((?:(?>[^)(]+)|(?1))*)\))[^;]*;
- #
- # with two patterns that are incompatible with
- # Python re module, as it has:
- #
- # - a recursive pattern: (?1)
- # - an atomic grouping: (?>...)
- #
- # I tried a simpler version: but it didn't work either:
- # \bSTRUCT_GROUP\(([^\)]+)\)[^;]*;
- #
- # As it doesn't properly match the end parenthesis on some cases.
- #
- # So, a better solution was crafted: there's now a NestedMatch
- # class that ensures that delimiters after a search are properly
- # matched. So, the implementation to drop STRUCT_GROUP() will be
- # handled in separate.
- (Re(r'\bstruct_group\s*\(([^,]*,)', re.S), r'STRUCT_GROUP('),
- (Re(r'\bstruct_group_attr\s*\(([^,]*,){2}', re.S), r'STRUCT_GROUP('),
- (Re(r'\bstruct_group_tagged\s*\(([^,]*),([^,]*),', re.S), r'struct \1 \2; STRUCT_GROUP('),
- (Re(r'\b__struct_group\s*\(([^,]*,){3}', re.S), r'STRUCT_GROUP('),
- # Replace macros
- #
- # TODO: it is better to also move those to the NestedMatch logic,
- # to ensure that parenthesis will be properly matched.
- (Re(r'DECLARE_BITMAP\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'unsigned long \1[BITS_TO_LONGS(\2)]'),
- (Re(r'DECLARE_HASHTABLE\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'unsigned long \1[1 << ((\2) - 1)]'),
- (Re(r'DECLARE_KFIFO\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'\2 *\1'),
- (Re(r'DECLARE_KFIFO_PTR\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'\2 *\1'),
- (Re(r'(?:__)?DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'\1 \2[]'),
- (Re(r'DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR\s*\(' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'dma_addr_t \1'),
- (Re(r'DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_LEN\s*\(' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'__u32 \1'),
- ]
- # Regexes here are guaranteed to have the end limiter matching
- # the start delimiter. Yet, right now, only one replace group
- # is allowed.
- sub_nested_prefixes = [
- (re.compile(r'\bSTRUCT_GROUP\('), r'\1'),
- ]
- for search, sub in sub_prefixes:
- members = search.sub(sub, members)
- nested = NestedMatch()
- for search, sub in sub_nested_prefixes:
- members = nested.sub(search, sub, members)
- # Keeps the original declaration as-is
- declaration = members
- # Split nested struct/union elements
- #
- # This loop was simpler at the original kernel-doc perl version, as
- # while ($members =~ m/$struct_members/) { ... }
- # reads 'members' string on each interaction.
- #
- # Python behavior is different: it parses 'members' only once,
- # creating a list of tuples from the first interaction.
- #
- # On other words, this won't get nested structs.
- #
- # So, we need to have an extra loop on Python to override such
- # re limitation.
- while True:
- tuples = struct_members.findall(members)
- if not tuples:
- break
- for t in tuples:
- newmember = ""
- maintype = t[0]
- s_ids = t[5]
- content = t[3]
- oldmember = "".join(t)
- for s_id in s_ids.split(','):
- s_id = s_id.strip()
- newmember += f"{maintype} {s_id}; "
- s_id = Re(r'[:\[].*').sub('', s_id)
- s_id = Re(r'^\s*\**(\S+)\s*').sub(r'\1', s_id)
- for arg in content.split(';'):
- arg = arg.strip()
- if not arg:
- continue
- r = Re(r'^([^\(]+\(\*?\s*)([\w\.]*)(\s*\).*)')
- if r.match(arg):
- # Pointer-to-function
- dtype = r.group(1)
- name = r.group(2)
- extra = r.group(3)
- if not name:
- continue
- if not s_id:
- # Anonymous struct/union
- newmember += f"{dtype}{name}{extra}; "
- else:
- newmember += f"{dtype}{s_id}.{name}{extra}; "
- else:
- arg = arg.strip()
- # Handle bitmaps
- arg = Re(r':\s*\d+\s*').sub('', arg)
- # Handle arrays
- arg = Re(r'\[.*\]').sub('', arg)
- # Handle multiple IDs
- arg = Re(r'\s*,\s*').sub(',', arg)
- r = Re(r'(.*)\s+([\S+,]+)')
- if r.search(arg):
- dtype = r.group(1)
- names = r.group(2)
- else:
- newmember += f"{arg}; "
- continue
- for name in names.split(','):
- name = Re(r'^\s*\**(\S+)\s*').sub(r'\1', name).strip()
- if not name:
- continue
- if not s_id:
- # Anonymous struct/union
- newmember += f"{dtype} {name}; "
- else:
- newmember += f"{dtype} {s_id}.{name}; "
- members = members.replace(oldmember, newmember)
- # Ignore other nested elements, like enums
- members = re.sub(r'(\{[^\{\}]*\})', '', members)
- self.create_parameter_list(ln, decl_type, members, ';',
- declaration_name)
- self.check_sections(ln, declaration_name, decl_type,
- self.entry.sectcheck, self.entry.struct_actual)
- # Adjust declaration for better display
- declaration = Re(r'([\{;])').sub(r'\1\n', declaration)
- declaration = Re(r'\}\s+;').sub('};', declaration)
- # Better handle inlined enums
- while True:
- r = Re(r'(enum\s+\{[^\}]+),([^\n])')
- if not r.search(declaration):
- break
- declaration = r.sub(r'\1,\n\2', declaration)
- def_args = declaration.split('\n')
- level = 1
- declaration = ""
- for clause in def_args:
- clause = clause.strip()
- clause = Re(r'\s+').sub(' ', clause, count=1)
- if not clause:
- continue
- if '}' in clause and level > 1:
- level -= 1
- if not Re(r'^\s*#').match(clause):
- declaration += "\t" * level
- declaration += "\t" + clause + "\n"
- if "{" in clause and "}" not in clause:
- level += 1
- self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
- struct=declaration_name,
- module=self.entry.modulename,
- definition=declaration,
- parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
- parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
- parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
- sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
- sections=self.entry.sections,
- purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
- def dump_enum(self, ln, proto):
- # Ignore members marked private
- proto = Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*?\/\*\s*public:.*?\*\/', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
- proto = Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*}', flags=re.S).sub('}', proto)
- # Strip comments
- proto = Re(r'\/\*.*?\*\/', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
- # Strip #define macros inside enums
- proto = Re(r'#\s*((define|ifdef|if)\s+|endif)[^;]*;', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
- members = None
- declaration_name = None
- r = Re(r'typedef\s+enum\s*\{(.*)\}\s*(\w*)\s*;')
- if r.search(proto):
- declaration_name = r.group(2)
- members = r.group(1).rstrip()
- else:
- r = Re(r'enum\s+(\w*)\s*\{(.*)\}')
- if r.match(proto):
- declaration_name = r.group(1)
- members = r.group(2).rstrip()
- if not members:
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"{proto}: error: Cannot parse enum!")
- self.config.errors += 1
- return
- if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
- if self.entry.identifier == "":
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"{proto}: wrong kernel-doc identifier on prototype")
- else:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"expecting prototype for enum {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for enum {declaration_name} instead")
- return
- if not declaration_name:
- declaration_name = "(anonymous)"
- member_set = set()
- members = Re(r'\([^;]*?[\)]').sub('', members)
- for arg in members.split(','):
- if not arg:
- continue
- arg = Re(r'^\s*(\w+).*').sub(r'\1', arg)
- self.entry.parameterlist.append(arg)
- if arg not in self.entry.parameterdescs:
- self.entry.parameterdescs[arg] = self.undescribed
- if self.show_warnings("enum", declaration_name):
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"Enum value '{arg}' not described in enum '{declaration_name}'")
- member_set.add(arg)
- for k in self.entry.parameterdescs:
- if k not in member_set:
- if self.show_warnings("enum", declaration_name):
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"Excess enum value '%{k}' description in '{declaration_name}'")
- self.output_declaration('enum', declaration_name,
- enum=declaration_name,
- module=self.config.modulename,
- parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
- parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
- sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
- sections=self.entry.sections,
- purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
- def dump_declaration(self, ln, prototype):
- if self.entry.decl_type == "enum":
- self.dump_enum(ln, prototype)
- return
- if self.entry.decl_type == "typedef":
- self.dump_typedef(ln, prototype)
- return
- if self.entry.decl_type in ["union", "struct"]:
- self.dump_struct(ln, prototype)
- return
- # TODO: handle other types
- self.output_declaration(self.entry.decl_type, prototype,
- entry=self.entry)
- def dump_function(self, ln, prototype):
- func_macro = False
- return_type = ''
- decl_type = 'function'
- # Prefixes that would be removed
- sub_prefixes = [
- (r"^static +", "", 0),
- (r"^extern +", "", 0),
- (r"^asmlinkage +", "", 0),
- (r"^inline +", "", 0),
- (r"^__inline__ +", "", 0),
- (r"^__inline +", "", 0),
- (r"^__always_inline +", "", 0),
- (r"^noinline +", "", 0),
- (r"^__FORTIFY_INLINE +", "", 0),
- (r"__init +", "", 0),
- (r"__init_or_module +", "", 0),
- (r"__deprecated +", "", 0),
- (r"__flatten +", "", 0),
- (r"__meminit +", "", 0),
- (r"__must_check +", "", 0),
- (r"__weak +", "", 0),
- (r"__sched +", "", 0),
- (r"_noprof", "", 0),
- (r"__printf\s*\(\s*\d*\s*,\s*\d*\s*\) +", "", 0),
- (r"__(?:re)?alloc_size\s*\(\s*\d+\s*(?:,\s*\d+\s*)?\) +", "", 0),
- (r"__diagnose_as\s*\(\s*\S+\s*(?:,\s*\d+\s*)*\) +", "", 0),
- (r"DECL_BUCKET_PARAMS\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*\)", r"\1, \2", 0),
- (r"__attribute_const__ +", "", 0),
- # It seems that Python support for re.X is broken:
- # At least for me (Python 3.13), this didn't work
-# (r"""
-# __attribute__\s*\(\(
-# (?:
-# [\w\s]+ # attribute name
-# (?:\([^)]*\))? # attribute arguments
-# \s*,? # optional comma at the end
-# )+
-# \)\)\s+
-# """, "", re.X),
- # So, remove whitespaces and comments from it
- (r"__attribute__\s*\(\((?:[\w\s]+(?:\([^)]*\))?\s*,?)+\)\)\s+", "", 0),
- ]
- for search, sub, flags in sub_prefixes:
- prototype = Re(search, flags).sub(sub, prototype)
- # Macros are a special case, as they change the prototype format
- new_proto = Re(r"^#\s*define\s+").sub("", prototype)
- if new_proto != prototype:
- is_define_proto = True
- prototype = new_proto
- else:
- is_define_proto = False
- # Yes, this truly is vile. We are looking for:
- # 1. Return type (may be nothing if we're looking at a macro)
- # 2. Function name
- # 3. Function parameters.
- #
- # All the while we have to watch out for function pointer parameters
- # (which IIRC is what the two sections are for), C types (these
- # regexps don't even start to express all the possibilities), and
- # so on.
- #
- # If you mess with these regexps, it's a good idea to check that
- # the following functions' documentation still comes out right:
- # - parport_register_device (function pointer parameters)
- # - atomic_set (macro)
- # - pci_match_device, __copy_to_user (long return type)
- name = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+'
- prototype_end1 = r'[^\(]*'
- prototype_end2 = r'[^\{]*'
- prototype_end = fr'\(({prototype_end1}|{prototype_end2})\)'
- # Besides compiling, Perl qr{[\w\s]+} works as a non-capturing group.
- # So, this needs to be mapped in Python with (?:...)? or (?:...)+
- type1 = r'(?:[\w\s]+)?'
- type2 = r'(?:[\w\s]+\*+)+'
- found = False
- if is_define_proto:
- r = Re(r'^()(' + name + r')\s+')
- if r.search(prototype):
- return_type = ''
- declaration_name = r.group(2)
- func_macro = True
- found = True
- if not found:
- patterns = [
- rf'^()({name})\s*{prototype_end}',
- rf'^({type1})\s+({name})\s*{prototype_end}',
- rf'^({type2})\s*({name})\s*{prototype_end}',
- ]
- for p in patterns:
- r = Re(p)
- if r.match(prototype):
- return_type = r.group(1)
- declaration_name = r.group(2)
- args = r.group(3)
- self.create_parameter_list(ln, decl_type, args, ',',
- declaration_name)
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"cannot understand function prototype: '{prototype}'")
- return
- if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"expecting prototype for {self.entry.identifier}(). Prototype was for {declaration_name}() instead")
- return
- prms = " ".join(self.entry.parameterlist)
- self.check_sections(ln, declaration_name, "function",
- self.entry.sectcheck, prms)
- self.check_return_section(ln, declaration_name, return_type)
- if 'typedef' in return_type:
- self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
- function=declaration_name,
- typedef=True,
- module=self.config.modulename,
- functiontype=return_type,
- parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
- parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
- parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
- sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
- sections=self.entry.sections,
- purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose,
- func_macro=func_macro)
- else:
- self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
- function=declaration_name,
- typedef=False,
- module=self.config.modulename,
- functiontype=return_type,
- parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
- parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
- parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
- sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
- sections=self.entry.sections,
- purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose,
- func_macro=func_macro)
- def dump_typedef(self, ln, proto):
- typedef_type = r'((?:\s+[\w\*]+\b){1,8})\s*'
- typedef_ident = r'\*?\s*(\w\S+)\s*'
- typedef_args = r'\s*\((.*)\);'
- typedef1 = Re(r'typedef' + typedef_type + r'\(' + typedef_ident + r'\)' + typedef_args)
- typedef2 = Re(r'typedef' + typedef_type + typedef_ident + typedef_args)
- # Strip comments
- proto = Re(r'/\*.*?\*/', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
- # Parse function typedef prototypes
- for r in [typedef1, typedef2]:
- if not r.match(proto):
- continue
- return_type = r.group(1).strip()
- declaration_name = r.group(2)
- args = r.group(3)
- if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"expecting prototype for typedef {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for typedef {declaration_name} instead\n")
- return
- decl_type = 'function'
- self.create_parameter_list(ln, decl_type, args, ',', declaration_name)
- self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
- function=declaration_name,
- typedef=True,
- module=self.entry.modulename,
- functiontype=return_type,
- parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
- parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
- parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
- sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
- sections=self.entry.sections,
- purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
- return
- # Handle nested parentheses or brackets
- r = Re(r'(\(*.\)\s*|\[*.\]\s*);$')
- while r.search(proto):
- proto = r.sub('', proto)
- # Parse simple typedefs
- r = Re(r'typedef.*\s+(\w+)\s*;')
- if r.match(proto):
- declaration_name = r.group(1)
- if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"expecting prototype for typedef {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for typedef {declaration_name} instead\n")
- return
- self.output_declaration('typedef', declaration_name,
- typedef=declaration_name,
- module=self.entry.modulename,
- sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
- sections=self.entry.sections,
- purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
- return
- self.emit_warning(ln, "error: Cannot parse typedef!")
- self.config.errors += 1
- @staticmethod
- def process_export(function_table, line):
- """
- process EXPORT_SYMBOL* tags
- This method is called both internally and externally, so, it
- doesn't use self.
- """
- if export_symbol.search(line):
- symbol = export_symbol.group(2)
- function_table.add(symbol)
- if export_symbol_ns.search(line):
- symbol = export_symbol_ns.group(2)
- function_table.add(symbol)
- def process_normal(self, ln, line):
- """
- STATE_NORMAL: looking for the /** to begin everything.
- """
- if not doc_start.match(line):
- return
- # start a new entry
- self.reset_state(ln + 1)
- self.entry.in_doc_sect = False
- # next line is always the function name
- self.state = self.STATE_NAME
- def process_name(self, ln, line):
- """
- STATE_NAME: Looking for the "name - description" line
- """
- if doc_block.search(line):
- self.entry.new_start_line = ln
- if not doc_block.group(1):
- self.entry.section = self.section_intro
- else:
- self.entry.section = doc_block.group(1)
- self.state = self.STATE_DOCBLOCK
- return
- if doc_decl.search(line):
- self.entry.identifier = doc_decl.group(1)
- self.entry.is_kernel_comment = False
- decl_start = str(doc_com) # comment block asterisk
- fn_type = r"(?:\w+\s*\*\s*)?" # type (for non-functions)
- parenthesis = r"(?:\(\w*\))?" # optional parenthesis on function
- decl_end = r"(?:[-:].*)" # end of the name part
- # test for pointer declaration type, foo * bar() - desc
- r = Re(fr"^{decl_start}([\w\s]+?){parenthesis}?\s*{decl_end}?$")
- if r.search(line):
- self.entry.identifier = r.group(1)
- # Test for data declaration
- r = Re(r"^\s*\*?\s*(struct|union|enum|typedef)\b\s*(\w*)")
- if r.search(line):
- self.entry.decl_type = r.group(1)
- self.entry.identifier = r.group(2)
- self.entry.is_kernel_comment = True
- else:
- # Look for foo() or static void foo() - description;
- # or misspelt identifier
- r1 = Re(fr"^{decl_start}{fn_type}(\w+)\s*{parenthesis}\s*{decl_end}?$")
- r2 = Re(fr"^{decl_start}{fn_type}(\w+[^-:]*){parenthesis}\s*{decl_end}$")
- for r in [r1, r2]:
- if r.search(line):
- self.entry.identifier = r.group(1)
- self.entry.decl_type = "function"
- r = Re(r"define\s+")
- self.entry.identifier = r.sub("", self.entry.identifier)
- self.entry.is_kernel_comment = True
- break
- self.entry.identifier = self.entry.identifier.strip(" ")
- self.state = self.STATE_BODY
- # if there's no @param blocks need to set up default section here
- self.entry.section = self.section_default
- self.entry.new_start_line = ln + 1
- r = Re("[-:](.*)")
- if r.search(line):
- # strip leading/trailing/multiple spaces
- self.entry.descr = r.group(1).strip(" ")
- r = Re(r"\s+")
- self.entry.descr = r.sub(" ", self.entry.descr)
- self.entry.declaration_purpose = self.entry.descr
- self.state = self.STATE_BODY_MAYBE
- else:
- self.entry.declaration_purpose = ""
- if not self.entry.is_kernel_comment:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"This comment starts with '/**', but isn't a kernel-doc comment. Refer Documentation/doc-guide/kernel-doc.rst\n{line}")
- self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
- if not self.entry.declaration_purpose and self.config.wshort_desc:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"missing initial short description on line:\n{line}")
- if not self.entry.identifier and self.entry.decl_type != "enum":
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"wrong kernel-doc identifier on line:\n{line}")
- self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
- if self.config.verbose:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"Scanning doc for {self.entry.decl_type} {self.entry.identifier}",
- warning=False)
- return
- # Failed to find an identifier. Emit a warning
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"Cannot find identifier on line:\n{line}")
- def process_body(self, ln, line):
- """
- STATE_BODY and STATE_BODY_MAYBE: the bulk of a kerneldoc comment.
- """
- if self.state == self.STATE_BODY_WITH_BLANK_LINE:
- r = Re(r"\s*\*\s?\S")
- if r.match(line):
- self.dump_section()
- self.entry.section = self.section_default
- self.entry.new_start_line = line
- self.entry.contents = ""
- if doc_sect.search(line):
- self.entry.in_doc_sect = True
- newsection = doc_sect.group(1)
- if newsection.lower() in ["description", "context"]:
- newsection = newsection.title()
- # Special case: @return is a section, not a param description
- if newsection.lower() in ["@return", "@returns",
- "return", "returns"]:
- newsection = "Return"
- # Perl kernel-doc has a check here for contents before sections.
- # the logic there is always false, as in_doc_sect variable is
- # always true. So, just don't implement Wcontents_before_sections
- # .title()
- newcontents = doc_sect.group(2)
- if not newcontents:
- newcontents = ""
- if self.entry.contents.strip("\n"):
- self.dump_section()
- self.entry.new_start_line = ln
- self.entry.section = newsection
- self.entry.leading_space = None
- self.entry.contents = newcontents.lstrip()
- if self.entry.contents:
- self.entry.contents += "\n"
- self.state = self.STATE_BODY
- return
- if doc_end.search(line):
- self.dump_section()
- # Look for doc_com + <text> + doc_end:
- r = Re(r'\s*\*\s*[a-zA-Z_0-9:\.]+\*/')
- if r.match(line):
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"suspicious ending line: {line}")
- self.entry.prototype = ""
- self.entry.new_start_line = ln + 1
- self.state = self.STATE_PROTO
- return
- if doc_content.search(line):
- cont = doc_content.group(1)
- if cont == "":
- if self.entry.section == self.section_context:
- self.dump_section()
- self.entry.new_start_line = ln
- self.state = self.STATE_BODY
- else:
- if self.entry.section != self.section_default:
- self.state = self.STATE_BODY_WITH_BLANK_LINE
- else:
- self.state = self.STATE_BODY
- self.entry.contents += "\n"
- elif self.state == self.STATE_BODY_MAYBE:
- # Continued declaration purpose
- self.entry.declaration_purpose = self.entry.declaration_purpose.rstrip()
- self.entry.declaration_purpose += " " + cont
- r = Re(r"\s+")
- self.entry.declaration_purpose = r.sub(' ',
- self.entry.declaration_purpose)
- else:
- if self.entry.section.startswith('@') or \
- self.entry.section == self.section_context:
- if self.entry.leading_space is None:
- r = Re(r'^(\s+)')
- if r.match(cont):
- self.entry.leading_space = len(r.group(1))
- else:
- self.entry.leading_space = 0
- # Double-check if leading space are realy spaces
- pos = 0
- for i in range(0, self.entry.leading_space):
- if cont[i] != " ":
- break
- pos += 1
- cont = cont[pos:]
- # In case it is different, update it
- if self.entry.leading_space != pos:
- self.entry.leading_space = pos
- self.entry.contents += cont + "\n"
- return
- # Unknown line, ignore
- self.emit_warning(ln, f"bad line: {line}")
- def process_inline(self, ln, line):
- """STATE_INLINE: docbook comments within a prototype."""
- if self.inline_doc_state == self.STATE_INLINE_NAME and \
- doc_inline_sect.search(line):
- self.entry.section = doc_inline_sect.group(1)
- self.entry.new_start_line = ln
- self.entry.contents = doc_inline_sect.group(2).lstrip()
- if self.entry.contents != "":
- self.entry.contents += "\n"
- self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_TEXT
- # Documentation block end */
- return
- if doc_inline_end.search(line):
- if self.entry.contents not in ["", "\n"]:
- self.dump_section()
- self.state = self.STATE_PROTO
- self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NA
- return
- if doc_content.search(line):
- if self.inline_doc_state == self.STATE_INLINE_TEXT:
- self.entry.contents += doc_content.group(1) + "\n"
- if not self.entry.contents.strip(" ").rstrip("\n"):
- self.entry.contents = ""
- elif self.inline_doc_state == self.STATE_INLINE_NAME:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"Incorrect use of kernel-doc format: {line}")
- self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_ERROR
- def syscall_munge(self, ln, proto):
- """
- Handle syscall definitions
- """
- is_void = False
- # Strip newlines/CR's
- proto = re.sub(r'[\r\n]+', ' ', proto)
- # Check if it's a SYSCALL_DEFINE0
- if 'SYSCALL_DEFINE0' in proto:
- is_void = True
- # Replace SYSCALL_DEFINE with correct return type & function name
- proto = Re(r'SYSCALL_DEFINE.*\(').sub('long sys_', proto)
- r = Re(r'long\s+(sys_.*?),')
- if r.search(proto):
- proto = proto.replace(',', '(', count=1)
- elif is_void:
- proto = proto.replace(')', '(void)', count=1)
- # Now delete all of the odd-numbered commas in the proto
- # so that argument types & names don't have a comma between them
- count = 0
- length = len(proto)
- if is_void:
- length = 0 # skip the loop if is_void
- for ix in range(length):
- if proto[ix] == ',':
- count += 1
- if count % 2 == 1:
- proto = proto[:ix] + ' ' + proto[ix+1:]
- return proto
- def tracepoint_munge(self, ln, proto):
- """
- Handle tracepoint definitions
- """
- tracepointname = None
- tracepointargs = None
- # Match tracepoint name based on different patterns
- r = Re(r'TRACE_EVENT\((.*?),')
- if r.search(proto):
- tracepointname = r.group(1)
- r = Re(r'DEFINE_SINGLE_EVENT\((.*?),')
- if r.search(proto):
- tracepointname = r.group(1)
- r = Re(r'DEFINE_EVENT\((.*?),(.*?),')
- if r.search(proto):
- tracepointname = r.group(2)
- if tracepointname:
- tracepointname = tracepointname.lstrip()
- r = Re(r'TP_PROTO\((.*?)\)')
- if r.search(proto):
- tracepointargs = r.group(1)
- if not tracepointname or not tracepointargs:
- self.emit_warning(ln,
- f"Unrecognized tracepoint format:\n{proto}\n")
- else:
- proto = f"static inline void trace_{tracepointname}({tracepointargs})"
- self.entry.identifier = f"trace_{self.entry.identifier}"
- return proto
- def process_proto_function(self, ln, line):
- """Ancillary routine to process a function prototype"""
- # strip C99-style comments to end of line
- r = Re(r"\/\/.*$", re.S)
- line = r.sub('', line)
- if Re(r'\s*#\s*define').match(line):
- self.entry.prototype = line
- elif line.startswith('#'):
- # Strip other macros like #ifdef/#ifndef/#endif/...
- pass
- else:
- r = Re(r'([^\{]*)')
- if r.match(line):
- self.entry.prototype += r.group(1) + " "
- if '{' in line or ';' in line or Re(r'\s*#\s*define').match(line):
- # strip comments
- r = Re(r'/\*.*?\*/')
- self.entry.prototype = r.sub('', self.entry.prototype)
- # strip newlines/cr's
- r = Re(r'[\r\n]+')
- self.entry.prototype = r.sub(' ', self.entry.prototype)
- # strip leading spaces
- r = Re(r'^\s+')
- self.entry.prototype = r.sub('', self.entry.prototype)
- # Handle self.entry.prototypes for function pointers like:
- # int (*pcs_config)(struct foo)
- r = Re(r'^(\S+\s+)\(\s*\*(\S+)\)')
- self.entry.prototype = r.sub(r'\1\2', self.entry.prototype)
- if 'SYSCALL_DEFINE' in self.entry.prototype:
- self.entry.prototype = self.syscall_munge(ln,
- self.entry.prototype)
- if r.search(self.entry.prototype):
- self.entry.prototype = self.tracepoint_munge(ln,
- self.entry.prototype)
- self.dump_function(ln, self.entry.prototype)
- self.reset_state(ln)
- def process_proto_type(self, ln, line):
- """Ancillary routine to process a type"""
- # Strip newlines/cr's.
- line = Re(r'[\r\n]+', re.S).sub(' ', line)
- # Strip leading spaces
- line = Re(r'^\s+', re.S).sub('', line)
- # Strip trailing spaces
- line = Re(r'\s+$', re.S).sub('', line)
- # Strip C99-style comments to the end of the line
- line = Re(r"\/\/.*$", re.S).sub('', line)
- # To distinguish preprocessor directive from regular declaration later.
- if line.startswith('#'):
- line += ";"
- r = Re(r'([^\{\};]*)([\{\};])(.*)')
- while True:
- if r.search(line):
- if self.entry.prototype:
- self.entry.prototype += " "
- self.entry.prototype += r.group(1) + r.group(2)
- self.entry.brcount += r.group(2).count('{')
- self.entry.brcount -= r.group(2).count('}')
- self.entry.brcount = max(self.entry.brcount, 0)
- if r.group(2) == ';' and self.entry.brcount == 0:
- self.dump_declaration(ln, self.entry.prototype)
- self.reset_state(ln)
- break
- line = r.group(3)
- else:
- self.entry.prototype += line
- break
- def process_proto(self, ln, line):
- """STATE_PROTO: reading a function/whatever prototype."""
- if doc_inline_oneline.search(line):
- self.entry.section = doc_inline_oneline.group(1)
- self.entry.contents = doc_inline_oneline.group(2)
- if self.entry.contents != "":
- self.entry.contents += "\n"
- self.dump_section(start_new=False)
- elif doc_inline_start.search(line):
- self.state = self.STATE_INLINE
- self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NAME
- elif self.entry.decl_type == 'function':
- self.process_proto_function(ln, line)
- else:
- self.process_proto_type(ln, line)
- def process_docblock(self, ln, line):
- """STATE_DOCBLOCK: within a DOC: block."""
- if doc_end.search(line):
- self.dump_section()
- self.output_declaration("doc", None,
- sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
- sections=self.entry.sections, module=self.config.modulename)
- self.reset_state(ln)
- elif doc_content.search(line):
- self.entry.contents += doc_content.group(1) + "\n"
- def run(self):
- """
- Open and process each line of a C source file.
- he parsing is controlled via a state machine, and the line is passed
- to a different process function depending on the state. The process
- function may update the state as needed.
- """
- cont = False
- prev = ""
- prev_ln = None
- try:
- with open(self.fname, "r", encoding="utf8",
- errors="backslashreplace") as fp:
- for ln, line in enumerate(fp):
- line = line.expandtabs().strip("\n")
- # Group continuation lines on prototypes
- if self.state == self.STATE_PROTO:
- if line.endswith("\\"):
- prev += line.removesuffix("\\")
- cont = True
- if not prev_ln:
- prev_ln = ln
- continue
- if cont:
- ln = prev_ln
- line = prev + line
- prev = ""
- cont = False
- prev_ln = None
- self.config.log.debug("%d %s%s: %s",
- ln, self.st_name[self.state],
- self.st_inline_name[self.inline_doc_state],
- line)
- # TODO: not all states allow EXPORT_SYMBOL*, so this
- # can be optimized later on to speedup parsing
- self.process_export(self.config.function_table, line)
- # Hand this line to the appropriate state handler
- if self.state == self.STATE_NORMAL:
- self.process_normal(ln, line)
- elif self.state == self.STATE_NAME:
- self.process_name(ln, line)
- elif self.state in [self.STATE_BODY, self.STATE_BODY_MAYBE,
- self.process_body(ln, line)
- elif self.state == self.STATE_INLINE: # scanning for inline parameters
- self.process_inline(ln, line)
- elif self.state == self.STATE_PROTO:
- self.process_proto(ln, line)
- elif self.state == self.STATE_DOCBLOCK:
- self.process_docblock(ln, line)
- except OSError:
- self.config.log.error(f"Error: Cannot open file {self.fname}")
- self.config.errors += 1
class GlobSourceFiles:
Parse C source code file names and directories via an Interactor.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/kdoc/kdoc_parser.py b/scripts/lib/kdoc/kdoc_parser.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..6d6395e32093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/kdoc/kdoc_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1689 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# pylint: disable=C0301,C0302,R0904,R0912,R0913,R0914,R0915,R0917,R1702
+# Copyright(c) 2025: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@...nel.org>.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+Read a C language source or header FILE and extract embedded
+documentation comments
+import argparse
+import re
+from pprint import pformat
+from kdoc_re import NestedMatch, Re
+# Regular expressions used to parse kernel-doc markups at KernelDoc class.
+# Let's declare them in lowercase outside any class to make easier to
+# convert from the python script.
+# As those are evaluated at the beginning, no need to cache them
+# Allow whitespace at end of comment start.
+doc_start = Re(r'^/\*\*\s*$', cache=False)
+doc_end = Re(r'\*/', cache=False)
+doc_com = Re(r'\s*\*\s*', cache=False)
+doc_com_body = Re(r'\s*\* ?', cache=False)
+doc_decl = doc_com + Re(r'(\w+)', cache=False)
+# @params and a strictly limited set of supported section names
+# Specifically:
+# Match @word:
+# @...:
+# @{section-name}:
+# while trying to not match literal block starts like "example::"
+doc_sect = doc_com + \
+ Re(r'\s*(\@[.\w]+|\@\.\.\.|description|context|returns?|notes?|examples?)\s*:([^:].*)?$',
+ flags=re.I, cache=False)
+doc_content = doc_com_body + Re(r'(.*)', cache=False)
+doc_block = doc_com + Re(r'DOC:\s*(.*)?', cache=False)
+doc_inline_start = Re(r'^\s*/\*\*\s*$', cache=False)
+doc_inline_sect = Re(r'\s*\*\s*(@\s*[\w][\w\.]*\s*):(.*)', cache=False)
+doc_inline_end = Re(r'^\s*\*/\s*$', cache=False)
+doc_inline_oneline = Re(r'^\s*/\*\*\s*(@[\w\s]+):\s*(.*)\s*\*/\s*$', cache=False)
+attribute = Re(r"__attribute__\s*\(\([a-z0-9,_\*\s\(\)]*\)\)",
+ flags=re.I | re.S, cache=False)
+export_symbol = Re(r'^\s*EXPORT_SYMBOL(_GPL)?\s*\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*', cache=False)
+export_symbol_ns = Re(r'^\s*EXPORT_SYMBOL_NS(_GPL)?\s*\(\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*"\S+"\)\s*', cache=False)
+type_param = Re(r"\@(\w*((\.\w+)|(->\w+))*(\.\.\.)?)", cache=False)
+class KernelDoc:
+ """
+ Read a C language source or header FILE and extract embedded
+ documentation comments.
+ """
+ # Parser states
+ STATE_NORMAL = 0 # normal code
+ STATE_NAME = 1 # looking for function name
+ STATE_BODY_MAYBE = 2 # body - or maybe more description
+ STATE_BODY = 3 # the body of the comment
+ STATE_BODY_WITH_BLANK_LINE = 4 # the body which has a blank line
+ STATE_PROTO = 5 # scanning prototype
+ STATE_DOCBLOCK = 6 # documentation block
+ STATE_INLINE = 7 # gathering doc outside main block
+ st_name = [
+ "NAME",
+ "BODY",
+ "PROTO",
+ ]
+ # Inline documentation state
+ STATE_INLINE_NA = 0 # not applicable ($state != STATE_INLINE)
+ STATE_INLINE_NAME = 1 # looking for member name (@foo:)
+ STATE_INLINE_TEXT = 2 # looking for member documentation
+ STATE_INLINE_END = 3 # done
+ STATE_INLINE_ERROR = 4 # error - Comment without header was found.
+ # Spit a warning as it's not
+ # proper kernel-doc and ignore the rest.
+ st_inline_name = [
+ "",
+ "_NAME",
+ "_TEXT",
+ "_END",
+ "_ERROR",
+ ]
+ # Section names
+ section_default = "Description" # default section
+ section_intro = "Introduction"
+ section_context = "Context"
+ section_return = "Return"
+ undescribed = "-- undescribed --"
+ def __init__(self, config, fname):
+ """Initialize internal variables"""
+ self.fname = fname
+ self.config = config
+ # Initial state for the state machines
+ self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
+ self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NA
+ # Store entry currently being processed
+ self.entry = None
+ # Place all potential outputs into an array
+ self.entries = []
+ def show_warnings(self, dtype, declaration_name): # pylint: disable=W0613
+ """
+ Allow filtering out warnings
+ """
+ # TODO: implement it
+ return True
+ # TODO: rename to emit_message
+ def emit_warning(self, ln, msg, warning=True):
+ """Emit a message"""
+ if warning:
+ self.config.log.warning("%s:%d %s", self.fname, ln, msg)
+ else:
+ self.config.log.info("%s:%d %s", self.fname, ln, msg)
+ def dump_section(self, start_new=True):
+ """
+ Dumps section contents to arrays/hashes intended for that purpose.
+ """
+ name = self.entry.section
+ contents = self.entry.contents
+ # TODO: we can prevent dumping empty sections here with:
+ #
+ # if self.entry.contents.strip("\n"):
+ # if start_new:
+ # self.entry.section = self.section_default
+ # self.entry.contents = ""
+ #
+ # return
+ #
+ # But, as we want to be producing the same output of the
+ # venerable kernel-doc Perl tool, let's just output everything,
+ # at least for now
+ if type_param.match(name):
+ name = type_param.group(1)
+ self.entry.parameterdescs[name] = contents
+ self.entry.parameterdesc_start_lines[name] = self.entry.new_start_line
+ self.entry.sectcheck += name + " "
+ self.entry.new_start_line = 0
+ elif name == "@...":
+ name = "..."
+ self.entry.parameterdescs[name] = contents
+ self.entry.sectcheck += name + " "
+ self.entry.parameterdesc_start_lines[name] = self.entry.new_start_line
+ self.entry.new_start_line = 0
+ else:
+ if name in self.entry.sections and self.entry.sections[name] != "":
+ # Only warn on user-specified duplicate section names
+ if name != self.section_default:
+ self.emit_warning(self.entry.new_start_line,
+ f"duplicate section name '{name}'\n")
+ self.entry.sections[name] += contents
+ else:
+ self.entry.sections[name] = contents
+ self.entry.sectionlist.append(name)
+ self.entry.section_start_lines[name] = self.entry.new_start_line
+ self.entry.new_start_line = 0
+# self.config.log.debug("Section: %s : %s", name, pformat(vars(self.entry)))
+ if start_new:
+ self.entry.section = self.section_default
+ self.entry.contents = ""
+ # TODO: rename it to store_declaration
+ def output_declaration(self, dtype, name, **args):
+ """
+ Stores the entry into an entry array.
+ The actual output and output filters will be handled elsewhere
+ """
+ # The implementation here is different than the original kernel-doc:
+ # instead of checking for output filters or actually output anything,
+ # it just stores the declaration content at self.entries, as the
+ # output will happen on a separate class.
+ #
+ # For now, we're keeping the same name of the function just to make
+ # easier to compare the source code of both scripts
+ if "declaration_start_line" not in args:
+ args["declaration_start_line"] = self.entry.declaration_start_line
+ args["type"] = dtype
+ # TODO: use colletions.OrderedDict
+ sections = args.get('sections', {})
+ sectionlist = args.get('sectionlist', [])
+ # Drop empty sections
+ # TODO: improve it to emit warnings
+ for section in ["Description", "Return"]:
+ if section in sectionlist:
+ if not sections[section].rstrip():
+ del sections[section]
+ sectionlist.remove(section)
+ self.entries.append((name, args))
+ self.config.log.debug("Output: %s:%s = %s", dtype, name, pformat(args))
+ def reset_state(self, ln):
+ """
+ Ancillary routine to create a new entry. It initializes all
+ variables used by the state machine.
+ """
+ self.entry = argparse.Namespace
+ self.entry.contents = ""
+ self.entry.function = ""
+ self.entry.sectcheck = ""
+ self.entry.struct_actual = ""
+ self.entry.prototype = ""
+ self.entry.parameterlist = []
+ self.entry.parameterdescs = {}
+ self.entry.parametertypes = {}
+ self.entry.parameterdesc_start_lines = {}
+ self.entry.section_start_lines = {}
+ self.entry.sectionlist = []
+ self.entry.sections = {}
+ self.entry.anon_struct_union = False
+ self.entry.leading_space = None
+ # State flags
+ self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
+ self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NA
+ self.entry.brcount = 0
+ self.entry.in_doc_sect = False
+ self.entry.declaration_start_line = ln
+ def push_parameter(self, ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
+ org_arg, declaration_name):
+ """
+ Store parameters and their descriptions at self.entry.
+ """
+ if self.entry.anon_struct_union and dtype == "" and param == "}":
+ return # Ignore the ending }; from anonymous struct/union
+ self.entry.anon_struct_union = False
+ param = Re(r'[\[\)].*').sub('', param, count=1)
+ if dtype == "" and param.endswith("..."):
+ if Re(r'\w\.\.\.$').search(param):
+ # For named variable parameters of the form `x...`,
+ # remove the dots
+ param = param[:-3]
+ else:
+ # Handles unnamed variable parameters
+ param = "..."
+ if param not in self.entry.parameterdescs or \
+ not self.entry.parameterdescs[param]:
+ self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = "variable arguments"
+ elif dtype == "" and (not param or param == "void"):
+ param = "void"
+ self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = "no arguments"
+ elif dtype == "" and param in ["struct", "union"]:
+ # Handle unnamed (anonymous) union or struct
+ dtype = param
+ param = "{unnamed_" + param + "}"
+ self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = "anonymous\n"
+ self.entry.anon_struct_union = True
+ # Handle cache group enforcing variables: they do not need
+ # to be described in header files
+ elif "__cacheline_group" in param:
+ # Ignore __cacheline_group_begin and __cacheline_group_end
+ return
+ # Warn if parameter has no description
+ # (but ignore ones starting with # as these are not parameters
+ # but inline preprocessor statements)
+ if param not in self.entry.parameterdescs and not param.startswith("#"):
+ self.entry.parameterdescs[param] = self.undescribed
+ if self.show_warnings(dtype, declaration_name) and "." not in param:
+ if decl_type == 'function':
+ dname = f"{decl_type} parameter"
+ else:
+ dname = f"{decl_type} member"
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"{dname} '{param}' not described in '{declaration_name}'")
+ # Strip spaces from param so that it is one continuous string on
+ # parameterlist. This fixes a problem where check_sections()
+ # cannot find a parameter like "addr[6 + 2]" because it actually
+ # appears as "addr[6", "+", "2]" on the parameter list.
+ # However, it's better to maintain the param string unchanged for
+ # output, so just weaken the string compare in check_sections()
+ # to ignore "[blah" in a parameter string.
+ self.entry.parameterlist.append(param)
+ org_arg = Re(r'\s\s+').sub(' ', org_arg)
+ self.entry.parametertypes[param] = org_arg
+ def save_struct_actual(self, actual):
+ """
+ Strip all spaces from the actual param so that it looks like
+ one string item.
+ """
+ actual = Re(r'\s*').sub("", actual, count=1)
+ self.entry.struct_actual += actual + " "
+ def create_parameter_list(self, ln, decl_type, args,
+ splitter, declaration_name):
+ """
+ Creates a list of parameters, storing them at self.entry.
+ """
+ # temporarily replace all commas inside function pointer definition
+ arg_expr = Re(r'(\([^\),]+),')
+ while arg_expr.search(args):
+ args = arg_expr.sub(r"\1#", args)
+ for arg in args.split(splitter):
+ # Strip comments
+ arg = Re(r'\/\*.*\*\/').sub('', arg)
+ # Ignore argument attributes
+ arg = Re(r'\sPOS0?\s').sub(' ', arg)
+ # Strip leading/trailing spaces
+ arg = arg.strip()
+ arg = Re(r'\s+').sub(' ', arg, count=1)
+ if arg.startswith('#'):
+ # Treat preprocessor directive as a typeless variable just to fill
+ # corresponding data structures "correctly". Catch it later in
+ # output_* subs.
+ # Treat preprocessor directive as a typeless variable
+ self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, arg, "",
+ "", declaration_name)
+ elif Re(r'\(.+\)\s*\(').search(arg):
+ # Pointer-to-function
+ arg = arg.replace('#', ',')
+ r = Re(r'[^\(]+\(\*?\s*([\w\[\]\.]*)\s*\)')
+ if r.match(arg):
+ param = r.group(1)
+ else:
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {arg}")
+ param = arg
+ dtype = Re(r'([^\(]+\(\*?)\s*' + re.escape(param)).sub(r'\1', arg)
+ self.save_struct_actual(param)
+ self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
+ arg, declaration_name)
+ elif Re(r'\(.+\)\s*\[').search(arg):
+ # Array-of-pointers
+ arg = arg.replace('#', ',')
+ r = Re(r'[^\(]+\(\s*\*\s*([\w\[\]\.]*?)\s*(\s*\[\s*[\w]+\s*\]\s*)*\)')
+ if r.match(arg):
+ param = r.group(1)
+ else:
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {arg}")
+ param = arg
+ dtype = Re(r'([^\(]+\(\*?)\s*' + re.escape(param)).sub(r'\1', arg)
+ self.save_struct_actual(param)
+ self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
+ arg, declaration_name)
+ elif arg:
+ arg = Re(r'\s*:\s*').sub(":", arg)
+ arg = Re(r'\s*\[').sub('[', arg)
+ args = Re(r'\s*,\s*').split(arg)
+ if args[0] and '*' in args[0]:
+ args[0] = re.sub(r'(\*+)\s*', r' \1', args[0])
+ first_arg = []
+ r = Re(r'^(.*\s+)(.*?\[.*\].*)$')
+ if args[0] and r.match(args[0]):
+ args.pop(0)
+ first_arg.extend(r.group(1))
+ first_arg.append(r.group(2))
+ else:
+ first_arg = Re(r'\s+').split(args.pop(0))
+ args.insert(0, first_arg.pop())
+ dtype = ' '.join(first_arg)
+ for param in args:
+ if Re(r'^(\*+)\s*(.*)').match(param):
+ r = Re(r'^(\*+)\s*(.*)')
+ if not r.match(param):
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {param}")
+ continue
+ param = r.group(1)
+ self.save_struct_actual(r.group(2))
+ self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, r.group(2),
+ f"{dtype} {r.group(1)}",
+ arg, declaration_name)
+ elif Re(r'(.*?):(\w+)').search(param):
+ r = Re(r'(.*?):(\w+)')
+ if not r.match(param):
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"Invalid param: {param}")
+ continue
+ if dtype != "": # Skip unnamed bit-fields
+ self.save_struct_actual(r.group(1))
+ self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, r.group(1),
+ f"{dtype}:{r.group(2)}",
+ arg, declaration_name)
+ else:
+ self.save_struct_actual(param)
+ self.push_parameter(ln, decl_type, param, dtype,
+ arg, declaration_name)
+ def check_sections(self, ln, decl_name, decl_type, sectcheck, prmscheck):
+ """
+ Check for errors inside sections, emitting warnings if not found
+ parameters are described.
+ """
+ sects = sectcheck.split()
+ prms = prmscheck.split()
+ err = False
+ for sx in range(len(sects)): # pylint: disable=C0200
+ err = True
+ for px in range(len(prms)): # pylint: disable=C0200
+ prm_clean = prms[px]
+ prm_clean = Re(r'\[.*\]').sub('', prm_clean)
+ prm_clean = attribute.sub('', prm_clean)
+ # ignore array size in a parameter string;
+ # however, the original param string may contain
+ # spaces, e.g.: addr[6 + 2]
+ # and this appears in @prms as "addr[6" since the
+ # parameter list is split at spaces;
+ # hence just ignore "[..." for the sections check;
+ prm_clean = Re(r'\[.*').sub('', prm_clean)
+ if prm_clean == sects[sx]:
+ err = False
+ break
+ if err:
+ if decl_type == 'function':
+ dname = f"{decl_type} parameter"
+ else:
+ dname = f"{decl_type} member"
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"Excess {dname} '{sects[sx]}' description in '{decl_name}'")
+ def check_return_section(self, ln, declaration_name, return_type):
+ """
+ If the function doesn't return void, warns about the lack of a
+ return description.
+ """
+ if not self.config.wreturn:
+ return
+ # Ignore an empty return type (It's a macro)
+ # Ignore functions with a "void" return type (but not "void *")
+ if not return_type or Re(r'void\s*\w*\s*$').search(return_type):
+ return
+ if not self.entry.sections.get("Return", None):
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"No description found for return value of '{declaration_name}'")
+ def dump_struct(self, ln, proto):
+ """
+ Store an entry for an struct or union
+ """
+ type_pattern = r'(struct|union)'
+ qualifiers = [
+ "__attribute__",
+ "__packed",
+ "__aligned",
+ "____cacheline_aligned_in_smp",
+ "____cacheline_aligned",
+ ]
+ definition_body = r'\{(.*)\}\s*' + "(?:" + '|'.join(qualifiers) + ")?"
+ struct_members = Re(type_pattern + r'([^\{\};]+)(\{)([^\{\}]*)(\})([^\{\}\;]*)(\;)')
+ # Extract struct/union definition
+ members = None
+ declaration_name = None
+ decl_type = None
+ r = Re(type_pattern + r'\s+(\w+)\s*' + definition_body)
+ if r.search(proto):
+ decl_type = r.group(1)
+ declaration_name = r.group(2)
+ members = r.group(3)
+ else:
+ r = Re(r'typedef\s+' + type_pattern + r'\s*' + definition_body + r'\s*(\w+)\s*;')
+ if r.search(proto):
+ decl_type = r.group(1)
+ declaration_name = r.group(3)
+ members = r.group(2)
+ if not members:
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"{proto} error: Cannot parse struct or union!")
+ self.config.errors += 1
+ return
+ if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"expecting prototype for {decl_type} {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for {decl_type} {declaration_name} instead\n")
+ return
+ args_pattern = r'([^,)]+)'
+ sub_prefixes = [
+ (Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*?\/\*\s*public:.*?\*\/', re.S | re.I), ''),
+ (Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*', re.S | re.I), ''),
+ # Strip comments
+ (Re(r'\/\*.*?\*\/', re.S), ''),
+ # Strip attributes
+ (attribute, ' '),
+ (Re(r'\s*__aligned\s*\([^;]*\)', re.S), ' '),
+ (Re(r'\s*__counted_by\s*\([^;]*\)', re.S), ' '),
+ (Re(r'\s*__counted_by_(le|be)\s*\([^;]*\)', re.S), ' '),
+ (Re(r'\s*__packed\s*', re.S), ' '),
+ (Re(r'\s*CRYPTO_MINALIGN_ATTR', re.S), ' '),
+ (Re(r'\s*____cacheline_aligned_in_smp', re.S), ' '),
+ (Re(r'\s*____cacheline_aligned', re.S), ' '),
+ # Unwrap struct_group macros based on this definition:
+ # __struct_group(TAG, NAME, ATTRS, MEMBERS...)
+ # which has variants like: struct_group(NAME, MEMBERS...)
+ # Only MEMBERS arguments require documentation.
+ #
+ # Parsing them happens on two steps:
+ #
+ # 1. drop struct group arguments that aren't at MEMBERS,
+ # storing them as STRUCT_GROUP(MEMBERS)
+ #
+ # 2. remove STRUCT_GROUP() ancillary macro.
+ #
+ # The original logic used to remove STRUCT_GROUP() using an
+ # advanced regex:
+ #
+ # \bSTRUCT_GROUP(\(((?:(?>[^)(]+)|(?1))*)\))[^;]*;
+ #
+ # with two patterns that are incompatible with
+ # Python re module, as it has:
+ #
+ # - a recursive pattern: (?1)
+ # - an atomic grouping: (?>...)
+ #
+ # I tried a simpler version: but it didn't work either:
+ # \bSTRUCT_GROUP\(([^\)]+)\)[^;]*;
+ #
+ # As it doesn't properly match the end parenthesis on some cases.
+ #
+ # So, a better solution was crafted: there's now a NestedMatch
+ # class that ensures that delimiters after a search are properly
+ # matched. So, the implementation to drop STRUCT_GROUP() will be
+ # handled in separate.
+ (Re(r'\bstruct_group\s*\(([^,]*,)', re.S), r'STRUCT_GROUP('),
+ (Re(r'\bstruct_group_attr\s*\(([^,]*,){2}', re.S), r'STRUCT_GROUP('),
+ (Re(r'\bstruct_group_tagged\s*\(([^,]*),([^,]*),', re.S), r'struct \1 \2; STRUCT_GROUP('),
+ (Re(r'\b__struct_group\s*\(([^,]*,){3}', re.S), r'STRUCT_GROUP('),
+ # Replace macros
+ #
+ # TODO: it is better to also move those to the NestedMatch logic,
+ # to ensure that parenthesis will be properly matched.
+ (Re(r'DECLARE_BITMAP\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'unsigned long \1[BITS_TO_LONGS(\2)]'),
+ (Re(r'DECLARE_HASHTABLE\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'unsigned long \1[1 << ((\2) - 1)]'),
+ (Re(r'DECLARE_KFIFO\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'\2 *\1'),
+ (Re(r'DECLARE_KFIFO_PTR\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'\2 *\1'),
+ (Re(r'(?:__)?DECLARE_FLEX_ARRAY\s*\(' + args_pattern + r',\s*' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'\1 \2[]'),
+ (Re(r'DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR\s*\(' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'dma_addr_t \1'),
+ (Re(r'DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_LEN\s*\(' + args_pattern + r'\)', re.S), r'__u32 \1'),
+ ]
+ # Regexes here are guaranteed to have the end limiter matching
+ # the start delimiter. Yet, right now, only one replace group
+ # is allowed.
+ sub_nested_prefixes = [
+ (re.compile(r'\bSTRUCT_GROUP\('), r'\1'),
+ ]
+ for search, sub in sub_prefixes:
+ members = search.sub(sub, members)
+ nested = NestedMatch()
+ for search, sub in sub_nested_prefixes:
+ members = nested.sub(search, sub, members)
+ # Keeps the original declaration as-is
+ declaration = members
+ # Split nested struct/union elements
+ #
+ # This loop was simpler at the original kernel-doc perl version, as
+ # while ($members =~ m/$struct_members/) { ... }
+ # reads 'members' string on each interaction.
+ #
+ # Python behavior is different: it parses 'members' only once,
+ # creating a list of tuples from the first interaction.
+ #
+ # On other words, this won't get nested structs.
+ #
+ # So, we need to have an extra loop on Python to override such
+ # re limitation.
+ while True:
+ tuples = struct_members.findall(members)
+ if not tuples:
+ break
+ for t in tuples:
+ newmember = ""
+ maintype = t[0]
+ s_ids = t[5]
+ content = t[3]
+ oldmember = "".join(t)
+ for s_id in s_ids.split(','):
+ s_id = s_id.strip()
+ newmember += f"{maintype} {s_id}; "
+ s_id = Re(r'[:\[].*').sub('', s_id)
+ s_id = Re(r'^\s*\**(\S+)\s*').sub(r'\1', s_id)
+ for arg in content.split(';'):
+ arg = arg.strip()
+ if not arg:
+ continue
+ r = Re(r'^([^\(]+\(\*?\s*)([\w\.]*)(\s*\).*)')
+ if r.match(arg):
+ # Pointer-to-function
+ dtype = r.group(1)
+ name = r.group(2)
+ extra = r.group(3)
+ if not name:
+ continue
+ if not s_id:
+ # Anonymous struct/union
+ newmember += f"{dtype}{name}{extra}; "
+ else:
+ newmember += f"{dtype}{s_id}.{name}{extra}; "
+ else:
+ arg = arg.strip()
+ # Handle bitmaps
+ arg = Re(r':\s*\d+\s*').sub('', arg)
+ # Handle arrays
+ arg = Re(r'\[.*\]').sub('', arg)
+ # Handle multiple IDs
+ arg = Re(r'\s*,\s*').sub(',', arg)
+ r = Re(r'(.*)\s+([\S+,]+)')
+ if r.search(arg):
+ dtype = r.group(1)
+ names = r.group(2)
+ else:
+ newmember += f"{arg}; "
+ continue
+ for name in names.split(','):
+ name = Re(r'^\s*\**(\S+)\s*').sub(r'\1', name).strip()
+ if not name:
+ continue
+ if not s_id:
+ # Anonymous struct/union
+ newmember += f"{dtype} {name}; "
+ else:
+ newmember += f"{dtype} {s_id}.{name}; "
+ members = members.replace(oldmember, newmember)
+ # Ignore other nested elements, like enums
+ members = re.sub(r'(\{[^\{\}]*\})', '', members)
+ self.create_parameter_list(ln, decl_type, members, ';',
+ declaration_name)
+ self.check_sections(ln, declaration_name, decl_type,
+ self.entry.sectcheck, self.entry.struct_actual)
+ # Adjust declaration for better display
+ declaration = Re(r'([\{;])').sub(r'\1\n', declaration)
+ declaration = Re(r'\}\s+;').sub('};', declaration)
+ # Better handle inlined enums
+ while True:
+ r = Re(r'(enum\s+\{[^\}]+),([^\n])')
+ if not r.search(declaration):
+ break
+ declaration = r.sub(r'\1,\n\2', declaration)
+ def_args = declaration.split('\n')
+ level = 1
+ declaration = ""
+ for clause in def_args:
+ clause = clause.strip()
+ clause = Re(r'\s+').sub(' ', clause, count=1)
+ if not clause:
+ continue
+ if '}' in clause and level > 1:
+ level -= 1
+ if not Re(r'^\s*#').match(clause):
+ declaration += "\t" * level
+ declaration += "\t" + clause + "\n"
+ if "{" in clause and "}" not in clause:
+ level += 1
+ self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
+ struct=declaration_name,
+ module=self.entry.modulename,
+ definition=declaration,
+ parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
+ parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
+ parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
+ sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
+ sections=self.entry.sections,
+ purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
+ def dump_enum(self, ln, proto):
+ """
+ Stores an enum inside self.entries array.
+ """
+ # Ignore members marked private
+ proto = Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*?\/\*\s*public:.*?\*\/', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
+ proto = Re(r'\/\*\s*private:.*}', flags=re.S).sub('}', proto)
+ # Strip comments
+ proto = Re(r'\/\*.*?\*\/', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
+ # Strip #define macros inside enums
+ proto = Re(r'#\s*((define|ifdef|if)\s+|endif)[^;]*;', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
+ members = None
+ declaration_name = None
+ r = Re(r'typedef\s+enum\s*\{(.*)\}\s*(\w*)\s*;')
+ if r.search(proto):
+ declaration_name = r.group(2)
+ members = r.group(1).rstrip()
+ else:
+ r = Re(r'enum\s+(\w*)\s*\{(.*)\}')
+ if r.match(proto):
+ declaration_name = r.group(1)
+ members = r.group(2).rstrip()
+ if not members:
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"{proto}: error: Cannot parse enum!")
+ self.config.errors += 1
+ return
+ if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
+ if self.entry.identifier == "":
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"{proto}: wrong kernel-doc identifier on prototype")
+ else:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"expecting prototype for enum {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for enum {declaration_name} instead")
+ return
+ if not declaration_name:
+ declaration_name = "(anonymous)"
+ member_set = set()
+ members = Re(r'\([^;]*?[\)]').sub('', members)
+ for arg in members.split(','):
+ if not arg:
+ continue
+ arg = Re(r'^\s*(\w+).*').sub(r'\1', arg)
+ self.entry.parameterlist.append(arg)
+ if arg not in self.entry.parameterdescs:
+ self.entry.parameterdescs[arg] = self.undescribed
+ if self.show_warnings("enum", declaration_name):
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"Enum value '{arg}' not described in enum '{declaration_name}'")
+ member_set.add(arg)
+ for k in self.entry.parameterdescs:
+ if k not in member_set:
+ if self.show_warnings("enum", declaration_name):
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"Excess enum value '%{k}' description in '{declaration_name}'")
+ self.output_declaration('enum', declaration_name,
+ enum=declaration_name,
+ module=self.config.modulename,
+ parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
+ parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
+ sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
+ sections=self.entry.sections,
+ purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
+ def dump_declaration(self, ln, prototype):
+ """
+ Stores a data declaration inside self.entries array.
+ """
+ if self.entry.decl_type == "enum":
+ self.dump_enum(ln, prototype)
+ return
+ if self.entry.decl_type == "typedef":
+ self.dump_typedef(ln, prototype)
+ return
+ if self.entry.decl_type in ["union", "struct"]:
+ self.dump_struct(ln, prototype)
+ return
+ # TODO: handle other types
+ self.output_declaration(self.entry.decl_type, prototype,
+ entry=self.entry)
+ def dump_function(self, ln, prototype):
+ """
+ Stores a function of function macro inside self.entries array.
+ """
+ func_macro = False
+ return_type = ''
+ decl_type = 'function'
+ # Prefixes that would be removed
+ sub_prefixes = [
+ (r"^static +", "", 0),
+ (r"^extern +", "", 0),
+ (r"^asmlinkage +", "", 0),
+ (r"^inline +", "", 0),
+ (r"^__inline__ +", "", 0),
+ (r"^__inline +", "", 0),
+ (r"^__always_inline +", "", 0),
+ (r"^noinline +", "", 0),
+ (r"^__FORTIFY_INLINE +", "", 0),
+ (r"__init +", "", 0),
+ (r"__init_or_module +", "", 0),
+ (r"__deprecated +", "", 0),
+ (r"__flatten +", "", 0),
+ (r"__meminit +", "", 0),
+ (r"__must_check +", "", 0),
+ (r"__weak +", "", 0),
+ (r"__sched +", "", 0),
+ (r"_noprof", "", 0),
+ (r"__printf\s*\(\s*\d*\s*,\s*\d*\s*\) +", "", 0),
+ (r"__(?:re)?alloc_size\s*\(\s*\d+\s*(?:,\s*\d+\s*)?\) +", "", 0),
+ (r"__diagnose_as\s*\(\s*\S+\s*(?:,\s*\d+\s*)*\) +", "", 0),
+ (r"DECL_BUCKET_PARAMS\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*\)", r"\1, \2", 0),
+ (r"__attribute_const__ +", "", 0),
+ # It seems that Python support for re.X is broken:
+ # At least for me (Python 3.13), this didn't work
+# (r"""
+# __attribute__\s*\(\(
+# (?:
+# [\w\s]+ # attribute name
+# (?:\([^)]*\))? # attribute arguments
+# \s*,? # optional comma at the end
+# )+
+# \)\)\s+
+# """, "", re.X),
+ # So, remove whitespaces and comments from it
+ (r"__attribute__\s*\(\((?:[\w\s]+(?:\([^)]*\))?\s*,?)+\)\)\s+", "", 0),
+ ]
+ for search, sub, flags in sub_prefixes:
+ prototype = Re(search, flags).sub(sub, prototype)
+ # Macros are a special case, as they change the prototype format
+ new_proto = Re(r"^#\s*define\s+").sub("", prototype)
+ if new_proto != prototype:
+ is_define_proto = True
+ prototype = new_proto
+ else:
+ is_define_proto = False
+ # Yes, this truly is vile. We are looking for:
+ # 1. Return type (may be nothing if we're looking at a macro)
+ # 2. Function name
+ # 3. Function parameters.
+ #
+ # All the while we have to watch out for function pointer parameters
+ # (which IIRC is what the two sections are for), C types (these
+ # regexps don't even start to express all the possibilities), and
+ # so on.
+ #
+ # If you mess with these regexps, it's a good idea to check that
+ # the following functions' documentation still comes out right:
+ # - parport_register_device (function pointer parameters)
+ # - atomic_set (macro)
+ # - pci_match_device, __copy_to_user (long return type)
+ name = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+'
+ prototype_end1 = r'[^\(]*'
+ prototype_end2 = r'[^\{]*'
+ prototype_end = fr'\(({prototype_end1}|{prototype_end2})\)'
+ # Besides compiling, Perl qr{[\w\s]+} works as a non-capturing group.
+ # So, this needs to be mapped in Python with (?:...)? or (?:...)+
+ type1 = r'(?:[\w\s]+)?'
+ type2 = r'(?:[\w\s]+\*+)+'
+ found = False
+ if is_define_proto:
+ r = Re(r'^()(' + name + r')\s+')
+ if r.search(prototype):
+ return_type = ''
+ declaration_name = r.group(2)
+ func_macro = True
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ patterns = [
+ rf'^()({name})\s*{prototype_end}',
+ rf'^({type1})\s+({name})\s*{prototype_end}',
+ rf'^({type2})\s*({name})\s*{prototype_end}',
+ ]
+ for p in patterns:
+ r = Re(p)
+ if r.match(prototype):
+ return_type = r.group(1)
+ declaration_name = r.group(2)
+ args = r.group(3)
+ self.create_parameter_list(ln, decl_type, args, ',',
+ declaration_name)
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"cannot understand function prototype: '{prototype}'")
+ return
+ if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"expecting prototype for {self.entry.identifier}(). Prototype was for {declaration_name}() instead")
+ return
+ prms = " ".join(self.entry.parameterlist)
+ self.check_sections(ln, declaration_name, "function",
+ self.entry.sectcheck, prms)
+ self.check_return_section(ln, declaration_name, return_type)
+ if 'typedef' in return_type:
+ self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
+ function=declaration_name,
+ typedef=True,
+ module=self.config.modulename,
+ functiontype=return_type,
+ parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
+ parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
+ parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
+ sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
+ sections=self.entry.sections,
+ purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose,
+ func_macro=func_macro)
+ else:
+ self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
+ function=declaration_name,
+ typedef=False,
+ module=self.config.modulename,
+ functiontype=return_type,
+ parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
+ parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
+ parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
+ sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
+ sections=self.entry.sections,
+ purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose,
+ func_macro=func_macro)
+ def dump_typedef(self, ln, proto):
+ """
+ Stores a typedef inside self.entries array.
+ """
+ typedef_type = r'((?:\s+[\w\*]+\b){1,8})\s*'
+ typedef_ident = r'\*?\s*(\w\S+)\s*'
+ typedef_args = r'\s*\((.*)\);'
+ typedef1 = Re(r'typedef' + typedef_type + r'\(' + typedef_ident + r'\)' + typedef_args)
+ typedef2 = Re(r'typedef' + typedef_type + typedef_ident + typedef_args)
+ # Strip comments
+ proto = Re(r'/\*.*?\*/', flags=re.S).sub('', proto)
+ # Parse function typedef prototypes
+ for r in [typedef1, typedef2]:
+ if not r.match(proto):
+ continue
+ return_type = r.group(1).strip()
+ declaration_name = r.group(2)
+ args = r.group(3)
+ if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"expecting prototype for typedef {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for typedef {declaration_name} instead\n")
+ return
+ decl_type = 'function'
+ self.create_parameter_list(ln, decl_type, args, ',', declaration_name)
+ self.output_declaration(decl_type, declaration_name,
+ function=declaration_name,
+ typedef=True,
+ module=self.entry.modulename,
+ functiontype=return_type,
+ parameterlist=self.entry.parameterlist,
+ parameterdescs=self.entry.parameterdescs,
+ parametertypes=self.entry.parametertypes,
+ sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
+ sections=self.entry.sections,
+ purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
+ return
+ # Handle nested parentheses or brackets
+ r = Re(r'(\(*.\)\s*|\[*.\]\s*);$')
+ while r.search(proto):
+ proto = r.sub('', proto)
+ # Parse simple typedefs
+ r = Re(r'typedef.*\s+(\w+)\s*;')
+ if r.match(proto):
+ declaration_name = r.group(1)
+ if self.entry.identifier != declaration_name:
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"expecting prototype for typedef {self.entry.identifier}. Prototype was for typedef {declaration_name} instead\n")
+ return
+ self.output_declaration('typedef', declaration_name,
+ typedef=declaration_name,
+ module=self.entry.modulename,
+ sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
+ sections=self.entry.sections,
+ purpose=self.entry.declaration_purpose)
+ return
+ self.emit_warning(ln, "error: Cannot parse typedef!")
+ self.config.errors += 1
+ @staticmethod
+ def process_export(function_table, line):
+ """
+ process EXPORT_SYMBOL* tags
+ This method is called both internally and externally, so, it
+ doesn't use self.
+ """
+ if export_symbol.search(line):
+ symbol = export_symbol.group(2)
+ function_table.add(symbol)
+ if export_symbol_ns.search(line):
+ symbol = export_symbol_ns.group(2)
+ function_table.add(symbol)
+ def process_normal(self, ln, line):
+ """
+ STATE_NORMAL: looking for the /** to begin everything.
+ """
+ if not doc_start.match(line):
+ return
+ # start a new entry
+ self.reset_state(ln + 1)
+ self.entry.in_doc_sect = False
+ # next line is always the function name
+ self.state = self.STATE_NAME
+ def process_name(self, ln, line):
+ """
+ STATE_NAME: Looking for the "name - description" line
+ """
+ if doc_block.search(line):
+ self.entry.new_start_line = ln
+ if not doc_block.group(1):
+ self.entry.section = self.section_intro
+ else:
+ self.entry.section = doc_block.group(1)
+ self.state = self.STATE_DOCBLOCK
+ return
+ if doc_decl.search(line):
+ self.entry.identifier = doc_decl.group(1)
+ self.entry.is_kernel_comment = False
+ decl_start = str(doc_com) # comment block asterisk
+ fn_type = r"(?:\w+\s*\*\s*)?" # type (for non-functions)
+ parenthesis = r"(?:\(\w*\))?" # optional parenthesis on function
+ decl_end = r"(?:[-:].*)" # end of the name part
+ # test for pointer declaration type, foo * bar() - desc
+ r = Re(fr"^{decl_start}([\w\s]+?){parenthesis}?\s*{decl_end}?$")
+ if r.search(line):
+ self.entry.identifier = r.group(1)
+ # Test for data declaration
+ r = Re(r"^\s*\*?\s*(struct|union|enum|typedef)\b\s*(\w*)")
+ if r.search(line):
+ self.entry.decl_type = r.group(1)
+ self.entry.identifier = r.group(2)
+ self.entry.is_kernel_comment = True
+ else:
+ # Look for foo() or static void foo() - description;
+ # or misspelt identifier
+ r1 = Re(fr"^{decl_start}{fn_type}(\w+)\s*{parenthesis}\s*{decl_end}?$")
+ r2 = Re(fr"^{decl_start}{fn_type}(\w+[^-:]*){parenthesis}\s*{decl_end}$")
+ for r in [r1, r2]:
+ if r.search(line):
+ self.entry.identifier = r.group(1)
+ self.entry.decl_type = "function"
+ r = Re(r"define\s+")
+ self.entry.identifier = r.sub("", self.entry.identifier)
+ self.entry.is_kernel_comment = True
+ break
+ self.entry.identifier = self.entry.identifier.strip(" ")
+ self.state = self.STATE_BODY
+ # if there's no @param blocks need to set up default section here
+ self.entry.section = self.section_default
+ self.entry.new_start_line = ln + 1
+ r = Re("[-:](.*)")
+ if r.search(line):
+ # strip leading/trailing/multiple spaces
+ self.entry.descr = r.group(1).strip(" ")
+ r = Re(r"\s+")
+ self.entry.descr = r.sub(" ", self.entry.descr)
+ self.entry.declaration_purpose = self.entry.descr
+ self.state = self.STATE_BODY_MAYBE
+ else:
+ self.entry.declaration_purpose = ""
+ if not self.entry.is_kernel_comment:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"This comment starts with '/**', but isn't a kernel-doc comment. Refer Documentation/doc-guide/kernel-doc.rst\n{line}")
+ self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
+ if not self.entry.declaration_purpose and self.config.wshort_desc:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"missing initial short description on line:\n{line}")
+ if not self.entry.identifier and self.entry.decl_type != "enum":
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"wrong kernel-doc identifier on line:\n{line}")
+ self.state = self.STATE_NORMAL
+ if self.config.verbose:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"Scanning doc for {self.entry.decl_type} {self.entry.identifier}",
+ warning=False)
+ return
+ # Failed to find an identifier. Emit a warning
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"Cannot find identifier on line:\n{line}")
+ def process_body(self, ln, line):
+ """
+ STATE_BODY and STATE_BODY_MAYBE: the bulk of a kerneldoc comment.
+ """
+ if self.state == self.STATE_BODY_WITH_BLANK_LINE:
+ r = Re(r"\s*\*\s?\S")
+ if r.match(line):
+ self.dump_section()
+ self.entry.section = self.section_default
+ self.entry.new_start_line = line
+ self.entry.contents = ""
+ if doc_sect.search(line):
+ self.entry.in_doc_sect = True
+ newsection = doc_sect.group(1)
+ if newsection.lower() in ["description", "context"]:
+ newsection = newsection.title()
+ # Special case: @return is a section, not a param description
+ if newsection.lower() in ["@return", "@returns",
+ "return", "returns"]:
+ newsection = "Return"
+ # Perl kernel-doc has a check here for contents before sections.
+ # the logic there is always false, as in_doc_sect variable is
+ # always true. So, just don't implement Wcontents_before_sections
+ # .title()
+ newcontents = doc_sect.group(2)
+ if not newcontents:
+ newcontents = ""
+ if self.entry.contents.strip("\n"):
+ self.dump_section()
+ self.entry.new_start_line = ln
+ self.entry.section = newsection
+ self.entry.leading_space = None
+ self.entry.contents = newcontents.lstrip()
+ if self.entry.contents:
+ self.entry.contents += "\n"
+ self.state = self.STATE_BODY
+ return
+ if doc_end.search(line):
+ self.dump_section()
+ # Look for doc_com + <text> + doc_end:
+ r = Re(r'\s*\*\s*[a-zA-Z_0-9:\.]+\*/')
+ if r.match(line):
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"suspicious ending line: {line}")
+ self.entry.prototype = ""
+ self.entry.new_start_line = ln + 1
+ self.state = self.STATE_PROTO
+ return
+ if doc_content.search(line):
+ cont = doc_content.group(1)
+ if cont == "":
+ if self.entry.section == self.section_context:
+ self.dump_section()
+ self.entry.new_start_line = ln
+ self.state = self.STATE_BODY
+ else:
+ if self.entry.section != self.section_default:
+ self.state = self.STATE_BODY_WITH_BLANK_LINE
+ else:
+ self.state = self.STATE_BODY
+ self.entry.contents += "\n"
+ elif self.state == self.STATE_BODY_MAYBE:
+ # Continued declaration purpose
+ self.entry.declaration_purpose = self.entry.declaration_purpose.rstrip()
+ self.entry.declaration_purpose += " " + cont
+ r = Re(r"\s+")
+ self.entry.declaration_purpose = r.sub(' ',
+ self.entry.declaration_purpose)
+ else:
+ if self.entry.section.startswith('@') or \
+ self.entry.section == self.section_context:
+ if self.entry.leading_space is None:
+ r = Re(r'^(\s+)')
+ if r.match(cont):
+ self.entry.leading_space = len(r.group(1))
+ else:
+ self.entry.leading_space = 0
+ # Double-check if leading space are realy spaces
+ pos = 0
+ for i in range(0, self.entry.leading_space):
+ if cont[i] != " ":
+ break
+ pos += 1
+ cont = cont[pos:]
+ # In case it is different, update it
+ if self.entry.leading_space != pos:
+ self.entry.leading_space = pos
+ self.entry.contents += cont + "\n"
+ return
+ # Unknown line, ignore
+ self.emit_warning(ln, f"bad line: {line}")
+ def process_inline(self, ln, line):
+ """STATE_INLINE: docbook comments within a prototype."""
+ if self.inline_doc_state == self.STATE_INLINE_NAME and \
+ doc_inline_sect.search(line):
+ self.entry.section = doc_inline_sect.group(1)
+ self.entry.new_start_line = ln
+ self.entry.contents = doc_inline_sect.group(2).lstrip()
+ if self.entry.contents != "":
+ self.entry.contents += "\n"
+ self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_TEXT
+ # Documentation block end */
+ return
+ if doc_inline_end.search(line):
+ if self.entry.contents not in ["", "\n"]:
+ self.dump_section()
+ self.state = self.STATE_PROTO
+ self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NA
+ return
+ if doc_content.search(line):
+ if self.inline_doc_state == self.STATE_INLINE_TEXT:
+ self.entry.contents += doc_content.group(1) + "\n"
+ if not self.entry.contents.strip(" ").rstrip("\n"):
+ self.entry.contents = ""
+ elif self.inline_doc_state == self.STATE_INLINE_NAME:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"Incorrect use of kernel-doc format: {line}")
+ self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_ERROR
+ def syscall_munge(self, ln, proto): # pylint: disable=W0613
+ """
+ Handle syscall definitions
+ """
+ is_void = False
+ # Strip newlines/CR's
+ proto = re.sub(r'[\r\n]+', ' ', proto)
+ # Check if it's a SYSCALL_DEFINE0
+ if 'SYSCALL_DEFINE0' in proto:
+ is_void = True
+ # Replace SYSCALL_DEFINE with correct return type & function name
+ proto = Re(r'SYSCALL_DEFINE.*\(').sub('long sys_', proto)
+ r = Re(r'long\s+(sys_.*?),')
+ if r.search(proto):
+ proto = proto.replace(',', '(', count=1)
+ elif is_void:
+ proto = proto.replace(')', '(void)', count=1)
+ # Now delete all of the odd-numbered commas in the proto
+ # so that argument types & names don't have a comma between them
+ count = 0
+ length = len(proto)
+ if is_void:
+ length = 0 # skip the loop if is_void
+ for ix in range(length):
+ if proto[ix] == ',':
+ count += 1
+ if count % 2 == 1:
+ proto = proto[:ix] + ' ' + proto[ix + 1:]
+ return proto
+ def tracepoint_munge(self, ln, proto):
+ """
+ Handle tracepoint definitions
+ """
+ tracepointname = None
+ tracepointargs = None
+ # Match tracepoint name based on different patterns
+ r = Re(r'TRACE_EVENT\((.*?),')
+ if r.search(proto):
+ tracepointname = r.group(1)
+ r = Re(r'DEFINE_SINGLE_EVENT\((.*?),')
+ if r.search(proto):
+ tracepointname = r.group(1)
+ r = Re(r'DEFINE_EVENT\((.*?),(.*?),')
+ if r.search(proto):
+ tracepointname = r.group(2)
+ if tracepointname:
+ tracepointname = tracepointname.lstrip()
+ r = Re(r'TP_PROTO\((.*?)\)')
+ if r.search(proto):
+ tracepointargs = r.group(1)
+ if not tracepointname or not tracepointargs:
+ self.emit_warning(ln,
+ f"Unrecognized tracepoint format:\n{proto}\n")
+ else:
+ proto = f"static inline void trace_{tracepointname}({tracepointargs})"
+ self.entry.identifier = f"trace_{self.entry.identifier}"
+ return proto
+ def process_proto_function(self, ln, line):
+ """Ancillary routine to process a function prototype"""
+ # strip C99-style comments to end of line
+ r = Re(r"\/\/.*$", re.S)
+ line = r.sub('', line)
+ if Re(r'\s*#\s*define').match(line):
+ self.entry.prototype = line
+ elif line.startswith('#'):
+ # Strip other macros like #ifdef/#ifndef/#endif/...
+ pass
+ else:
+ r = Re(r'([^\{]*)')
+ if r.match(line):
+ self.entry.prototype += r.group(1) + " "
+ if '{' in line or ';' in line or Re(r'\s*#\s*define').match(line):
+ # strip comments
+ r = Re(r'/\*.*?\*/')
+ self.entry.prototype = r.sub('', self.entry.prototype)
+ # strip newlines/cr's
+ r = Re(r'[\r\n]+')
+ self.entry.prototype = r.sub(' ', self.entry.prototype)
+ # strip leading spaces
+ r = Re(r'^\s+')
+ self.entry.prototype = r.sub('', self.entry.prototype)
+ # Handle self.entry.prototypes for function pointers like:
+ # int (*pcs_config)(struct foo)
+ r = Re(r'^(\S+\s+)\(\s*\*(\S+)\)')
+ self.entry.prototype = r.sub(r'\1\2', self.entry.prototype)
+ if 'SYSCALL_DEFINE' in self.entry.prototype:
+ self.entry.prototype = self.syscall_munge(ln,
+ self.entry.prototype)
+ if r.search(self.entry.prototype):
+ self.entry.prototype = self.tracepoint_munge(ln,
+ self.entry.prototype)
+ self.dump_function(ln, self.entry.prototype)
+ self.reset_state(ln)
+ def process_proto_type(self, ln, line):
+ """Ancillary routine to process a type"""
+ # Strip newlines/cr's.
+ line = Re(r'[\r\n]+', re.S).sub(' ', line)
+ # Strip leading spaces
+ line = Re(r'^\s+', re.S).sub('', line)
+ # Strip trailing spaces
+ line = Re(r'\s+$', re.S).sub('', line)
+ # Strip C99-style comments to the end of the line
+ line = Re(r"\/\/.*$", re.S).sub('', line)
+ # To distinguish preprocessor directive from regular declaration later.
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ line += ";"
+ r = Re(r'([^\{\};]*)([\{\};])(.*)')
+ while True:
+ if r.search(line):
+ if self.entry.prototype:
+ self.entry.prototype += " "
+ self.entry.prototype += r.group(1) + r.group(2)
+ self.entry.brcount += r.group(2).count('{')
+ self.entry.brcount -= r.group(2).count('}')
+ self.entry.brcount = max(self.entry.brcount, 0)
+ if r.group(2) == ';' and self.entry.brcount == 0:
+ self.dump_declaration(ln, self.entry.prototype)
+ self.reset_state(ln)
+ break
+ line = r.group(3)
+ else:
+ self.entry.prototype += line
+ break
+ def process_proto(self, ln, line):
+ """STATE_PROTO: reading a function/whatever prototype."""
+ if doc_inline_oneline.search(line):
+ self.entry.section = doc_inline_oneline.group(1)
+ self.entry.contents = doc_inline_oneline.group(2)
+ if self.entry.contents != "":
+ self.entry.contents += "\n"
+ self.dump_section(start_new=False)
+ elif doc_inline_start.search(line):
+ self.state = self.STATE_INLINE
+ self.inline_doc_state = self.STATE_INLINE_NAME
+ elif self.entry.decl_type == 'function':
+ self.process_proto_function(ln, line)
+ else:
+ self.process_proto_type(ln, line)
+ def process_docblock(self, ln, line):
+ """STATE_DOCBLOCK: within a DOC: block."""
+ if doc_end.search(line):
+ self.dump_section()
+ self.output_declaration("doc", None,
+ sectionlist=self.entry.sectionlist,
+ sections=self.entry.sections, module=self.config.modulename)
+ self.reset_state(ln)
+ elif doc_content.search(line):
+ self.entry.contents += doc_content.group(1) + "\n"
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Open and process each line of a C source file.
+ he parsing is controlled via a state machine, and the line is passed
+ to a different process function depending on the state. The process
+ function may update the state as needed.
+ """
+ cont = False
+ prev = ""
+ prev_ln = None
+ try:
+ with open(self.fname, "r", encoding="utf8",
+ errors="backslashreplace") as fp:
+ for ln, line in enumerate(fp):
+ line = line.expandtabs().strip("\n")
+ # Group continuation lines on prototypes
+ if self.state == self.STATE_PROTO:
+ if line.endswith("\\"):
+ prev += line.removesuffix("\\")
+ cont = True
+ if not prev_ln:
+ prev_ln = ln
+ continue
+ if cont:
+ ln = prev_ln
+ line = prev + line
+ prev = ""
+ cont = False
+ prev_ln = None
+ self.config.log.debug("%d %s%s: %s",
+ ln, self.st_name[self.state],
+ self.st_inline_name[self.inline_doc_state],
+ line)
+ # TODO: not all states allow EXPORT_SYMBOL*, so this
+ # can be optimized later on to speedup parsing
+ self.process_export(self.config.function_table, line)
+ # Hand this line to the appropriate state handler
+ if self.state == self.STATE_NORMAL:
+ self.process_normal(ln, line)
+ elif self.state == self.STATE_NAME:
+ self.process_name(ln, line)
+ elif self.state in [self.STATE_BODY, self.STATE_BODY_MAYBE,
+ self.process_body(ln, line)
+ elif self.state == self.STATE_INLINE: # scanning for inline parameters
+ self.process_inline(ln, line)
+ elif self.state == self.STATE_PROTO:
+ self.process_proto(ln, line)
+ elif self.state == self.STATE_DOCBLOCK:
+ self.process_docblock(ln, line)
+ except OSError:
+ self.config.log.error(f"Error: Cannot open file {self.fname}")
+ self.config.errors += 1
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