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Message-ID: <>
Date:	Tue, 25 Jul 2006 13:34:44 +0180
From:	"John Woodson" <>
Subject: Better Future, whettle-bone

Your cre dit doesn't matter to us! If you OWN real est ate
and want IMMEDIATED cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish 
to LOWER your monthly paym ents by a third or more, here are the dea ls
we have TODAY (hurry, these ofers will expre TONIGHT):

$488,000.00 at a 3.67,% fixed-rateG
$372,000.00 at a 3.90,% variable-rateE
$492,000.00 at a 3.21,% interest-onlyA
$248,000.00 at a 3.36,% fixed-rate7
$198,000.00 at a 3.55,% variable-rateX

Hurry, when these deals are gone, they are gone Simply fill out this one-min ute form... 

Don't worry about approval, your cre dit will not disqualify you!

gasped, grabbed  his  head, crouched,  and fell  into the dry grass. Redrick
it won't harm her. They even say that they generate good health."

pretty boy.  And  now that  handsome face was a dark gray  mask of  baked-on
arms through the straps. It felt as though the skin on the burned places had
with bright yellow explosions of mountain peaks, and the  sky above them was

stalactites  that looked like fat candles  hanging from the jagged edges  of
his face,  looking  small,  scrawny,  and forlorn, like a wet  stray kitten.
reminisce, and maybe just  dream  and drowse and rest.... Arthur  jumped up,
avenue, we're not on a  promenade here, you  know. Arthur got up slowly. His

tearing  inside,  like a dried  bandage  pulling  from  a wound. Arthur also
the  boy stepped over two  ties at a  time, broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped.
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