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Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44L0.0610051631550.7144-100000@iolanthe.rowland.org>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 16:48:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Stern <stern@...land.harvard.edu>
To: Oliver Neukum <oliver@...kum.org>
cc: Pavel Machek <pavel@....cz>, <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>,
Subject: Re: [linux-usb-devel] error to be returned while suspended
On Thu, 5 Oct 2006, Oliver Neukum wrote:
> [..]
> > > In the general case the idea seems insufficient. If I close my laptop's lid
> > > I want all input devices suspended, whether the corresponding files are
> > > opened or not. In fact, if I have port level power control I might even
> > > want to cut power to them.
> >
> > That's a separate issue. You were talking about runtime suspend, but
> > closing the laptop's lid is a system suspend.
> Why?
Normally people expect that shutting the lid on a laptop will cause it to
go to sleep. If you want different behavior, that's okay too...
> If you freeze my batch jobs or make unavailable the servers
> running on my laptop I'd be very unhappy.
> But I want to make jostling a mouse or other input device safe. Thus
> I want them to be suspended without autoresume. We need flexibility.
So you want a mode in which the input devices are suspended without remote
wakeup. Remote wakeup settings are configurable via
/sys/devices/.../power/wakeup. At this point nobody has settled on a
new API for suspending the devices. It's quite possible that different
drivers or different buses will use their own individual APIs.
Alan Stern
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