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Message-ID: <3aa654a40611072111k4b22b42xcfebff9faeb68a88@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 21:11:05 -0800
From: "Avuton Olrich" <avuton@...il.com>
To: davids@...master.com
Cc: "Linux-Kernel@...r. Kernel. Org" <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: Faustian Pact between Novell and Microsoft
On 11/7/06, David Schwartz <davids@...master.com> wrote:
> How can they do that if licensing the work requires licensing patents that
> Novell has no right to license?
rtfa: http://www.novell.com/linux/microsoft/faq_opensource.html
May not be correct, but it's an answer nonetheless :)
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