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Message-Id: <200701121712.06911.m.kozlowski@tuxland.pl>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 17:12:06 +0100
From: Mariusz Kozlowski <m.kozlowski@...land.pl>
To: "Michal Piotrowski" <michal.k.k.piotrowski@...il.com>
Cc: "Frederik Deweerdt" <deweerdt@...e.fr>,
"Andrew Morton" <akpm@...l.org>, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
Subject: Re: 2.6.20-rc4-mm1
> This may help
> http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/1/12/45
True. Now it boots fine. Tanks for the tip.
Dzięki Michał.
Mariusz Kozlowski
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