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Message-ID: <20071008002917.GB28926@deepthought>
Date:	Mon, 8 Oct 2007 01:29:17 +0100
From:	Ken Moffat <>
To:	Jan Engelhardt <>
Cc:	Oleg Verych <>,
	Rene Herman <>,
	Willy Tarreau <>, Ingo Molnar <>,
	Linux Kernel Mailing List <>,
	Dave Jones <>,
	Krzysztof Halasa <>,
	Medve Emilian-EMMEDVE1 <>,
	Helge Deller <>
Subject: Re: syntax highlighting, emacs ([PATCH 0/2] Colored kernel output (run2))

On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 12:11:21AM +0200, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> Actually, blue is perceived as one of the darkest colors by the human
> eye. There is a reason that the RGB -> grayscale transformation uses
> the following weighting: r=76 g=154 b=26.

 But, not every video card reproduces blue in the same way, let
alone every monitor - somewhere I've got an old CRT monitor where
blue text was mostly unreadable (_too_dark_).  For photo-editing,
I now use xgamma to get adequately-consistent results on whichever of
4 machines I'm using (one LCD monitor, with KVM switch) - the
settings for the individual machines are very different.

 And, of course, people have different colour vision (and unless we
are labelled as colour-blind, we each regard our colour vision as
"normal").  So, what is perfectly acceptable for you on specific
hardware may be totally unusable for someone else.

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