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Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0710302104020.31325@fbirervta.pbzchgretzou.qr>
Date:	Tue, 30 Oct 2007 21:05:43 +0100 (CET)
From:	Jan Engelhardt <>
To:	Andrew Morton <>
cc:	David Woodhouse <>,,,
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Allow auto-destruction of loop devices.

On Oct 30 2007 13:01, Andrew Morton wrote:
>On Sun, 28 Oct 2007 19:08:31 -0400
>David Woodhouse <> wrote:
>> This allows a flag to be set on loop devices so that when they are
>> closed for the last time, they'll self-destruct.
>Why do we want to do this?

Off the top of my head, lazy unmounting comes to mind.
Think of this:

	mount foobar /mnt -o loop;
	cd /mnt;
	umount /mnt;

Currently, this leaves /dev/loop0 assigned, either chewing up loop
places or needlessy exposing objects meant to be rather not
accessible. (Think cryptoloop devices -- and pam_mount.) BTW, such a
flag would also really be useful for dm(-crypt).

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