#include <asm-x86_64/msr.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define noinline __attribute__((__noinline__)) static inline int empty() { return 1; } static inline int gdt_limit() { /* "segment" value is from Linux 2.6.26/include/asm-x86/segment.h */ const int segment = (15 * 8 + 3); int limit; asm volatile("lsl %1,%0" : "=r" (limit) : "r" (segment)); return limit; } static inline int idt_limit() { struct { char pad[6]; /* Align accesses. */ unsigned int limit; /* 16b */ unsigned long long address; /* 64b */ } idt; asm volatile("sidt %0" : "=m"(idt)); return idt.limit; } static inline int tscp_aux() { int eax, edx, aux; asm volatile(".byte 0x0f,0x01,0xf9" : "=a" (eax), "=d" (edx), "=c" (aux)); return aux; } static inline int cpuid_edx_val(unsigned int op) { int eax, edx; asm("cpuid" : "=a" (eax), "=d" (edx) : "0" (op) : "bx", "cx"); return edx; } inline int /*bool*/ have_tscp() { return (cpuid_edx_val(0x80000001) & (1 << 27)) != 0; } typedef long long tsc; noinline tsc now() { unsigned int eax_lo, edx_hi; tsc now; asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (eax_lo), "=d" (edx_hi)); now = ((tsc)eax_lo) | ((tsc)(edx_hi) << 32); return now; } int tsc_sort_pred(const void *va, const void *vb) { const tsc *a = (const tsc *)(va); const tsc *b = (const tsc *)(vb); return *a - *b; } typedef enum which { EMPTY, /* Must be first (0'th) to set base_cost. */ GDT_LIMIT, IDT_LIMIT, TSCP_AUX, } which; volatile int g_sink; static inline int/*bool*/ run_test(tsc *delta, int n, which test) { int i; if ((test == TSCP_AUX) && !have_tscp()) return 0; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int val; /* Written before read. Really!*/ tsc stop; tsc start = now(); asm volatile("nop" ::: "memory"); switch (test) { case EMPTY: val = empty(); break; case GDT_LIMIT: val = gdt_limit(); break; case IDT_LIMIT: val = idt_limit(); break; case TSCP_AUX: val = tscp_aux(); break; } asm volatile("nop" ::: "memory"); stop = now(); g_sink = val; *delta++ = stop - start; } return 1; } noinline int/*bool*/ run_test_empty(tsc *delta, int n) { return run_test(tsc, n, EMPTY); } noinline int/*bool*/ run_test_gdt_limit(tsc *delta, int n) { return run_test(tsc, n, GDT_LIMIT); } noinline int/*bool*/ run_test_idt_limit(tsc *delta, int n) { return run_test(tsc, n, IDT_LIMIT); } noinline int/*bool*/ run_test_tscp_aux(tsc *delta, int n) { return run_test(tsc, n, TSCP_AUX); } typedef int/*bool*/ (*funcptr)(tsc *delta, int n); /* Obfuscate pointers so various run_test*() cases do not get inlined. */ funcptr func[] = { run_test_empty, run_test_gdt_limit, run_test_idt_limit, run_test_tscp_aux }; const char *names[] = { "EMPTY", "GDT_LIMIT", "IDT_LIMIT", "TSCP_AUX" }; int main (int argc, char **argv) { int t; const int N = 1000; tsc delta[N]; tsc base_cost = 0; /* In principle can change 'func' so compiler cannot dispatch */ printf("Starting tests...\n"); for (t=0; t<=TSCP_AUX; ++t) { int ran = (*func[t])(delta, N); const char *name = names[t]; if (!ran) { printf("Not-run: %s\n", name); continue; } { static int bin[] = { 5, 10, 20, 50 }; int i; qsort(delta, N, sizeof(tsc), tsc_sort_pred); printf("Run: %s\ttotal-tests= %d\tbests: ", name, N); for (i = 0; i < 5 ; ++i) printf(" %2lld", delta[i] - base_cost); printf("\tmedians:"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bin)/sizeof(bin[0]); ++i) printf(" %2d%%: %2lld", bin[i], delta[N * bin[i] / 100] - base_cost); printf("\n"); } if (t == EMPTY) base_cost = delta[0]; } return 0; }