/* * Command line: opannotate -a -i rpcauth_lookup_credcache vmlinux * * Interpretation of command line: * Output annotated assembly listing with samples * * CPU: P4 / Xeon with 2 hyper-threads, speed 2400 MHz (estimated) * Counted GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS events (time during which processor is not stopped) with a unit mask of 0x01 (mandatory) count 100000 */ : :/root/vmlinux: file format elf32-i386 : :Disassembly of section .text.head: :Disassembly of section .text: : c03f7104 : /* rpcauth_lookup_credcache total: 435 100.000 */ 21 4.8276 :c03f7104: push %ebp 2 0.4598 :c03f7105: mov %esp,%ebp :c03f7107: push %edi :c03f7108: push %esi 1 0.2299 :c03f7109: push %ebx :c03f710a: sub $0x1c,%esp :c03f710d: mov %eax,0xffffffe0(%ebp) 1 0.2299 :c03f7110: mov %edx,0xffffffdc(%ebp) :c03f7113: mov %ecx,0xffffffd8(%ebp) :c03f7116: lea 0xffffffec(%ebp),%eax 1 0.2299 :c03f7119: mov %eax,0xffffffec(%ebp) 2 0.4598 :c03f711c: mov %eax,0xfffffff0(%ebp) :c03f711f: mov 0xffffffe0(%ebp),%eax 3 0.6897 :c03f7122: mov 0x1c(%eax),%eax 3 0.6897 :c03f7125: mov %eax,0xffffffe4(%ebp) :c03f7128: imul $0x9e370001,(%edx),%edx 4 0.9195 :c03f712e: shr $0x1c,%edx 2 0.4598 :c03f7131: mov %edx,0xffffffe8(%ebp) 2 0.4598 :c03f7134: mov (%eax,%edx,4),%esi 39 8.9655 :c03f7137: jmp c03f715a 10 2.2989 :c03f7139: mov 0xffffffe4(%ebp),%eax 1 0.2299 :c03f713c: add $0x40,%eax 1 0.2299 :c03f713f: call c0435dce <_spin_lock> 134 30.8046 :c03f7144: testb $0x4,0x28(%esi) 2 0.4598 :c03f7148: jne c03f7152 :c03f714a: mov 0xffffffe4(%ebp),%ecx :c03f714d: incb 0x40(%ecx) :c03f7150: jmp c03f7158 3 0.6897 :c03f7152: lock incl 0x2c(%esi) 110 25.2874 :c03f7156: jmp c03f71d7 2 0.4598 :c03f7158: mov (%esi),%esi 6 1.3793 :c03f715a: test %esi,%esi :c03f715c: je c03f722e :c03f7162: mov (%esi),%eax 43 9.8851 :c03f7164: (bad) :c03f7166: inc %eax 10 2.2989 :c03f7167: add %cl,0x4d8b1c5e(%ebx) :c03f716d: fmuls 0xdc458bf2(%ecx) :c03f7173: call *0xc(%ebx) 4 0.9195 :c03f7176: test %eax,%eax 6 1.3793 :c03f7178: je c03f7158 2 0.4598 :c03f717a: jmp c03f7139 :c03f717c: mov 0xffffffe4(%ebp),%eax :c03f717f: add $0x40,%eax :c03f7182: call c0435dce <_spin_lock> :c03f7187: mov 0xffffffe8(%ebp),%edx :c03f718a: mov 0xffffffe4(%ebp),%ecx :c03f718d: mov (%ecx,%edx,4),%esi :c03f7190: jmp c03f71ae :c03f7192: lock incl 0x2c(%esi) :c03f7196: mov 0xfffffff0(%ebp),%ecx :c03f7199: lea 0x8(%edi),%edx :c03f719c: mov %edx,0xfffffff0(%ebp) :c03f719f: lea 0xffffffec(%ebp),%eax :c03f71a2: mov %eax,0x8(%edi) :c03f71a5: mov %ecx,0x4(%edx) :c03f71a8: mov %edx,(%ecx) :c03f71aa: jmp c03f71d7 :c03f71ac: mov (%esi),%esi :c03f71ae: test %esi,%esi :c03f71b0: je c03f7250 :c03f71b6: mov (%esi),%eax :c03f71b8: (bad) :c03f71ba: inc %eax :c03f71bb: add %cl,0x4d8b1c5e(%ebx) :c03f71c1: fmuls 0xdc458bf2(%ecx) :c03f71c7: call *0xc(%ebx) :c03f71ca: test %eax,%eax :c03f71cc: je c03f71ac :c03f71ce: jmp c03f7192 :c03f71d0: mov %edi,0x4(%eax) :c03f71d3: mov %edi,(%edx) :c03f71d5: mov %edi,%esi :c03f71d7: mov 0xffffffe4(%ebp),%eax 1 0.2299 :c03f71da: incb 0x40(%eax) 1 0.2299 :c03f71dd: testb $0x1,0x28(%esi) 2 0.4598 :c03f71e1: je c03f7222 :c03f71e3: mov 0x1c(%esi),%eax :c03f71e6: mov 0x4(%eax),%ecx :c03f71e9: test %ecx,%ecx :c03f71eb: je c03f7222 :c03f71ed: testb $0x1,0xffffffd8(%ebp) :c03f71f1: jne c03f7222 :c03f71f3: mov %esi,%edx :c03f71f5: mov 0xffffffe0(%ebp),%eax :c03f71f8: call *%ecx :c03f71fa: mov %eax,%ebx :c03f71fc: test %eax,%eax :c03f71fe: jns c03f7222 :c03f7200: mov %esi,%eax :c03f7202: call c03f6d3a :c03f7207: mov %ebx,%esi :c03f7209: jmp c03f7222 :c03f720b: lea 0xfffffff8(%ebx),%eax :c03f720e: mov (%ebx),%ecx :c03f7210: mov 0x4(%ebx),%edx :c03f7213: mov %edx,0x4(%ecx) :c03f7216: mov %ecx,(%edx) :c03f7218: mov %ebx,(%ebx) :c03f721a: mov %ebx,0x4(%ebx) :c03f721d: call c03f6d3a 2 0.4598 :c03f7222: mov 0xffffffec(%ebp),%ebx 2 0.4598 :c03f7225: lea 0xffffffec(%ebp),%eax :c03f7228: cmp %eax,%ebx 1 0.2299 :c03f722a: jne c03f720b 3 0.6897 :c03f722c: jmp c03f7273 :c03f722e: mov 0xffffffe0(%ebp),%edx :c03f7231: mov 0x10(%edx),%ebx :c03f7234: mov 0xffffffd8(%ebp),%ecx :c03f7237: mov 0xffffffdc(%ebp),%edx :c03f723a: mov 0xffffffe0(%ebp),%eax :c03f723d: call *0x18(%ebx) :c03f7240: mov %eax,%edi :c03f7242: mov %eax,%esi :c03f7244: cmp $0xfffff000,%eax :c03f7249: ja c03f7273 :c03f724b: jmp c03f717c :c03f7250: lock btsl $0x2,0x28(%edi) :c03f7256: mov 0xffffffe8(%ebp),%ecx :c03f7259: mov 0xffffffe4(%ebp),%eax :c03f725c: lea (%eax,%ecx,4),%edx :c03f725f: mov (%edx),%eax :c03f7261: mov %eax,(%edi) :c03f7263: mov %edx,0x4(%edi) :c03f7266: test %eax,%eax :c03f7268: jne c03f71d0 :c03f726e: jmp c03f71d3 4 0.9195 :c03f7273: mov %esi,%eax :c03f7275: add $0x1c,%esp :c03f7278: pop %ebx 1 0.2299 :c03f7279: pop %esi 1 0.2299 :c03f727a: pop %edi :c03f727b: pop %ebp :c03f727c: ret :Disassembly of section .init.text: :Disassembly of section .altinstr_replacement: :Disassembly of section .exit.text: