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Message-ID: <>
Date:	Wed, 9 Dec 2009 14:41:46 -0800
From:	Tim Bird <>
To:	linux kernel <>
CC:	Steven Rostedt <>, Ingo Molnar <>,
	Frederic Weisbecker <>
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] ftrace - add fdd script

Add fdd (Function Duration Dump) program to scripts directory.

The script should be 'chmod a+x'-ed.

Signed-off-by: Tim Bird <>
 scripts/fdd |  766 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 766 insertions(+)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/fdd
@@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# fdd (function duration dump):
+# Read data from an ftrace duration dump, and format various ways.
+# Based on kd (kft dump).
+# Written by Tim Bird
+# Copyright 2009 Sony Corporation of America
+# GPL 2.0 applies
+# ChangeLog:
+#  0.7.2 - 2009/09/22 - add option to specify interrupt routine (int_func)
+#      adjust stack handling for int functions, add support for 'Ms time'
+#  0.7.1 - 2009/09/17 - add --fields option
+#  0.7.0 - 2009/07/28 - handle cpu, add filtering, and commmand line
+#    option for dump_list, fix func_stack management
+# ToDo:
+# define some constants
+UNKNOWN = "-1"
+PROGNAME_UNKNOWN = "unknown_progname"
+TIME_UNKNOWN = "0.000000"
+import sys, os
+import time
+import re
+debug = 0
+class stats_class:
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.missing_callers = 0
+               self.total_functions = 0
+def dprint(msg):
+       global debug
+       if debug:
+               print msg
+def usage():
+       print """Usage: %s [<options>] <trace-filename>
+This program parses the output from a set of function duration trace lines
+  -d            Show a list of functions, sorted by calltime and filtered
+                an expressions (if any).
+  -n <num>     Only show the <num> most time-consuming functions.
+  -t <time>     Only show functions with time greater than <time>.
+  -i <int_func> Recognize <int_func> as an interrupt function.  This
+               results in special handling of that function.
+  -e <expr>     Filter data by given expression.  Currently supported
+                expressions are: 'cpu==x' and 'pid==y'
+  -f <format>   Show columns indicated by <format> string.  Each field is
+                represented by a single character. See '--fields'.
+               The default format string is "fctal", which shows
+               "function, count, time, average, local time" in that order.
+  --fields      Show available fields and their format chars.
+  -l            Show long listing (format string is "fctalrsmnx").
+                Use a wide terminal window for this, if possible.
+  -s <col-ID>   Sort by the column with the specified ID.  Can be one
+                of: f,c,t,a,s,l.  Default is to sort by total time, 't'.
+  -w            Show warnings while reading log data, including warnings
+               about functions dropped due to missing trace information.
+  -z            Show some statistics about the data and parse warnings.
+  -h, --help    Show this usage help.
+  -V, --version Show version information.
+""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+       sys.exit(1)
+def show_output_fields():
+       print """Field help for %s:
+Available fields, identified by format character, are:
+  f = Function name
+  c = Count - number of times function was called
+  t = Time - total time spent in this function
+  a = Average - average time per function call
+  l = Local time - time not spent in sub-routines
+       This is the total time of the function, minus the sub-time,
+       and usually gives a good indication of how long a function
+       takes to do its own work.  Be careful interpreting this value
+       when using filters, since sub-functions (and their time) may
+       be omitted from the trace.
+  r = Range - minimum and maximum times for a single call
+  s = Sub-time - time spent in sub-routines
+  m = Max sub-routine - name of sub-routine with max time
+  n = Max sub-routine count - # of times max sub-routine was called
+  x = Max sub-routine cost - time spent in calls to max sub-routines
+  u = Sub-routine list - this feature is experimental
+""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+       sys.exit(1)
+class func_node:
+       sort_order = "t"
+       def __init__(self, name, pid):
+      = name
+               self.callers = []
+               # times are int(nanoseconds)
+               self.total_time = 0
+               self.min = 99999999999
+               self.max = 0
+               self.subs = []
+               self.sub_time = 0
+               self.sub_list = {}
+       def get_name(self):
+               return
+       def add_call(self, caller, fc):
+               dur = int(fc.duration * 1000000000)
+               dprint("in add_call: func: %s, caller: %s, pid: %s, dur: %s" % \
+                       (, caller,, dur))
+               self.callers.append((caller,, dur))
+               self.total_time += dur
+               dprint("%s total_time=%d" % (, self.time()))
+               if dur < self.min:
+                       self.min = dur
+               if dur > self.max:
+                       self.max = dur
+               dprint("%s local_time=%d" % (, self.local_time()))
+       def add_sub(self, fc):
+               dprint("func: %s, sub: %s, pid: %s, dur: %s" % \
+                       (,,, fc.duration))
+               dur = int(fc.duration * 1000000000)
+               self.subs.append((,, dur))
+               self.sub_list[] = 1
+               self.sub_time += dur
+               dprint("new %s sub_time=%1.3f" % (, self.get_sub_time()))
+               dprint("%s local_time=%d" % (, self.local_time()))
+       def time(self):
+               return self.total_time/1000
+       def call_count(self):
+               return len(self.callers)
+       def avg_time(self):
+               count = len(self.callers)
+               if self.total_time==0:
+                       return 0
+               else:
+                       return ((self.total_time)/1000)/count
+       def time_range(self):
+               count = self.call_count()
+               if count >= 1:
+                       return "(%d-%d)" % (self.min/1000, self.max/1000)
+               else:
+                       return ""
+       def get_sub_time(self):
+               return float(self.sub_time)/1000
+       def local_time(self):
+               if self.total_time!=0:
+                       return (self.total_time - self.sub_time)/1000
+               else:
+                       return 0
+       def sub_list(self):
+               return str(self.sub_list.keys())
+       def __cmp__(self, other):
+               if self.sort_order == "t":
+                       return cmp(self.total_time, other.total_time)
+               if self.sort_order == "f":
+                       return cmp(,
+               if self.sort_order == "c":
+                       return cmp(self.call_count(), other.call_count())
+               if self.sort_order == "a":
+                       return cmp(self.avg_time(), other.avg_time())
+               if self.sort_order == "s":
+                       return cmp(self.sub_time, other.sub_time)
+               if self.sort_order == "l":
+                       return cmp(self.local_time(), other.local_time())
+               # huh? no match, sort by total time
+               return cmp(self.total_time, other.total_time)
+class func_call:
+       def __init__(self, name, depth, calltime, duration, endtime,
+                       cpu,  prog_name, pid, line_no):
+      = name
+               self.depth = depth
+               # times are in float(seconds)
+               self.calltime = float(calltime)
+               self.duration = float(duration)/1000000
+               if endtime==TIME_UNKNOWN:
+                       self.endtime = self.calltime + self.duration
+               else:
+                       self.endtime = float(endtime)
+               self.cpu = cpu
+               self.prog_name = prog_name
+      = pid
+               self.line_no = line_no
+       def __repr__(self):
+               return "func_call: %f:%s" % (self.calltime,
+def cmp_func_calls(a, b):
+       return cmp(a.calltime, b.calltime)
+def dump_funcs(funcs):
+       test_keys = ["free_pid", "free_pidmap", "call_rcu", "__call_rcu"]
+       for (key, value) in funcs.items():
+               if key not in test_keys:
+                       continue
+               print "func:%s" % key
+               print "   time: %s, call_count: %s, avg_time: %s, local_time: %s, sub_time: %s" % (value.time(), value.call_count(), value.avg_time(), value.local_time(), value.sub_time)
+def get_max_sub(parent_func):
+       global funcs_for_max_sub
+       # stupid kludge for passing funcs here through a global
+       funcs = funcs_for_max_sub
+       max_sub = None
+       for (name, pid, duration) in parent_func.subs:
+               if funcs.has_key(name):
+                       sub_func = funcs[name]
+                       if not max_sub:
+                               max_sub = sub_func
+                       else:
+                               if sub_func.time() > max_sub.time():
+                                       max_sub = sub_func
+       return max_sub
+def max_sub_name(parent_func):
+       max_sub = get_max_sub(parent_func)
+       if max_sub:
+               return max_sub.get_name()
+       else:
+               return ""
+def max_sub_count(parent_func):
+       global funcs_for_max_sub
+       max_sub = get_max_sub(parent_func)
+       funcs = funcs_for_max_sub
+       if max_sub:
+               ms_name = max_sub.get_name()
+               ms_count = 0
+               for (name, pid, duration) in parent_func.subs:
+                       if funcs.has_key(name):
+                               if name == ms_name:
+                                       ms_count = ms_count + 1
+               return ms_count
+       else:
+               return 0
+def max_sub_time(parent_func):
+       max_sub = get_max_sub(parent_func)
+       if max_sub:
+               return max_sub.time()
+       else:
+               return 0
+class display_flags:
+       pass
+# print errors or warnings for missing fields
+def check_fields(fields):
+       global show_warnings
+       if "TASK/PID" not in fields and show_warnings:
+               print "Warning: trace log is missing TASK/PID field"
+               print "Using this field helps with some calculations"
+               print "Try: echo duration-proc >/debug/tracing/trace_options"
+# parse lines from ftrace output
+# by default, each line consists of:
+# the 3rd commented line may be a key to the printed fields
+# Here's a sample line, with default options (cpu, duration):
+# 0) 100.123456789 | 10.167 us   |                mem_serial_in();
+# here's a sample line with proc turned on:
+# 0)    tail-585    |   706.541604750 |  13.834 us   |   kmem_cache_alloc
+# Here's a sample line, with abstime turned on:
+# note cpu is with calltime!!
+#   582.159156 | 0) 100.123456789 | 576.000 us  |        }
+# Here's a sample line, with abstime and proc turned on:
+# note cpu is with proc info!!
+#  582.159156 |   0)  ash-547     |   9.833 us    |      fd_install();
+# NOTE: Handling this variable format is a big pain!
+def parse_funcduration_lines(lines):
+       global stats
+       func_list = {}
+       pids = {}
+       fields = ["CPU", "CALLTIME", "DURATION", "FUNCTION", "CALLS"]
+       non_white_pat = re.compile("[^ ]")
+       progname = PROGNAME_UNKNOWN
+       pid = PID_UNKNOWN
+       abstime = TIME_UNKNOWN
+       cpu = "0"
+       # find start line:
+       line_no = 0
+       for line in lines:
+               line_no += 1
+               # skip blank lines
+               if not line.strip():
+                       continue
+               # scan comment lines for the field key
+               if line.startswith("#"):
+                       # see if it's the key
+                       if line.find("FUNCTION")!=-1:
+                               fields = line[1:].split()
+                               dprint("fields=%s" % fields)
+                               check_fields(fields)
+                       continue
+               line = line.strip()
+               dprint("%d: line=%s" % (line_no, line))
+               # skip comment lines
+               if line.find("/*") != -1:
+                       continue
+               # possible line formats are:
+               # 1: cpu) calltime | duration units | function
+               # 2: abstime | cpu) calltime | duration units | function
+               # 3: abstime | cpu) task-pid | calltime | duration units | function
+               # 4: calltime | duration units | function
+               # 5: abstime | calltime | duration units | function
+               # 6: task-pid | calltime | duration units | function
+               # parse CPU separately, because it doesn't use a
+               # regular delimiter
+               if "CPU" in fields:
+                       # last item prior to first ')' is cpu number
+                       items = line.split(")")
+                       front_part = items[0]
+                       front_list = front_part.split()
+                       cpu = int(front_list[-1])
+                       # remake string without cpu
+                       del(front_list[-1])
+                       front_part = " ".join(front_list)
+                       line = front_part+")".join(items[1:])
+               parts = line.split("|")
+               if "TIME" in fields:
+                       time_part = parts[0]
+                       del(parts[0])
+                       prev_time = abstime
+                       abstime = time_part.strip()
+               if "TASK/PID" in fields:
+                       proc_part = parts[0]
+                       del(parts[0])
+                       # get progname and pid
+                       last_dash = proc_part.rfind("-")
+                       progname = proc_part[:last_dash]
+                       pid = proc_part[last_dash+1:].strip()
+               calltime = parts[0].strip()
+               dur_info = parts[1].split()
+               func_part = parts[2]
+               # parse duration information
+               overhead = ""
+               duration = UNKNOWN
+               units = "us"
+               # check for overhead
+               if dur_info[0]=="+" or dur_info[0]=="!":
+                       overhead = dur_info[0]
+                       dur_info = dur_info[1:]
+               # now get duration
+               duration = dur_info[0]
+               units = dur_info[1]
+               # parse function and depth
+               try:
+                       m =
+                       func_depth = m.start()/2
+               except:
+                       func_depth = 0
+               func_name = func_part.split()[0]
+               dprint("task=%s, pid=%s, func_name=%s, func_depth=%s" % \
+                       (progname, pid, func_name, func_depth))
+               if func_name.startswith("/*"):
+                       # skip trace_marker comments
+                       continue
+               # record function in list
+               fc = func_call(func_name, func_depth, calltime, \
+                       duration, abstime, cpu, progname, pid, line_no)
+               if func_list.has_key(cpu):
+                       func_list[cpu].append(fc)
+               else:
+                       func_list[cpu] = [fc]
+       return (func_list)
+# func_list is the list of functions, sorted by call entry time
+def generate_stat_info(func_list):
+       funcs = {}
+       root_list = []
+       for fl in func_list.values():
+               generate_stat_info_for_cpu(fl, funcs, root_list)
+       return(funcs, root_list)
+def generate_stat_info_for_cpu(func_list, funcs, root_list):
+       global int_func
+       NO_PID = "-1"
+       cur_pid = NO_PID
+       # func_stacks[pid] = [list of active funcs]
+       func_stack_for_pid = {}
+       func_stack = []
+       for fc in func_list:
+               stats.total_functions += 1
+               # determine caller here, using active func_stack
+               caller = UNKNOWN
+               # First, detect pid change and change stacks
+               if cur_pid !=
+                       # save old stack
+                       func_stack_for_pid[cur_pid] = func_stack
+                       cur_pid =
+                       # get new stack
+                       try:
+                               func_stack = func_stack_for_pid[cur_pid]
+                       except:
+                               func_stack = []
+               # manage the active function stack
+               # remove expired functions
+               # function is expired if it's depth is greater than current
+               #         function depth
+               # function is expired if it's endtime is less than current
+               #         function calltime
+               while func_stack and func_stack[-1].depth > fc.depth:
+                       dprint("expiring %s from func_stack due to depth" % func_stack[-1])
+                       func_stack.pop()
+               while func_stack and func_stack[-1].endtime < fc.calltime:
+                       dprint("expiring %s from func_stack due to endtime" % func_stack[-1])
+                       func_stack.pop()
+               if fc.depth==1 or
+                       root_list.append(fc)
+               else:
+                       # find caller in active func stack
+                       # cc = caller_candidate
+                       if func_stack:
+                               cc = func_stack[-1]
+                               if cc.calltime < fc.calltime and \
+                                       cc.endtime >= cc.endtime and \
+                                       cc.depth == fc.depth-1:
+                                       caller =
+                                       dprint("found caller=%s" % caller)
+                               else:
+                                       print "Warning: %s (line %d) is not caller of %s (at line %d)" % \
+                                               (, cc.line_no,, fc.line_no)
+                       else:
+                               if show_warnings:
+                                       print "Warning: empty func_stack for func %s at depth %d" % (fc, fc.depth)
+               # FIXTHIS - track stats by CPU?
+               if not funcs.has_key(
+                       funcs[] = func_node(,
+               funcs[].add_call(caller, fc)
+               if caller != UNKNOWN:
+                       if not funcs.has_key(caller):
+                               funcs[caller] = func_node(caller,
+                       funcs[caller].add_sub(fc)
+               else:
+                       if fc.depth != 1:
+                               stats.missing_callers += 1
+                               if show_warnings:
+                                       print "Warning: Could not find caller for %s at depth %d" % (fc, fc.depth)
+               # add this function to bottom of stack
+               func_stack.append(fc)
+               dprint("cur_pid=%s, func_stack = %s" % (cur_pid, func_stack))
+       if (debug):
+               dump_funcs(funcs)
+       return(funcs, root_list)
+class column:
+       def __init__(self, id, name, len, format, data_func):
+      = id
+      = name
+               self.format = format
+               self.tlen = len
+               self.data_func = data_func
+       def show_title(self):
+               format = "%-"+"%ss" % self.tlen
+               print format %,
+       def show_bar(self):
+               print "-"*self.tlen,
+       def show_data(self, arg):
+               print self.format % self.data_func(arg),
+def init_columns():
+       global columns
+       columns = {}
+       columns['f'] = column('f', "Function", 30, "%-30s", func_node.get_name)
+       columns['c'] = column('c', "Count", 5, "%5d", func_node.call_count)
+       columns['t'] = column('t', "Time", 8, "%8d", func_node.time)
+       columns['a'] = column('a', "Average", 8, "%8d", func_node.avg_time)
+       columns['r'] = column('r', "Range", 18, "%18s", func_node.time_range)
+       columns['s'] = column('s', "Sub-time", 8, "%8d", func_node.get_sub_time)
+       columns['l'] = column('l', "Local", 8, "%8d", func_node.local_time)
+       columns['m'] = column('m', "Max-sub", 30, "%30s", max_sub_name)
+       columns['n'] = column('n', "Ms cnt", 6, "%6d", max_sub_count)
+       columns['u'] = column('u', "Sub list", 20, "%s", func_node.sub_list)
+       columns['x'] = column('x', "Ms time", 8, "%8d", max_sub_time)
+def show_func_stats(funcs, show_count, show_time, col_list):
+       global columns, funcs_for_max_sub
+       funcs_for_max_sub = funcs
+       funclist = funcs.values()
+       funclist.sort()
+       funclist.reverse()
+       if not col_list:
+               col_list = "fctal"
+       # filter the col_list to only valid columns
+       col_list_old = col_list
+       col_list = ""
+       for col_id in col_list_old:
+               if not columns.has_key(col_id):
+                       print "Invalid column id: %s" % col_id
+               else:
+                       col_list = col_list + col_id
+       # show titles
+       for col_id in col_list:
+               col = columns[col_id]
+               col.show_title()
+       print
+       # show bar underneath title
+       for col_id in col_list:
+               col = columns[col_id]
+               col.show_bar()
+       print
+       # show data
+       i = 0
+       for func in funclist:
+               if show_time and func.total_time < show_time:
+                       continue
+               if show_count:
+                       i = i+1
+                       if i>show_count:
+                               continue
+               for col_id in col_list:
+                       col = columns[col_id]
+                       col.show_data(func)
+               print
+def dump_list(func_list):
+       print "#   CALLTIME    DURATION          FUNCTION CALLS"
+       print "#      |          |   |             |   |   |   |"
+       cpu_list = func_list.keys()
+       cpu_list.sort()
+       for cpu in cpu_list:
+               for fc in func_list[cpu]:
+                       print "%d) %15.9f | %9.3f |%s%s" %  (fc.cpu, fc.calltime, \
+                               fc.duration*1000000, "  "*fc.depth,
+filter_warning_emitted = 0
+def filter_match(filter_expr, fc):
+       global filter_warning_emitted
+       if filter_expr.startswith("cpu=="):
+               match_cpu = int(filter_expr[5:])
+               if fc.cpu == match_cpu:
+                       return 1
+               else:
+                       return 0
+       if filter_expr.startswith("pid=="):
+               match_pid = filter_expr[5:]
+               if == match_pid:
+                       return 1
+               else:
+                       return 0
+       if not filter_warning_emitted:
+               filter_warning_emitted = 1
+               print "Warning: unknown filter: '%s' - unable to process" % filter_expr
+               # raise an error here?
+       return 1
+def filter_list(func_list, filter_expr):
+       for cpu in func_list.keys():
+               fl = func_list[cpu]
+               new_fl = []
+               for fc in func_list[cpu]:
+                       if filter_match(filter_expr, fc):
+                               new_fl.append(fc)
+               func_list[cpu] = new_fl
+def main():
+       global debug, show_warnings
+       global show_fdd_stats, stats
+       global int_func
+       filein = ""
+       show_count = 0
+       show_time = 0
+       debug = 0
+       col_list = ""
+       sort_order = "t"
+       show_warnings = 0
+       filter_expr = ""
+       show_stats = 1
+       show_dump_list = 0
+       int_func = ""
+       stats = stats_class()
+       show_fdd_stats = 0
+       args = sys.argv[1:]
+       if "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
+               usage()
+       if "--fields" in args:
+               show_output_fields()
+       if "-V" in args or "--version" in args:
+               print "Function Duration Dump - version %s.%s.%s" % \
+               sys.exit(0)
+       if "-l" in args:
+               col_list = "fctalrsmnx"
+               args.remove("-l")
+       if "-d" in args:
+               show_stats = 0
+               show_dump_list = 1
+               args.remove("-d")
+       if "-n" in args:
+               i = args.index("-n")
+               show_count = int(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i])
+       if "-i" in args:
+               i = args.index("-i")
+               int_func = args[i+1]
+               del(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i])
+       if "-t" in args:
+               i = args.index("-t")
+               show_time = int(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i])
+       if "-f" in args:
+               i = args.index("-f")
+               col_list = args[i+1]
+               del(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i])
+       if "-e" in args:
+               i = args.index("-e")
+               filter_expr = args[i+1]
+               del(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i])
+       if "-s" in args:
+               i = args.index("-s")
+               sort_order = args[i+1]
+               del(args[i+1])
+               del(args[i])
+               if sort_order not in ["f", "c", "t", "a", "s", "l"]:
+                       print "Invalid sort order. Use '-h' for help."
+                       sys.exit(1)
+       if "-w" in args:
+               show_warnings = 1
+               args.remove("-w")
+       if "-z" in args:
+               show_fdd_stats = 1
+               args.remove("-z")
+       if "--debug" in args:
+               debug = 1
+               args.remove("--debug")
+       if len(args)==1:
+               filein = args[0]
+       if not filein:
+               print "No filename specified. See usage for help. (Use -h)"
+               sys.exit(1)
+       try:
+               lines = open(filein,"r").readlines()
+       except:
+               print "Problem opening file: %s" % filein
+               sys.exit(1)
+       func_list = parse_funcduration_lines(lines)
+       if filter_expr:
+               filter_list(func_list, filter_expr)
+       # sort call list by start time
+       for cpu in func_list.keys():
+               func_list[cpu].sort(cmp_func_calls)
+       # show functions sorted by call-time
+       # this can be used in place of cat <file> | sort -k2
+       if show_dump_list:
+               dump_list(func_list)
+       if show_stats:
+               (funcs, root_list) = generate_stat_info(func_list)
+               init_columns()
+               func_node.sort_order = sort_order
+               show_func_stats(funcs, show_count, show_time, col_list)
+       if show_fdd_stats:
+               print "Trace stats:"
+               print "   %d total functions" % stats.total_functions
+               print "   missing callers: %d" % stats.missing_callers
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+       try:
+               main()
+       except IOError:
+               # skip broken pipe errors (from e.g. "kd foo | head")
+               (exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace) = sys.exc_info()
+               if str(exc_value)!="[Errno 32] Broken pipe":
+                       raise

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