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Message-ID: <>
Date:	Sat, 23 Jan 2010 01:28:15 -0500
From:	William Allen Simpson <>
To:	Linux Kernel Developers <>,
	Linux Kernel Network Developers <>
CC:	Andrew Morton <>
Subject: [PATCH v4 7/7] TCPCT part 2g: parse cookie pair and 64-bit timestamp

Parse cookie pair extended option (previously defined).

Define and parse 64-bit timestamp extended option (and minor cleanup).
However, only 32-bits are used at this time (permitted by specification).

Every bit is sacred.  Use as few bits as possible in the tcp_sock
structure, at the expense of performance.

   net: tcp_header_len_th and tcp_option_len_th
   TCPCT part 2f: cleanup tcp_parse_options

  include/linux/tcp.h  |   10 ++++-
  include/net/tcp.h    |   45 ++++++++++---------
  net/ipv4/tcp_input.c |  119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
  3 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

View attachment "TCPCT+2g4+2.6.33-rc5.patch" of type "text/plain" (10089 bytes)

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