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Message-ID: <>
Date:	Wed, 1 Sep 2010 13:59:54 -0500
From:	H Hartley Sweeten <>
To:	Gregory Bean <>,
	"" <>
CC:	"" <>,
	Arve Hjønnevåg <>,
	"" <>,
Subject: RE: [PATCH 1/2] msm: Install the Google-Android gpio driver.

On Monday, August 30, 2010 5:18 PM, Gregory Bean wrote:
> Subject: [PATCH 1/2] msm: Install the Google-Android gpio driver.
> From: Arve Hjønnevåg <>
> As part of the ongoing effort to converge on a common code base,
> adopt the Google-Android msmgpio driver, as it has a stronger pedigree
> than the previous submission from codeaurora.
> Cc: Arve Hjønnevåg <>
> Signed-off-by: Gregory Bean <>

Hello Greg,

A couple comments on this.

> +struct msm_gpio_chip msm_gpio_chips[] = {
> +	{
> +		.regs = {
> +			.out =         GPIO_OUT_0,
> +			.in =          GPIO_IN_0,
> +			.int_status =  GPIO_INT_STATUS_0,
> +			.int_clear =   GPIO_INT_CLEAR_0,
> +			.int_en =      GPIO_INT_EN_0,
> +			.int_edge =    GPIO_INT_EDGE_0,
> +			.int_pos =     GPIO_INT_POS_0,
> +			.oe =          GPIO_OE_0,
> +		},
> +		.chip = {
> +			.base = 0,
> +			.ngpio = 16,
> +			.get = msm_gpio_get,
> +			.set = msm_gpio_set,
> +			.direction_input = msm_gpio_direction_input,
> +			.direction_output = msm_gpio_direction_output,
> +			.to_irq = msm_gpio_to_irq,
> +		}
> +	},

This is a bit ugly... A 204 line struct definition is a bit hard to follow,
especially the way it's broken up with all the #if defined stuff.

Each gpio "bank" is code duplication other than the .base and .ngpio.  The
whole thing can be reduced using a helper macro.  Something like this:

#define MSM_GPIO_BANK(bank, base_gpio, num_gpio)			\
	{										\
		.regs = {								\
			.out			= GPIO_OUT_##bank,		\
			.in			= GPIO_IN_##bank,			\
			.int_status		= GPIO_INT_STATUS_##bank,	\
			.int_clear		= GPIO_INT_CLEAR_##bank,	\
			.int_en		= GPIO_INT_EN_##bank,		\
			.int_edge		= GPIO_INT_EDGE_##bank,		\
			.int_pos		= GPIO_INT_POS_##bank,		\
			.oe			= GPIO_OE_##bank,			\
		},									\
		.chip = {								\
			.direction_input	= msm_gpio_direction_input,	\
			.direction_output	= msm_gpio_direction_output,	\
			.get			= msm_gpio_get,			\
			.set			= msm_gpio_set,			\
			.to_irq		= msm_gpio_to_irq,		\
			.base			= base_gpio,			\
			.ngpio		= num_gpio,				\
		},									\

Then the struct definition can be reduced to this:

struct msm_gpio_chip msm_gpio_chips[] = {
#if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MSM7X30)
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(0, 0, 16),	/* gpio 0-15 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(1, 16, 28),	/* gpio 16-43 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(2, 44, 24),	/* gpio 44-67 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(3, 68, 27),	/* gpio 68-94 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(4, 95, 12),	/* gpio 95-106 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(5, 107, 27),	/* gpio 107-133 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(6, 134, 17),	/* gpio 134-150 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(7, 151, 31),	/* gpio 151-181 */
#elif defined(CONFIG_ARCH_QSD8X50)
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(0, 0, 16),	/* gpio 0-15 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(1, 16, 27),	/* gpio 16-42 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(2, 43, 25),	/* gpio 43-67 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(3, 68, 27),	/* gpio 68-94 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(4, 95, 9),	/* gpio 95-103 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(5, 104, 18),	/* gpio 104-121 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(6, 122, 31),	/* gpio 122-152 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(7, 153, 12),	/* gpio 153-164 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(0, 0, 16),	/* gpio 0-15 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(1, 16, 27),	/* gpio 16-42 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(2, 43, 25),	/* gpio 43-67 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(3, 68, 27),	/* gpio 68-94 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(4, 95, 12),	/* gpio 95-106 */
	MSM_GPIO_BANK(5, 107, 15),	/* gpio 107-121 */

I'm not sure if that macro will actually work correctly.  But you should
get the idea.

> +#if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MSM7X30)
> +#define GPIO1_REG(off) (MSM_GPIO1_BASE + (off))
> +#define GPIO2_REG(off) (MSM_GPIO2_BASE + 0x400 + (off))
> +#else
> +#define GPIO1_REG(off) (MSM_GPIO1_BASE + 0x800 + (off))
> +#define GPIO2_REG(off) (MSM_GPIO2_BASE + 0xC00 + (off))
> +#endif
> +
> +#if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MSM7X00A) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MSM7X27)
> +
> +/* output value */
> +#define GPIO_OUT_0         GPIO1_REG(0x00)  /* gpio  15-0  */
> +#define GPIO_OUT_1         GPIO2_REG(0x00)  /* gpio  42-16 */
> +#define GPIO_OUT_2         GPIO1_REG(0x04)  /* gpio  67-43 */
> +#define GPIO_OUT_3         GPIO1_REG(0x08)  /* gpio  94-68 */
> +#define GPIO_OUT_4         GPIO1_REG(0x0C)  /* gpio 106-95 */
> +#define GPIO_OUT_5         GPIO1_REG(0x50)  /* gpio 107-121 */

I realize this header is private (i.e. in the mach-msm directory) but
you should probably prefix all of these GPIO_* defines with something
to prevent any namespace clashes.


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