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Message-Id: <E1PNrQc-0005zr-7B@pomaz-ex.szeredi.hu>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 19:29:18 +0100
From: Miklos Szeredi <miklos@...redi.hu>
To: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@...ux-foundation.org>
CC: Trond.Myklebust@...app.com, nbowler@...iptictech.com,
linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org, linux-nfs@...r.kernel.org,
akpm@...ux-foundation.org, hughd@...gle.com, riel@...hat.com,
hch@....de, viro@...iv.linux.org.uk
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 3/3] NFS: Fix a memory leak in nfs_readdir
On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> --00032557542a0c5e6004965ba615
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:36 AM, Trond Myklebust
> <Trond.Myklebust@...app.com> wrote:
> >
> > We need to ensure that the entries in the nfs_cache_array get cleared
> > when the page is removed from the page cache. To do so, we use the
> > releasepage address_space operation (which also requires us to set
> > the Pg_private flag).
> So I really think that the whole "releasepage" use in NFS is simply
> overly complicated and was obviously too subtle.
> The whole need for odd return values, for the page lock, and for the
> addition of clearing the up-to-date bit comes from the fact that this
> wasn't really what releasepage was designed for.
> 'releasepage' was really designed for the filesystem having its own
> version of 'try_to_free_buffers()', which is just an optimistic "ok,
> we may be releasing this page, so try to get rid of any IO structures
> you have cached". It wasn't really a memory management thing.
> And the thing is, it looks trivial to do the memory management
> approach by adding a new callback that gets called after the page is
> actually removed from the page cache. If we do that, then there are no
> races with any other users, since we remove things from the page cache
> atomically wrt page cache lookup. So the need for playing games with
> page locking and 'uptodate' simply goes away. As does the PG_private
> thing or the interaction with invalidatepage() etc.
> So this is a TOTALLY UNTESTED trivial patch that just adds another
> callback. Does this work? I dunno. But I get the feeling that instead
> of having NFS work around the odd semantics that don't actually match
> what NFS wants, introducing a new callback with much simpler semantics
> would be simpler for everybody, and avoid the need for subtle code.
> Hmm?
> Linus
> --00032557542a0c5e6004965ba615
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> --00032557542a0c5e6004965ba615--
This violates the "Really. Don't send patches as attachments."
lkml-faq set forth by yourself ;)
Am I the only one who still uses a mail reader that doesn't decode
mime by default? Maybe it's time to move on...
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