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Message-ID: <4D718F2D.6080105@redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 20:17:33 -0500
From: Zachary Amsden <zamsden@...hat.com>
To: Nikola Ciprich <extmaillist@...uxbox.cz>
CC: Glauber Costa <glommer@...hat.com>, Avi Kivity <avi@...hat.com>,
Nikola Ciprich <nikola.ciprich@...uxbox.cz>,
KVM list <kvm@...r.kernel.org>,
Linux kernel list <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: regression - 2.6.36 -> 2.6.37 - kvm - 32bit SMP guests don't
On 03/04/2011 05:36 PM, Nikola Ciprich wrote:
>> I think although the long term plan is to just do this update once in
>> your case (stable tsc), this update is needed.
>> Why don't you send a patch to re-include it ?
> Yes, I'll gladly submit patch, one question, is this OK
> to just add calling kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_CLOCK_UPDATE, vcpu) before
> the conditional (as I did in my test), or should it go somewhere to else {..}
> section? it's called inside the conditional again, which will cause it
> to be called twice in some cases, is it OK?
> n.
Can you try this patch to see if it fixes the problem?
View attachment "guest-time-test.patch" of type "text/plain" (425 bytes)
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