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Message-ID: <50ABA680.3090102@imap.cc>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 16:49:20 +0100
From: Tilman Schmidt <tilman@...p.cc>
To: LKML <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: possible regression in kernel 3.6: system hangs during nightly
tape backup
On 20.11.2012 01:14, /me wrote:
> For the 4th time now after switching to kernel 3.6, my system became
> unresponsive during the nightly Bacula backup run. It looks as if
> all disk accesses are suddenly blocked [...]
> It never happened with kernel
> 3.5. For comparison went back to kernel 3.5.7 for a week and it
> never happened during that time. Last night I booted 3.6.7 and the
> very next backup caused the hang again. [...]
> I have photos of the remaining dmesg output
> which I'll try to upload somewhere accessible tomorrow.
Screenshots are now up on
along with the .config of the kernel running at the time.
Tilman Schmidt E-Mail: tilman@...p.cc
Bonn, Germany
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