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Message-ID: <20130307145829.29098.76897.stgit@k.asiapacific.hpqcorp.net>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2013 22:58:30 +0800
From: Jingbai Ma <jingbai.ma@...com>
To: mingo@...hat.com, kumagai-atsushi@....nes.nec.co.jp,
ebiederm@...ssion.com, hpa@...or.com, yinghai@...nel.org,
Cc: kexec@...ts.infradead.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org
Subject: [RFC PATCH 1/5] crash dump bitmap: add a kernel config and help
Add a kernel config and help document for CRASH_DUMP_BITMAP.
Signed-off-by: Jingbai Ma <jingbai.ma@...com>
Documentation/kdump/crash_dump_bitmap.txt | 378 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
arch/x86/Kconfig | 16 +
2 files changed, 394 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Documentation/kdump/crash_dump_bitmap.txt
diff --git a/Documentation/kdump/crash_dump_bitmap.txt b/Documentation/kdump/crash_dump_bitmap.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..468cdf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/kdump/crash_dump_bitmap.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+Documentation for Crash Dump Bitmap
+This document includes overview, setup and installation, and analysis
+Traditionally, to reduce the size of dump file, dumper scans all memory
+pages to exclude the unnecessary memory pages after capture kernel
+booted, and scan it in userspace code (makedumpfile).
+It introduces several problems:
+1. Requires more memory to store memory bitmap on systems with large
+amount of memory installed. And in capture kernel there is only a few
+free memory available, it will cause an out of memory error and fail.
+(Non-cyclic mode)
+2. Scans all memory pages in makedumpfile is a very slow process. On
+system with 1TB or more memory installed, the scanning process is very
+long. Typically on 1TB idle system, it takes about 19 minutes. On system
+with 4TB or more memory installed, it even doesn't work. To address the
+out of memory issue on system with big memory (4TB or more memory
+installed), makedumpfile v1.5.1 introduces a new cyclic mode. It only
+scans a piece of memory pages each time, and do it cyclically to scan
+all memory pages. But it runs more slowly, on 1TB system, takes about 33
+3. Scans memory pages code in makedumpfile is very complicated, without
+kernel memory management related data structure, makedumpfile has to
+build up its on data structure, and will not able to use some macros
+that only be available in kernel (e.g. page_to_pfn), and has to use some
+slow lookup algorithm instead.
+This patch introduces a new way to scan memory pages. It reserves a piece of
+memory (1 bit for each page, 32MB per TB memory on x86 systems) in the first
+kernel. During the kernel panic process, it scans all memory pages, clear the
+bit for all excluded memory pages in the reserved memory.
+We have several benefits by this new approach:
+1. It's extremely fast, on 1TB system only takes about 17.5 seconds to
+scan all memory pages!
+2. Reduces the memory requirement of makedumpfile by putting the
+reserved memory in the first kernel memory space.
+3. Simplifies the complexity of existing memory pages scanning code in
+1) Enable "kernel crash dump bitmap" in "Processor type and features", under
+"kernel crash dumps".
+it depends on "kexec system call" and "kernel crash dumps", so there features
+must be enabled also.
+2) Enable "sysfs file system support" in "Filesystem" -> "Pseudo filesystems.".
+3) Compile and install the new kernel.
+4) Check the new kernel.
+Once new kernel has booted, there will be a new foler
+Check current dump level:
+cat /proc/crash_dump_bitmap/dump_level
+Set dump level:
+echo "dump level" > /proc/crash_dump_bitmap/dump_level
+The dump level is as same as the parameter of makedumpfile -d dump_level.
+Run page scan and check page status:
+cat /proc/crash_dump_bitmap/page_status
+5) Download makedumpfile v1.5.3 or later from sourceforge:
+6) Patch it with the patch at the end of this file.
+7) Compile it and copy the patched makedumpfile into the right folder
+(/sbin or /usr/sbin)
+8) Change the /etc/kdump.conf, and a "-q" in the makedumpfile parameter
+line. It will tell makedumpfile to use the crash dump bitmap in kernel.
+core_collector makedumpfile --non-cyclic -q -c -d 31 --message-level 23
+9) Regenerate initramfs to make sure the patched makedumpfile and config
+has been included in it.
+To Do
+It only supports x86-64 architecture currently, need to add supports for
+other architectures.
+Jingbai Ma (jingbai.ma@...com)
+Patch (for makedumpfile v1.5.3)
+Please forgive me, for some format issues of makedumpfile source, I have
+to wrap this patch with '#'. Please use this sed command to get the
+patch for makedumpfile:
+sed -n -e "s/^#\(.*\)#$/\1/p" crash_dump_bitmap.txt > makedumpfile.patch
+#diff --git a/makedumpfile.c b/makedumpfile.c#
+#index acb1b21..f29b6a5 100644#
+#--- a/makedumpfile.c#
+#+++ b/makedumpfile.c#
+#@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ struct srcfile_table srcfile_table;#
+# struct vm_table vt = { 0 };#
+# struct DumpInfo *info = NULL;#
+# #
+#+struct crash_dump_bitmap_info crash_dump_bitmap_info;#
+#+const unsigned int CURRENT_BITMAP_INFO_VERSION = 1;#
+# char filename_stdout[] = FILENAME_STDOUT;#
+# #
+# /*#
+#@@ -892,6 +896,7 @@ get_symbol_info(void)#
+# SYMBOL_INIT(node_remap_start_vaddr, "node_remap_start_vaddr");#
+# SYMBOL_INIT(node_remap_end_vaddr, "node_remap_end_vaddr");#
+# SYMBOL_INIT(node_remap_start_pfn, "node_remap_start_pfn");#
+#+ SYMBOL_INIT(crash_dump_bitmap_info, "crash_dump_bitmap_info");#
+# #
+# if (SYMBOL(node_data) != NOT_FOUND_SYMBOL)#
+# SYMBOL_ARRAY_TYPE_INIT(node_data, "node_data");#
+#@@ -1704,6 +1709,8 @@ read_vmcoreinfo(void)#
+# READ_SYMBOL("node_remap_end_vaddr", node_remap_end_vaddr);#
+# READ_SYMBOL("node_remap_start_pfn", node_remap_start_pfn);#
+# #
+#+ READ_SYMBOL("crash_dump_bitmap_info", crash_dump_bitmap_info);#
+# READ_STRUCTURE_SIZE("page", page);#
+# READ_STRUCTURE_SIZE("mem_section", mem_section);#
+# READ_STRUCTURE_SIZE("pglist_data", pglist_data);#
+#@@ -4423,6 +4430,74 @@ copy_bitmap(void)#
+# int#
+# create_2nd_bitmap(void)#
+# {#
+#+ off_t offset_page;#
+#+ char buf1[info->page_size], buf2[info->page_size];#
+#+ int i;#
+#+ if (info->flag_crash_dump_bitmap) {#
+#+ offset_page = 0;#
+#+ while (offset_page < (info->len_bitmap / 2)) {#
+#+ if (lseek(info->bitmap1->fd, info->bitmap1->offset#
+#+ + offset_page, SEEK_SET) < 0) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't seek the bitmap(%s). %s\n",#
+#+ info->bitmap1->file_name, strerror(errno));#
+#+ return FALSE;#
+#+ }#
+#+ if (read(info->bitmap1->fd, buf1, info->page_size)#
+#+ != info->page_size) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't read bitmap(%s). %s\n",#
+#+ info->bitmap1->file_name,#
+#+ strerror(errno));#
+#+ return FALSE;#
+#+ }#
+#+ if (readmem(PADDR, crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap#
+#+ + offset_page, buf2, info->page_size)#
+#+ != info->page_size) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't read bitmap1! addr=%llx\n",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap#
+#+ + offset_page);#
+#+ return FALSE;#
+#+ }#
+#+ if (crash_dump_bitmap_info.version#
+#+ ERRMSG("bitmap version! expected=%d, got=%d\n",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.version);#
+#+ return FALSE;#
+#+ }#
+#+ for (i = 0; i < info->page_size; i++)#
+#+ buf2[i] = buf1[i] & buf2[i];#
+#+ if (lseek(info->bitmap2->fd, info->bitmap2->offset#
+#+ + offset_page, SEEK_SET) < 0) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't seek the bitmap(%s). %s\n",#
+#+ info->bitmap2->file_name, strerror(errno));#
+#+ return FALSE;#
+#+ }#
+#+ if (write(info->bitmap2->fd, buf2, info->page_size)#
+#+ != info->page_size) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't write the bitmap(%s). %s\n",#
+#+ info->bitmap2->file_name, strerror(errno));#
+#+ return FALSE;#
+#+ }#
+#+ offset_page += info->page_size;#
+#+ }#
+#+ pfn_cache = crash_dump_bitmap_info.cache_pages;#
+#+ pfn_cache_private = crash_dump_bitmap_info.cache_private_pages;#
+#+ pfn_user = crash_dump_bitmap_info.user_pages;#
+#+ pfn_free = crash_dump_bitmap_info.free_pages;#
+#+ pfn_hwpoison = crash_dump_bitmap_info.hwpoison_pages;#
+#+ return TRUE;#
+#+ }#
+# /*#
+# * Copy 1st-bitmap to 2nd-bitmap.#
+# */#
+#@@ -4587,6 +4662,46 @@ create_dump_bitmap(void)#
+# if (!prepare_bitmap_buffer())#
+# goto out;#
+# #
+#+ if (info->flag_crash_dump_bitmap#
+#+ && (SYMBOL(crash_dump_bitmap_info)#
+#+ != NOT_FOUND_SYMBOL)) {#
+#+ /* Read crash_dump_bitmap_info from old kernel */#
+#+ readmem(VADDR, SYMBOL(crash_dump_bitmap_info),#
+#+ &crash_dump_bitmap_info,#
+#+ sizeof(struct crash_dump_bitmap_info));#
+#+ if (!crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap_size#
+#+ || !crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't get crash_dump bitmap info! ");#
+#+ ERRMSG("Failback to legacy mode.\n");#
+#+ ERRMSG("crash_dump_bitmap_info=0x%llx, ",#
+#+ SYMBOL(crash_dump_bitmap_info));#
+#+ ERRMSG("bitmap=0x%llx, ",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap);#
+#+ ERRMSG("bitmap_size=%lld\n",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap_size);#
+#+ info->flag_crash_dump_bitmap = FALSE;#
+#+ } else {#
+#+ MSG("crash_dump_bitmap: ");#
+#+ MSG("crash_dump_bitmap_info=0x%llx, ",#
+#+ SYMBOL(crash_dump_bitmap_info));#
+#+ MSG("bitmap=0x%llx, ",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap);#
+#+ MSG("bitmap_size=%lld, ",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.bitmap_size);#
+#+ MSG("cache_pages=0x%lx, ",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.cache_pages);#
+#+ MSG("cache_private_pages=0x%lx, ",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info#
+#+ .cache_private_pages);#
+#+ MSG("user_pages=0x%lx, ",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.user_pages);#
+#+ MSG("free_pages=0x%lx\n",#
+#+ crash_dump_bitmap_info.free_pages);#
+#+ }#
+#+ }#
+# if (!create_1st_bitmap())#
+# goto out;#
+# #
+#@@ -8454,7 +8569,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])#
+# #
+# info->block_order = DEFAULT_ORDER;#
+# message_level = DEFAULT_MSG_LEVEL;#
+#- while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "b:cDd:EFfg:hi:lMpRrsvXx:", longopts,#
+#+ while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "b:cDd:EFfg:hi:lMpqRrsvXx:",#
+#+ longopts,#
+# NULL)) != -1) {#
+# switch (opt) {#
+# case 'b':#
+#@@ -8518,6 +8634,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])#
+# case 'P':#
+# info->xen_phys_start = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);#
+# break;#
+#+ case 'q':#
+#+ info->flag_crash_dump_bitmap = TRUE;#
+#+ info->flag_cyclic = FALSE;#
+#+ break;#
+# case 'R':#
+# info->flag_rearrange = 1;#
+# break;#
+#diff --git a/makedumpfile.h b/makedumpfile.h#
+#index 272273e..6404b16 100644#
+#--- a/makedumpfile.h#
+#+++ b/makedumpfile.h#
+#@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@#
+# #include "dwarf_info.h"#
+# #include "diskdump_mod.h"#
+# #include "sadump_mod.h"#
+#+#include "print_info.h"#
+# #
+# /*#
+# * Result of command#
+#@@ -889,6 +891,7 @@ struct DumpInfo {#
+# int flag_refiltering; /* refilter from kdump-compressed file */#
+# int flag_force; /* overwrite existing stuff */#
+# int flag_exclude_xen_dom;/* exclude Domain-U from xen-kdump */#
+#+ int flag_crash_dump_bitmap;/* crash dump bitmap */#
+# int flag_dmesg; /* dump the dmesg log out of the vmcore file */#
+# int flag_nospace; /* the flag of "No space on device" error */#
+# unsigned long vaddr_for_vtop; /* virtual address for debugging */#
+#@@ -1153,6 +1156,11 @@ struct symbol_table {#
+# unsigned long long __per_cpu_load;#
+# unsigned long long cpu_online_mask;#
+# unsigned long long kexec_crash_image;#
+#+ /*#
+#+ * for crash_dump_bitmap#
+#+ */#
+#+ unsigned long long crash_dump_bitmap_info;#
+# };#
+# #
+# struct size_table {#
+#@@ -1381,6 +1389,20 @@ struct srcfile_table {#
+# char pud_t[LEN_SRCFILE];#
+# };#
+# #
+#+ * for crash_dump_bitmap#
+#+ */#
+#+struct crash_dump_bitmap_info {#
+#+ unsigned int version;#
+#+ unsigned long long bitmap;#
+#+ unsigned long long bitmap_size;#
+#+ unsigned long cache_pages;#
+#+ unsigned long cache_private_pages;#
+#+ unsigned long user_pages;#
+#+ unsigned long free_pages;#
+#+ unsigned long hwpoison_pages;#
+# extern struct symbol_table symbol_table;#
+# extern struct size_table size_table;#
+# extern struct offset_table offset_table;#
+#@@ -1541,8 +1563,20 @@ is_dumpable(struct dump_bitmap *bitmap, unsigned long long pfn)#
+# off_t offset;#
+# if (pfn == 0 || bitmap->no_block != pfn/PFN_BUFBITMAP) {#
+# offset = bitmap->offset + BUFSIZE_BITMAP*(pfn/PFN_BUFBITMAP);#
+#- lseek(bitmap->fd, offset, SEEK_SET);#
+#- read(bitmap->fd, bitmap->buf, BUFSIZE_BITMAP);#
+#+ if (lseek(bitmap->fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't seek bitmap file %s:(%d), ",#
+#+ bitmap->file_name, bitmap->fd);#
+#+ ERRMSG("offset=%ld, error: %s\n",#
+#+ offset, strerror(errno));#
+#+ }#
+#+ if (read(bitmap->fd, bitmap->buf, BUFSIZE_BITMAP) < 0) {#
+#+ ERRMSG("Can't read bitmap file %s:(%d), ",#
+#+ bitmap->file_name, bitmap->fd);#
+#+ ERRMSG("offset=%ld, error: %s\n",#
+#+ offset, strerror(errno));#
+#+ }#
+# if (pfn == 0)#
+# bitmap->no_block = 0;#
+# else#
diff --git a/arch/x86/Kconfig b/arch/x86/Kconfig
index a4f24f5..7b6232e 100644
--- a/arch/x86/Kconfig
+++ b/arch/x86/Kconfig
@@ -1633,6 +1633,22 @@ config CRASH_DUMP
For more details see Documentation/kdump/kdump.txt
+ bool "kernel crash dump bitmap"
+ def_bool y
+ depends on CRASH_DUMP && X86_64
+ ---help---
+ This option will enable the kernel crash dump bitmap support.
+ It will reserve a block of memory to store crash dump bitmap.
+ (1 bit for each page, 32MB per TB memory on x86 systems)
+ It will scan all memory pages during crash processing and mark the
+ excluded memory page bit in the reserved memory. It will be very
+ fast compare to scan it later in the capture kernel.
+ User can control which type of page to be excluded through procfs:
+ /proc/crash_dump_bitmap/dump_level
+ The default dump level is 31 (exclude all unnecessary pages).
+ For more details see Documentation/kdump/crash_dump_bitmap.txt
bool "kexec jump"
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