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Message-Id: <1365414657-29191-60-git-send-email-luis.henriques@canonical.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 10:50:14 +0100
From: Luis Henriques <luis.henriques@...onical.com>
To: linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org, stable@...r.kernel.org,
Cc: Mirko Lindner <mlindner@...vell.com>,
"David S. Miller" <davem@...emloft.net>,
Luis Henriques <luis.henriques@...onical.com>
Subject: [PATCH 059/102] sky2: Threshold for Pause Packet is set wrong -stable review patch. If anyone has any objections, please let me know.
From: Mirko Lindner <mlindner@...vell.com>
commit 74f9f42c1c1650e74fb464f76644c9041f996851 upstream.
The sky2 driver sets the Rx Upper Threshold for Pause Packet generation to a
wrong value which leads to only 2kB of RAM remaining space. This can lead to
Rx overflow errors even with activated flow-control.
Fix: We should increase the value to 8192/8
Signed-off-by: Mirko Lindner <mlindner@...vell.com>
Acked-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@...workplumber.org>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@...emloft.net>
Signed-off-by: Luis Henriques <luis.henriques@...onical.com>
drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c
index 05c2cac..af158e8 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/marvell/sky2.c
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ static void sky2_ramset(struct sky2_hw *hw, u16 q, u32 start, u32 space)
sky2_write32(hw, RB_ADDR(q, RB_RX_UTHP), tp);
sky2_write32(hw, RB_ADDR(q, RB_RX_LTHP), space/2);
- tp = space - 2048/8;
+ tp = space - 8192/8;
sky2_write32(hw, RB_ADDR(q, RB_RX_UTPP), tp);
sky2_write32(hw, RB_ADDR(q, RB_RX_LTPP), space/4);
} else {
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