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Message-ID: <1851041258.29554.1385398914287.JavaMail.apache@mail83.abv.bg>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 19:01:54 +0200 (EET)
From: Ивайло Димитров
To: Pavel Machek <pavel@....cz>
Cc: pali.rohar@...il.com, sre@...g0.de, anton@...msg.org,
dwmw2@...radead.org, tony@...mide.com, linux@....linux.org.uk,
linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org, linux-omap@...r.kernel.org,
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] bq2415x_charger: Use power_supply notifier for automode
>-------- Оригинално писмо --------
>От: Pavel Machek
>Относно: Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] bq2415x_charger: Use power_supply notifier for
>До: Pali Rohár
>Изпратено на: Понеделник, 2013, Ноември 25 17:18:39 EET
>On Mon 2013-11-25 15:10:00, Pali Rohár wrote:
>> On Monday 25 November 2013 15:01:27 Pavel Machek wrote:
>> > Where can I get dsme sources?
>> > Pavel
>> dsme daemon: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/dsme
>> dsme thermal plugin: https://gitorious.org/rx51-bme-replacement/dsme-thermalobject-surface
>> dsme thermal plugin is responsible for checking temperature of
>> battery and send it to dsme damon. dsme daemon itself checking
>> temperature limits and do something (e.g reboot device)
>Thanks for links!
>AFAICT.... dsme daemon does some kind of system management, not
>directly controlling charging, right? It does monitor system temperature.
>Now.. Imagine phone left in car in charger (on sun). Likely
>temperature will reach high values, kernel is charging, dsme will
>reboot the system, but kernel will start charging again, dsme will
>reboot again, ...
>And it is not only high temperatures that are problem for li-ion
>charging; battery should not be fast charged below 5C and should not
>be charged below 0C. (Again, both are likely to happen if you leave
>your phone in car).
>AFAICT, we should simply disable charging below 5C or above 45C.
> Pavel
>(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
>(cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html
AFAIK dsme will not restart it, but power it off, so the above scenario won't happen.
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