/* ramcheck.c - checks predefined kernel memory region * * KernelRamCheck by * * Copyright 2014 Alexander Kleinsorge * Copyright 2014 Benjamin Schroedl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ // Defining __KERNEL__ and MODULE allows us to access kernel-level code not usually available to userspace programs. /* #undef __KERNEL__ #define __KERNEL__ #undef MODULE #define MODULE */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DRIVER_AUTHOR "Alexander Kleinsorge and Benjamin Schroedl " #define DRIVER_DESC "checks predefined memory kernel region" #define proc_fs_name "ramcheck" #define MODNAME proc_fs_name" " #define CHECK_TIMER_MS 1000 #define BLOCK ((sizeof(long) <= 4) ? 1u << 20 : 2u << 20) /* 64bit CPU is often faster (bigger blocks at once) */ #define BLOCKS 8 MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_AUTHOR(DRIVER_AUTHOR); MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRIVER_DESC); static void ram_check_exit(void); static int ram_check_init(void); static int ram_check_print(struct seq_file *m, void *v); static int ram_check_run(void); void ram_check_timer_callback(unsigned long data); static int ram_check_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file); static struct timer_list ram_check_timer; struct proc_dir_entry *ram_check_proc_file; struct file_operations proc_fops = { .open = ram_check_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = single_release, }; /* Global Variables */ static unsigned long g_RangeSize = 0; static unsigned long g_RangeStart = 0; static unsigned int g_TempCount = 0; static unsigned int g_Timers = 0; static unsigned int g_TimerActive = 0; static unsigned long g_SumFirst = 0; static unsigned long g_SumLast = 0; static unsigned long g_BlockSum[BLOCKS]; /* Functions */ /* simple checksum/hash, xor is fastest (~1-6 MB/ms) */ static unsigned long calcChecksumXor(const void* ptr, const unsigned long bytes) { unsigned long ret, i; const unsigned long long* ptr64 = (const unsigned long long*) ptr; const unsigned long len = bytes / sizeof(*ptr64); unsigned long long sum64 = 0u; for (i=0; i < len; i++) { sum64 ^= ptr64[i]; } /* return 32 or 64 bit possible */ ret = ((unsigned long) sum64) ^ ((unsigned long) (sum64>>32)); return ret; } /* merge 4 to 1 byte ==> less info (security reason) */ static unsigned char shrink2byte(unsigned long u) { unsigned long ret = (u) ^ (u>>8) ^ (u>>16) ^ (u>>24); /* (lowest) 32 bit --> 8 bit */ return (unsigned char) ret; } static unsigned long long getTimeUS(void) { struct timespec ts; ktime_get_ts( &ts ); return (ts.tv_sec*USEC_PER_SEC) + (ts.tv_nsec/1000u); } // check for const range (in case of strange checksum) static int check_range(void) { unsigned long start = kallsyms_lookup_name("_text"); unsigned long size = kallsyms_lookup_name("__end_rodata") - start; int ret = 0; if (g_RangeSize && ((start != g_RangeStart) || (size != g_RangeSize))) { printk(KERN_WARNING MODNAME "error: const kernel memory address changed (%08lx + %lu K), stop!\n", start, size/1024u); g_RangeSize = 0; /* stop working */ ret = -1; } return ret; } /* partitions to limit runtime to 1 ms (1..6 MB) */ static unsigned long check_block(unsigned long blk, unsigned long lastblk) { const unsigned long offset = blk * BLOCK; unsigned long start = g_RangeStart + offset; unsigned long size = BLOCK; unsigned long ret; if (blk >= lastblk) { size = g_RangeSize % BLOCK; if (blk > lastblk) { return (~0u); /* should never happen */ } } ret = calcChecksumXor((const void *) start, size); return ret; } static int ram_check_init(void) { int ret; unsigned long start, size, end; unsigned long b, t, bps; for (b=0; b Bad Address! */ size = (end - start); /* error handling on illegal size and ptr or size to big */ if ((start == 0) || (end == 0) || (end <= start) || (size > (1000u << 20))) { printk(KERN_ALERT MODNAME "error: bad start or end adress [%lx + %lx]\n", start, size); return -EFAULT; } if ((size < (1u << 20)) || (size > (200u << 20))) { printk(KERN_INFO MODNAME "warning: strange const size = %lu MB\n", size>>20); } g_RangeStart = start; g_RangeSize = size; t = (unsigned long) getTimeUS(); for (b = 0; b <= size/BLOCK; b++) { g_BlockSum[b % BLOCKS] ^= check_block(b, size/BLOCK); } t = (unsigned long) getTimeUS() - t; /* ca. 1k..7k Byte/us */ for (b = 0; b < BLOCKS; b++) { g_SumFirst ^= g_BlockSum[b]; /* all together */ } bps = (t > 0) ? (size / t) : 0; printk(KERN_INFO MODNAME "init: %lu B/us, %lu kB, %d bit, (0x%02x, %u)\n", bps, size>>10, (int)sizeof(g_SumFirst)*8, shrink2byte(g_SumFirst), BLOCKS); /* TIMER init */ setup_timer(&ram_check_timer, ram_check_timer_callback, 0); ret = mod_timer(&ram_check_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(CHECK_TIMER_MS)); if (ret) { printk(KERN_ALERT MODNAME "error: Failure in mod_timer\n"); return -EFAULT; } g_TimerActive = 1; return 0; } static void ram_check_exit(void) { int ret; g_RangeSize = 0; /* stop work */ remove_proc_entry(proc_fs_name, NULL); check_range(); for (ret = 0; (g_TimerActive > 0) && (ret < 1000/20); ret ++) { mdelay(20); } ret = del_timer_sync(&ram_check_timer); if (ret) { printk(KERN_WARNING MODNAME "warning: timer still in use on exit...(%d,%u)\n", ret, g_Timers); } else { printk(KERN_INFO MODNAME ": exit (%lx,%u)\n", g_SumLast, g_Timers); } } /* file handler /proc/.. */ static int ram_check_print(struct seq_file *m, void *v) { int ret = 0; unsigned long t = 0; ret = check_range(); if (ret) { seq_printf(m, "ERROR: const kernel memory address changed (%08lx), stop!\n", g_SumLast); return -1; } if (g_SumLast != 0u) { seq_printf(m, "ERROR: const kernel memory was earlier broken (%08lx), no check again!\n", g_SumLast); return -2; } if (g_TempCount <= 2) { /* max 2 calls per timer (1 sec) */ unsigned long xor; g_TempCount ++; t = (unsigned long) getTimeUS(); xor = calcChecksumXor((const void *) g_RangeStart, g_RangeSize); t = (unsigned long) getTimeUS() - t; xor = g_SumFirst ^ xor; if (xor) g_SumLast = xor; /* only write bad events */ } else { g_TempCount ++; seq_printf(m, "warning: too much triggers (%u) for ram_check (%08lx) !\n", g_TempCount, g_SumLast); } if (!g_SumLast) { seq_printf(m, "const kernel memory is OK, size = %lu MB, t = %lu us (%u)\n", g_RangeSize>>20, t, g_Timers); } else { printk(KERN_EMERG MODNAME "error: const kernel memory is broken (%08lx != 0), please reboot!", g_SumLast); seq_printf(m, "ERROR: const kernel memory is broken (%08lx != 0), please reboot!\n", g_SumLast); ret = -3; /* !! kernel panic (ram error) !! */ } return ret; } /* only inside timer (1 sec) */ static int ram_check_run(void) { const unsigned int lastblk = (unsigned int) (g_RangeSize / BLOCK); const unsigned int b = g_Timers % BLOCKS; unsigned int l; unsigned long x = 0; if (0 == b) { check_range(); /* check sometimes */ } for (l = b; l <= lastblk; l += BLOCKS) { x ^= check_block(l, lastblk); } x ^= g_BlockSum[b]; if (x != 0u) { check_range(); g_SumLast = x; /* !! kernel panic (ram error) !! */ printk(KERN_EMERG MODNAME "error: const kernel memory broken (%08lx != 0), timer(%u, %u) !", x, g_Timers, b); } return 0; } /* Timer Callback */ void ram_check_timer_callback(unsigned long data) { int ret; g_Timers ++; if (0 == g_RangeSize) { g_TimerActive = 0; return; } if (g_SumLast != 0u) { /* failure earlier detected, skip */ if (0 == (g_Timers % 32u)) { printk(KERN_WARNING MODNAME "error: const kernel memory earlier broken (%08lx), skip !\n", g_SumLast); } return; } ram_check_run(); ret = mod_timer(&ram_check_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(CHECK_TIMER_MS)); if (ret) { printk(KERN_ALERT MODNAME "error: in mod_timer (%u, %d)\n", g_Timers, ret); } g_TimerActive = 1; /* is already set, but be safe */ g_TempCount = 0; } static int ram_check_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, ram_check_print, NULL); } module_init(ram_check_init); module_exit(ram_check_exit);