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Message-Id: <201511301440.04626.linux@rainbow-software.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 14:40:04 +0100
From: Ondrej Zary <linux@...nbow-software.org>
To: Finn Thain <fthain@...egraphics.com.au>
Cc: Michael Schmitz <schmitzmic@...il.com>, linux-m68k@...r.kernel.org,
linux-scsi@...r.kernel.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org
Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH 74/71] ncr5380: Enable PDMA for NCR53C400A
On Monday 30 November 2015, Finn Thain wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Nov 2015, Ondrej Zary wrote:
> > Add I/O register mapping for NCR53C400A and enable PDMA mode to
> > improve performance and fix non-working IRQ.
> >
> Is CONFIG_SCSI_GENERIC_NCR53C400 is still needed? Can the driver be fully
> configured at runtime now?
Things depending on CONFIG_SCSI_GENERIC_NCR53C400:
#define PSEUDO_DMA
Defining PSEUDO_DMA should not break anything, just makes code bigger a bit. We can probably just define it always in g_NCR5380.c.
This looks weird. I don't have any card with a BIOS to test.
#define NCR5380_BIOSPARAM generic_NCR5380_biosparam
This looks very wrong and should be done at runtime:
#define NCR5380_region_size 16
#define NCR5380_region_size 8
> > Tested with HP C2502 (and user-space enabler).
> >
> It would be nice if the enabler was documented.
> Documentation/scsi/g_NCR5380.txt might be a good place for that. That file
> could perhaps be updated (?) Certainly obsolete and misleading information
> should be removed if you see any.
I'll integrate the enabler into the driver. It's like "wakeup sequence for the NCR53C400A and DTC3181E */" in g_NCR5380.c, only the magic numbers are different.
Ondrej Zary
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