#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) static void kmsg(const char *format, ...) #define KERN_EMER "<0>" #define KERN_ALERT "<1>" #define KERN_CRIT "<2>" #define KERN_ERR "<3>" #define KERN_WARNING "<4>" #define KERN_NOTICE "<5>" #define KERN_INFO "<6>" #define KERN_DEBUG "<7>" { va_list ap; FILE *file; file = fopen("/dev/kmsg", "w"); if (file == NULL) return; va_start(ap, format); fprintf(file, "userspace: "); vfprintf(file, format, ap); va_end(ap); fclose(file); } static uint32_t dumb_create(int fd, int width, int height, int bpp) { struct drm_mode_create_dumb create = {}; create.width = width; create.height = height; create.bpp = bpp; create.handle = 0; drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_DUMB, &create); return create.handle; } static uint32_t fb_create(int fd, int width, int height, int format, int bo, int pitch) { struct drm_mode_fb_cmd2 f = {}; f.width = width; f.height = height; f.pixel_format = format; f.handles[0] = bo; f.pitches[0] = pitch; f.fb_id = 0; drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ADDFB2, &f); return f.fb_id; } drmModeModeInfo *connector_get_default_mode(int fd, int conn_id) { drmModeConnectorPtr conn; int i; conn = drmModeGetConnectorCurrent(fd, conn_id); for (i = 0; i < conn->count_modes; i++) { if (conn->modes[i].type & DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED) return &conn->modes[i]; } } static int dumb_destroy(int fd, uint32_t bo) { struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb arg = {}; arg.handle = bo; return drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_DESTROY_DUMB, &arg); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int fd; int crtc = 25; int conn = 29; int bo1, fb1, bo2, fb2; drmModeModeInfo *mode; kmsg("------------- start ----------------\n"); fd = open("/dev/dri/card0", O_RDWR); ret = drmSetMaster(fd); kmsg("%s: pipe %d conn %d crtc %d\n", __func__, pipe, conn, crtc); bo1 = dumb_create(fd, 1920, 1080, 4 * 8); kmsg("dumb_create 1: %d\n", bo1); fb1 = fb_create(fd, 1920, 1080, DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888, bo1, 1920 * 4); kmsg("fb_create 1: %d\n", fb1); mode = connector_get_default_mode(fd, conn); kmsg("connector_get_default_mode: %s\n", mode->name); ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, crtc, fb1, 0, 0, /* x, y */ &conn, /* connectors */ 1, /* n_connectors */ mode /* mode */); kmsg("drmModeSetCrtc: %d\n", ret); ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, crtc, fb1, 0, 0, /* x, y */ NULL, /* connectors */ 0, /* n_connectors */ NULL /* mode */); /* Create a second BO before destroying the first one, so it has a * different DMA address */ bo2 = dumb_create(fd, 1920, 1080, 4 * 8); kmsg("dumb_create 2: %d\n", bo2); fb2 = fb_create(fd, 1920, 1080, DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888, bo2, 1920 * 4); kmsg("fb_create 2: %d\n", fb2); /* Make sure we don't hold a reference to the first BO */ ret = drmModeRmFB(fd, fb1); kmsg("drmModeRmFB: %d\n", ret); ret = dumb_destroy(fd, bo1); kmsg("dumb_destroy: %d\n", ret); /* The CRTC will be enabled with the old configuration and the VOP * will try to read from the first BO. */ ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, crtc, fb2, 0, 0, /* x, y */ &conn, /* connectors */ 1, /* n_connectors */ mode /* mode */); kmsg("drmModeSetCrtc: %d\n", ret); ret = drmDropMaster(fd); close(fd); kmsg("-------------- end -----------------\n"); return 0; }