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Message-ID: <2BFA08D9DB68C74294CA838D56843DA1107EFB7E@APSMBX1.apsk12.org>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 22:34:13 +0000
From: "Jackson, Courtney" <cojackson@...anta.k12.ga.us>
To: "Jackson, Courtney" <cojackson@...anta.k12.ga.us>
Subject: RE: Attention !
Your Password Expires in 2hour(s) You are to change your Password below via the ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT PAGE.
Click <https://c2eib331.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=cea8400096749aae32bc403e9619>
If Password is not change in the next 2hour(s) Your next log-in Access will be declined.
IT Services
Many Thanks,
Remote Desktop Services Co-coordinator
Windows Operations (ITS)
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