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Message-ID: <93c74fb96fe04433ac9c910204539d84@MUCSE603.infineon.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 09:56:17 +0000
From: <Alexander.Steffen@...ineon.com>
To: <jarkko.sakkinen@...ux.intel.com>
CC: <tpmdd-devel@...ts.sourceforge.net>, <dhowells@...hat.com>,
<linux-security-module@...r.kernel.org>, <peterhuewe@....de>
Subject: RE: [tpmdd-devel] [PATCH v3 2/7] tpm: validate TPM 2.0 commands
> I think the most straight-forward way to sort this out would be to limit
> validation to the resource manager.
Sounds good to me.
> If I send a fix, would you care to test it?
Sure, will do.
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