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Message-ID: <33710E6CAA200E4583255F4FB666C4E21B65E08B@G01JPEXMBYT03>
Date:   Mon, 4 Jun 2018 09:46:17 +0000
From:   "Hatayama, Daisuke" <>
To:     "''" <>
CC:     "''" <>,
        "Okajima, Toshiyuki" <>,
        "" <>,
        "''" <>
Subject: RE: [RESEND PATCH v2] kernfs: fix dentry unexpected skip

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tejun Heo [] On Behalf Of ''
> Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2018 2:07 AM
> To: Hatayama, Daisuke <>
> Cc: '' <>; Okajima,
> Toshiyuki <>;
>; ''
> <>
> Subject: Re: [RESEND PATCH v2] kernfs: fix dentry unexpected skip
> Hello,
> On Fri, Jun 01, 2018 at 09:25:32AM +0000, Hatayama, Daisuke wrote:
> > kernfs_dir_pos() checks if a kernfs_node object given as one of its
> > arguments is still active and if so returns it, or returns a
> > kernfs_node object that is most equal (possibly smaller and larger) to
> > the given object.
> Sometimes they're duplicate operations tho, which is exactly the bug
> the posted patch is trying to fix.  What I'm suggesting is instead of
> leaving both instances and skipping one conditionally, put them in one
> place and trigger only when necessary.  The sequence of operations
> would be exactly the same.  The only difference is how the code is
> organized.

I see and I think Eric's patch is written as you suggest very well.

> > kernfs_dir_next_pos() returns a kernfs_node object that is next to the
> > object given by kernfs_dir_pos().
> >
> > Two functions does different things and both need to skip inactive
> > nodes. I don't think it natural to remove the skip only from
> > kernfs_dir_pos().
> >
> > OTOH, throughout getdents(), there is no case that the kernfs_node
> > object given to kernfs_dir_pos() is used afterwards in the
> > processing. So, is it enough to provide kernfs_dir_next_pos() only?
> > Then, the skip code is now not duplicated.
> >
> > The patch below is my thought. How do you think?
> >
> > But note that this patch has some bug so that system boot get hang
> > without detecting root filesystem disk :) I'm debugging this now.
> I haven't looked into the code that closely but given that we had
> cases where both skippings were fine and not, the condition is likely
> gonna be a bit tricker?

I agree to this version looks a bit tricker. But I think once the skipping
code is separated as Eric's patch, it would be resolved naturally.

> Thanks.
> --
> tejun

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