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Message-ID: <87a7rnenib.fsf@anholt.net>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 16:19:24 -0700
From: Eric Anholt <eric@...olt.net>
To: Kevin Quigley <kevin@...igley.co.uk>,
Andrzej Hajda <a.hajda@...sung.com>,
"dri-devel\@lists.freedesktop.org" <dri-devel@...ts.freedesktop.org>
Cc: Boris Brezillon <boris.brezillon@...tlin.com>,
"linux-kernel\@vger.kernel.org" <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>,
James Hughes <james.hughes@...pberrypi.org>,
Archit Taneja <architt@...eaurora.org>
Subject: RE: [PATCH] drm/vc4: Enable the DSI module and link before other enables.
Kevin Quigley <kevin@...igley.co.uk> writes:
> Hi,
> When we talk about control bus enable and video transfer enable for
> DSI, there is a mode in which control commands can be sent,
> interleaved with the video. This is often done at the end-of-frame
> and/or end of line. I've seen this handled in some other DSI device
> drivers. In these cases, the driver has to look at the frame timing
> in the video and carefully select the number of control bytes which
> can be sent during the blanking periods. The number of bytes which
> can be sent, is very much dependant on the panel-size and clock
> frequencies... (which determines the blanking time). I'm not sure how
> widely this is a feature in the DSI encoder HW, and/or implemented
> purely in the drivers.
That scheduling is done by the VC4 DSI encoder.
> To conclude: I think that DSI encoder devices need to be able to
> support sending control data (LPDA) - concurrently with video frames.
I believe that should work already.
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