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Message-ID: <20200108154008.GA2448418@kroah.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 16:40:08 +0100
From: Greg KH <gregkh@...uxfoundation.org>
To: Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@...ux.intel.com>
Cc: pmenzel@...gen.mpg.de, mika.westerberg@...ux.intel.com,
linux-usb@...r.kernel.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org
Subject: Re: [RFT PATCH] xhci: Fix memory leak when caching protocol extended
capability PSI tables
On Wed, Jan 08, 2020 at 05:17:30PM +0200, Mathias Nyman wrote:
> xhci driver assumed that xHC controllers have at most one custom
> supported speed table (PSI) for all usb 3.x ports.
> Memory was allocated for one PSI table under the xhci hub structure.
> Turns out this is not the case, some controllers have a separate
> "supported protocol capability" entry with a PSI table for each port.
> This means each usb3 port can in theory support different custom speeds.
Is there a "max" number of port capabilities that can happen? Or this
this truely dynamic?
> + for (i = 0; i < xhci->num_port_caps; i++) {
> + kfree(xhci->port_caps[i].psi);
> + xhci->port_caps[i].psi = NULL;
> + }
Nit, no need to set to NULL here :)
greg k-h
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