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Message-ID: <af987eda-9411-ef4f-b2ee-99cd24b04188@fivetechno.de>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 15:01:43 +0100
From: Markus Reichl <m.reichl@...etechno.de>
To: Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogerus@...ux.intel.com>,
Guenter Roeck <linux@...ck-us.net>
Cc: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@...uxfoundation.org>,
Heiko Stuebner <heiko@...ech.de>,
Linux USB Mailing List <linux-usb@...r.kernel.org>,
Linux Kernel <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>,
Subject: Re: [Bug ?] usb :typec :tcpm :fusb302
Hi Heikki,
Am 20.01.20 um 12:58 schrieb Heikki Krogerus:
> Hi Markus,
> On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 05:29:07PM +0100, Markus Reichl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working with a ROC-RK3399-PC arm64 board from firefly, circuit sheet [1].
>> The board is powered from an USB-C type connector via an FUSB302 PD controller.
>> With measured 15W+ power consumption it should use higher voltage PD modes than
>> the standard 5V USB-C mode.
>> When I add the related connector node in DTS [2] the FUSB302 initializes
>> the right PD mode (e.g. 15V/3A).
>> But during initialisation the PD is switched off shortly and the board has a blackout.
>> When I inject a backup supply voltage behind the FUSB302 (e.g. at SYS_12V line) during boot
>> I can remove the backup after succesfull setting up the PD and the board will run fine.
>> Is it possible to change the behaviour of the fusb302 driver to not power down the PD supply
>> during init?
> I guess it's also possible that the problem is with tcpm.c instead of
> fusb302.c. tcpm.c provides the USB PD state matchines. Guenter! Can
> you take a look at this?
> Both tcpm.c and fusb302.c create debugfs entries that have a more
> detailed log about things that are happening. Can you check what you
> have in those (when you boot with the mains cable plugged it)?
With a "dumb" 5V/5A-USB-C supply all is well, no logs included here, but I can supply them.
With a 30W PD-supply plugged in plus a backup supply after USB-C to avoid shutdown
and be able to get the following logs.
(With a 45W PD-supply the "mismatch" is avoided, but the shutdown occurs, too.)
> % mount debugfs -t debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
> % cat /sys/kernel/debug/tcpm*
> % cat /sys/kernel/debug/fusb302/*
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/tcpm-7*
[ 1.476213] Setting voltage/current limit 0 mV 0 mA
[ 1.476217] polarity 0
[ 1.476220] Requesting mux state 0, usb-role 0, orientation 0
[ 1.477044] state change INVALID_STATE -> SNK_UNATTACHED
[ 1.477135] CC1: 0 -> 0, CC2: 0 -> 0 [state SNK_UNATTACHED, polarity 0, disconnected]
[ 1.477153] 7-0022: registered
[ 1.484613] Setting voltage/current limit 0 mV 0 mA
[ 1.484620] polarity 0
[ 1.484625] Requesting mux state 0, usb-role 0, orientation 0
[ 1.485475] cc:=0
[ 1.490308] pending state change PORT_RESET -> PORT_RESET_WAIT_OFF @ 100 ms
[ 1.515626] VBUS off
[ 1.591858] state change PORT_RESET -> PORT_RESET_WAIT_OFF [delayed 100 ms]
[ 1.591877] state change PORT_RESET_WAIT_OFF -> SNK_UNATTACHED
[ 1.591898] Start toggling
[ 1.617555] CC1: 0 -> 0, CC2: 0 -> 5 [state TOGGLING, polarity 0, connected]
[ 1.617565] state change TOGGLING -> SNK_ATTACH_WAIT
[ 1.617588] pending state change SNK_ATTACH_WAIT -> SNK_DEBOUNCED @ 200 ms
[ 1.787923] VBUS on
[ 1.819940] state change SNK_ATTACH_WAIT -> SNK_DEBOUNCED [delayed 200 ms]
[ 1.819963] state change SNK_DEBOUNCED -> SNK_ATTACHED
[ 1.819972] polarity 1
[ 1.819979] Requesting mux state 1, usb-role 2, orientation 2
[ 1.821297] state change SNK_ATTACHED -> SNK_STARTUP
[ 1.821329] state change SNK_STARTUP -> SNK_DISCOVERY
[ 1.821339] Setting voltage/current limit 5000 mV 3000 mA
[ 1.821348] vbus=0 charge:=1
[ 1.821363] state change SNK_DISCOVERY -> SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES
[ 1.828113] pending state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 240 ms
[ 1.886496] PD RX, header: 0x5161 [1]
[ 1.886512] PDO 0: type 0, 5000 mV, 3000 mA [E]
[ 1.886521] PDO 1: type 0, 9000 mV, 3000 mA []
[ 1.886530] PDO 2: type 0, 12000 mV, 2500 mA []
[ 1.886539] PDO 3: type 0, 15000 mV, 2000 mA []
[ 1.886547] PDO 4: type 0, 20000 mV, 1500 mA []
[ 1.886581] cc=0 cc1=0 cc2=5 vbus=0 vconn=sink polarity=1
[ 1.886590] Requesting PDO 3: 15000 mV, 2000 mA [mismatch]
[ 1.886597] PD TX, header: 0x1042
[ 1.894100] PD TX complete, status: 0
[ 1.894182] pending state change SNK_NEGOTIATE_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 60 ms
[ 1.896256] PD RX, header: 0x364 [1]
[ 1.906436] pending state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 240 ms
[ 2.147890] state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND [delayed 240 ms]
[ 2.147900] PD TX, type: 0x5
[ 2.151425] PD TX complete, status: 0
[ 2.151438] state change HARD_RESET_SEND -> HARD_RESET_START
[ 2.156148] state change HARD_RESET_START -> SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_OFF
[ 2.156154] vconn:=0
[ 2.156163] vbus=0 charge:=0
[ 2.156171] Requesting mux state 1, usb-role 2, orientation 2
[ 2.156956] pending state change SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_OFF -> SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_ON @ 650 ms
[ 2.189388] VBUS off
[ 2.189435] pending state change SNK_HARD_RESET_WAIT_VBUS -> SNK_UNATTACHED @ 1275 ms
[ 2.999176] VBUS on
[ 2.999201] Setting voltage/current limit 5000 mV 3000 mA
[ 2.999205] vbus=0 charge:=1
[ 3.000125] state change SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_ON -> SNK_STARTUP
[ 3.000129] state change SNK_STARTUP -> SNK_DISCOVERY
[ 3.000132] Setting voltage/current limit 5000 mV 3000 mA
[ 3.000135] state change SNK_DISCOVERY -> SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES
[ 3.005828] pending state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 240 ms
[ 3.099305] PD RX, header: 0x5161 [1]
[ 3.099327] PDO 0: type 0, 5000 mV, 3000 mA [E]
[ 3.099341] PDO 1: type 0, 9000 mV, 3000 mA []
[ 3.099354] PDO 2: type 0, 12000 mV, 2500 mA []
[ 3.099369] PDO 3: type 0, 15000 mV, 2000 mA []
[ 3.099383] PDO 4: type 0, 20000 mV, 1500 mA []
[ 3.099433] cc=0 cc1=0 cc2=5 vbus=0 vconn=sink polarity=1
[ 3.099461] Requesting PDO 3: 15000 mV, 2000 mA [mismatch]
[ 3.099471] PD TX, header: 0x1042
[ 3.106078] PD TX complete, status: 0
[ 3.106191] pending state change SNK_NEGOTIATE_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 60 ms
[ 3.110914] PD RX, header: 0x363 [1]
[ 3.110954] pending state change SNK_TRANSITION_SINK -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 500 ms
[ 3.264307] PD RX, header: 0x566 [1]
[ 3.264315] Setting voltage/current limit 15000 mV 2000 mA
[ 3.264319] state change SNK_TRANSITION_SINK -> SNK_READY
[ 3.769063] PD RX, header: 0x176f [1]
[ 3.769072] Rx VDM cmd 0xff008001 type 0 cmd 1 len 1
[ 3.769096] PD TX, header: 0x124f
[ 3.778524] PD TX complete, status: 0
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fusb302-7*
[ 1.467517] sw reset
[ 1.471400] fusb302 device ID: 0x81
[ 1.476199] pd := off
[ 1.476204] vbus is already Off
[ 1.476207] charge is already Off
[ 1.476210] vconn is already Off
[ 1.477020] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 1.477131] cc1=Open, cc2=Open
[ 1.484586] pd := off
[ 1.484598] vbus is already Off
[ 1.484603] charge is already Off
[ 1.484608] vconn is already Off
[ 1.485434] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 1.485481] cc := Open
[ 1.515593] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x00
[ 1.515603] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=Off
[ 1.600176] start drp toggling
[ 1.609645] IRQ: 0x00, a: 0x40, b: 0x00, status0: 0x03
[ 1.609684] IRQ: TOGDONE
[ 1.617421] detected cc1=Open, cc2=Rp-3.0
[ 1.617537] cc1=Open, cc2=Rp-3.0
[ 1.787820] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x83
[ 1.787835] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=On
[ 1.821219] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 1.821356] vbus is already Off
[ 1.828079] pd := on
[ 1.880511] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 1.880518] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.882465] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 1.882475] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.882483] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 1.886390] PD message header: 5161
[ 1.886397] PD message len: 20
[ 1.888273] sending PD message header: 1042
[ 1.888281] sending PD message len: 4
[ 1.890126] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0xc0
[ 1.890136] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.892061] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x04, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 1.892071] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.892077] IRQ: PD tx success
[ 1.894088] PD message header: 161
[ 1.894095] PD message len: 0
[ 1.894112] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 1.896133] PD message header: 364
[ 1.896151] PD message len: 0
[ 1.898410] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 1.898421] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.906419] pd := on
[ 1.932440] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
[ 2.150646] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x08, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 2.150655] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 2.150660] IRQ: PD hardreset sent
[ 2.156139] pd := off
[ 2.156158] vconn is already Off
[ 2.156167] vbus is already Off
[ 2.156951] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 2.184681] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x83
[ 2.189232] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x03
[ 2.189254] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=Off
[ 2.999090] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x83
[ 2.999101] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=On
[ 2.999209] vbus is already Off
[ 3.000119] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 3.005815] pd := on
[ 3.091471] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.091494] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.094285] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.094308] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.094320] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.099159] PD message header: 5161
[ 3.099176] PD message len: 20
[ 3.101380] sending PD message header: 1042
[ 3.101398] sending PD message len: 4
[ 3.103705] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x04, b: 0x00, status0: 0xd2
[ 3.103723] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.103734] IRQ: PD tx success
[ 3.106057] PD message header: 161
[ 3.106070] PD message len: 0
[ 3.108454] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.108473] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.108482] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.110798] PD message header: 363
[ 3.110812] PD message len: 0
[ 3.144489] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
[ 3.262142] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.262151] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.262157] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.264203] PD message header: 566
[ 3.264215] PD message len: 0
[ 3.266563] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.266570] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.300251] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
[ 3.765635] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.765645] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.765651] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.768956] PD message header: 176f
[ 3.768963] PD message len: 4
[ 3.770945] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.770953] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.772875] sending PD message header: 124f
[ 3.772884] sending PD message len: 4
[ 3.774781] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.774795] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.776707] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x04, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.776722] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.776733] IRQ: PD tx success
[ 3.778512] PD message header: 361
[ 3.778519] PD message len: 0
[ 3.812321] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
> Which kernel are you running by the way?
plain 5.5.0-rc6-next-20200120 + patch [2]
>> In vendor kernel (4.4) this is done somehow but the sources are too different for me to find
>> out how.
>> Gruß,
>> --
>> Markus Reichl
>> [1]
>> http://download.t-firefly.com/product/RK3399/Docs/Hardware/%E5%8E%9F%E7%90%86%E5%9B%BE%E5%92%8C%E8%B4%B4%E7%89%87%E5%9B%BE/ROC-RK3399-PC/ROC-3399-PC-V10-A-20180804_%E5%8E%9F%E7%90%86%E5%9B%BE.pdf
>> [2]
>> https://lkml.org/lkml/2019/12/10/517
Markus Reichl
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