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Message-ID: <>
Date:   Wed, 13 May 2020 12:00:21 -0300
From:   Jason Gunthorpe <>
To:     Divya Indi <>
        Kaike Wan <>,
        Gerd Rausch <>,
        HÃ¥kon Bugge <>,
        Srinivas Eeda <>,
        Rama Nichanamatlu <>,
        Doug Ledford <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] IB/sa: Resolving use-after-free in ib_nl_send_msg.

On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 02:26:30PM -0700, Divya Indi wrote:
> >> @@ -1123,6 +1156,18 @@ int ib_nl_handle_resolve_resp(struct sk_buff *skb,
> >>  
> >>  	send_buf = query->mad_buf;
> >>  
> >> +	/*
> >> +	 * Make sure the IB_SA_NL_QUERY_SENT flag is set before
> >> +	 * processing this query. If flag is not set, query can be accessed in
> >> +	 * another context while setting the flag and processing the query will
> >> +	 * eventually release it causing a possible use-after-free.
> >> +	 */
> > This comment doesn't really make sense, flags insige the memory being
> > freed inherently can't prevent use after free.
> I can definitely re-phrase here to make things clearer. But, the idea here is
> in the unlikely/rare case where a response for a query comes in before the flag has been
> set in ib_nl_make_request, we want to wait for the flag to be sent before proceeding. 
> The response handler will eventually release the query so this wait avoids that if the flag has not been set
> else 
> 	"query->flags |= IB_SA_NL_QUERY_SENT;" 
> will be accessing a query which was freed due to the above mentioned race.
> It is unlikely since getting a response => We have actually sent out the query to ibacm.
> How about this -
> "Getting a response is indicative of having sent out the query, but in an unlikely race when 
> the response comes in before setting IB_SA_NL_QUERY_SENT, we need to wait till the flag is set to
> avoid accessing a query that has been released."

It still makes no sense, a flag that is set before freeing the memory
is fundamentally useless to prevent races.


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