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Message-ID: <>
Date:   Wed, 15 Jul 2020 22:45:32 +0300
From:   Andra Paraschiv <>
To:     <>
CC:     Anthony Liguori <>,
        Benjamin Herrenschmidt <>,
        Colm MacCarthaigh <>,
        "David Duncan" <>,
        Bjoern Doebel <>,
        "David Woodhouse" <>,
        Frank van der Linden <>,
        Alexander Graf <>,
        Greg KH <>,
        "Karen Noel" <>,
        Martin Pohlack <>,
        Matt Wilson <>,
        Paolo Bonzini <>,
        Balbir Singh <>,
        Stefano Garzarella <>,
        "Stefan Hajnoczi" <>,
        Stewart Smith <>,
        "Uwe Dannowski" <>,
        Vitaly Kuznetsov <>, <>,
        Andra Paraschiv <>
Subject: [PATCH v5 10/18] nitro_enclaves: Add logic for getting the enclave image load info

Before setting the memory regions for the enclave, the enclave image
needs to be placed in memory. After the memory regions are set, this
memory cannot be used anymore by the VM, being carved out.

Add ioctl command logic to get the offset in enclave memory where to
place the enclave image. Then the user space tooling copies the enclave
image in the memory using the given memory offset.

Signed-off-by: Andra Paraschiv <>

v4 -> v5

* Check for the enclave not being started when invoking this ioctl call.
* Remove log on copy_from_user() / copy_to_user() failure.

v3 -> v4

* Use dev_err instead of custom NE log pattern.
* Set enclave image load offset based on flags.
* Update the naming for the ioctl command from metadata to info.

v2 -> v3

* No changes.

v1 -> v2

* New in v2.
 drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.c | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.c b/drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.c
index 08a842a1fad7..7578622ae3bf 100644
--- a/drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.c
+++ b/drivers/virt/nitro_enclaves/ne_misc_dev.c
@@ -608,6 +608,34 @@ static long ne_enclave_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long
 		return 0;
+		struct ne_image_load_info image_load_info = {};
+		if (copy_from_user(&image_load_info, (void __user *)arg, sizeof(image_load_info)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		mutex_lock(&ne_enclave->enclave_info_mutex);
+		if (ne_enclave->state != NE_STATE_INIT) {
+			dev_err_ratelimited(ne_misc_dev.this_device,
+					    "Enclave is not in init state\n");
+			mutex_unlock(&ne_enclave->enclave_info_mutex);
+		}
+		mutex_unlock(&ne_enclave->enclave_info_mutex);
+		if (image_load_info.flags == NE_EIF_IMAGE)
+			image_load_info.memory_offset = NE_EIF_LOAD_OFFSET;
+		if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &image_load_info, sizeof(image_load_info)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		return 0;
+	}
 		return -ENOTTY;
2.20.1 (Apple Git-117)

Amazon Development Center (Romania) S.R.L. registered office: 27A Sf. Lazar Street, UBC5, floor 2, Iasi, Iasi County, 700045, Romania. Registered in Romania. Registration number J22/2621/2005.

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