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Message-ID: <20210615153424.GJ5149@sirena.org.uk>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 16:34:24 +0100
From: Mark Brown <broonie@...nel.org>
To: cy_huang(黃啟原) <cy_huang@...htek.com>
Cc: "axel.lin@...ics.com" <axel.lin@...ics.com>,
"lgirdwood@...il.com" <lgirdwood@...il.com>,
"linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org" <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] regulator: rt6160: Remove vsel_active_low from struct
On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 03:24:27PM +0000, cy_huang(黃啟原) wrote:
> No, you may misunderstand it.
> If vsel active is high, the normal voltage output register is vselh register,
> and the suspend voltage is vsell register. Else, reverse.
> Axel's change will cause the normal/suspend voltage be configured for the same
> register. It's not for our reference usage.
OK, can you please send a patch fixing this and explaining what the
problem was?
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