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Message-Id: <20220120233427.262098-1-michael@michaelkloos.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 18:34:27 -0500
From: "Michael T. Kloos" <michael@...haelkloos.com>
To: paul.walmsley@...ive.com
Cc: palmer@...belt.com, aou@...s.berkeley.edu,
linux-riscv@...ts.infradead.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
"Michael T. Kloos" <michael@...haelkloos.com>
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed: Misaligned memory access. Fixed pointer comparison.
Rewrote the riscv memmove() assembly implementation. The
previous implementation did not check memory alignment and it
compared 2 pointers with a signed comparison. The misaligned
memory access would cause the kernel to crash on systems that
did not emulate it firmware and did support it in hardware.
Firmware emulation is slow may not exist. Additionally, hardware
support may not exist and would likely still run slower than
aligned accesses even if it did. The RISC-V spec does not
guarantee that support for misaligned memory accesses will exist.
It should not be depended on.
This patch now checks for the maximum granularity of co-alignment
between the pointers and copies them with that, using single-byte
copy for any unaligned data at their terminations. It also now uses
unsigned comparison for the pointers.
Added half-word and, if built for 64-bit, double-word copy.
Migrated to the newer assembler annotations from the now deprecated
Signed-off-by: Michael T. Kloos <michael@...haelkloos.com>
arch/riscv/lib/memmove.S | 264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 210 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/arch/riscv/lib/memmove.S b/arch/riscv/lib/memmove.S
index 07d1d2152ba5..df7cd7a559ae 100644
--- a/arch/riscv/lib/memmove.S
+++ b/arch/riscv/lib/memmove.S
@@ -1,64 +1,220 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Michael T. Kloos <michael@...haelkloos.com>
+ */
#include <linux/linkage.h>
#include <asm/asm.h>
- move t0, a0
- move t1, a1
+ /*
+ * Returns
+ * a0 - dest
+ *
+ * Parameters
+ * a0 - Inclusive first byte of dest
+ * a1 - Inclusive first byte of src
+ * a2 - Length of copy
+ *
+ * Because the return matches the parameter register a0,
+ * we will not clobber or modify that register.
+ */
- beq a0, a1, exit_memcpy
- beqz a2, exit_memcpy
- srli t2, a2, 0x2
+ /* Return if nothing to do */
+ beq a0, a1, exit_memmove
+ beqz a2, exit_memmove
- slt t3, a0, a1
- beqz t3, do_reverse
+ /*
+ * Register Uses
+ * a3 - Inclusive first multibyte of src
+ * a4 - Non-inclusive last multibyte of src
+ * a5 - Non-inclusive last byte of src
+ *
+ * During the copy
+ * Forward Copy: a1 - Index counter of src
+ * Reverse Copy: a5 - Index counter of src
+ * Both Copy Modes: t2 - Index counter of dest
+ * Both Copy Modes: t1 - Temporary for load-store
+ * Both Copy Modes: t0 - Link
+ */
- andi a2, a2, 0x3
- li t4, 1
- beqz t2, byte_copy
+ /*
+ * Solve for last byte now. We will solve the rest when
+ * they are needed for the copy because either byte copy
+ * does not require any of the others (Wasted effort if
+ * byte copy gets used) or we do not yet have enough
+ * information to solve them.
+ */
+ add a5, a1, a2
- lw t3, 0(a1)
- addi t2, t2, -1
- addi a1, a1, 4
- sw t3, 0(a0)
- addi a0, a0, 4
- bnez t2, word_copy
- beqz a2, exit_memcpy
- j byte_copy
- add a0, a0, a2
- add a1, a1, a2
- andi a2, a2, 0x3
- li t4, -1
- beqz t2, reverse_byte_copy
- addi a1, a1, -4
- addi t2, t2, -1
- lw t3, 0(a1)
- addi a0, a0, -4
- sw t3, 0(a0)
- bnez t2, reverse_word_copy
- beqz a2, exit_memcpy
- addi a0, a0, -1
- addi a1, a1, -1
+ /*
+ * Byte copy if copying less than SZREG bytes.
+ * This can cause problems with the bulk copy
+ * implementation below and is small enough not
+ * to bother.
+ */
+ andi t0, a2, -SZREG
+ beqz t0, byte_copy
+ /* Determine the maximum granularity of co-alignment. */
+ xor t0, a0, a1
+#if SZREG >= 8
+ andi t1, t0, 0x7
+ beqz t1, doubleword_copy
+ andi t1, t0, 0x3
+ beqz t1, word_copy
+ andi t1, t0, 0x1
+ beqz t1, halfword_copy
+ /* Fall through to byte copy if nothing larger is found. */
- lb t3, 0(a1)
- addi a2, a2, -1
- sb t3, 0(a0)
- add a1, a1, t4
- add a0, a0, t4
- bnez a2, byte_copy
- move a0, t0
- move a1, t1
- ret
+ bltu a1, a0, byte_copy_reverse
+ add t2, a0, zero
+ beq a1, a5, exit_memmove
+ lb t1, (a1)
+ sb t1, (t2)
+ addi a1, a1, 1
+ addi t2, t2, 1
+ j byte_copy_fw_callin
+ add t2, a0, a2
+ beq a1, a5, exit_memmove
+ addi a5, a5, -1
+ addi t2, t2, -1
+ lb t1, (a5)
+ sb t1, (t2)
+ j byte_copy_rv_callin
+ ret
+ beq a1, a3, 1f /* Reuse the return from the other copy loop */
+ lb t1, (a1)
+ sb t1, (t2)
+ addi a1, a1, 1
+ addi t2, t2, 1
+ j copy_bytes_until_aligned_fw
+ beq a4, a5, 1f
+ addi a5, a5, -1
+ addi t2, t2, -1
+ lb t1, (a5)
+ sb t1, (t2)
+ j copy_bytes_until_aligned_rv
+ 1: jalr zero, (t0) /* Return */
+#if SZREG >= 8
+ andi a3, a1, -8
+ andi a4, a5, -8
+ beq a3, a1, 1f
+ addi a3, a3, 8
+ 1:
+ bltu a1, a0, doubleword_copy_reverse
+ add t2, a0, zero
+ jal t0, copy_bytes_until_aligned_fw
+ 1:
+ beq a1, a4, byte_copy_fw_callin
+ ld t1, (a1)
+ sd t1, (t2)
+ addi a1, a1, 8
+ addi t2, t2, 8
+ j 1b
+ add t2, a0, a2
+ jal t0, copy_bytes_until_aligned_rv
+ 1:
+ beq a3, a5, byte_copy_rv_callin
+ addi a5, a5, -8
+ addi t2, t2, -8
+ ld t1, (a5)
+ sd t1, (t2)
+ j 1b
+ andi a3, a1, -4
+ andi a4, a5, -4
+ beq a3, a1, 1f
+ addi a3, a3, 4
+ 1:
+ bltu a1, a0, word_copy_reverse
+ add t2, a0, zero
+ jal t0, copy_bytes_until_aligned_fw
+ 1:
+ beq a1, a4, byte_copy_fw_callin
+ lw t1, (a1)
+ sw t1, (t2)
+ addi a1, a1, 4
+ addi t2, t2, 4
+ j 1b
+ add t2, a0, a2
+ jal t0, copy_bytes_until_aligned_rv
+ 1:
+ beq a3, a5, byte_copy_rv_callin
+ addi a5, a5, -4
+ addi t2, t2, -4
+ lw t1, (a5)
+ sw t1, (t2)
+ j 1b
+ andi a3, a1, -2
+ andi a4, a5, -2
+ beq a3, a1, 1f
+ addi a3, a3, 2
+ 1:
+ bltu a1, a0, halfword_reverse
+ add t2, a0, zero
+ jal t0, copy_bytes_until_aligned_fw
+ 1:
+ beq a1, a4, byte_copy_fw_callin
+ lh t1, (a1)
+ sh t1, (t2)
+ addi a1, a1, 2
+ addi t2, t2, 2
+ j 1b
+ add t2, a0, a2
+ jal t0, copy_bytes_until_aligned_rv
+ 1:
+ beq a3, a5, byte_copy_rv_callin
+ addi a5, a5, -2
+ addi t2, t2, -2
+ lh t1, (a5)
+ sh t1, (t2)
+ j 1b
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