2022-04-04 07:47:32 export USER=root
2022-04-04 07:47:32 ./build.sh
Building TNC testing tools
Building wlantest
Building hs20-osu-client
Building hostapd
Building wpa_supplicant
2022-04-04 07:48:19 ./start.sh
2022-04-04 07:48:20 ./run-tests.py ap_country
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_country 1/1
Test: WPA2-PSK AP setting country code and using 5 GHz band
Starting AP wlan3
Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 533, in main
    t(dev, apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ap_params.py", line 128, in test_ap_country
    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 629, in add_ap
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 248, in enable
    raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname)
Exception: Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
FAIL ap_country 1.378953 2022-04-04 07:48:22.697101
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: ap_country
2022-04-04 07:48:22 ./run-tests.py ap_ft_over_ds_pull_vlan
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_ft_over_ds_pull_vlan 1/1
Test: WPA2-PSK-FT AP over DS (pull PMK) with VLAN
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Starting AP wlan4 (old add_ap argument type)
Connect to first AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Roam to the second AP
Roam back to the first AP
PASS ap_ft_over_ds_pull_vlan 2.927272 2022-04-04 07:48:25.810699
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:25 ./run-tests.py ap_hs20_excluded_ssid
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_hs20_excluded_ssid 1/1
Test: Hotspot 2.0 exclusion based on SSID
Starting AP wlan3
Starting AP wlan4
Verify network selection to AP wlan4
Verify network selection to AP wlan3
Verify network selection to AP wlan4
Verify network selection to AP wlan4
PASS ap_hs20_excluded_ssid 2.995367 2022-04-04 07:48:28.975706
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:29 ./run-tests.py ap_hs20_remediation_required
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_hs20_remediation_required 1/1
Test: Hotspot 2.0 connection and remediation required from RADIUS
Starting AP wlan3
PASS ap_hs20_remediation_required 1.18573 2022-04-04 07:48:30.341586
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:30 ./run-tests.py ap_ht40_scan_ht20_conflict
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_ht40_scan_ht20_conflict 1/1
Test: HT40 co-ex scan conflict with HT 20 MHz AP
Starting AP wlan4
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ap_ht40_scan_ht20_conflict 3.12074 2022-04-04 07:48:33.636818
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:33 ./run-tests.py ap_ht40_scan_legacy_conflict
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_ht40_scan_legacy_conflict 1/1
Test: HT40 co-ex scan conflict with legacy 20 MHz AP
Starting AP wlan4
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ap_ht40_scan_legacy_conflict 3.081798 2022-04-04 07:48:36.885434
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:36 ./run-tests.py ap_ht_op_class_127
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_ht_op_class_127 1/1
Test: HT40 on operationg class 127
Starting AP wlan3
Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 533, in main
    t(dev, apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ap_ht.py", line 1505, in test_ap_ht_op_class_127
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ap_ht.py", line 1384, in run_op_class
    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 629, in add_ap
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 248, in enable
    raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname)
Exception: Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
FAIL ap_ht_op_class_127 0.755175 2022-04-04 07:48:37.802673
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: ap_ht_op_class_127
2022-04-04 07:48:37 ./run-tests.py ap_open_pmf_default
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_open_pmf_default 1/1
Test: AP with open mode (no security) configuration and pmf=2
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
Connect STA wlan2 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ap_open_pmf_default 1.551879 2022-04-04 07:48:39.520569
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:39 ./run-tests.py ap_pmf_beacon_protection_bip_gmac_256
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_pmf_beacon_protection_bip_gmac_256 1/1
Test: WPA2-PSK Beacon protection (BIP-GMAC-256)
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
STA key: {'ifindex': 'wlan0', 'key': '9689f08dffca8d017daf324a8f3cdc3b814ef6b44e3b1ca0403fbe8b79cc5389', 'icverrors': '0', 'replays': '0', 'rx_spec': '00000000000d', 'tx_spec': '000000000000', 'algorithm': '00-0f-ac:12', 'hw_key_idx': '0', 'keyidx': '6', 'flags': '0x0', 'keylen': '32'}
AP key: {'ifindex': 'wlan3', 'key': '9689f08dffca8d017daf324a8f3cdc3b814ef6b44e3b1ca0403fbe8b79cc5389', 'icverrors': '0', 'replays': '0', 'rx_spec': '000000000000', 'tx_spec': '00000000000d', 'algorithm': '00-0f-ac:12', 'hw_key_idx': '0', 'keyidx': '6', 'flags': '0x0', 'keylen': '32'}
wlantest BIP counters: valid=0 invalid=0 missing=0
PASS ap_pmf_beacon_protection_bip_gmac_256 2.544664 2022-04-04 07:48:42.230200
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:42 ./run-tests.py ap_reassociation_to_same_bss
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_reassociation_to_same_bss 1/1
Test: Reassociate to the same BSS
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ap_reassociation_to_same_bss 11.25364 2022-04-04 07:48:53.641659
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:53 ./run-tests.py ap_vht80b
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_vht80b 1/1
Test: VHT with 80 MHz channel width (HT40- channel 40)
Starting AP wlan3
Country code at the end: 00
Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 533, in main
    t(dev, apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ap_vht.py", line 158, in test_ap_vht80b
    vht80_test(apdev[0], dev, 40, "[HT40-]")
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ap_vht.py", line 142, in vht80_test
    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 629, in add_ap
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 248, in enable
    raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname)
Exception: Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
FAIL ap_vht80b 1.235202 2022-04-04 07:48:55.039962
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: ap_vht80b
2022-04-04 07:48:55 ./run-tests.py ap_wpa2_already_in_bridge
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wpa2_already_in_bridge 1/1
Test: hostapd behavior with interface already in bridge
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ap_wpa2_already_in_bridge 1.210978 2022-04-04 07:48:56.420667
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:48:56 ./run-tests.py ap_wpa2_disable_eapol_retry
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wpa2_disable_eapol_retry 1/1
Test: WPA2-PSK disable EAPOL-Key retry
Starting AP wlan3
Verify working 4-way handshake without retries
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Verify no retransmission of message 3/4
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ap_wpa2_disable_eapol_retry 5.306986 2022-04-04 07:49:01.891282
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:01 ./run-tests.py ap_wpa2_disable_eapol_retry_group
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wpa2_disable_eapol_retry_group 1/1
Test: WPA2-PSK disable EAPOL-Key retry for group handshake
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ap_wpa2_disable_eapol_retry_group 6.537647 2022-04-04 07:49:08.596744
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:08 ./run-tests.py ap_wpa2_eap_pwd_nthash
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wpa2_eap_pwd_nthash 1/1
Test: WPA2-Enterprise connection using EAP-pwd and NTHash
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
Connect STA wlan2 to AP
PASS ap_wpa2_eap_pwd_nthash 3.861764 2022-04-04 07:49:12.625681
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:12 ./run-tests.py ap_wpa2_eap_tls_domain_suffix_match_cn
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wpa2_eap_tls_domain_suffix_match_cn 1/1
Test: WPA2-Enterprise using EAP-TLS and domain suffix match (CN)
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
PASS ap_wpa2_eap_tls_domain_suffix_match_cn 0.983434 2022-04-04 07:49:13.776178
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:13 ./run-tests.py ap_wpa2_eap_tls_ec_and_rsa
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wpa2_eap_tls_ec_and_rsa 1/1
Test: EAP-TLS and both EC and RSA sertificates certificates
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
PASS ap_wpa2_eap_tls_ec_and_rsa 1.418459 2022-04-04 07:49:15.359542
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:15 ./run-tests.py ap_wpa2_psk_ext_eapol_type_diff
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wpa2_psk_ext_eapol_type_diff 1/1
Test: WPA2 4-way handshake using external EAPOL supplicant
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Replay same data back
Send EAPOL-Key msg 4/4
PASS ap_wpa2_psk_ext_eapol_type_diff 0.956415 2022-04-04 07:49:16.481640
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:16 ./run-tests.py ap_wps_conf_and_sae_h2e
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wps_conf_and_sae_h2e 1/1
Test: WPS PIN provisioning with configured AP using PSK+SAE(H2E)
Starting AP wlan3
PASS ap_wps_conf_and_sae_h2e 1.536169 2022-04-04 07:49:18.183318
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:18 ./run-tests.py ap_wps_er_http_proto_subscribe_oom
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wps_er_http_proto_subscribe_oom 1/1
Test: WPS ER HTTP protocol testing - subscribe OOM
HTTP server received: GET /foo.xml HTTP/1.1
HTTP header: Cache-Control: no-cache
HTTP header: Pragma: no-cache
HTTP header: Accept: text/xml, application/xml
HTTP header: User-Agent: wpa_supplicant
HTTP header: Host:
HTTP server received: POST /wps_control HTTP/1.1
HTTP header: Host:
HTTP header: Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
HTTP header: Content-Length: 280
HTTP header: SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:service:WFAWLANConfig:1#GetDeviceInfo"
HTTP server received: 
Ignore HTTP request: 
HTTP server received: 
Ignore HTTP request: 
PASS ap_wps_er_http_proto_subscribe_oom 6.230591 2022-04-04 07:49:24.579736
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:24 ./run-tests.py ap_wps_er_learn_oom
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wps_er_learn_oom 1/1
Test: WPS ER learn OOM
Starting AP wlan3
PASS ap_wps_er_learn_oom 7.552299 2022-04-04 07:49:32.297303
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:32 ./run-tests.py ap_wps_init_2ap_pbc
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wps_init_2ap_pbc 1/1
Test: Initial two-radio AP configuration with first WPS PBC Enrollee
Starting AP wlan3
Starting AP wlan4
WPS provisioning step
PASS ap_wps_init_2ap_pbc 6.980532 2022-04-04 07:49:39.442380
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:39 ./run-tests.py ap_wps_mixed_cred
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wps_mixed_cred 1/1
Test: WPS 2.0 STA merging mixed mode WPA/WPA2 credentials
Starting AP wlan3
PASS ap_wps_mixed_cred 1.066079 2022-04-04 07:49:40.674659
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:40 ./run-tests.py ap_wps_pbc_overlap_2ap
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ap_wps_pbc_overlap_2ap 1/1
Test: WPS PBC session overlap with two active APs
Starting AP wlan3
Starting AP wlan4
WPS provisioning step
PASS ap_wps_pbc_overlap_2ap 5.514768 2022-04-04 07:49:46.355698
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:49:46 ./run-tests.py autogo_many
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START autogo_many 1/1
Test: P2P autonomous GO with large number of GO instances
Was able to add 63 groups
PASS autogo_many 29.549423 2022-04-04 07:50:16.068792
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:16 ./run-tests.py bgscan_simple_oom
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START bgscan_simple_oom 1/1
Test: bgscan_simple OOM
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS bgscan_simple_oom 0.952999 2022-04-04 07:50:17.186836
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:17 ./run-tests.py connect_cmd_wpa2_psk
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START connect_cmd_wpa2_psk 1/1
Test: WPA2-PSK connection using cfg80211 connect command
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan5 to AP
PASS connect_cmd_wpa2_psk 1.164163 2022-04-04 07:50:18.516754
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:18 ./run-tests.py dbus_ap_scan_2_ap_mode_scan
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dbus_ap_scan_2_ap_mode_scan 1/1
Test: AP_SCAN 2 AP mode and D-Bus Scan()
No dbus module available
Skip test case: No dbus module available
SKIP dbus_ap_scan_2_ap_mode_scan 0.083411 2022-04-04 07:50:18.764275
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:18 ./run-tests.py dbus_creds
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dbus_creds 1/1
Test: D-Bus interworking credentials
No dbus module available
Skip test case: No dbus module available
SKIP dbus_creds 0.080827 2022-04-04 07:50:19.007911
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:19 ./run-tests.py dbus_getall_oom
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dbus_getall_oom 1/1
Test: D-Bus GetAll wpa_config_get_all() OOM
No dbus module available
Skip test case: No dbus module available
SKIP dbus_getall_oom 0.082544 2022-04-04 07:50:19.255002
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:19 ./run-tests.py dbus_introspect_busctl
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dbus_introspect_busctl 1/1
Test: D-Bus introspection with busctl
No dbus module available
Skip test case: No dbus module available
SKIP dbus_introspect_busctl 0.085146 2022-04-04 07:50:19.507516
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:19 ./run-tests.py dbus_remove_connected
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dbus_remove_connected 1/1
Test: D-Bus RemoveAllNetworks while connected
No dbus module available
Skip test case: No dbus module available
SKIP dbus_remove_connected 0.084434 2022-04-04 07:50:19.756812
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:19 ./run-tests.py dbus_tdls_invalid
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dbus_tdls_invalid 1/1
Test: D-Bus invalid TDLS operations
No dbus module available
Skip test case: No dbus module available
SKIP dbus_tdls_invalid 0.082888 2022-04-04 07:50:20.004859
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:20 ./run-tests.py dbus_vendor_elem
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dbus_vendor_elem 1/1
Test: D-Bus vendor element operations
No dbus module available
Skip test case: No dbus module available
SKIP dbus_vendor_elem 0.081527 2022-04-04 07:50:20.251623
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:20 ./run-tests.py discovery_social_plus_one
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START discovery_social_plus_one 1/1
Test: P2P device discovery with social-plus-one
Start autonomous GO wlan0
Wait for initial progressive find phases
Verify whether the GO on non-social channel can be found
PASS discovery_social_plus_one 7.897476 2022-04-04 07:50:28.314020
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:28 ./run-tests.py dpp_config_dpp_gen_secp384r1
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_config_dpp_gen_secp384r1 1/1
Test: Generate DPP Config Object for DPP network (P-384)
dev0 displays QR Code
dev1 scans QR Code and initiates DPP Authentication
PASS dpp_config_dpp_gen_secp384r1 2.160892 2022-04-04 07:50:30.641859
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:30 ./run-tests.py dpp_config_jwk_error_no_kty
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_config_jwk_error_no_kty 1/1
Test: DPP Config Object JWK error - no kty
dev0 displays QR Code
dev1 scans QR Code and initiates DPP Authentication
PASS dpp_config_jwk_error_no_kty 2.180357 2022-04-04 07:50:32.978868
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:33 ./run-tests.py dpp_config_jws_error_prot_hdr_no_kid
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_config_jws_error_prot_hdr_no_kid 1/1
Test: DPP Config Object JWS error - protected header - no kid
dev0 displays QR Code
dev1 scans QR Code and initiates DPP Authentication
PASS dpp_config_jws_error_prot_hdr_no_kid 2.153511 2022-04-04 07:50:35.296466
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:35 ./run-tests.py dpp_config_legacy_psk_hex
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_config_legacy_psk_hex 1/1
Test: DPP Config Object for legacy network using PSK
dev0 displays QR Code
dev1 scans QR Code and initiates DPP Authentication
PASS dpp_config_legacy_psk_hex 2.155209 2022-04-04 07:50:37.615491
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:37 ./run-tests.py dpp_config_too_long_discovery_ssid
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_config_too_long_discovery_ssid 1/1
Test: DPP Config Object error - too long discovery::ssid
dev0 displays QR Code
dev1 scans QR Code and initiates DPP Authentication
PASS dpp_config_too_long_discovery_ssid 2.154739 2022-04-04 07:50:39.935811
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:39 ./run-tests.py dpp_enterprise_tcp
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_enterprise_tcp 1/1
Test: DPP over TCP for enterprise provisioning
Skip test case: OpenSSL python method not available
SKIP dpp_enterprise_tcp 0.082697 2022-04-04 07:50:40.183148
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:40 ./run-tests.py dpp_nfc_negotiated_handover_hostapd_req
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_nfc_negotiated_handover_hostapd_req 1/1
Test: DPP bootstrapping via NFC negotiated handover (hostapd as requestor)
Starting AP wlan3
Generated URI[0]: DPP:C:81/6,11;M:020000000300;V:2;K:MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgACF7gPQlvN5OKBGu08IvEoKDxJPpcigdGcJgFxEuOHHSk=;;
Generated URI[1]: DPP:C:81/1,6,11;M:020000000000;V:2;K:MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADQaQPItWIW/PxejOLnZW3r88/SBh0RNr3B52raeXp9Qo=;;
Updated local bootstrapping info:

Updated URI[1]: DPP:C:81/6;M:020000000000;V:2;K:MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADQaQPItWIW/PxejOLnZW3r88/SBh0RNr3B52raeXp9Qo=;;
PASS dpp_nfc_negotiated_handover_hostapd_req 0.750458 2022-04-04 07:50:41.100852
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:41 ./run-tests.py dpp_pkex_nak_curve_change
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_pkex_nak_curve_change 1/1
Test: DPP PKEX with netAccessKey curve change
Skip test case: DPP version 3 not supported
SKIP dpp_pkex_nak_curve_change 0.083163 2022-04-04 07:50:41.351408
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:41 ./run-tests.py dpp_proto_auth_conf_no_i_auth
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_proto_auth_conf_no_i_auth 1/1
Test: DPP protocol testing - no I-Auth in Auth Conf
PASS dpp_proto_auth_conf_no_i_auth 2.129632 2022-04-04 07:50:43.646303
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:43 ./run-tests.py dpp_proto_auth_resp_status_invalid_i_bootstrap_key
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_proto_auth_resp_status_invalid_i_bootstrap_key 1/1
Test: DPP protocol testing - invalid I-bootstrap key in Auth Resp(status)
PASS dpp_proto_auth_resp_status_invalid_i_bootstrap_key 2.239087 2022-04-04 07:50:46.052441
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:46 ./run-tests.py dpp_proto_auth_resp_status_invalid_r_bootstrap_key
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_proto_auth_resp_status_invalid_r_bootstrap_key 1/1
Test: DPP protocol testing - invalid R-bootstrap key in Auth Resp(status)
PASS dpp_proto_auth_resp_status_invalid_r_bootstrap_key 2.240647 2022-04-04 07:50:48.460344
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:48 ./run-tests.py dpp_proto_pkex_cr_req_no_i_auth_tag
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_proto_pkex_cr_req_no_i_auth_tag 1/1
Test: DPP protocol testing - no I-Auth Tag in PKEX Commit-Reveal Request
PASS dpp_proto_pkex_cr_req_no_i_auth_tag 2.139213 2022-04-04 07:50:50.764928
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:50 ./run-tests.py dpp_uri_version
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START dpp_uri_version 1/1
Test: DPP URI version information
Parsed URI info:

Parsed URI info:

PASS dpp_uri_version 0.083997 2022-04-04 07:50:51.012817
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:51 ./run-tests.py eap_proto_peap_errors_server
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START eap_proto_peap_errors_server 1/1
Test: EAP-PEAP local error cases on server
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS eap_proto_peap_errors_server 2.005796 2022-04-04 07:50:53.190306
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:53 ./run-tests.py eap_teap_basic_password_auth
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START eap_teap_basic_password_auth 1/1
Test: EAP-TEAP with Basic-Password-Auth
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS eap_teap_basic_password_auth 0.987272 2022-04-04 07:50:54.338262
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:54 ./run-tests.py eap_ttls_ext_cert_check
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START eap_ttls_ext_cert_check 1/1
Test: EAP-TTLS and external server certification validation
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Skip test case: OpenSSL python method not available
SKIP eap_ttls_ext_cert_check 0.091251 2022-04-04 07:50:54.594290
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:54 ./run-tests.py ext_password_psk
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ext_password_psk 1/1
Test: External password storage for PSK
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS ext_password_psk 0.972641 2022-04-04 07:50:55.731202
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:55 ./run-tests.py fils_discovery_frame
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fils_discovery_frame 1/1
Test: FILS Discovery frame generation
Starting AP as-erp
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Skip test case: FILS Discovery frame transmission not supported
SKIP fils_discovery_frame 0.275427 2022-04-04 07:50:56.170734
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:56 ./run-tests.py fils_offload_to_driver2
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fils_offload_to_driver2 1/1
Test: FILS offload to driver
Starting AP as-erp
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Connect STA wlan5 to AP
PASS fils_offload_to_driver2 1.504521 2022-04-04 07:50:57.840047
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:57 ./run-tests.py fils_sk_erp_radius_ext
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fils_sk_erp_radius_ext 1/1
Test: FILS SK using ERP and external RADIUS server
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS fils_sk_erp_radius_ext 1.366406 2022-04-04 07:50:59.372624
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:50:59 ./run-tests.py fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up 1/1
Test: FST AP ack response with session not set up
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 531, in main
    t(dev, apdev, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_fst_module.py", line 1346, in test_fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up
    bad_scenario_ack_resp_session_not_set_up, True)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_fst_module.py", line 647, in fst_bad_transfer
    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/fst_module_aux.py", line 78, in start_two_ap_sta_pairs
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/fst_module_aux.py", line 613, in start
    self.hapd = hostapd.add_ap(self.iface, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 629, in add_ap
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 248, in enable
    raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname)
Exception: Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
FAIL fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up 0.279825 2022-04-04 07:50:59.818039
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: fst_ap_ack_response_with_session_not_set_up
2022-04-04 07:50:59 ./run-tests.py fst_ap_config_default
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fst_ap_config_default 1/1
Test: FST AP configuration default parameters
kill_pid: pidfile logs/current/myhostapd.pid does not exist - try again after a second
kill_pid: pidfile logs/current/myhostapd.pid does not exist - could not kill the process
hostapd didn't start with valid config parameters
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 531, in main
    t(dev, apdev, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_fst_config.py", line 409, in test_fst_ap_config_default
    raise Exception("hostapd didn't start with valid config parameters")
Exception: hostapd didn't start with valid config parameters
FAIL fst_ap_config_default 1.276255 2022-04-04 07:51:01.261073
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: fst_ap_config_default
2022-04-04 07:51:01 ./run-tests.py fst_ap_start_session
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fst_ap_start_session 1/1
Test: FST AP start session
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 531, in main
    t(dev, apdev, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_fst_module.py", line 1153, in test_fst_ap_start_session
    fst_start_session(apdev, test_params, bad_param_none, True)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_fst_module.py", line 95, in fst_start_session
    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/fst_module_aux.py", line 78, in start_two_ap_sta_pairs
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/fst_module_aux.py", line 613, in start
    self.hapd = hostapd.add_ap(self.iface, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 629, in add_ap
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 248, in enable
    raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname)
Exception: Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
FAIL fst_ap_start_session 0.273278 2022-04-04 07:51:01.702851
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: fst_ap_start_session
2022-04-04 07:51:01 ./run-tests.py fst_sta_config_pri_big
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fst_sta_config_pri_big 1/1
Test: FST STA configuration Priority too large
kill_pid: pidfile logs/current/mywpa_supplicant.pid does not exist - try again after a second
kill_pid: pidfile logs/current/mywpa_supplicant.pid does not exist - could not kill the process
PASS fst_sta_config_pri_big 1.350938 2022-04-04 07:51:03.218769
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:51:03 ./run-tests.py fst_sta_config_pri_nan
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fst_sta_config_pri_nan 1/1
Test: FST STA configuration Priority not a number
kill_pid: pidfile logs/current/mywpa_supplicant.pid does not exist - try again after a second
kill_pid: pidfile logs/current/mywpa_supplicant.pid does not exist - could not kill the process
PASS fst_sta_config_pri_nan 1.296919 2022-04-04 07:51:04.680118
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:51:04 ./run-tests.py fst_sta_transfer_session_setup_skipped
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START fst_sta_transfer_session_setup_skipped 1/1
Test: FST STA transfer session - setup skipped
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 531, in main
    t(dev, apdev, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_fst_module.py", line 1721, in test_fst_sta_transfer_session_setup_skipped
    bad_param_session_transfer_setup_skipped, False)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_fst_module.py", line 338, in fst_transfer_session
    ap1, ap2, sta1, sta2 = fst_module_aux.start_two_ap_sta_pairs(apdev, rsn=rsn)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/fst_module_aux.py", line 78, in start_two_ap_sta_pairs
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/fst_module_aux.py", line 613, in start
    self.hapd = hostapd.add_ap(self.iface, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 629, in add_ap
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 248, in enable
    raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname)
Exception: Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
FAIL fst_sta_transfer_session_setup_skipped 0.278767 2022-04-04 07:51:05.123481
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: fst_sta_transfer_session_setup_skipped
2022-04-04 07:51:05 ./run-tests.py gas_fragment
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START gas_fragment 1/1
Test: GAS fragmentation
Starting AP wlan3
PASS gas_fragment 0.677653 2022-04-04 07:51:05.968742
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:51:05 ./run-tests.py go_search_non_social2
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START go_search_non_social2 1/1
Test: P2P_FIND with freq parameter to scan a single channel (2)
Start autonomous GO wlan0
PASS go_search_non_social2 3.67372 2022-04-04 07:51:09.808507
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:51:09 ./run-tests.py hostapd_oom_wpa2_psk_connect
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START hostapd_oom_wpa2_psk_connect 1/1
Test: hostapd failing during WPA2-PSK mode connection due to OOM
Starting AP wlan3
Iteration 1
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 2
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 4
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 5
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 6
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 7
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 8
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 9
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 10
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 11
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 12
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 13
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 14
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 15
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 16
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 17
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 18
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 19
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 20
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 21
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 22
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 23
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 24
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 25
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 26
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 27
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 28
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 29
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 30
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 31
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 32
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 33
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 34
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 35
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 36
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 37
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 38
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 39
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 40
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 41
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 42
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 43
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 44
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 45
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 46
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 47
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 48
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 49
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 50
Connect STA wlan0 to AP

Iteration 51
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 52
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 53
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Iteration 54
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS hostapd_oom_wpa2_psk_connect 23.080045 2022-04-04 07:51:33.054765
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:51:33 ./run-tests.py ibss_rsn_eapol_trigger
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START ibss_rsn_eapol_trigger 1/1
Test: IBSS RSN and EAPOL trigger for a new peer
wlan0 waiting for IBSS start/join to complete
Too short EAPOL frame
RSN: EAPOL frame (type 255) discarded, not a Key frame
RSN: EAPOL frame payload size 96 invalid (frame size 99)
RSN: EAPOL-Key type (255) unknown, discarded
RSN: Timeout on waiting Authentication frame response
PASS ibss_rsn_eapol_trigger 9.521876 2022-04-04 07:51:42.741803
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:51:42 ./run-tests.py obss_scan
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START obss_scan 1/1
Test: Overlapping BSS scan request
Starting AP wlan3
Starting AP wlan4
Connect STA wlan0 to AP

Waiting for OBSS scan to occur
20/40 BSS Coexistence report received
PASS obss_scan 16.057419 2022-04-04 07:51:58.961369
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:51:58 ./run-tests.py p2p_channel_avoid3
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START p2p_channel_avoid3 1/1
Test: P2P and avoid frequencies driver event on 5 GHz
command failed: Invalid argument (-22)
command failed: Invalid argument (-22)
No regdom change event seen
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 535, in main
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_p2p_channel.py", line 230, in test_p2p_channel_avoid3
    set_country("CN", dev[0])
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_p2p_channel.py", line 29, in set_country
    raise Exception("No regdom change event seen")
Exception: No regdom change event seen
FAIL p2p_channel_avoid3 15.395008 2022-04-04 07:52:14.521378
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: p2p_channel_avoid3
2022-04-04 07:52:14 ./run-tests.py p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports 1/1
Test: P2P GO move due to SCM operation preference (peer supports)
command failed: Invalid argument (-22)
local variable 'hapd' referenced before assignment
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_p2p_channel.py", line 924, in _test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports
    set_country("US", dev[0])
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_p2p_channel.py", line 29, in set_country
    raise Exception("No regdom change event seen")
Exception: No regdom change event seen

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 533, in main
    t(dev, apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_p2p_channel.py", line 919, in test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports
    _test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports(ndev, apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_p2p_channel.py", line 955, in _test_p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'hapd' referenced before assignment
FAIL p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports 15.453919 2022-04-04 07:52:30.144548
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: p2p_go_move_scm_peer_supports
2022-04-04 07:52:30 ./run-tests.py p2ps_nonexact_search
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START p2ps_nonexact_search 1/1
Test: P2PS nonexact seek request
PASS p2ps_nonexact_search 0.392004 2022-04-04 07:52:30.702450
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:52:30 ./run-tests.py p2ps_stale_group_removal
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START p2ps_stale_group_removal 1/1
Test: P2PS stale group removal
Start GO negotiation wlan0 -> wlan1
wlan1: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:00:00
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Group formed
Start GO negotiation wlan0 -> wlan1
wlan1: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:00:00
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Group formed
PASS p2ps_stale_group_removal 7.426252 2022-04-04 07:52:38.291315
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:52:38 ./run-tests.py pasn_ccmp
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START pasn_ccmp 1/1
Test: PASN authentication with WPA2/CCMP AP
Starting AP wlan3
sta: TK: 46e14cc52d9ccfbdce55f5f0bf2f7ba7 KDK: 
ap : TK: 46e14cc52d9ccfbdce55f5f0bf2f7ba7 KDK: 
PASS pasn_ccmp 1.078102 2022-04-04 07:52:39.533153
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:52:39 ./run-tests.py pasn_fils_sha256_connected_same_channel
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START pasn_fils_sha256_connected_same_channel 1/1
Test: PASN FILS authentication using SHA-256 while connected same channel
Starting AP as-erp
Starting AP wlan3 (old add_ap argument type)
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Starting AP wlan4
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
flush_scan_cache: Could not clear all BSS entries. These remain:
bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
02:00:00:00:04:00	2412	-30	[ESS]	open
02:00:00:00:03:00	2412	-30	[WPA2-FILS-SHA256-CCMP][ESS][FILS]	fils

sta: TK: 5077d9c0b4c719bfafd233577f363cca KDK: 
ap : TK: 5077d9c0b4c719bfafd233577f363cca KDK: 
PASS pasn_fils_sha256_connected_same_channel 2.442446 2022-04-04 07:52:42.143391
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:52:42 ./run-tests.py pasn_gcmp
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START pasn_gcmp 1/1
Test: PASN authentication with WPA2/GCMP AP
Starting AP wlan3
sta: TK: 8f500a2348b2441a1a8b076517187ac5 KDK: 
ap : TK: 8f500a2348b2441a1a8b076517187ac5 KDK: 
PASS pasn_gcmp 0.944261 2022-04-04 07:52:43.251393
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:52:43 ./run-tests.py persistent_group_invite_removed_client
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START persistent_group_invite_removed_client 1/1
Test: P2P persistent group client removal and re-invitation
Form a persistent group
Start GO negotiation wlan0 -> wlan1
wlan1: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:00:00
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Group formed
Remove client from the group
Re-invite the removed client to join the group
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Re-invite after client removed persistent group info
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
wlan1: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:00:00
Terminate persistent group
PASS persistent_group_invite_removed_client 11.970315 2022-04-04 07:52:55.388346
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:52:55 ./run-tests.py persistent_group_peer_dropped2
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START persistent_group_peer_dropped2 1/1
Test: P2P persistent group formation and re-invocation with peer having dropped group (2)
Form a persistent group
Start GO negotiation wlan0 -> wlan1
wlan1: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:00:00
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Group formed
Terminate persistent group
Re-invoke persistent group from GO
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Terminate persistent group
Remove group on the client and try to invite from the GO
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Verify that a new group can be formed
Form a persistent group
Start GO negotiation wlan0 -> wlan1
wlan1: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:00:00
wlan0: Trying to discover peer 02:00:00:00:01:00
Group formed
Terminate persistent group
PASS persistent_group_peer_dropped2 7.177933 2022-04-04 07:53:02.731951
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:02 ./run-tests.py proxyarp_open_ebtables_ipv6
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START proxyarp_open_ebtables_ipv6 1/1
Test: ProxyARP with open network (IPv6)
Starting AP wlan3
Starting AP wlan4
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
Connect STA wlan2 to AP
Bridge setup: bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
ap-br0		8000.020000000300	no		wlan3

Bridge showstp: ap-br0
 bridge id		8000.020000000300
 designated root	8000.020000000300
 root port		   0			path cost		   0
 max age		  20.00			bridge max age		  20.00
 hello time		   2.00			bridge hello time	   2.00
 forward delay		   0.00			bridge forward delay	   0.00
 ageing time		 300.00
 hello timer		   0.00			tcn timer		   0.00
 topology change timer	   0.00			gc timer		 298.35

wlan3 (1)
 port id		8001			state		     forwarding
 designated root	8000.020000000300	path cost		 100
 designated bridge	8000.020000000300	message age timer	   0.00
 designated port	8001			forward delay timer	   0.00
 designated cost	   0			hold timer		   0.00
 hairpin mode		   1

wlan4 (2)
 port id		8002			state		     forwarding
 designated root	8000.020000000300	path cost		 100
 designated bridge	8000.020000000300	message age timer	   0.00
 designated port	8002			forward delay timer	   0.00
 designated cost	   0			hold timer		   0.00

After connect (showmacs): port no	mac addr		is local?	ageing timer
  1	02:00:00:00:00:00	no		   0.04
  1	02:00:00:00:01:00	no		   0.01
  2	02:00:00:00:02:00	no		   0.43
  1	02:00:00:00:03:00	yes		   0.00
  1	02:00:00:00:03:00	yes		   0.00
  2	02:00:00:00:04:00	yes		   0.00
  2	02:00:00:00:04:00	yes		   0.00

After connect: ['aaaa:bbbb:eeee::2 dev ap-br0 lladdr 02:00:00:00:01:00 PERMANENT', 'aaaa:bbbb:dddd::2 dev ap-br0 lladdr 02:00:00:00:01:00 PERMANENT', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2 dev ap-br0 lladdr 02:00:00:00:00:00 PERMANENT']
After disconnect (showmacs): port no	mac addr		is local?	ageing timer
  2	02:00:00:00:02:00	no		   0.96
  1	02:00:00:00:03:00	yes		   0.00
  1	02:00:00:00:03:00	yes		   0.00
  2	02:00:00:00:04:00	yes		   0.00
  2	02:00:00:00:04:00	yes		   0.00

After disconnect: []
ebtables results:
Bridge table: filter

Bridge chain: INPUT, entries: 0, policy: ACCEPT

Bridge chain: FORWARD, entries: 4, policy: ACCEPT
-p IPv6 -d Multicast -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type neighbour-solicitation -j DROP
 , pcnt = 16 -- bcnt = 1142-p IPv6 -d Multicast -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type neighbour-advertisement -j DROP
 , pcnt = 2 -- bcnt = 128-p IPv6 -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type router-solicitation -j DROP
 , pcnt = 0 -- bcnt = 0-p IPv6 -d Multicast -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type 143/0:255 -j DROP
 , pcnt = 6 -- bcnt = 456
Bridge chain: OUTPUT, entries: 4, policy: ACCEPT
-p IPv6 -d Multicast -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type neighbour-solicitation -j DROP
 , pcnt = 3 -- bcnt = 216-p IPv6 -d Multicast -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type neighbour-advertisement -j DROP
 , pcnt = 1 -- bcnt = 64-p IPv6 -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type router-solicitation -j DROP
 , pcnt = 1 -- bcnt = 56-p IPv6 -d Multicast -o wlan3 --ip6-proto ipv6-icmp --ip6-icmp-type 143/0:255 -j DROP
 , pcnt = 4 -- bcnt = 384
dev0 seen NS: [['33:33:ff:00:00:02', '02:00:00:00:00:00', '::', 'ff02::1:ff00:2', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', '02:00:00:00:00:00'], ['33:33:ff:00:00:02', '02:00:00:00:00:00', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', 'ff02::1:ff00:2', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', '02:00:00:00:00:00'], ['33:33:ff:00:00:02', '02:00:00:00:00:00', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', 'ff02::1:ff00:2', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', ''], ['33:33:ff:00:00:02', '02:00:00:00:00:00', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', 'ff02::1:ff00:2', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', ''], ['33:33:ff:00:00:02', '02:00:00:00:00:00', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', 'ff02::1:ff00:2', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', ''], ['33:33:ff:00:00:02', '02:00:00:00:00:00', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', 'ff02::1:ff00:2', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', '01:02:03:04:05:06'], ['33:33:ff:00:00:02', '02:00:00:00:00:00', 'aaaa:bbbb:cccc::2', 'ff02::1:ff00:2', 'aaaa:bbbb:dddd::2', '02:00:00:00:00:00']]
dev0 seen NA: []
Skip test case: Assume kernel did not have the required patches for proxyarp (IPv6)
SKIP proxyarp_open_ebtables_ipv6 6.07339 2022-04-04 07:53:08.970325
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:08 ./run-tests.py radius_acct_non_ascii_ssid
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START radius_acct_non_ascii_ssid 1/1
Test: RADIUS Accounting and non-ASCII SSID
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS radius_acct_non_ascii_ssid 0.955254 2022-04-04 07:53:10.095452
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:10 ./run-tests.py sae_no_ffc_by_default
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START sae_no_ffc_by_default 1/1
Test: SAE and default groups rejecting FFC
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS sae_no_ffc_by_default 1.019141 2022-04-04 07:53:11.282958
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:11 ./run-tests.py sae_pwe_group_25
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START sae_pwe_group_25 1/1
Test: SAE PWE derivation options with group 25
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS sae_pwe_group_25 1.76548 2022-04-04 07:53:13.215692
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:13 ./run-tests.py scan_and_bss_entry_removed
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START scan_and_bss_entry_removed 1/1
Test: Last scan result and connect work processing on BSS entry update
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan5 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan5 to AP
PASS scan_and_bss_entry_removed 4.825684 2022-04-04 07:53:18.208354
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:18 ./run-tests.py scan_freq_list
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START scan_freq_list 1/1
Test: Scan with SET freq_list and scan_cur_freq
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS scan_freq_list 1.158648 2022-04-04 07:53:19.534056
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:19 ./run-tests.py scan_hidden
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START scan_hidden 1/1
Test: Control interface behavior on scan parameters
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS scan_hidden 1.419855 2022-04-04 07:53:21.117308
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:21 ./run-tests.py sigma_dut_ap_ocv
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START sigma_dut_ap_ocv 1/1
Test: sigma_dut controlled AP using OCV
Skip test case: sigma_dut not available
SKIP sigma_dut_ap_ocv 0.14866 2022-04-04 07:53:21.429927
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:21 ./run-tests.py sigma_dut_dpp_qr_resp_4
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START sigma_dut_dpp_qr_resp_4 1/1
Test: sigma_dut DPP/QR responder (conf index 4)
Skip test case: sigma_dut not available
SKIP sigma_dut_dpp_qr_resp_4 0.08171 2022-04-04 07:53:21.677947
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:21 ./run-tests.py sigma_dut_dpp_qr_resp_chan_list
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START sigma_dut_dpp_qr_resp_chan_list 1/1
Test: sigma_dut DPP/QR responder (channel list override)
Skip test case: sigma_dut not available
SKIP sigma_dut_dpp_qr_resp_chan_list 0.083641 2022-04-04 07:53:21.928116
passed all 0 test case(s)
skipped 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:21 ./run-tests.py wep_shared_key_auth_multi_key
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wep_shared_key_auth_multi_key 1/1
Test: WEP Shared Key authentication with multiple keys
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
Connect STA wlan1 to AP
Connect STA wlan2 to AP
PASS wep_shared_key_auth_multi_key 2.342417 2022-04-04 07:53:24.436828
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:24 ./run-tests.py wnm_ess_disassoc_imminent_pmf
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wnm_ess_disassoc_imminent_pmf 1/1
Test: WNM ESS Disassociation Imminent
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS wnm_ess_disassoc_imminent_pmf 1.051623 2022-04-04 07:53:25.654592
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:25 ./run-tests.py wpa2_ocv_sta_override_sa_query_resp
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpa2_ocv_sta_override_sa_query_resp 1/1
Test: OCV on 2.4 GHz and STA override SA Query Response
Starting AP wlan3
Connect STA wlan0 to AP
PASS wpa2_ocv_sta_override_sa_query_resp 1.012487 2022-04-04 07:53:26.833788
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:26 ./run-tests.py wpa2_ocv_vht40
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpa2_ocv_vht40 1/1
Test: OCV with VHT40 channel
Starting AP wlan3
Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 533, in main
    t(dev, apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ocv.py", line 165, in test_wpa2_ocv_vht40
    run_wpa2_ocv_vht40(dev, apdev)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ocv.py", line 186, in run_wpa2_ocv_vht40
    hapd, ssid, passphrase = ocv_setup_ap(apdev[0], params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_ocv.py", line 37, in ocv_setup_ap
    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev, params)
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 629, in add_ap
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/hostapd.py", line 248, in enable
    raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname)
Exception: Failed to enable hostapd interface wlan3
FAIL wpa2_ocv_vht40 0.993183 2022-04-04 07:53:27.991153
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: wpa2_ocv_vht40
2022-04-04 07:53:28 ./run-tests.py wpas_ap_5ghz
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpas_ap_5ghz 1/1
Test: wpa_supplicant AP mode - 5 GHz
command failed: Invalid argument (-22)
command failed: Invalid argument (-22)
AP failed to start
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests.py", line 535, in main
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py", line 661, in test_wpas_ap_5ghz
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py", line 677, in _test_wpas_ap_5ghz
  File "/lkp/benchmarks/hwsim/tests/hwsim/test_wpas_ap.py", line 22, in wait_ap_ready
    raise Exception("AP failed to start")
Exception: AP failed to start
FAIL wpas_ap_5ghz 10.405499 2022-04-04 07:53:38.562841
passed 0 test case(s)
skipped 0 test case(s)
failed tests: wpas_ap_5ghz
2022-04-04 07:53:38 ./run-tests.py wpas_ap_invalid_frequency
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpas_ap_invalid_frequency 1/1
Test: wpa_supplicant AP mode - invalid frequency configuration
PASS wpas_ap_invalid_frequency 1.090167 2022-04-04 07:53:39.821330
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:39 ./run-tests.py wpas_ctrl_dump
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpas_ctrl_dump 1/1
Test: wpa_supplicant ctrl_iface and DUMP/GET global parameters
Config values from DUMP: {'ctrl_interface': 'DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=adm', 'ctrl_interface_group': 'null', 'eapol_version': '1', 'ap_scan': '1', 'user_mpm': '1', 'max_peer_links': '99', 'mesh_max_inactivity': '300', 'mesh_fwding': '1', 'dot11RSNASAERetransPeriod': '1000', 'disable_scan_offload': '0', 'fast_reauth': '1', 'opensc_engine_path': 'null', 'pkcs11_engine_path': 'null', 'pkcs11_module_path': 'null', 'openssl_ciphers': 'null', 'pcsc_reader': 'null', 'pcsc_pin': 'null', 'external_sim': '0', 'driver_param': 'null', 'dot11RSNAConfigPMKLifetime': '0', 'dot11RSNAConfigPMKReauthThreshold': '0', 'dot11RSNAConfigSATimeout': '0', 'update_config': '0', 'auto_uuid': '0', 'device_name': 'Device A', 'manufacturer': 'null', 'model_name': 'null', 'model_number': 'null', 'serial_number': 'null', 'config_methods': 'null', 'wps_cred_processing': '0', 'wps_cred_add_sae': '0', 'p2p_listen_reg_class': '0', 'p2p_listen_channel': '0', 'p2p_oper_reg_class': '0', 'p2p_oper_channel': '0', 'p2p_go_intent': '7', 'p2p_ssid_postfix': 'null', 'persistent_reconnect': '0', 'p2p_intra_bss': '1', 'p2p_group_idle': '0', 'p2p_go_freq_change_policy': '2', 'p2p_passphrase_len': '0', 'p2p_add_cli_chan': '0', 'p2p_optimize_listen_chan': '0', 'p2p_go_ht40': '0', 'p2p_go_vht': '0', 'p2p_go_he': '0', 'p2p_go_edmg': '0', 'p2p_disabled': '0', 'p2p_go_ctwindow': '0', 'p2p_no_group_iface': '1', 'p2p_ignore_shared_freq': '0', 'ip_addr_go': '', 'ip_addr_mask': '', 'ip_addr_start': '', 'ip_addr_end': '', 'p2p_cli_probe': '0', 'p2p_device_random_mac_addr': '0', 'p2p_interface_random_mac_addr': '0', 'p2p_6ghz_disable': '0', 'bss_max_count': '200', 'bss_expiration_age': '180', 'bss_expiration_scan_count': '2', 'filter_ssids': '0', 'filter_rssi': '0', 'max_num_sta': '128', 'ap_isolate': '0', 'disassoc_low_ack': '0', 'hs20': '1', 'interworking': '1', 'access_network_type': '15', 'go_interworking': '0', 'go_access_network_type': '0', 'go_internet': '0', 'go_venue_group': '0', 'go_venue_type': '0', 'pbc_in_m1': '0', 'autoscan': 'null', 'wps_nfc_dev_pw_id': '0', 'ext_password_backend': 'test:psk1=12345678', 'p2p_go_max_inactivity': '300', 'auto_interworking': '0', 'okc': '0', 'pmf': '0', 'sae_pwe': '0', 'sae_pmkid_in_assoc': '0', 'dtim_period': '0', 'beacon_int': '0', 'ignore_old_scan_res': '0', 'scan_cur_freq': '0', 'scan_res_valid_for_connect': '5', 'sched_scan_interval': '0', 'sched_scan_start_delay': '0', 'tdls_external_control': '0', 'osu_dir': 'null', 'wowlan_triggers': 'null', 'p2p_search_delay': '500', 'mac_addr': '0', 'rand_addr_lifetime': '60', 'preassoc_mac_addr': '0', 'key_mgmt_offload': '1', 'passive_scan': '0', 'reassoc_same_bss_optim': '0', 'wps_priority': '0', 'fst_group_id': 'null', 'fst_priority': '0', 'fst_llt': '0', 'cert_in_cb': '1', 'wpa_rsc_relaxation': '1', 'sched_scan_plans': 'null', 'non_pref_chan': 'null', 'mbo_cell_capa': '3', 'disassoc_imminent_rssi_threshold': '-75', 'oce': '1', 'gas_address3': '0', 'ftm_responder': '0', 'ftm_initiator': '0', 'gas_rand_addr_lifetime': '60', 'gas_rand_mac_addr': '0', 'dpp_config_processing': '0', 'dpp_name': 'null', 'dpp_mud_url': 'null', 'coloc_intf_reporting': '0', 'disable_btm': '0', 'extended_key_id': '0', 'wowlan_disconnect_on_deinit': '0', 'force_kdk_derivation': '0', 'pasn_corrupt_mic': '0'}
PASS wpas_ctrl_dump 0.097657 2022-04-04 07:53:40.082960
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:40 ./run-tests.py wpas_ctrl_nfc_report_handover
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpas_ctrl_nfc_report_handover 1/1
Test: wpa_supplicant ctrl_iface NFC_REPORT_HANDOVER
PASS wpas_ctrl_nfc_report_handover 0.086809 2022-04-04 07:53:40.336025
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:40 ./run-tests.py wpas_ctrl_set_sched_scan_relative_rssi
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpas_ctrl_set_sched_scan_relative_rssi 1/1
Test: wpa_supplicant SET relative RSSI
PASS wpas_ctrl_set_sched_scan_relative_rssi 0.089439 2022-04-04 07:53:40.594090
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:40 ./run-tests.py wpas_mesh_dynamic_interface
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wpas_mesh_dynamic_interface 1/1
Test: wpa_supplicant mesh with dynamic interface
mesh0 address 42:00:00:00:00:00
mesh-wlan1-0 address 42:00:00:00:01:00
Make sure another dynamic group can be added
mesh0 address 42:00:00:00:00:00
mesh-wlan1-1 address 42:00:00:00:01:00
PASS wpas_mesh_dynamic_interface 1.997972 2022-04-04 07:53:42.759501
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:42 ./run-tests.py wps_ext_m1_invalid
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wps_ext_m1_invalid 1/1
Test: WPS proto: M1 failing parsing
Starting AP wlan3
PASS wps_ext_m1_invalid 1.048013 2022-04-04 07:53:43.973586
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:44 ./run-tests.py wps_ext_m3_missing_e_hash2
DEV: wlan0: 02:00:00:00:00:00
DEV: wlan1: 02:00:00:00:01:00
DEV: wlan2: 02:00:00:00:02:00
APDEV: wlan3
APDEV: wlan4
START wps_ext_m3_missing_e_hash2 1/1
Test: WPS proto: M3 missing E-Hash2
Starting AP wlan3
PASS wps_ext_m3_missing_e_hash2 1.066129 2022-04-04 07:53:45.205677
passed all 1 test case(s)
2022-04-04 07:53:45 ./stop.sh