device-mapper: remove ioctl on thin-vol failed: No such device or address Command failed. device-mapper: remove ioctl on thin-provision-pool failed: No such device or address Command failed. device-mapper: remove ioctl on thin-meta failed: No such device or address Command failed. device-mapper: remove ioctl on thin-data failed: No such device or address Command failed. # /lkp/benchmarks/xfstests/ltp/fsx -N 200 -d -P /fs/sda1/fsxtests -i /dev/mapper/logwrites-test -S 0 -j 0 /fs/scratch/testfile0 # /lkp/benchmarks/xfstests/ltp/fsx -N 200 -d -P /fs/sda1/fsxtests -i /dev/mapper/logwrites-test -S 0 -j 1 /fs/scratch/testfile1 # /lkp/benchmarks/xfstests/ltp/fsx -N 200 -d -P /fs/sda1/fsxtests -i /dev/mapper/logwrites-test -S 0 -j 3 /fs/scratch/testfile3 # /lkp/benchmarks/xfstests/ltp/fsx -N 200 -d -P /fs/sda1/fsxtests -i /dev/mapper/logwrites-test -S 0 -j 2 /fs/scratch/testfile2 0: Seed set to 9363 1: Seed set to 9365 3: Seed set to 9367 2: Seed set to 9368 2: 1 fsync 1: fallocating to largest ever: 0x10225 1: 1 falloc from 0x8f7b to 0x10225 (0x72aa bytes) 1: 2 fsync 3: skipping zero size read 3: skipping zero size read 3: zero_range to largest ever: 0x19019 3: 6 zero from 0x9577 to 0x19019, (0xfaa2 bytes) 3: 7 collapse from 0xe000 to 0x17000, (0x9000 bytes) 3: 8 dedupe from 0xe000 to 0xf000, (0x1000 bytes) at 0x8000 3: truncating to largest ever: 0x1e687 3: 9 trunc from 0x10019 to 0x1e687 3: 10 punch from 0x136db to 0x1e687, (0xafac bytes) 3: 11 mapwrite 0x12bf thru 0xecdb (0xda1d bytes) 0: zero_range to largest ever: 0x2a5de 0: 1 zero from 0x1dd14 to 0x2a5de, (0xc8ca bytes) 0: 2 copy from 0x299b0 to 0x2a5de, (0xc2e bytes) at 0x5a60 0: 3 read 0xd667 thru 0xec27 (0x15c1 bytes) 0: 4 zero from 0x20612 to 0x23a30, (0x341e bytes) 0: copying to largest ever: 0x326f4 0: 5 copy from 0x1605a to 0x163ff, (0x3a5 bytes) at 0x3234f 0: 6 mapwrite 0x374a4 thru 0x3b2cb (0x3e28 bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark0 2: skipping collapse range behind EOF 2: 4 mapwrite 0xe29b thru 0x1d2a6 (0xf00c bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark0 1: 3 write 0x19a58 thru 0x19f08 (0x4b1 bytes) 1: 4 mapread 0x16431 thru 0x19f08 (0x3ad8 bytes) 1: 5 write 0x26ed2 thru 0x2cdbf (0x5eee bytes) 1: copying to largest ever: 0x316b8 1: 6 copy from 0x6768 to 0x94e0, (0x2d78 bytes) at 0x2e940 1: fallocating to largest ever: 0x40000 1: 7 falloc from 0x39a5c to 0x40000 (0x65a4 bytes) 3: 12 copy from 0x104e to 0x23bc, (0x136e bytes) at 0xa0c3 3: zero_range to largest ever: 0x3331b 3: 13 zero from 0x30a37 to 0x3331b, (0x28e4 bytes) 3: 14 fsync 1: 8 copy from 0x165fe to 0x1cfd5, (0x69d7 bytes) at 0x2db95 1: 9 falloc from 0x266d0 to 0x30f26 (0xa856 bytes) 1: 10 dedupe from 0x32000 to 0x3f000, (0xd000 bytes) at 0x1b000 1: 11 mapread 0x2961c thru 0x3371a (0xa0ff bytes) 1: 12 punch from 0x1a345 to 0x1ed7c, (0x4a37 bytes) 0: 7 mapwrite 0x143e3 thru 0x215e4 (0xd202 bytes) 1: 13 write 0x25141 thru 0x314cf (0xc38f bytes) 1: 14 falloc from 0x3e3de to 0x40000 (0x1c22 bytes) 1: 15 read 0xaa71 thru 0x144a7 (0x9a37 bytes) 1: 16 falloc from 0x24087 to 0x260a6 (0x201f bytes) 1: 17 punch from 0x1aeb2 to 0x24a04, (0x9b52 bytes) 1: 18 falloc from 0x3928d to 0x40000 (0x6d73 bytes) 1: 19 write 0x28e2d thru 0x33d14 (0xaee8 bytes) 1: 20 punch from 0x3ac49 to 0x40000, (0x53b7 bytes) 1: 21 mapread 0x2a47f thru 0x38e76 (0xe9f8 bytes) 1: 22 mapwrite 0x3cacf thru 0x3ffff (0x3531 bytes) 2: truncating to largest ever: 0x22d33 2: 5 trunc from 0x1d2a7 to 0x22d33 2: 6 mapwrite 0x31d13 thru 0x367c0 (0x4aae bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark0 3: 15 mapread 0x2d8a8 thru 0x30a36 (0x318f bytes) 3: 16 zero from 0x1dba2 to 0x2679b, (0x8bf9 bytes) 3: 17 insert from 0x1e000 to 0x26000, (0x8000 bytes) 3: fallocating to largest ever: 0x3deec 3: 18 falloc from 0x304e3 to 0x3deec (0xda09 bytes) 3: 19 punch from 0x8579 to 0x163fc, (0xde83 bytes) 1: 23 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x2f76f 3: 20 write 0x23978 thru 0x2f650 (0xbcd9 bytes) 3: fallocating to largest ever: 0x40000 3: 21 falloc from 0x37662 to 0x40000 (0x899e bytes) 3: 22 dedupe from 0x1b000 to 0x24000, (0x9000 bytes) at 0x35000 0: cloning to largest ever: 0x33000 0: 8 clone from 0xf000 to 0x14000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x2e000 1: 24 mapwrite 0x3dc6c thru 0x3ffff (0x2394 bytes) 0: 9 punch from 0x36925 to 0x3b2cc, (0x49a7 bytes) 2: 7 fsync 3: 23 write 0x1a561 thru 0x29a26 (0xf4c6 bytes) 3: 24 collapse from 0x9000 to 0x18000, (0xf000 bytes) 0: 10 clone from 0x0 to 0xe000, (0xe000 bytes) at 0x23000 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark1 2: 8 read 0x16d9c thru 0x1c74d (0x59b2 bytes) 2: 9 punch from 0x23c4e to 0x29e0e, (0x61c0 bytes) 2: 10 mapread 0x32d6e thru 0x34c96 (0x1f29 bytes) 2: 11 clone from 0x1000 to 0xc000, (0xb000 bytes) at 0x14000 2: 12 dedupe from 0x1e000 to 0x24000, (0x6000 bytes) at 0x30000 2: 13 insert from 0x34000 to 0x39000, (0x5000 bytes) 2: 14 punch from 0x39657 to 0x3997e, (0x327 bytes) 3: 25 mapread 0x1b275 thru 0x25e5a (0xabe6 bytes) 0: 11 mapwrite 0x2a511 thru 0x351c9 (0xacb9 bytes) 1: 25 zero from 0x123e8 to 0x1758c, (0x51a4 bytes) 1: 26 clone from 0x22000 to 0x2f000, (0xd000 bytes) at 0x14000 3: 26 falloc from 0x25bfb to 0x30d42 (0xb147 bytes) 3: 27 mapread 0x2087 thru 0x21ed (0x167 bytes) 3: 28 mapwrite 0x1616c thru 0x1e9c6 (0x885b bytes) 2: 15 insert from 0x1e000 to 0x22000, (0x4000 bytes) 1: 27 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x35e19 1: 28 dedupe from 0x1c000 to 0x21000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x5000 1: 29 copy from 0x2bcb6 to 0x35e19, (0xa163 bytes) at 0xd915 3: 29 zero from 0x27cca to 0x3125a, (0x9590 bytes) 1: 30 insert from 0x26000 to 0x2f000, (0x9000 bytes) 1: 31 clone from 0x30000 to 0x3d000, (0xd000 bytes) at 0x17000 3: 30 dedupe from 0x24000 to 0x27000, (0x3000 bytes) at 0xd000 3: 31 mapwrite 0xf7ae thru 0x1e26e (0xeac1 bytes) 2: 16 mapread 0x7b4 thru 0x6910 (0x615d bytes) 2: 17 zero from 0xaea to 0x8144, (0x765a bytes) 2: 18 read 0x33ad0 thru 0x36ceb (0x321c bytes) 0: 12 dedupe from 0x34000 to 0x3a000, (0x6000 bytes) at 0x2a000 0: 13 punch from 0x3236f to 0x38aff, (0x6790 bytes) 1: 32 fsync 2: 19 mapwrite 0x11c7b thru 0x1f0db (0xd461 bytes) 0: 14 collapse from 0xc000 to 0x15000, (0x9000 bytes) 3: 32 write 0xfe49 thru 0x11c56 (0x1e0e bytes) 3: 33 read 0xdb84 thru 0x15671 (0x7aee bytes) 3: 34 mapread 0x24def thru 0x2ae88 (0x609a bytes) 3: 35 dedupe from 0xc000 to 0x10000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x1b000 3: 36 dedupe from 0x27000 to 0x2f000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x1000 3: 37 write 0x3178d thru 0x31f7c (0x7f0 bytes) 3: 38 insert from 0x4000 to 0x11000, (0xd000 bytes) 0: 16 mapwrite 0x32a06 thru 0x39ac8 (0x70c3 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark1 1: 33 punch from 0x19de5 to 0x20ff0, (0x720b bytes) 2: 20 zero from 0x19d02 to 0x22bdc, (0x8eda bytes) 1: 34 mapread 0x2b65f thru 0x395cc (0xdf6e bytes) 3: 39 punch from 0x277d0 to 0x29d98, (0x25c8 bytes) 2: 21 punch from 0x165cf to 0x1edfe, (0x882f bytes) 1: 35 insert from 0x24000 to 0x25000, (0x1000 bytes) 1: 36 fsync 2: zero_range to largest ever: 0x26a71 2: 22 zero from 0x1f261 to 0x26a71, (0x7810 bytes) 3: 40 zero from 0x16085 to 0x1dca9, (0x7c24 bytes) 0: 17 collapse from 0x1b000 to 0x29000, (0xe000 bytes) 2: truncating to largest ever: 0x2f67b 2: 23 trunc from 0x3f7c1 to 0x2f67b 2: 24 falloc from 0x13f4d to 0x171c6 (0x3279 bytes) 2: 25 read 0x23a9e thru 0x24ce7 (0x124a bytes) 2: 26 dedupe from 0x1e000 to 0x23000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x14000 2: fallocating to largest ever: 0x40000 2: 27 falloc from 0x3a9fa to 0x40000 (0x5606 bytes) 2: 29 write 0x3ec5a thru 0x3ffff (0x13a6 bytes) 2: 30 falloc from 0xfb43 to 0x15953 (0x5e10 bytes) 2: 31 clone from 0x33000 to 0x34000, (0x1000 bytes) at 0x1c000 2: 32 punch from 0x2057a to 0x231f9, (0x2c7f bytes) 0: cloning to largest ever: 0x3b000 0: 18 clone from 0xb000 to 0x11000, (0x6000 bytes) at 0x35000 0: 19 mapread 0x211cb thru 0x26e3c (0x5c72 bytes) 3: 41 collapse from 0x11000 to 0x16000, (0x5000 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark2 1: 37 collapse from 0x10000 to 0x1c000, (0xc000 bytes) 1: 38 zero from 0x25938 to 0x2a701, (0x4dc9 bytes) 1: 39 clone from 0x17000 to 0x26000, (0xf000 bytes) at 0x27000 1: 40 mapwrite 0x38c8a thru 0x3ec16 (0x5f8d bytes) 0: 20 punch from 0x36338 to 0x3b000, (0x4cc8 bytes) 2: 33 collapse from 0x1f000 to 0x27000, (0x8000 bytes) 0: 21 read 0x13a3d thru 0x20b03 (0xd0c7 bytes) 0: 22 collapse from 0x14000 to 0x19000, (0x5000 bytes) 2: 34 collapse from 0x4000 to 0x5000, (0x1000 bytes) 2: 35 punch from 0x7a15 to 0x1275d, (0xad48 bytes) 3: 42 insert from 0x37000 to 0x3a000, (0x3000 bytes) 2: 36 zero from 0x33c97 to 0x3dbdf, (0x9f48 bytes) 2: 37 trunc from 0x3dbdf to 0x188d4 1: 41 punch from 0x1b88 to 0xff4f, (0xe3c7 bytes) 3: 43 collapse from 0x7000 to 0xa000, (0x3000 bytes) 2: 38 read 0x18890 thru 0x188d3 (0x44 bytes) 2: 40 mapwrite 0xffe1 thru 0x183e3 (0x8403 bytes) 3: 44 mapread 0x1b4c3 thru 0x1c1a8 (0xce6 bytes) 1: 42 fsync 0: 23 collapse from 0x1e000 to 0x28000, (0xa000 bytes) 0: 24 punch from 0x2238a to 0x2c000, (0x9c76 bytes) 0: 25 zero from 0x27467 to 0x2822d, (0xdc6 bytes) 0: 26 fsync 3: 45 copy from 0x219ae to 0x2bcf5, (0xa347 bytes) at 0xe43c 3: 46 mapwrite 0x3bd6e thru 0x3ffff (0x4292 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark3 1: 43 clone from 0x35000 to 0x3d000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x25000 1: 44 read 0x2e77f thru 0x3ac2e (0xc4b0 bytes) 1: 45 write 0x12aa0 thru 0x1b0d7 (0x8638 bytes) 1: 46 dedupe from 0x11000 to 0x17000, (0x6000 bytes) at 0x29000 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark0 0: 27 mapread 0x27438 thru 0x2bfff (0x4bc8 bytes) 0: zero_range to largest ever: 0x40000 0: 28 zero from 0x32924 to 0x40000, (0xd6dc bytes) 0: 29 dedupe from 0x32000 to 0x3f000, (0xd000 bytes) at 0x10000 0: 30 falloc from 0x37444 to 0x40000 (0x8bbc bytes) 1: 47 falloc from 0x2c1b3 to 0x397fd (0xd64a bytes) 0: 31 read 0x5317 thru 0xa66e (0x5358 bytes) 0: 33 fsync 1: 48 mapwrite 0x18c03 thru 0x28bc9 (0xffc7 bytes) 3: 48 mapwrite 0x8413 thru 0xe520 (0x610e bytes) 2: 41 trunc from 0x188d4 to 0x3e0f7 3: 49 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x5b27 2: 42 insert from 0x1a000 to 0x1b000, (0x1000 bytes) 2: 44 zero from 0x22661 to 0x29931, (0x72d0 bytes) 2: 45 trunc from 0x3f0f7 to 0x2c1ba 2: 46 collapse from 0xf000 to 0x15000, (0x6000 bytes) 2: 47 mapwrite 0x60d8 thru 0xc5d8 (0x6501 bytes) 3: 50 collapse from 0x2000 to 0x5000, (0x3000 bytes) 3: 51 insert from 0x2000 to 0x3000, (0x1000 bytes) 3: 53 copy from 0xfdf to 0x3b27, (0x2b48 bytes) at 0x1beec 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark1 0: 34 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x6a53 0: 35 copy from 0x843 to 0x6a53, (0x6210 bytes) at 0x2b009 0: 36 trunc from 0x31219 to 0x10f78 1: 49 insert from 0x21000 to 0x22000, (0x1000 bytes) 3: 54 read 0x19823 thru 0x1ea33 (0x5211 bytes) 3: 55 mapwrite 0x2f629 thru 0x3548a (0x5e62 bytes) 0: 37 clone from 0x0 to 0x3000, (0x3000 bytes) at 0x2d000 0: 38 fsync 1: 50 zero from 0x388fc to 0x40000, (0x7704 bytes) 1: 51 fsync 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark2 0: 39 punch from 0x1ce4c to 0x20620, (0x37d4 bytes) 0: 40 copy from 0x5895 to 0x12f4c, (0xd6b7 bytes) at 0x3088f 0: 41 write 0x21dc2 thru 0x31042 (0xf281 bytes) 0: 42 copy from 0x25ffb to 0x26395, (0x39a bytes) at 0x1d42c 0: 43 copy from 0xa2a2 to 0x14e4a, (0xaba8 bytes) at 0x2e532 0: 44 dedupe from 0x3b000 to 0x3c000, (0x1000 bytes) at 0x25000 2: 48 punch from 0x147ab to 0x210d9, (0xc92e bytes) 2: 49 read 0x1d5a1 thru 0x261b9 (0x8c19 bytes) 2: 50 copy from 0xfb4f to 0x107eb, (0xc9c bytes) at 0x3a68b 3: 56 copy from 0xf5fd to 0x19821, (0xa224 bytes) at 0x1b9d6 3: 57 copy from 0xdac7 to 0xea92, (0xfcb bytes) at 0x294a4 3: 58 insert from 0xb000 to 0xf000, (0x4000 bytes) 2: 51 dedupe from 0xe000 to 0x10000, (0x2000 bytes) at 0x18000 0: 45 trunc from 0x3df46 to 0x1610e 0: 46 copy from 0x76e5 to 0x10ba2, (0x94bd bytes) at 0x1d71f 0: 47 collapse from 0x1000 to 0xe000, (0xd000 bytes) 0: 48 zero from 0x161a2 to 0x1d9ce, (0x782c bytes) 3: 59 mapwrite 0x1e880 thru 0x23256 (0x49d7 bytes) 0: 49 zero from 0x329c5 to 0x33320, (0x95b bytes) 0: 50 punch from 0x254e8 to 0x2a034, (0x4b4c bytes) 0: 51 dedupe from 0x1e000 to 0x23000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x10000 0: 52 fsync 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark4 1: 52 dedupe from 0x9000 to 0xb000, (0x2000 bytes) at 0x34000 2: 52 zero from 0x27780 to 0x2f70a, (0x7f8a bytes) 2: 53 read 0x2d66a thru 0x3a38a (0xcd21 bytes) 2: 54 fsync 1: 53 dedupe from 0x20000 to 0x25000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0xe000 1: 54 zero from 0x7de8 to 0x8a32, (0xc4a bytes) 1: 55 collapse from 0x11000 to 0x17000, (0x6000 bytes) 1: 56 punch from 0x349dc to 0x39c17, (0x523b bytes) 1: 57 dedupe from 0x1b000 to 0x26000, (0xb000 bytes) at 0x26000 3: 60 write 0x281b0 thru 0x37995 (0xf7e6 bytes) 1: 58 mapwrite 0x3e610 thru 0x3ffff (0x19f0 bytes) 3: 61 punch from 0xac79 to 0x10291, (0x5618 bytes) 3: 62 copy from 0x12f96 to 0x158a3, (0x290d bytes) at 0x24ae1 3: 63 insert from 0x18000 to 0x1e000, (0x6000 bytes) 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark3 0: 53 read 0x30d2 thru 0xfde8 (0xcd17 bytes) 0: 54 trunc from 0x33320 to 0x3661c 0: 55 punch from 0x30938 to 0x343e6, (0x3aae bytes) 0: 56 falloc from 0x244c to 0x110e2 (0xec96 bytes) 0: 57 write 0x2f9d6 thru 0x2fcb2 (0x2dd bytes) 0: 58 mapwrite 0x336d5 thru 0x39d40 (0x666c bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark2 2: 55 copy from 0x2aa3 to 0xbdbd, (0x931a bytes) at 0xe6ee 2: 56 zero from 0x250ab to 0x287bc, (0x3711 bytes) 2: 57 trunc from 0x3b327 to 0x27c8d 2: 58 punch from 0x4b89 to 0xa63c, (0x5ab3 bytes) 1: 59 read 0x3b9da thru 0x3ffff (0x4626 bytes) 1: 60 read 0x17214 thru 0x2239c (0xb189 bytes) 3: 64 dedupe from 0x2b000 to 0x37000, (0xc000 bytes) at 0x1000 1: 62 copy from 0x1409f to 0x140ad, (0xe bytes) at 0x33522 3: 65 read 0x30fe2 thru 0x3a30a (0x9329 bytes) 2: 59 collapse from 0x24000 to 0x27000, (0x3000 bytes) 2: 60 mapread 0x1043e thru 0x1e39f (0xdf62 bytes) 2: 61 fsync 0: 59 fsync 1: 64 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x2b785 1: 65 trunc from 0x2b785 to 0x1729b 1: 66 clone from 0x4000 to 0x9000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x10000 1: 67 fsync 3: 66 copy from 0x2623f to 0x2dd6e, (0x7b2f bytes) at 0x113d5 3: 67 zero from 0x315e5 to 0x39b85, (0x85a0 bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark3 2: 62 read 0xf8f7 thru 0x1b767 (0xbe71 bytes) 2: 63 copy from 0x1b41c to 0x24c8d, (0x9871 bytes) at 0x10be4 2: 64 dedupe from 0x1000 to 0x5000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x6000 2: 65 fsync 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark4 0: 60 clone from 0x27000 to 0x35000, (0xe000 bytes) at 0x16000 3: 68 collapse from 0x9000 to 0xf000, (0x6000 bytes) 0: 62 dedupe from 0x25000 to 0x2f000, (0xa000 bytes) at 0x9000 0: 63 punch from 0x32be2 to 0x39d41, (0x715f bytes) 0: 64 read 0x333d5 thru 0x39d40 (0x696c bytes) 0: 65 falloc from 0x3fcef to 0x40000 (0x311 bytes) 0: 66 trunc from 0x39d41 to 0x1900f 0: 67 punch from 0xefb1 to 0x1233a, (0x3389 bytes) 0: 68 mapread 0x402c thru 0x106fa (0xc6cf bytes) 0: 69 punch from 0x13ba7 to 0x1900f, (0x5468 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark5 1: 68 copy from 0x15d9 to 0x16a0, (0xc7 bytes) at 0x53f7 1: 69 read 0xe1e0 thru 0x13e74 (0x5c95 bytes) 1: 70 fsync 3: 69 write 0x3803b thru 0x3ffff (0x7fc5 bytes) 3: 70 zero from 0x17832 to 0x26a2f, (0xf1fd bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark4 2: 66 read 0x1e5b4 thru 0x23dcc (0x5819 bytes) 2: 67 mapwrite 0x36595 thru 0x3a9ee (0x445a bytes) 0: 70 fsync 3: 71 write 0x79a5 thru 0x129bf (0xb01b bytes) 3: 72 clone from 0x3a000 to 0x3f000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x21000 3: 73 collapse from 0x23000 to 0x2d000, (0xa000 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark6 1: 71 write 0xd764 thru 0xf21b (0x1ab8 bytes) 1: 72 write 0x384a5 thru 0x3ffff (0x7b5b bytes) 1: 73 collapse from 0xa000 to 0x16000, (0xc000 bytes) 3: 74 fsync 1: 74 trunc from 0x34000 to 0xa084 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark5 0: 71 write 0x32116 thru 0x34024 (0x1f0f bytes) 0: 72 write 0x448a thru 0x9724 (0x529b bytes) 0: 73 read 0x1fd01 thru 0x22c1f (0x2f1f bytes) 0: 74 copy from 0x107dd to 0x12f7c, (0x279f bytes) at 0x5e29 0: 75 dedupe from 0x19000 to 0x21000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x27000 0: 76 punch from 0xd5f to 0x5587, (0x4828 bytes) 2: 68 punch from 0xb433 to 0x17985, (0xc552 bytes) 1: 75 punch from 0x3703 to 0x71de, (0x3adb bytes) 1: 76 falloc from 0x117bf to 0x19bcd (0x840e bytes) 1: 77 mapread 0x8de6 thru 0xa083 (0x129e bytes) 1: 78 insert from 0x4000 to 0x5000, (0x1000 bytes) 0: 77 punch from 0x106b1 to 0x17569, (0x6eb8 bytes) 2: 69 mapwrite 0x12939 thru 0x1611d (0x37e5 bytes) 0: 78 fsync 1: 79 falloc from 0x2053f to 0x2c9b8 (0xc479 bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark1 3: 75 mapwrite 0x13fa6 thru 0x1d1d7 (0x9232 bytes) 1: 80 read 0x27682 thru 0x28b91 (0x1510 bytes) 1: 81 insert from 0xc000 to 0x19000, (0xd000 bytes) 1: 82 fsync 2: 70 insert from 0x35000 to 0x3a000, (0x5000 bytes) 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark6 0: 79 insert from 0x1000 to 0x8000, (0x7000 bytes) 2: 71 fsync 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark7 1: 83 collapse from 0x9000 to 0xd000, (0x4000 bytes) 1: 84 write 0x14445 thru 0x1fe40 (0xb9fc bytes) 1: 85 mapread 0x26317 thru 0x2dd6f (0x7a59 bytes) 1: 86 falloc from 0x4ebd to 0xb5e2 (0x6725 bytes) 1: 87 collapse from 0x24000 to 0x25000, (0x1000 bytes) 1: 88 fsync 3: 77 dedupe from 0x15000 to 0x22000, (0xd000 bytes) at 0x26000 3: 78 zero from 0x33418 to 0x33b5f, (0x747 bytes) 3: 79 punch from 0x19e8b to 0x1e34c, (0x44c1 bytes) 0: 80 read 0x2e1e2 thru 0x31d8d (0x3bac bytes) 0: 81 trunc from 0x3b025 to 0x274d4 0: 82 clone from 0x1f000 to 0x22000, (0x3000 bytes) at 0x10000 0: 83 mapwrite 0x14ca9 thru 0x226e3 (0xda3b bytes) 3: 80 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark5 2: 72 falloc from 0xd1e9 to 0xfd37 (0x2b4e bytes) 2: 73 copy from 0x49ae to 0xead8, (0xa12a bytes) at 0x2aff0 2: 74 dedupe from 0x29000 to 0x2e000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x32000 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark8 1: 89 clone from 0xa000 to 0x12000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x1e000 1: 90 fsync 0: 85 copy from 0x1fbdb to 0x2588c, (0x5cb1 bytes) at 0x1808c 0: 86 trunc from 0x274d4 to 0x36dd4 0: 87 punch from 0xa0ab to 0x162f5, (0xc24a bytes) 2: 75 falloc from 0x23646 to 0x308ea (0xd2a4 bytes) 2: 76 falloc from 0x29d44 to 0x32c58 (0x8f14 bytes) 2: 77 read 0x3c33c thru 0x3f9ee (0x36b3 bytes) 0: 88 mapread 0x26c92 thru 0x2c8d5 (0x5c44 bytes) 0: 89 zero from 0x1a7a1 to 0x27931, (0xd190 bytes) 0: 90 punch from 0x25b3f to 0x345c5, (0xea86 bytes) 0: 91 zero from 0x37eb4 to 0x3aa6a, (0x2bb6 bytes) 0: 92 copy from 0x19101 to 0x2864f, (0xf54e bytes) at 0x1df9 0: 93 trunc from 0x36dd4 to 0x355d9 0: 94 zero from 0xb7b0 to 0x137de, (0x802e bytes) 0: 95 punch from 0xd045 to 0x18c8e, (0xbc49 bytes) 0: 96 zero from 0x30408 to 0x36fd3, (0x6bcb bytes) 0: 97 mapread 0x2d773 thru 0x355d8 (0x7e66 bytes) 0: 98 fsync 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark9 1: 91 trunc from 0x349b8 to 0x2d4bd 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark2 3: 81 mapread 0x19c01 thru 0x1f66b (0x5a6b bytes) 1: 92 punch from 0x26c82 to 0x2d4bd, (0x683b bytes) 3: 82 fsync 1: 93 insert from 0x10000 to 0x1e000, (0xe000 bytes) 1: 94 falloc from 0x124e to 0x661b (0x53cd bytes) 1: 95 falloc from 0xab22 to 0x160c4 (0xb5a2 bytes) 1: 96 fsync 2: 78 fsync 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark7 0: 99 trunc from 0x355d9 to 0x23dc4 0: 100 read 0x20deb thru 0x23dc3 (0x2fd9 bytes) 0: 101 clone from 0x20000 to 0x23000, (0x3000 bytes) at 0x33000 0: 102 mapread 0x23e7d thru 0x2aad7 (0x6c5b bytes) 0: 103 falloc from 0xc611 to 0xc6dc (0xcb bytes) 0: 104 falloc from 0x1c9a8 to 0x213ae (0x4a06 bytes) 0: 105 collapse from 0x8000 to 0xb000, (0x3000 bytes) 0: 106 punch from 0x12d4f to 0x1ea58, (0xbd09 bytes) 0: 107 dedupe from 0x1b000 to 0x2a000, (0xf000 bytes) at 0x3000 0: 108 fsync 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark3 3: 83 mapread 0x26dda thru 0x2dff4 (0x721b bytes) 3: 84 insert from 0x2b000 to 0x35000, (0xa000 bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark6 2: 79 falloc from 0x287a9 to 0x2aa06 (0x225d bytes) 2: 80 falloc from 0x14cb0 to 0x173a9 (0x26f9 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark10 3: 85 punch from 0xbfce to 0xcc35, (0xc67 bytes) 2: 81 zero from 0x295e5 to 0x353ca, (0xbde5 bytes) 1: 97 write 0x1a6b7 thru 0x1b5d0 (0xf1a bytes) 1: 98 falloc from 0x3e0d6 to 0x40000 (0x1f2a bytes) 1: 99 falloc from 0xb1ba to 0x13c47 (0x8a8d bytes) 1: 100 zero from 0x6ac8 to 0x13aba, (0xcff2 bytes) 1: 101 dedupe from 0x23000 to 0x28000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x2d000 1: 102 dedupe from 0x2e000 to 0x3b000, (0xd000 bytes) at 0xd000 2: 82 trunc from 0x3f9ef to 0x21576 1: 103 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x13d52 1: 104 trunc from 0x13d52 to 0x12a1b 1: 105 fsync 2: 83 mapwrite 0xe87a thru 0x1be7b (0xd602 bytes) 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark8 0: 109 dedupe from 0x15000 to 0x1f000, (0xa000 bytes) at 0x29000 0: 110 zero from 0x3496d to 0x40000, (0xb693 bytes) 0: 111 clone from 0x2b000 to 0x33000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x36000 0: 112 copy from 0xb28d to 0xd811, (0x2584 bytes) at 0x28f88 0: 114 copy from 0x15160 to 0x2415e, (0xeffe bytes) at 0x5a52 0: 115 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x35af1 0: 116 falloc from 0xfa9b to 0x13650 (0x3bb5 bytes) 0: 118 mapread 0x1ebde thru 0x21980 (0x2da3 bytes) 0: 119 zero from 0xc07e to 0xcd8e, (0xd10 bytes) 3: 86 mapread 0x23c6b thru 0x292ff (0x5695 bytes) 0: 120 copy from 0x2dfe1 to 0x35af1, (0x7b10 bytes) at 0x16c61 0: 121 punch from 0x2562d to 0x2e1fa, (0x8bcd bytes) 3: 87 collapse from 0xd000 to 0xe000, (0x1000 bytes) 3: 88 fsync 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark11 1: 106 insert from 0x2000 to 0xb000, (0x9000 bytes) 1: 107 read 0xf673 thru 0x13c95 (0x4623 bytes) 1: 108 mapwrite 0x33a11 thru 0x3a0fc (0x66ec bytes) 2: 84 mapwrite 0x14eb7 thru 0x1ee60 (0x9faa bytes) 0: 122 trunc from 0x35af1 to 0x2431e 0: 123 falloc from 0x27bee to 0x29b67 (0x1f79 bytes) 0: 124 copy from 0x1c527 to 0x22177, (0x5c50 bytes) at 0x2341d 0: 125 insert from 0x20000 to 0x2b000, (0xb000 bytes) 0: 126 punch from 0x16451 to 0x1adcd, (0x497c bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark4 3: 89 collapse from 0x15000 to 0x1b000, (0x6000 bytes) 3: 90 mapread 0x175df thru 0x23cd3 (0xc6f5 bytes) 1: 109 falloc from 0x351e7 to 0x3da04 (0x881d bytes) 1: 110 trunc from 0x3a0fd to 0x1a1ad 1: 112 read 0x1922a thru 0x1a1ac (0xf83 bytes) 3: 91 punch from 0x1fa38 to 0x25fc2, (0x658a bytes) 1: 113 copy from 0x83a0 to 0x1525a, (0xceba bytes) at 0x317a7 1: 114 punch from 0x1a5be to 0x21e1b, (0x785d bytes) 1: 115 collapse from 0x2e000 to 0x34000, (0x6000 bytes) 3: 92 read 0xbeed thru 0x1a816 (0xe92a bytes) 3: 93 zero from 0x14fbb to 0x1ca78, (0x7abd bytes) 2: 85 copy from 0x2fe0 to 0x6a09, (0x3a29 bytes) at 0x1e841 2: 86 punch from 0x21170 to 0x2226a, (0x10fa bytes) 0: 127 write 0x882a thru 0x14c28 (0xc3ff bytes) 0: 128 copy from 0x26bd8 to 0x2b5f4, (0x4a1c bytes) at 0x9d6 3: 94 read 0x2f17b thru 0x387fa (0x9680 bytes) 3: 95 read 0x220ef thru 0x23226 (0x1138 bytes) 3: 96 fsync 0: 129 dedupe from 0x25000 to 0x2a000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0xb000 0: 130 mapwrite 0x28cce thru 0x31ff2 (0x9325 bytes) 1: 116 clone from 0x34000 to 0x38000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x20000 1: 117 falloc from 0x1b6bb to 0x24a72 (0x93b7 bytes) 1: 118 copy from 0x15ca5 to 0x19682, (0x39dd bytes) at 0x1d45e 2: 87 mapwrite 0x36bed thru 0x3ffff (0x9413 bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark5 3: 97 collapse from 0x3000 to 0x12000, (0xf000 bytes) 3: 98 clone from 0x18000 to 0x21000, (0x9000 bytes) at 0x5000 3: 99 falloc from 0x245c0 to 0x2b767 (0x71a7 bytes) 3: 100 clone from 0x1000 to 0xa000, (0x9000 bytes) at 0x2f000 3: 101 dedupe from 0x4000 to 0x8000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x2d000 1: 119 copy from 0x2f70f to 0x30d91, (0x1682 bytes) at 0x28f57 3: 102 dedupe from 0x23000 to 0x28000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x2b000 3: 103 read 0xf61f thru 0x164e0 (0x6ec2 bytes) 3: 104 fsync 1: 120 dedupe from 0x2c000 to 0x35000, (0x9000 bytes) at 0x11000 0: 131 collapse from 0xd000 to 0x13000, (0x6000 bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark6 3: 105 collapse from 0x2d000 to 0x37000, (0xa000 bytes) 0: 132 insert from 0x2a000 to 0x2b000, (0x1000 bytes) 3: 106 zero from 0x2d8a3 to 0x2fd62, (0x24bf bytes) 3: 107 zero from 0x1072 to 0xbb1e, (0xaaac bytes) 2: 89 zero from 0x2a552 to 0x32cc0, (0x876e bytes) 2: 90 write 0x20f04 thru 0x22b7e (0x1c7b bytes) 2: 91 copy from 0x32c7d to 0x3c80a, (0x9b8d bytes) at 0x26a59 2: 92 mapread 0x3feca thru 0x3ffff (0x136 bytes) 2: 93 read 0x253f8 thru 0x28250 (0x2e59 bytes) 2: 94 zero from 0x3ac01 to 0x3d04c, (0x244b bytes) 1: 121 punch from 0x74c5 to 0xb126, (0x3c61 bytes) 0: 133 collapse from 0x5000 to 0x6000, (0x1000 bytes) 1: 122 falloc from 0xfdf to 0x1052a (0xf54b bytes) 1: 123 dedupe from 0x23000 to 0x31000, (0xe000 bytes) at 0xd000 0: 134 insert from 0xe000 to 0x11000, (0x3000 bytes) 0: 135 write 0x37880 thru 0x3da07 (0x6188 bytes) 0: 136 dedupe from 0x5000 to 0x9000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x2c000 0: 137 clone from 0x15000 to 0x21000, (0xc000 bytes) at 0x22000 2: 95 dedupe from 0x2a000 to 0x2c000, (0x2000 bytes) at 0x34000 2: 96 mapread 0x2542d thru 0x34962 (0xf536 bytes) 2: 97 copy from 0x3444a to 0x39304, (0x4eba bytes) at 0x134da 2: 98 fsync 0: 138 clone from 0x1e000 to 0x2a000, (0xc000 bytes) at 0xe000 1: 124 zero from 0x2d2d7 to 0x3c6da, (0xf403 bytes) 0: 139 mapread 0x3718c thru 0x3da07 (0x687c bytes) 0: 140 punch from 0x2577e to 0x2feb7, (0xa739 bytes) 1: 125 trunc from 0x38661 to 0x29bd7 1: 126 fsync 3: 108 write 0x2d800 thru 0x36157 (0x8958 bytes) 3: 109 mapwrite 0x7949 thru 0x105eb (0x8ca3 bytes) 0: 141 clone from 0x28000 to 0x32000, (0xa000 bytes) at 0xb000 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark7 2: 99 mapwrite 0x3ac32 thru 0x3b7a6 (0xb75 bytes) 0: 142 insert from 0xe000 to 0x10000, (0x2000 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark12 1: 127 mapwrite 0x2f48d thru 0x36a06 (0x757a bytes) 2: 100 clone from 0xa000 to 0x14000, (0xa000 bytes) at 0x1a000 2: 101 write 0x1705a thru 0x22b39 (0xbae0 bytes) 2: 103 mapread 0x3e2f9 thru 0x3f0c4 (0xdcc bytes) 2: 104 collapse from 0x35000 to 0x3f000, (0xa000 bytes) 2: 105 read 0x1fef4 thru 0x245bc (0x46c9 bytes) 3: 110 trunc from 0x36158 to 0x3be53 2: 106 fsync 3: 111 dedupe from 0x4000 to 0x13000, (0xf000 bytes) at 0x25000 0: 143 fsync 1: 128 clone from 0x5000 to 0x9000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x21000 1: 129 write 0x2980c thru 0x38dfd (0xf5f2 bytes) 1: 130 mapread 0x8fd0 thru 0x116d8 (0x8709 bytes) 3: 112 mapwrite 0x359d3 thru 0x37c4b (0x2279 bytes) 1: 131 fsync 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark9 0: 144 dedupe from 0x14000 to 0x23000, (0xf000 bytes) at 0x2c000 3: 113 falloc from 0x647e to 0xc863 (0x63e5 bytes) 3: 114 mapread 0x1eafe thru 0x252d6 (0x67d9 bytes) 3: 115 read 0x1be5e thru 0x297ff (0xd9a2 bytes) 3: 116 copy from 0x2ae9 to 0x4018, (0x152f bytes) at 0x9019 3: 117 trunc from 0x3be53 to 0x2daba 3: 118 trunc from 0x2daba to 0xc4be 3: 119 zero from 0x260c7 to 0x28507, (0x2440 bytes) 3: 120 dedupe from 0x2000 to 0x6000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x7000 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark8 2: 107 mapread 0x2b30a thru 0x35fff (0xacf6 bytes) 3: 121 clone from 0x0 to 0x6000, (0x6000 bytes) at 0x13000 3: 122 mapwrite 0xcb7a thru 0x11396 (0x481d bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark13 1: 132 collapse from 0x2d000 to 0x31000, (0x4000 bytes) 2: 108 copy from 0x12880 to 0x18a1e, (0x619e bytes) at 0xbc3d 2: 109 fsync 0: 145 mapread 0x2dd6 thru 0xe39a (0xb5c5 bytes) 1: 133 trunc from 0x34dfe to 0xeaeb 1: 134 punch from 0xb77a to 0xe9cf, (0x3255 bytes) 1: 135 falloc from 0x2e8e6 to 0x3341f (0x4b39 bytes) 1: 136 insert from 0x1d000 to 0x27000, (0xa000 bytes) 1: 137 fsync 0: 146 write 0x1ad84 thru 0x28d2e (0xdfab bytes) 0: 147 copy from 0x4c51 to 0xa2ac, (0x565b bytes) at 0x34166 0: 149 read 0xd0db thru 0xf745 (0x266b bytes) 0: 150 read 0x1d0d1 thru 0x29d93 (0xccc3 bytes) 0: 151 read 0x3528b thru 0x3d8c5 (0x863b bytes) 3: 123 collapse from 0x17000 to 0x18000, (0x1000 bytes) 3: 124 collapse from 0x14000 to 0x15000, (0x1000 bytes) 0: 152 fsync 3: 125 falloc from 0x21260 to 0x2bd9b (0xab3b bytes) 3: 126 zero from 0x32339 to 0x3ac1e, (0x88e5 bytes) 3: 127 mapread 0xf69 thru 0x10674 (0xf70c bytes) 3: 128 read 0x10753 thru 0x1af6f (0xa81d bytes) 3: 129 copy from 0x5d2e to 0x8fff, (0x32d1 bytes) at 0x32efc 3: 130 punch from 0x276dd to 0x281d9, (0xafc bytes) 3: 131 dedupe from 0x31000 to 0x35000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x1b000 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark9 2: 110 zero from 0x170e7 to 0x1cbbe, (0x5ad7 bytes) 3: 132 mapwrite 0x22d98 thru 0x2ae2f (0x8098 bytes) 2: 111 mapwrite 0x3ecfe thru 0x3ffff (0x1302 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark14 1: 138 fsync 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark15 1: 139 collapse from 0x37000 to 0x3d000, (0x6000 bytes) 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark10 0: 153 punch from 0x1f8b0 to 0x2c5da, (0xcd2a bytes) 1: 140 collapse from 0x14000 to 0x18000, (0x4000 bytes) 1: 142 clone from 0x29000 to 0x32000, (0x9000 bytes) at 0xa000 1: 143 punch from 0x184fb to 0x1aa37, (0x253c bytes) 1: 144 mapwrite 0x349ab thru 0x3d643 (0x8c99 bytes) 0: 154 read 0xd4da thru 0x1c498 (0xefbf bytes) 0: 155 dedupe from 0x37000 to 0x3f000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x2000 0: 156 copy from 0x34160 to 0x3e6c7, (0xa567 bytes) at 0xe25 0: 157 read 0x346bb thru 0x3dcaf (0x95f5 bytes) 0: 158 zero from 0x26d8e to 0x2ab15, (0x3d87 bytes) 0: 159 write 0x182ae thru 0x22887 (0xa5da bytes) 0: 160 copy from 0x2f837 to 0x3ebad, (0xf376 bytes) at 0x4341 0: 161 read 0x16086 thru 0x254ae (0xf429 bytes) 0: 162 mapread 0x1a0bc thru 0x1fd6b (0x5cb0 bytes) 0: 163 falloc from 0x3e246 to 0x40000 (0x1dba bytes) 2: 112 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x429d 0: 164 fsync 2: 113 mapwrite 0x2d0b6 thru 0x3142c (0x4377 bytes) 3: 133 falloc from 0x60d4 to 0xdecb (0x7df7 bytes) 3: 134 mapread 0x2c286 thru 0x35f79 (0x9cf4 bytes) 3: 135 fsync 1: 145 insert from 0x0 to 0x1000, (0x1000 bytes) 1: 146 mapwrite 0x12160 thru 0x17ce7 (0x5b88 bytes) 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark11 0: 165 fsync 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark12 0: 166 fsync 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark7 3: 136 fsync 2: 114 punch from 0x2bad9 to 0x3142d, (0x5954 bytes) 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark13 0: 168 zero from 0x40a3 to 0xfeed, (0xbe4a bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark8 3: 137 read 0x2b00 thru 0x1087e (0xdd7f bytes) 3: 138 fsync 1: 147 dedupe from 0xb000 to 0x15000, (0xa000 bytes) at 0x2b000 1: 148 trunc from 0x3e644 to 0x31460 2: 115 falloc from 0x18676 to 0x20eb3 (0x883d bytes) 2: 116 collapse from 0x2000 to 0x11000, (0xf000 bytes) 1: 149 read 0x2961e thru 0x3145f (0x7e42 bytes) 1: 150 trunc from 0x31460 to 0x2ffc1 1: 151 fsync 2: 117 copy from 0x1a44a to 0x2242d, (0x7fe3 bytes) at 0x411e 2: 118 clone from 0x1000 to 0x8000, (0x7000 bytes) at 0x29000 0: 169 trunc from 0x40000 to 0xb1c5 0: 170 punch from 0x3d7 to 0x2e04, (0x2a2d bytes) 2: 119 write 0x2dea3 thru 0x345f8 (0x6756 bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark9 3: 139 copy from 0x32dfd to 0x361cd, (0x33d0 bytes) at 0x2eb5 3: 140 collapse from 0x6000 to 0xe000, (0x8000 bytes) 2: 120 mapread 0x31fe4 thru 0x345f8 (0x2615 bytes) 0: 171 falloc from 0x369de to 0x40000 (0x9622 bytes) 2: 121 copy from 0x2be0 to 0xb2c2, (0x86e2 bytes) at 0x29d60 2: 122 copy from 0x299d7 to 0x2e499, (0x4ac2 bytes) at 0x35157 0: 172 dedupe from 0x7000 to 0xb000, (0x4000 bytes) at 0x2000 2: 123 read 0x397b4 thru 0x39c18 (0x465 bytes) 2: 124 trunc from 0x39c19 to 0xd518 2: 125 write 0x1f102 thru 0x219b1 (0x28b0 bytes) 2: 126 mapread 0x2300 thru 0x7f8e (0x5c8f bytes) 2: 127 fsync 0: 173 write 0x56e0 thru 0xa524 (0x4e45 bytes) 0: 174 mapread 0x19bb thru 0xb1c4 (0x980a bytes) 0: 175 punch from 0x25ae to 0x5412, (0x2e64 bytes) 1: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile1.mark16 1: 152 clone from 0x27000 to 0x2f000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x37000 1: 153 mapwrite 0x268b1 thru 0x31703 (0xae53 bytes) 3: 141 trunc from 0x2e1cd to 0x10066 3: 142 falloc from 0x71cb to 0xf660 (0x8495 bytes) 3: 143 mapread 0xb9fb thru 0x10065 (0x466b bytes) 3: 144 zero from 0x971b to 0x1428f, (0xab74 bytes) 0: 176 zero from 0x3251f to 0x32c19, (0x6fa bytes) 0: 177 falloc from 0x6fc1 to 0x14fdc (0xe01b bytes) 0: 178 trunc from 0xb1c5 to 0x3f9f7 0: 179 zero from 0x27375 to 0x2bf61, (0x4bec bytes) 0: 180 trunc from 0x3f9f7 to 0x20e61 0: 181 mapread 0x5300 thru 0x1494b (0xf64c bytes) 0: 182 punch from 0x1d5b4 to 0x20e61, (0x38ad bytes) 0: 183 trunc from 0x20e61 to 0x1724e 0: 184 mapwrite 0x185e9 thru 0x23f1e (0xb936 bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark10 2: 128 write 0x3029a thru 0x35e31 (0x5b98 bytes) 2: 129 mapread 0x247b2 thru 0x327e6 (0xe035 bytes) 2: 130 fsync 3: 145 mapread 0x9e87 thru 0xefec (0x5166 bytes) 3: 148 falloc from 0x3c880 to 0x3da00 (0x1180 bytes) 3: 149 dedupe from 0x11000 to 0x18000, (0x7000 bytes) at 0x2b000 3: 150 punch from 0x18438 to 0x26c1f, (0xe7e7 bytes) 3: 151 fsync 1: 154 dedupe from 0x2c000 to 0x33000, (0x7000 bytes) at 0x14000 1: 155 insert from 0x10000 to 0x11000, (0x1000 bytes) 1: 156 copy from 0xe5c4 to 0x1a1f1, (0xbc2d bytes) at 0x2136c 1: 157 write 0x24894 thru 0x26efd (0x266a bytes) 1: 158 dedupe from 0x14000 to 0x1a000, (0x6000 bytes) at 0xa000 1: 159 mapread 0xeb32 thru 0x1c903 (0xddd2 bytes) 1: 160 clone from 0x3d000 to 0x3f000, (0x2000 bytes) at 0x1000 1: 161 mapwrite 0x20569 thru 0x20c87 (0x71f bytes) 0: 185 read 0x7ba4 thru 0x13a2c (0xbe89 bytes) 0: 187 read 0x1a104 thru 0x20483 (0x6380 bytes) 0: 188 falloc from 0x3fb0a to 0x40000 (0x4f6 bytes) 0: 189 read 0x21e74 thru 0x2ee32 (0xcfbf bytes) 0: 190 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark11 2: 131 dedupe from 0x26000 to 0x2f000, (0x9000 bytes) at 0x2000 2: 132 fsync 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark10 3: 152 dedupe from 0x3b000 to 0x3d000, (0x2000 bytes) at 0xf000 3: 153 write 0x1fc65 thru 0x2e76d (0xeb09 bytes) 3: 154 read 0x1e80d thru 0x28d53 (0xa547 bytes) 3: 155 mapread 0x172a6 thru 0x1cda6 (0x5b01 bytes) 3: 156 fsync 1: 162 read 0x1c2d6 thru 0x1cd23 (0xa4e bytes) 1: 163 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x3578f 1: 164 punch from 0x24051 to 0x2b95f, (0x790e bytes) 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark14 0: 191 zero from 0x332ee to 0x36f4e, (0x3c60 bytes) 0: 192 copy from 0x14aef to 0x201b0, (0xb6c1 bytes) at 0x377b 0: 193 dedupe from 0x31000 to 0x33000, (0x2000 bytes) at 0x17000 0: 194 fsync 1: 165 punch from 0x1ff6c to 0x20861, (0x8f5 bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark12 2: 133 read 0x5dd9 thru 0x9923 (0x3b4b bytes) 2: 134 copy from 0x2c2ec to 0x35e32, (0x9b46 bytes) at 0x18943 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark11 2: 135 read 0x12ee1 thru 0x169f9 (0x3b19 bytes) 3: 157 write 0x217e0 thru 0x270a5 (0x58c6 bytes) 2: 136 insert from 0x4000 to 0xe000, (0xa000 bytes) 3: 158 trunc from 0x3da00 to 0x32279 3: 159 collapse from 0x8000 to 0xe000, (0x6000 bytes) 1: 166 dedupe from 0x5000 to 0xe000, (0x9000 bytes) at 0x16000 1: 167 insert from 0x2e000 to 0x34000, (0x6000 bytes) 1: 168 read 0x1f914 thru 0x23b66 (0x4253 bytes) 1: 169 punch from 0x1abef to 0x1f55c, (0x496d bytes) 1: 170 mapwrite 0x3de3 thru 0x75a1 (0x37bf bytes) 3: 160 zero from 0x2f44c to 0x32994, (0x3548 bytes) 3: 162 clone from 0x22000 to 0x29000, (0x7000 bytes) at 0x17000 3: 163 collapse from 0x18000 to 0x1b000, (0x3000 bytes) 3: 164 insert from 0x26000 to 0x35000, (0xf000 bytes) 3: 165 mapwrite 0x2995 thru 0x7807 (0x4e73 bytes) 2: 137 write 0x13d65 thru 0x13e24 (0xc0 bytes) 2: 138 fsync 0: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile0.mark15 0: 195 punch from 0x3fa94 to 0x40000, (0x56c bytes) 0: 196 collapse from 0x1a000 to 0x22000, (0x8000 bytes) 0: 197 insert from 0x35000 to 0x3d000, (0x8000 bytes) 0: 198 falloc from 0x39595 to 0x40000 (0x6a6b bytes) 0: 199 mapwrite 0x361e9 thru 0x3ffff (0x9e17 bytes) 1: 171 mapwrite 0x95c2 thru 0x12248 (0x8c87 bytes) 3: 166 read 0x17612 thru 0x25b55 (0xe544 bytes) 0: All 200 operations completed A-OK! 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark13 2: 139 copy from 0x9e2d to 0x122a3, (0x8476 bytes) at 0x13eae 2: 140 copy from 0x1cde8 to 0x243f1, (0x7609 bytes) at 0xbe04 3: 167 mapwrite 0x18ed4 thru 0x1f27a (0x63a7 bytes) 1: 172 mapwrite 0x1ffcf thru 0x245a1 (0x45d3 bytes) 2: 141 collapse from 0xe000 to 0x15000, (0x7000 bytes) 3: 168 punch from 0x17a87 to 0x24e02, (0xd37b bytes) 1: 173 zero from 0x129cc to 0x133c3, (0x9f7 bytes) 2: 142 punch from 0x20552 to 0x21426, (0xed4 bytes) 2: 143 insert from 0x38000 to 0x3b000, (0x3000 bytes) 2: 144 zero from 0x2904a to 0x29c23, (0xbd9 bytes) 2: 145 mapwrite 0x3059d thru 0x39385 (0x8de9 bytes) 3: 169 collapse from 0x3a000 to 0x3e000, (0x4000 bytes) 1: 174 read 0x36d43 thru 0x3b78e (0x4a4c bytes) 1: 175 trunc from 0x3b78f to 0x19ea7 3: 170 trunc from 0x3a994 to 0xbbf3 1: 176 dedupe from 0x16000 to 0x19000, (0x3000 bytes) at 0x9000 1: 177 collapse from 0x9000 to 0x13000, (0xa000 bytes) 3: 171 punch from 0xa813 to 0xbbf3, (0x13e0 bytes) 3: 172 mapwrite 0x27199 thru 0x2aadd (0x3945 bytes) 1: 178 falloc from 0xa270 to 0xb55d (0x12ed bytes) 1: 179 write 0x69b3 thru 0x753b (0xb89 bytes) 1: 180 read 0xed1c thru 0xfea6 (0x118b bytes) 1: 181 write 0x21d60 thru 0x245df (0x2880 bytes) 1: 183 collapse from 0x0 to 0x7000, (0x7000 bytes) 3: 173 fsync 1: 184 trunc from 0x1d5e0 to 0x20f72 2: 146 fsync 1: 185 mapwrite 0x339cd thru 0x37df3 (0x4427 bytes) 3: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile3.mark12 3: 174 trunc from 0x2aade to 0x19297 3: 175 insert from 0x16000 to 0x1e000, (0x8000 bytes) 3: 176 dedupe from 0xa000 to 0x14000, (0xa000 bytes) at 0x16000 3: 177 dedupe from 0x2000 to 0xe000, (0xc000 bytes) at 0xf000 3: 178 mapwrite 0x3ed77 thru 0x3ffff (0x1289 bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark14 2: 147 insert from 0x17000 to 0x1b000, (0x4000 bytes) 2: 148 copy from 0x19022 to 0x1b8a2, (0x2880 bytes) at 0x7360 2: 149 read 0xe054 thru 0x1df2e (0xfedb bytes) 1: 186 insert from 0xf000 to 0x11000, (0x2000 bytes) 2: 150 fsync 3: 179 clone from 0x37000 to 0x3f000, (0x8000 bytes) at 0x1d000 3: 180 mapwrite 0x1ad98 thru 0x273d1 (0xc63a bytes) 1: 187 insert from 0x16000 to 0x1c000, (0x6000 bytes) 1: 188 falloc from 0xc640 to 0x1be51 (0xf811 bytes) 1: 189 clone from 0x2000 to 0x3000, (0x1000 bytes) at 0x31000 1: 190 falloc from 0x1533 to 0xeef0 (0xd9bd bytes) 1: 191 copy from 0x1ac61 to 0x2a0e1, (0xf480 bytes) at 0x2d502 1: 192 zero from 0x22d19 to 0x31d3f, (0xf026 bytes) 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark15 2: 151 collapse from 0x2b000 to 0x36000, (0xb000 bytes) 2: 152 punch from 0x1317c to 0x1f0e6, (0xbf6a bytes) 3: 181 read 0x2ad05 thru 0x30398 (0x5694 bytes) 3: 182 zero from 0x3b456 to 0x40000, (0x4baa bytes) 3: 183 mapread 0x1caa2 thru 0x2137e (0x48dd bytes) 3: 184 read 0x2a361 thru 0x37a67 (0xd707 bytes) 3: 185 zero from 0x24272 to 0x306f8, (0xc486 bytes) 3: 186 copy from 0x26204 to 0x2dddd, (0x7bd9 bytes) at 0x3220b 1: 193 mapread 0x34d09 thru 0x3fdf3 (0xb0eb bytes) 3: 187 mapread 0x15a03 thru 0x21f03 (0xc501 bytes) 3: 188 mapwrite 0x4bdb thru 0x8e98 (0x42be bytes) 1: 194 write 0x24c5d thru 0x32c96 (0xe03a bytes) 1: 195 write 0x2fd3d thru 0x37f95 (0x8259 bytes) 1: 196 mapread 0x23402 thru 0x2f8c8 (0xc4c7 bytes) 1: 197 falloc from 0x7810 to 0x123de (0xabce bytes) 1: 198 falloc from 0xe446 to 0x1a6d4 (0xc28e bytes) 1: 199 collapse from 0x1c000 to 0x1d000, (0x1000 bytes) 2: 153 insert from 0x2d000 to 0x32000, (0x5000 bytes) 1: 200 mapwrite 0x3de1f thru 0x3ffff (0x21e1 bytes) 2: 154 clone from 0x17000 to 0x1a000, (0x3000 bytes) at 0x23000 2: 155 clone from 0x33000 to 0x38000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x10000 3: 189 collapse from 0x28000 to 0x30000, (0x8000 bytes) 2: 156 trunc from 0x39e32 to 0x2f4cb 2: 157 falloc from 0x112a3 to 0x1c69e (0xb3fb bytes) 2: 158 falloc from 0x3d0aa to 0x3eb8f (0x1ae5 bytes) 2: 159 dedupe from 0x2e000 to 0x34000, (0x6000 bytes) at 0x10000 3: 190 trunc from 0x38000 to 0x337ce 3: 191 trunc from 0x337ce to 0x276bd 2: 160 falloc from 0x1c561 to 0x234f6 (0x6f95 bytes) 3: 192 dedupe from 0x6000 to 0x12000, (0xc000 bytes) at 0x13000 3: 193 copy from 0xeb05 to 0x14d2b, (0x6226 bytes) at 0x25e79 3: 194 trunc from 0x2c09f to 0x351cd 2: 161 collapse from 0xa000 to 0x14000, (0xa000 bytes) 3: 195 mapread 0x2440f thru 0x2a45e (0x6050 bytes) 3: 196 mapread 0x6163 thru 0x14b6e (0xea0c bytes) 3: 197 dedupe from 0xe000 to 0x18000, (0xa000 bytes) at 0x3000 3: 198 mapwrite 0x3fd5a thru 0x3ffff (0x2a6 bytes) 2: 162 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark16 2: 163 dedupe from 0x13000 to 0x22000, (0xf000 bytes) at 0x24000 3: 199 falloc from 0x22ae3 to 0x2eb0f (0xc02c bytes) 3: 200 mapwrite 0x37f8f thru 0x3ffff (0x8071 bytes) 1: All 200 operations completed A-OK! 3: All 200 operations completed A-OK! 2: 164 falloc from 0x7e83 to 0xac38 (0x2db5 bytes) 2: 165 mapwrite 0x38de2 thru 0x3ffff (0x721e bytes) 2: 166 dedupe from 0xe000 to 0x1c000, (0xe000 bytes) at 0x25000 2: 167 collapse from 0x3b000 to 0x3f000, (0x4000 bytes) 2: 168 collapse from 0x9000 to 0xc000, (0x3000 bytes) 2: 169 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark17 2: 170 insert from 0x1f000 to 0x26000, (0x7000 bytes) 2: 171 zero from 0x8894 to 0x1565d, (0xcdc9 bytes) 2: 172 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark18 2: 173 punch from 0x2d0c5 to 0x2fa12, (0x294d bytes) 2: 174 mapread 0x20c74 thru 0x2d7b2 (0xcb3f bytes) 2: 175 clone from 0x13000 to 0x15000, (0x2000 bytes) at 0x5000 2: 176 punch from 0xa93b to 0x158eb, (0xafb0 bytes) 2: 177 punch from 0x1c47a to 0x23ac0, (0x7646 bytes) 2: 178 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark19 2: 179 trunc from 0x40000 to 0x2bc53 2: 180 zero from 0x2438b to 0x2e1c5, (0x9e3a bytes) 2: 181 copy from 0x1d29 to 0x721c, (0x54f3 bytes) at 0x10a37 2: 182 dedupe from 0x1d000 to 0x22000, (0x5000 bytes) at 0x11000 2: 183 mapread 0x1862c thru 0x23091 (0xaa66 bytes) 2: 184 clone from 0x1c000 to 0x1d000, (0x1000 bytes) at 0x9000 2: 185 trunc from 0x2bc53 to 0x19c95 2: 186 trunc from 0x19c95 to 0x23a30 2: 187 mapwrite 0x1056e thru 0x15123 (0x4bb6 bytes) 2: 189 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark20 2: 190 mapwrite 0xe44f thru 0x17e13 (0x99c5 bytes) 2: 191 trunc from 0x23a30 to 0x1d8c9 2: 192 zero from 0x22996 to 0x3259b, (0xfc05 bytes) 2: 193 collapse from 0x21000 to 0x24000, (0x3000 bytes) 2: 194 mapread 0x6bad thru 0x146e4 (0xdb38 bytes) 2: 195 fsync 2: Dumped fsync buffer to testfile2.mark21 2: 196 clone from 0x5000 to 0x13000, (0xe000 bytes) at 0x2d000 2: 197 read 0xda39 thru 0x15b9a (0x8162 bytes) 2: 198 mapwrite 0x2e7fe thru 0x335e5 (0x4de8 bytes) 2: 199 punch from 0xc3f2 to 0xd27a, (0xe88 bytes) 2: 200 trunc from 0x3b000 to 0x2a97d 2: All 200 operations completed A-OK! checking pre umount 1297@28393 checking testfile0.mark0 247@18328 checking testfile0.mark1 298@18742 checking testfile0.mark2 308@18853 checking testfile0.mark3 366@19375 checking testfile0.mark4 411@19839 checking testfile0.mark5 460@20155 checking testfile0.mark6 514@20720 checking testfile0.mark7 570@21411 checking testfile0.mark8 594@21449 checking testfile0.mark9 788@23442 checking testfile0.mark10 881@24152 checking testfile0.mark11 904@24684 checking testfile0.mark12 951@24851 checking testfile0.mark13 957@24862 checking testfile0.mark14 1051@25747 checking testfile0.mark15 1065@25868 checking testfile1.mark0 79@16017 checking testfile1.mark1 180@17870 checking testfile1.mark2 202@18043 checking testfile1.mark3 245@18321 checking testfile1.mark4 348@19039 checking testfile1.mark5 442@19958 checking testfile1.mark6 456@20085 checking testfile1.mark7 525@20737 checking testfile1.mark8 540@21014 checking testfile1.mark9 555@21106 checking testfile1.mark10 592@21442 checking testfile1.mark11 612@21598 checking testfile1.mark12 731@22924 checking testfile1.mark13 821@23737 checking testfile1.mark14 876@24113 checking testfile1.mark15 880@24151 checking testfile1.mark16 966@24898 testfile1.mark16 md5sum mismatched device-mapper: remove ioctl on logwrites-test failed: No such device or address Command failed.