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Message-ID: <9185e0b8-5e72-4b53-830b-bc2fb99ad76a@kernel.org>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 22:07:17 +0200
From: Roger Quadros <rogerq@...nel.org>
To: Andrew Davis <afd@...com>, Nishanth Menon <nm@...com>
Cc: vigneshr@...com, robh+dt@...nel.org, krzysztof.kozlowski+dt@...aro.org,
conor+dt@...nel.org, srk@...com, linux-arm-kernel@...ts.infradead.org,
devicetree@...r.kernel.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
Siddharth Vadapalli <s-vadapalli@...com>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 2/2] arm64: dts: ti: am642-evm: Add overlay for NAND
expansion card
On 21/09/2023 20:23, Andrew Davis wrote:
> On 9/21/23 6:37 AM, Roger Quadros wrote:
>> On 20/09/2023 20:06, Andrew Davis wrote:
>>> On 9/20/23 11:44 AM, Nishanth Menon wrote:
>>>> On 18:18-20230920, Roger Quadros wrote:
>>>>> On 20/09/2023 16:58, Nishanth Menon wrote:
>>>>>> On 16:34-20230920, Roger Quadros wrote:
>>>>>>> The NAND expansion card plugs in over the HSE (High Speed Expansion)
>>>>>>> connector. Add support for it.
>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Roger Quadros <rogerq@...nel.org>
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/Makefile | 1 +
>>>>>>> arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am642-evm-nand.dtso | 140 ++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>>> 2 files changed, 141 insertions(+)
>>>>>>> create mode 100644 arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am642-evm-nand.dtso
>>>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/Makefile b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/Makefile
>>>>>>> index 06d6f264f292..ece74085a6be 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/Makefile
>>>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/Makefile
>>>>>>> @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_K3) += k3-am62p5-sk.dtb
>>>>>>> # Boards with AM64x SoC
>>>>>>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_K3) += k3-am642-evm.dtb
>>>>>>> +dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_K3) += k3-am642-evm-nand.dtbo
>>>>>>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_K3) += k3-am642-phyboard-electra-rdk.dtb
>>>>>>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_K3) += k3-am642-sk.dtb
>>>>>>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_K3) += k3-am642-tqma64xxl-mbax4xxl.dtb
>>>>>> Also see https://lore.kernel.org/all/20230911165610.GA1362932-robh@kernel.org/
>>>>>> you may not get the dtbo installed when doing make dtbs_install
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>> $ v8make dtbs_install INSTALL_DTBS_PATH=/tmp
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-beagleplay.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-sk.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-verdin-nonwifi-dahlia.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-verdin-nonwifi-dev.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-verdin-nonwifi-yavia.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-verdin-wifi-dahlia.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-verdin-wifi-dev.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am625-verdin-wifi-yavia.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am62-lp-sk.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am62x-sk-hdmi-audio.dtbo
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am62a7-sk.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am62p5-sk.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am642-evm.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am642-evm-nand.dtbo
>>>>> ^^^^
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am642-phyboard-electra-rdk.dtb
>>>>> INSTALL /tmp/ti/k3-am642-sk.dtb
>>>>> What did I miss?
>>>> I missed it, actually. See Rob's comment:
>>>> https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAL_Jsq+GR3hP6hFvFn2z5aXvSXnh9butD3aKZ-y_XJgx0_YPTw@mail.gmail.com/
>>>> Having orphan dtbo is apparently frowned upon
>>> And if you apply these overlays to the base DTB then it gets
>>> symbols added automatically, no need for your patch [1/2] here.
>> Is this OK?
>> k3-am642-evm-nand-dtbs := k3-am642-evm.dtb k3-am642-evm-nand.dtbo
>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_K3) += k3-am642-evm-nand.dtb
>> So patch 1 is not required in this case but we have an
>> extra dtb file which is not really required.
> While I agree we will end up with several pre-overlayed DTB files
> that are arguably not required as they could be later built/applied,
> until we find a better way to check at build time these overlays
> need applied to something as a test.
>> I have 2 more issues to point out
>> 1)
>> With existing examples e.g. J7200 EVM
>> wouldn't k3-j7200-evm.dtb include the k3-j7200-evm-quad-port-eth-exp.dtbo?
>> Is this what we really want?
>> likewise for k3-j721e-evm.dtb and k3-am654-gp-evm.dtb
> Yes, that is the idea, the base-board.dtb is just the raw main board, but
> the "EVM" when you buy it comes with the quad-port daughtercard attached.
> That is what we consider the "EVM" and the DTB names match that.
>> 2)
>> Another issue (unrelated to this change) is the below warning:
>> arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am642-evm-nand.dtso:65.8-140.3: Warning (avoid_default_addr_size): /fragment@..._overlay__: Relying on default #address-cells value
>> arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am642-evm-nand.dtso:65.8-140.3: Warning (avoid_default_addr_size): /fragment@..._overlay__: Relying on default #size-cells value
>> This is because we use the 'ranges' property in the gpmc0 node
>> and the compiler doesn't know the #address/size-cells of the
>> parent node.
>> Is there a trick to specify it in the dtso file?
> Hmm, seems like a tricky one. Do you really need to do the ranges here?
> Could you use the default `ranges;` for gpmc0? Then do the range translation
> down inside the nand node to keep the partition addresses sane.
I think we need to go down this route.
Your suggestion about using ranges in gpmc0 node in the EVM DT file is
fine I guess as for this board there is no other use case for GPMC.
So it should be OK to reserve Chip Select0 address space at k3-am642-evm.dts
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