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Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 02:36:31 +0000
From: 胡连勤 <hulianqin@...o.com>
To: Pelle Windestam <pelle@...destam.se>, "gregkh@...uxfoundation.org"
<gregkh@...uxfoundation.org>, Dan Carpenter <dan.carpenter@...aro.org>, Jon
Hunter <jonathanh@...dia.com>
CC: Prashanth K <quic_prashk@...cinc.com>, "mwalle@...nel.org"
<mwalle@...nel.org>, "quic_jjohnson@...cinc.com" <quic_jjohnson@...cinc.com>,
David Brownell <dbrownell@...rs.sourceforge.net>, "linux-usb@...r.kernel.org"
<linux-usb@...r.kernel.org>, "linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org"
<linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>, opensource.kernel
<opensource.kernel@...o.com>, "linux-tegra@...r.kernel.org"
<linux-tegra@...r.kernel.org>, Brad Griffis <bgriffis@...dia.com>, Harshit
Mogalapalli <harshit.m.mogalapalli@...il.com>
答复: 答复: [PATCH v3] usb: gadget: u_serial: Disable ep before setting port to null to fix the crash caused by port being null
Hi Pelle Windestam:
> >>>>> Odd, you have a usb-serial gadget device in this system that is
> >>>>> disconnecting somehow? That oops doesn't point to anything in the
> >>>>> usb gadget codebase, "all" we have done is move the call to
> >>>>> shutdown the endpoints to earlier in the disconnect function.
> >>>>
> >>>> Yes the board starts usb-serial and usb-ethernet gadget and on
> >>>> reboot when tearing it down I am seeing the above. As soon as it
> >>>> disables the tegra-xudc endpoints (as seen above) the board appears
> >>>> to
> >> stall.
> >>>>
> >>>>> I'm glad to revert this, but it feels really odd that this is
> >>>>> causing you an rcu stall issue.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks. I can't say I understand it either, but I am certain it is
> >>>> caused by this change.
> >>>>
> I do not have much to add in terms of solutions but want to chime in that the
> same issue happened to me the other day when I upgraded my kernel. It
> manifests itself with the rcu stall whenever I try to reboot my device with the
> USB-cable connected (it is a usb-serial gadget device). Moving the
> usb_ep_disable() calls to outside the lock (where they were before the
> patch) solves it.
I apologize again. I didn't consider it comprehensively. The modification plan has introduced serious negative problems for you.
The main line of the patch has been rolled back.
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