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Message-Id: <>
Date: Sat,  8 Feb 2025 17:39:54 +0100
From: Ole Schuerks <>
Subject: [PATCH v7 06/11] kconfig: Add files for fix generation

Add files to implement the algorithm that is used to resolve conflicts,
i.e., find sets of symbols whose values need to be changed in order to
be able to make the desired changes of symbol values.

Co-developed-by: Patrick Franz <>
Signed-off-by: Patrick Franz <>
Co-developed-by: Ibrahim Fayaz <>
Signed-off-by: Ibrahim Fayaz <>
Reviewed-by: Luis Chamberlain <>
Tested-by: Evgeny Groshev <>
Suggested-by: Sarah Nadi <>
Suggested-by: Thorsten Berger <>
Signed-off-by: Thorsten Berger <>
Signed-off-by: Ole Schuerks <>
 scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.c | 1136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.h |   21 +
 2 files changed, 1157 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.c
 create mode 100644 scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.h

diff --git a/scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.c b/scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..88a6a464cccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1136 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Patrick Franz <>
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <xalloc.h>
+#include "lkc.h"
+#include "cf_defs.h"
+#include "cf_expr.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "list_types.h"
+#include "cf_fixgen.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include "cf_utils.h"
+#include "cf_defs.h"
+#define MAX_DIAGNOSES 3
+#define MAX_SECONDS 120
+#define PRINT_UNSAT_CORE true
+#define PRINT_DIAGNOSES false
+static struct sfl_list *diagnoses_symbol;
+static struct fexl_list *generate_diagnoses(PicoSAT *pico, struct cfdata *data);
+static void add_fexpr_to_constraint_set(struct fexpr_list *C,
+					struct cfdata *data);
+static void set_assumptions(PicoSAT *pico, struct fexpr_list *c,
+			    struct cfdata *data);
+static void fexpr_add_assumption(PicoSAT *pico, struct fexpr *e, int satval);
+static struct fexpr_list *get_unsat_core_soft(PicoSAT *pico,
+					      struct cfdata *data);
+static void minimise_unsat_core(PicoSAT *pico, struct fexpr_list *C,
+				struct cfdata *data);
+static struct fexpr_list *get_difference(struct fexpr_list *C,
+					 struct fexpr_list *E0);
+static bool has_intersection(struct fexpr_list *e, struct fexpr_list *X);
+static struct fexpr_list *fexpr_list_union(struct fexpr_list *A,
+					   struct fexpr_list *B);
+static struct fexl_list *fexl_list_union(struct fexl_list *A,
+					 struct fexl_list *B);
+static bool is_subset_of(struct fexpr_list *A, struct fexpr_list *B);
+static void print_unsat_core(struct fexpr_list *list);
+static bool diagnosis_contains_fexpr(struct fexpr_list *diagnosis,
+				     struct fexpr *e);
+static bool diagnosis_contains_symbol(struct sfix_list *diagnosis,
+				      struct symbol *sym);
+static void print_diagnoses(struct fexl_list *diag);
+static void print_diagnoses_symbol(struct sfl_list *diag_sym);
+static struct sfl_list *convert_diagnoses(struct fexl_list *diagnoses,
+					  struct cfdata *data);
+static struct sfix_list *convert_diagnosis(struct fexpr_list *diagnosis,
+					   struct cfdata *data);
+static struct symbol_fix *symbol_fix_create(struct fexpr *e,
+					    enum symbolfix_type type,
+					    struct fexpr_list *diagnosis);
+static struct sfl_list *minimise_diagnoses(PicoSAT *pico,
+					   struct fexl_list *diagnoses,
+					   struct cfdata *data);
+static tristate calculate_new_tri_val(struct fexpr *e,
+				      struct fexpr_list *diagnosis);
+static const char *calculate_new_string_value(struct fexpr *e,
+					      struct fexpr_list *diagnosis);
+static bool fexpr_list_has_length_1(struct fexpr_list *list);
+/* count assumptions, only used for debugging */
+static unsigned int nr_of_assumptions = 0, nr_of_assumptions_true;
+/* -------------------------------------- */
+struct sfl_list *fixgen_run(PicoSAT *pico, struct cfdata *data)
+	clock_t start, end;
+	double time;
+	struct fexl_list *diagnoses;
+	struct fexl_node *node;
+	printd("Starting fix generation...\n");
+	printd("Generating diagnoses...");
+	/* generate the diagnoses */
+	start = clock();
+	diagnoses = generate_diagnoses(pico, data);
+	end = clock();
+	time = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+	printd("Generating diagnoses...done. (%.6f secs.)\n", time);
+		printd("Diagnoses (only for debugging):\n");
+		print_diagnoses(diagnoses);
+		printd("\n");
+	}
+	/* convert diagnoses of fexpr to diagnoses of symbols */
+		diagnoses_symbol = minimise_diagnoses(pico, diagnoses, data);
+	else
+		diagnoses_symbol = convert_diagnoses(diagnoses, data);
+	printd("\n");
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, diagnoses, fexl)
+		CF_LIST_FREE(node->elem, fexpr);
+	CF_LIST_FREE(diagnoses, fexl);
+	return diagnoses_symbol;
+ * generate the diagnoses
+ */
+static struct fexl_list *generate_diagnoses(PicoSAT *pico, struct cfdata *data)
+	CF_DEF_LIST(C, fexpr);
+	CF_DEF_LIST(empty_diagnosis, fexpr);
+	CF_DEF_LIST(E, fexl);
+	CF_DEF_LIST(R, fexl);
+	size_t num_diagnoses = 0;
+	struct fexpr_list *X, *e, *E2;
+	struct fexl_list *E_R_Union;
+	clock_t start_t, end_t;
+	double time_t;
+	/* create constraint set C */
+	add_fexpr_to_constraint_set(C, data);
+		printd("\n");
+	/* init E with an empty diagnosis */
+	CF_PUSH_BACK(E, empty_diagnosis, fexl);
+	/* start the clock */
+	start_t = clock();
+	while (!list_empty(&E->list)) {
+		/* get random diagnosis */
+		struct fexl_node *E0_node =
+			list_first_entry(&E->list, struct fexl_node, node);
+		struct fexpr_list *E0 = E0_node->elem;
+		/* calculate C\E0 */
+		struct fexpr_list *c = get_difference(C, E0);
+		struct fexl_node *node, *next;
+		int res;
+		/* set assumptions */
+		nr_of_assumptions = 0;
+		nr_of_assumptions_true = 0;
+		set_assumptions(pico, c, data);
+		CF_LIST_FREE(c, fexpr);
+		res = picosat_sat(pico, -1);
+		if (res == PICOSAT_SATISFIABLE) {
+				fexpr_list_print("DIAGNOSIS FOUND", E0);
+			list_del(&E0_node->node);
+			if (!list_empty(&E0->list)) {
+				CF_PUSH_BACK(R, E0, fexl);
+				++num_diagnoses;
+			} else
+				CF_LIST_FREE(E0, fexpr);
+			if (num_diagnoses >= MAX_DIAGNOSES)
+			continue;
+		} else if (res == PICOSAT_UNSATISFIABLE) {
+		} else if (res == PICOSAT_UNKNOWN) {
+			printd("UNKNOWN\n");
+		} else {
+			perror("Doh.");
+		}
+		/* check elapsed time */
+		end_t = clock();
+		time_t = ((double) (end_t - start_t)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+		if (time_t > (double) MAX_SECONDS)
+		/* abort and return results if cancelled by user */
+		if (stop_fixgen) {
+			stop_fixgen = false;
+		}
+		/* get unsat core from SAT solver */
+		X = get_unsat_core_soft(pico, data);
+		/* minimise the unsat core */
+			minimise_unsat_core(pico, X, data);
+			print_unsat_core(X);
+		list_for_each_entry_safe(node, next, &E->list, node) {
+			struct fexpr_node *fnode;
+			/* get partial diagnosis */
+			e = node->elem;
+			/* check, if there is an intersection between e and X
+			 * if there is, go to the next partial diagnosis
+			 */
+			if (has_intersection(e, X))
+				continue;
+			/* for each fexpr in the core */
+			CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(fnode, X, fexpr) {
+				struct fexpr *x = fnode->elem;
+				bool E2_subset_of_E1;
+				struct fexl_node *lnode;
+				CF_DEF_LIST(E_without_e, fexl);
+				CF_DEF_LIST(x_set, fexpr);
+				struct fexpr_list *E1;
+				/* create {x} */
+				CF_PUSH_BACK(x_set, x, fexpr);
+				/* create E' = e U {x} */
+				E1 = fexpr_list_union(e, x_set);
+				/* create (E\e) U R */
+				CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(lnode, E, fexl) {
+					if (lnode->elem == e)
+						continue;
+					CF_PUSH_BACK(E_without_e,
+							lnode->elem, fexl);
+				}
+				E_R_Union = fexl_list_union(E_without_e, R);
+				E2_subset_of_E1 = false;
+				/* E" in (E\e) U R */
+				CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(lnode, E_R_Union, fexl) {
+					E2 = lnode->elem;
+					/* E" subset of E' ? */
+					if (is_subset_of(E2, E1)) {
+						E2_subset_of_E1 = true;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				CF_LIST_FREE(E_without_e, fexl);
+				CF_LIST_FREE(E_R_Union, fexl);
+				CF_LIST_FREE(x_set, fexpr);
+				/* there exists no E" that is a subset of E' */
+				if (!E2_subset_of_E1)
+					CF_PUSH_BACK(E, E1, fexl);
+				else
+					CF_LIST_FREE(E1, fexpr);
+			}
+			CF_LIST_FREE(e, fexpr);
+			list_del(&node->node);
+		}
+		CF_LIST_FREE(X, fexpr);
+	}
+	struct fexl_node *node;
+	CF_LIST_FREE(C, fexpr);
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, E, fexl)
+		CF_LIST_FREE(node->elem, fexpr);
+	CF_LIST_FREE(E, fexl);
+	return R;
+ * add the fexpr to the constraint set C
+ */
+static void add_fexpr_to_constraint_set(struct fexpr_list *C,
+					struct cfdata *data)
+	struct symbol *sym;
+	for_all_symbols(sym) {
+		/* must be a proper symbol */
+		if (sym->type == S_UNKNOWN)
+			continue;
+		/*
+		 * don't need the conflict symbols they are handled separately
+		 */
+		if (sym_is_sdv(data->sdv_symbols, sym))
+			continue;
+		/* must have a prompt and a name */
+		if (!sym->name || !sym_has_prompt(sym))
+			continue;
+		if (sym->type == S_BOOLEAN)
+			CF_PUSH_BACK(C, sym->fexpr_y, fexpr);
+		else if (sym->type == S_TRISTATE) {
+			CF_PUSH_BACK(C, sym->fexpr_y, fexpr);
+			CF_PUSH_BACK(C, sym->fexpr_m, fexpr);
+		} else if (sym->type == S_INT || sym->type == S_HEX ||
+			   sym->type == S_STRING) {
+			struct fexpr_node *node;
+			CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, sym->nb_vals, fexpr)
+				CF_PUSH_BACK(C, node->elem, fexpr);
+		} else {
+			perror("Error adding variables to constraint set C.");
+		}
+	}
+ * check whether the fexpr symbolises the no-value-set fexpr for a non-boolean
+ * symbol
+ */
+static bool fexpr_is_novalue(struct fexpr *e)
+	if (!sym_is_nonboolean(e->sym))
+		return false;
+	return e ==
+	       list_first_entry(&e->sym->nb_vals->list, struct fexpr_node, node)
+		       ->elem;
+static void set_assumptions_sdv(PicoSAT *pico, struct sdv_list *arr)
+	struct symbol_dvalue *sdv;
+	struct sdv_node *node;
+	struct symbol *sym;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, arr, sdv) {
+		int lit_y;
+		sdv = node->elem;
+		sym = sdv->sym;
+		lit_y = sym->fexpr_y->satval;
+		if (sym->type == S_BOOLEAN) {
+			switch (sdv->tri) {
+			case yes:
+				picosat_assume(pico, lit_y);
+				sym->fexpr_y->assumption = true;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+				break;
+			case no:
+				picosat_assume(pico, -lit_y);
+				sym->fexpr_y->assumption = false;
+				break;
+			case mod:
+				perror("Should not happen.\n");
+			}
+			nr_of_assumptions++;
+		} else if (sym->type == S_TRISTATE) {
+			int lit_m = sym->fexpr_m->satval;
+			switch (sdv->tri) {
+			case yes:
+				picosat_assume(pico, lit_y);
+				sym->fexpr_y->assumption = true;
+				picosat_assume(pico, -lit_m);
+				sym->fexpr_m->assumption = false;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+				break;
+			case mod:
+				picosat_assume(pico, -lit_y);
+				sym->fexpr_y->assumption = false;
+				picosat_assume(pico, lit_m);
+				sym->fexpr_m->assumption = true;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+				break;
+			case no:
+				picosat_assume(pico, -lit_y);
+				sym->fexpr_y->assumption = false;
+				picosat_assume(pico, -lit_m);
+				sym->fexpr_y->assumption = false;
+			}
+			nr_of_assumptions += 2;
+		}
+	}
+ * set the assumptions for the next run of Picosat
+ */
+static void set_assumptions(PicoSAT *pico, struct fexpr_list *c,
+			    struct cfdata *data)
+	struct fexpr_node *node;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, c, fexpr)
+		fexpr_add_assumption(pico, node->elem, node->elem->satval);
+	/* set assumptions for the conflict-symbols */
+	set_assumptions_sdv(pico, data->sdv_symbols);
+ * set the assumtption for a fexpr for the next run of Picosat
+ */
+static void fexpr_add_assumption(PicoSAT *pico, struct fexpr *e, int satval)
+	struct symbol *sym = e->sym;
+	if (sym->type == S_BOOLEAN) {
+		int tri_val = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
+		if (tri_val == yes) {
+			picosat_assume(pico, satval);
+			e->assumption = true;
+			nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+		} else {
+			picosat_assume(pico, -satval);
+			e->assumption = false;
+		}
+		nr_of_assumptions++;
+	}
+	if (sym->type == S_TRISTATE) {
+		int tri_val = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
+		if (e->tri == yes) {
+			if (tri_val == yes) {
+				picosat_assume(pico, satval);
+				e->assumption = true;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+			} else {
+				picosat_assume(pico, -satval);
+				e->assumption = false;
+			}
+		} else if (e->tri == mod) {
+			if (tri_val == mod) {
+				picosat_assume(pico, satval);
+				e->assumption = true;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+			} else {
+				picosat_assume(pico, -satval);
+				e->assumption = false;
+			}
+		}
+		nr_of_assumptions++;
+	}
+	if (sym->type == S_INT || sym->type == S_HEX || sym->type == S_STRING) {
+		char *string_val = (char *) sym_get_string_value(sym);
+		if (sym->type == S_STRING && !strcmp(string_val, ""))
+			return;
+		/* check, if e symbolises the no-value-set fexpr */
+		if (fexpr_is_novalue(e)) {
+			if (!sym_nonbool_has_value_set(sym)) {
+				picosat_assume(pico, satval);
+				e->assumption = true;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+			} else {
+				picosat_assume(pico, -satval);
+				e->assumption = false;
+			}
+		}
+		/* check whena string-symbol has value "" */
+		else if (sym->type == S_STRING && !strcmp(string_val, "")) {
+			if (sym_nonbool_has_value_set(sym)) {
+				picosat_assume(pico, satval);
+				e->assumption = true;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+			} else {
+				picosat_assume(pico, -satval);
+				e->assumption = false;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (!strcmp(str_get(&e->nb_val), string_val) &&
+					sym_nonbool_has_value_set(sym)) {
+				picosat_assume(pico, satval);
+				e->assumption = true;
+				nr_of_assumptions_true++;
+			} else {
+				picosat_assume(pico, -satval);
+				e->assumption = false;
+			}
+		}
+		nr_of_assumptions++;
+	}
+ * get the unsatisfiable soft constraints from the last run of Picosat
+ */
+static struct fexpr_list *get_unsat_core_soft(PicoSAT *pico,
+					      struct cfdata *data)
+	CF_DEF_LIST(ret, fexpr);
+	struct fexpr *e;
+	int lit;
+	const int *i = picosat_failed_assumptions(pico);
+	lit = abs(*i++);
+	while (lit != 0) {
+		e = data->satmap[lit];
+		if (!sym_is_sdv(data->sdv_symbols, e->sym))
+			CF_PUSH_BACK(ret, e, fexpr);
+		lit = abs(*i++);
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * minimise the unsat core C
+ */
+static void minimise_unsat_core(PicoSAT *pico, struct fexpr_list *C,
+				struct cfdata *data)
+	struct fexpr_node *node, *tmp;
+	/* no need to check further */
+	if (fexpr_list_has_length_1(C))
+		return;
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(node, tmp, &C->list, node) {
+		CF_DEF_LIST(c_set, fexpr);
+		struct fexpr_list *t;
+		int res;
+		if (fexpr_list_has_length_1(C))
+			return;
+		/* create C\c */
+		CF_PUSH_BACK(c_set, node->elem, fexpr);
+		t = get_difference(C, c_set);
+		/* invoke PicoSAT */
+		set_assumptions(pico, t, data);
+		res = picosat_sat(pico, -1);
+			list_del(&node->node);
+			free(node);
+		}
+		CF_LIST_FREE(c_set, fexpr);
+		CF_LIST_FREE(t, fexpr);
+	}
+ * Calculate C\E0
+ */
+static struct fexpr_list *get_difference(struct fexpr_list *C,
+					 struct fexpr_list *E0)
+	CF_DEF_LIST(ret, fexpr);
+	struct fexpr_node *node1, *node2;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node1, C, fexpr) {
+		bool found = false;
+		CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node2, E0, fexpr) {
+			if (node1->elem->satval == node2->elem->satval) {
+				found = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!found)
+			CF_PUSH_BACK(ret, node1->elem, fexpr);
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * check, if there is an intersection between e and X
+ */
+static bool has_intersection(struct fexpr_list *e, struct fexpr_list *X)
+	struct fexpr_node *node1, *node2;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node1, e, fexpr)
+		CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node2, X, fexpr)
+			if (node1->elem->satval == node2->elem->satval)
+				return true;
+	return false;
+ * get the union of 2 fexpr_list
+ */
+static struct fexpr_list *fexpr_list_union(struct fexpr_list *A,
+					   struct fexpr_list *B)
+	struct fexpr_list *ret = CF_LIST_COPY(A, fexpr);
+	struct fexpr_node *node1, *node2;
+	bool found;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node2, B, fexpr) {
+		found = false;
+		CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node1, A, fexpr) {
+			if (node2->elem->satval == node1->elem->satval) {
+				found = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!found)
+			CF_PUSH_BACK(ret, node2->elem, fexpr);
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * get the union of 2 fexl_list
+ */
+static struct fexl_list *fexl_list_union(struct fexl_list *A,
+					 struct fexl_list *B)
+	struct fexl_list *ret = CF_LIST_COPY(A, fexl);
+	struct fexl_node *node1, *node2;
+	bool found;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node2, B, fexl) {
+		found = false;
+		CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node1, A, fexl) {
+			if (node2->elem == node1->elem) {
+				found = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!found)
+			CF_PUSH_BACK(ret, node2->elem, fexl);
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * check, whether A is a subset of B
+ */
+static bool is_subset_of(struct fexpr_list *A, struct fexpr_list *B)
+	struct fexpr_node *node1, *node2;
+	bool found;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node1, A, fexpr) {
+		found = false;
+		CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node2, B, fexpr) {
+			if (node1->elem->satval == node2->elem->satval) {
+				found = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!found)
+			return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+ * print an unsat core
+ */
+static void print_unsat_core(struct fexpr_list *list)
+	struct fexpr_node *node;
+	bool first = true;
+	printd("Unsat core: [");
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, list, fexpr) {
+		if (first)
+			first = false;
+		else
+			printd(", ");
+		printd("%s", str_get(&node->elem->name));
+		printd(" <%s>", node->elem->assumption == true ? "T" : "F");
+	}
+	printd("]\n");
+ * check if a diagnosis contains a fexpr
+ */
+static bool diagnosis_contains_fexpr(struct fexpr_list *diagnosis,
+				     struct fexpr *e)
+	struct fexpr_node *node;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, diagnosis, fexpr)
+		if (node->elem->satval == e->satval)
+			return true;
+	return false;
+ * check if a diagnosis contains a symbol
+ */
+static bool diagnosis_contains_symbol(struct sfix_list *diagnosis,
+				      struct symbol *sym)
+	struct sfix_node *node;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, diagnosis, sfix)
+		if (sym == node->elem->sym)
+			return true;
+	return false;
+ * print the diagnoses of type fexpr_list
+ */
+static void print_diagnoses(struct fexl_list *diag)
+	struct fexl_node *lnode;
+	unsigned int i = 1;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(lnode, diag, fexl) {
+		struct fexpr_node *node;
+		bool first = true;
+		printd("%d: [", i++);
+		CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, lnode->elem, fexpr) {
+			char *new_val = node->elem->assumption ? "false" :
+								 "true";
+			if (first)
+				first = false;
+			else
+				printd(", ");
+			printd("%s => %s", str_get(&node->elem->name), new_val);
+		}
+		printd("]\n");
+	}
+ * print a single diagnosis of type symbol_fix
+ */
+void print_diagnosis_symbol(struct sfix_list *diag_sym)
+	struct symbol_fix *fix;
+	struct sfix_node *node;
+	printd("[");
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, diag_sym, sfix) {
+		fix = node->elem;
+		if (fix->type == SF_BOOLEAN)
+			printd("%s => %s", fix->sym->name,
+			       tristate_get_char(fix->tri));
+		else if (fix->type == SF_NONBOOLEAN)
+			printd("%s => %s", fix->sym->name,
+			       str_get(&fix->nb_val));
+		else
+			perror("NB not yet implemented.");
+		if (node-> != &diag_sym->list)
+			printd(", ");
+	}
+	printd("]\n");
+ * print the diagnoses of type symbol_fix
+ */
+static void print_diagnoses_symbol(struct sfl_list *diag_sym)
+	struct sfl_node *arr;
+	unsigned int i = 1;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(arr, diag_sym, sfl) {
+		printd("%d: ", i++);
+		print_diagnosis_symbol(arr->elem);
+	}
+ * convert a single diagnosis of fexpr into a diagnosis of symbols
+ */
+static struct sfix_list *convert_diagnosis(struct fexpr_list *diagnosis,
+					   struct cfdata *data)
+	CF_DEF_LIST(diagnosis_symbol, sfix);
+	struct fexpr *e;
+	struct symbol_fix *fix;
+	struct symbol_dvalue *sdv;
+	struct sdv_node *snode;
+	struct fexpr_node *fnode;
+	/* set the values for the conflict symbols */
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(snode, data->sdv_symbols, sdv) {
+		sdv = snode->elem;
+		fix = xmalloc(sizeof(*fix));
+		fix->sym = sdv->sym;
+		fix->type = SF_BOOLEAN;
+		fix->tri = sdv->tri;
+		CF_PUSH_BACK(diagnosis_symbol, fix, sfix);
+	}
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(fnode, diagnosis, fexpr) {
+		enum symbolfix_type type;
+		e = fnode->elem;
+		/* diagnosis already contains symbol, so continue */
+		if (diagnosis_contains_symbol(diagnosis_symbol, e->sym))
+			continue;
+		if (sym_is_boolean(e->sym))
+			type = SF_BOOLEAN;
+		else if (sym_is_nonboolean(e->sym))
+			type = SF_NONBOOLEAN;
+		else
+			type = SF_DISALLOWED;
+		fix = symbol_fix_create(e, type, diagnosis);
+		CF_PUSH_BACK(diagnosis_symbol, fix, sfix);
+	}
+	return diagnosis_symbol;
+ * convert the diagnoses of fexpr into diagnoses of symbols
+ * it is easier to handle symbols when applying fixes
+ */
+static struct sfl_list *convert_diagnoses(struct fexl_list *diag_arr,
+					  struct cfdata *data)
+	struct fexl_node *lnode;
+	diagnoses_symbol = CF_LIST_INIT(sfl);
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(lnode, diag_arr, fexl) {
+		struct sfix_list *fix = convert_diagnosis(lnode->elem, data);
+		CF_PUSH_BACK(diagnoses_symbol, fix, sfl);
+	}
+	return diagnoses_symbol;
+ * create a symbol_fix given a fexpr
+ */
+static struct symbol_fix *symbol_fix_create(struct fexpr *e,
+					    enum symbolfix_type type,
+					    struct fexpr_list *diagnosis)
+	struct symbol_fix *fix = malloc(sizeof(struct symbol_fix));
+	fix->sym = e->sym;
+	fix->type = type;
+	switch (type) {
+	case SF_BOOLEAN:
+		fix->tri = calculate_new_tri_val(e, diagnosis);
+		break;
+		fix->nb_val = str_new();
+		str_append(&fix->nb_val,
+			   calculate_new_string_value(e, diagnosis));
+		break;
+	default:
+		perror("Illegal symbolfix_type.\n");
+	}
+	return fix;
+ * remove symbols from the diagnosis, which will be set automatically:
+ * 1. symbol gets selected
+ * 2. choice symbol gets enabled/disabled automatically
+ * 3. symbol uses a default value
+ */
+static struct sfl_list *minimise_diagnoses(PicoSAT *pico,
+					   struct fexl_list *diagnoses,
+					   struct cfdata *data)
+	clock_t start, end;
+	double time;
+	struct fexpr_list *d;
+	struct sfix_list *diagnosis_symbol;
+	CF_DEF_LIST(diagnoses_symbol, sfl);
+	struct fexpr *e;
+	int satval, deref = 0;
+	struct symbol_fix *fix;
+	struct fexl_node *flnode;
+	CF_DEF_LIST(C, fexpr);
+	printd("Minimising diagnoses...");
+	start = clock();
+	/* create soft constraint set C */
+	add_fexpr_to_constraint_set(C, data);
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(flnode, diagnoses, fexl) {
+		struct fexpr_node *fnode;
+		struct sfix_node *snode, *snext;
+		struct fexpr_list *C_without_d;
+		int res;
+		d = flnode->elem;
+		/*
+		 * set assumptions for those symbols that don't need to be
+		 * changed
+		 */
+		C_without_d = get_difference(C, d);
+		set_assumptions(pico, C_without_d, data);
+		CF_LIST_FREE(C_without_d, fexpr);
+		CF_LIST_FREE(C, fexpr);
+		/* flip the assumptions from the diagnosis */
+		CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(fnode, d, fexpr) {
+			e = fnode->elem;
+			satval = e->assumption ? -(e->satval) : e->satval;
+			picosat_assume(pico, satval);
+		}
+		res = picosat_sat(pico, -1);
+			perror("Diagnosis not satisfiable (minimise).");
+		diagnosis_symbol = convert_diagnosis(d, data);
+		/* check if symbol gets selected */
+		list_for_each_entry_safe(snode, snext, &diagnosis_symbol->list,
+					 node) {
+			fix = snode->elem;
+			/* symbol is never selected, continue */
+			if (!fix->sym->fexpr_sel_y)
+				continue;
+			/* check, whether the symbol was selected anyway */
+			if (fix->sym->type == S_BOOLEAN && fix->tri == yes)
+				deref = picosat_deref(
+					pico, fix->sym->fexpr_sel_y->satval);
+			else if (fix->sym->type == S_TRISTATE &&
+				 fix->tri == yes)
+				deref = picosat_deref(
+					pico, fix->sym->fexpr_sel_y->satval);
+			else if (fix->sym->type == S_TRISTATE &&
+				 fix->tri == mod)
+				deref = picosat_deref(
+					pico, fix->sym->fexpr_sel_m->satval);
+			if (deref == 1)
+				list_del(&snode->node);
+			else
+				deref = 0;
+		}
+		CF_PUSH_BACK(diagnoses_symbol, diagnosis_symbol, sfl);
+	}
+	end = clock();
+	time = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+	printd("done. (%.6f secs.)\n", time);
+	return diagnoses_symbol;
+ * list the diagnoses and let user choose a diagnosis to be applied
+ */
+struct sfix_list *ask_user_choose_fix(struct sfl_list *diag)
+	int choice;
+	struct sfl_node *ret;
+	printd("=== GENERATED DIAGNOSES ===\n");
+	printd("0: No changes wanted\n");
+	print_diagnoses_symbol(diag);
+	printd("\n> Choose option: ");
+	scanf("%d", &choice);
+	/* no changes wanted */
+	if (choice == 0)
+		return NULL;
+	ret = cflist_at_index(choice - 1, &diag->list, struct sfl_node, node);
+	return ret ? ret->elem : NULL;
+ * calculate the new value for a boolean symbol given a diagnosis and an fexpr
+ */
+static tristate calculate_new_tri_val(struct fexpr *e,
+				      struct fexpr_list *diagnosis)
+	assert(sym_is_boolean(e->sym));
+	/* return the opposite of the last assumption for booleans */
+	if (e->sym->type == S_BOOLEAN)
+		return e->assumption ? no : yes;
+	/* new values for tristate must be deduced from the diagnosis */
+	if (e->sym->type == S_TRISTATE) {
+		/* fexpr_y */
+		if (e->tri == yes) {
+			if (e->assumption == true)
+				/*
+				 * if diagnosis contains fexpr_m, fexpr_m was
+				 * false => new value is mod
+				 */
+				return diagnosis_contains_fexpr(
+					       diagnosis, e->sym->fexpr_m) ?
+					       mod :
+					       no;
+			else if (e->assumption == false)
+				/*
+				 * if fexpr_y is set to true, the new value
+				 * must be yes
+				 */
+				return yes;
+		}
+		/* fexpr_m */
+		if (e->tri == mod) {
+			if (e->assumption == true)
+				/*
+				 * if diagnosis contains fexpr_y, fexpr_y was
+				 * false => new value is yes
+				 */
+				return diagnosis_contains_fexpr(
+					       diagnosis, e->sym->fexpr_m) ?
+					       yes :
+					       no;
+			else if (e->assumption == false)
+				/*
+				 * if diagnosis contains fexpr_m, the new value
+				 * must be mod
+				 */
+				return mod;
+		}
+		perror("Should not get here.\n");
+	}
+	perror("Error calculating new tristate value.\n");
+	return no;
+ * calculate the new value for a non-boolean symbol given a diagnosis and an
+ * fexpr
+ */
+static const char *calculate_new_string_value(struct fexpr *e,
+					      struct fexpr_list *diagnosis)
+	struct fexpr_node *node;
+	struct fexpr *e2;
+	assert(sym_is_nonboolean(e->sym));
+	/* if assumption was false before, this is the new value because only 1
+	 * variable can be true
+	 */
+	if (e->assumption == false)
+		return str_get(&e->nb_val);
+	/* a diagnosis always contains 2 variables for the same non-boolean
+	 * symbol one is set to true, the other to false
+	 * otherwise you'd set 2 variables to true, which is not allowed
+	 */
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, diagnosis, fexpr) {
+		e2 = node->elem;
+		/* not interested in other symbols or the same fexpr */
+		if (e->sym != e2->sym || e->satval == e2->satval)
+			continue;
+		return str_get(&e2->nb_val);
+	}
+	perror("Error calculating new string value.\n");
+	return "";
+static bool fexpr_list_has_length_1(struct fexpr_list *list)
+	struct fexpr_node *node;
+	bool first = true;
+	CF_LIST_FOR_EACH(node, list, fexpr) {
+		if (first)
+			first = false;
+		else
+			return false;
+	}
+	return true;
diff --git a/scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.h b/scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4526b5e4db06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/kconfig/cf_fixgen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Patrick Franz <>
+ */
+#ifndef CF_FIXGEN_H
+#define CF_FIXGEN_H
+#include "picosat_functions.h"
+#include "cf_defs.h"
+/* initialize fixgen and return the diagnoses */
+struct sfl_list *fixgen_run(PicoSAT *pico, struct cfdata *data);
+/* ask user which fix to apply */
+struct sfix_list *ask_user_choose_fix(struct sfl_list *diag);
+/* print a single diagnosis of type symbol_fix */
+void print_diagnosis_symbol(struct sfix_list *diag_sym);

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