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Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 10:08:20 -0800
From: Reinette Chatre <>
To: "Moger, Babu" <>, Babu Moger <>,
	<>, <>, <>, <>,
	<>, <>,
CC: <>, <>, <>,
	<>, <>, <>,
	<>, <>,
	<>, <>,
	<>, <>, <>,
	<>, <>, <>,
	<>, <>,
	<>, <>,
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	<>, <>,
Subject: Re: [PATCH v11 08/23] x86/resctrl: Introduce interface to display
 number of monitoring counters

Hi Babu,

On 2/7/25 10:52 AM, Moger, Babu wrote:
> Hi Reinette,
> On 2/7/2025 11:18 AM, Moger, Babu wrote:
>> Does this look ok? Just added domain in the text.
>> "The number of monitoring counters available in each domain for assignment when the system supports mbm_cntr_assign mode.
>> ::
>>    # cat /sys/fs/resctrl/info/L3_MON/num_mbm_cntrs
>>    32
>> The resctrl file system supports tracking up to two memory bandwidth
>> events per monitoring group: mbm_total_bytes and/or mbm_local_bytes.
>> Up to two counters can be assigned per monitoring group, one for each
>> memory bandwidth event in each domain. More monitoring groups can be tracked by assigning one counter per monitoring group. However, doing so limits memory bandwidth tracking to a single memory bandwidth event per
>> monitoring group."
> Revised again:
> "The number of monitoring counters available in each domain for assignment when the system supports mbm_cntr_assign mode. For example, on a system with 32 monitoring counters:

I think we need to be careful with "available" since all these counters
may not be available. That is why "available_mbm_cntrs" exist.

How about something like (please feel free to improve):
"The maximum number of monitoring counters (total of available and assigned counters)
 in each domain when the system supports mbm_cntr_assign mode." 

Could you please make the "For example" a new paragraph (this follows existing style in the
docs). It could also be made more specific, for example,

"For example, on a system with 32 monitoring counters in each domain:"

> ::
>   # cat /sys/fs/resctrl/info/L3_MON/num_mbm_cntrs
>   32

The rest of the documentation seems like a repeat of what can be found in
the "mbm_assign_mode" section right above it. It does not look as though
any information will be lost by dropping the text below?

> The resctrl file system supports tracking up to two memory bandwidth
> events per monitoring group: mbm_total_bytes and/or mbm_local_bytes.
> Up to two counters can be assigned per monitoring group, one for each
> memory bandwidth event in each domain. More monitoring groups can be tracked by assigning one counter per monitoring group. However, doing so limits memory bandwidth tracking to a single memory bandwidth event per
> monitoring group."
> Thanks
> Babu


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