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Message-ID: <87tt90h5ir.fsf@kernel.org>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 16:20:44 +0100
From: Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@...nel.org>
To: "Tamir Duberstein" <tamird@...il.com>
Cc: "Miguel Ojeda" <ojeda@...nel.org>, "Alex Gaynor"
<alex.gaynor@...il.com>, "Boqun Feng" <boqun.feng@...il.com>, "Gary Guo"
<gary@...yguo.net>, Björn Roy Baron
<bjorn3_gh@...tonmail.com>, "Benno
Lossin" <benno.lossin@...ton.me>, "Alice Ryhl" <aliceryhl@...gle.com>,
"Trevor Gross" <tmgross@...ch.edu>, "Kees Cook" <kees@...nel.org>,
"Fiona Behrens" <me@...enk.dev>, "Martin Rodriguez Reboredo"
<yakoyoku@...il.com>, "Asahi Lina" <lina@...hilina.net>,
"Boris-Chengbiao Zhou" <bobo1239@....de>,
<rust-for-linux@...r.kernel.org>, <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 0/2] rust: fix rust-analyzer configuration for
generated files
"Tamir Duberstein" <tamird@...il.com> writes:
> The individual patches should be descriptive on their own. They are
> included in a single series because the second patch uses a function
> introduced in the first.
> I've confirmed this allows me to navigate to symbols defined in
> generated files as well as to the generated files themselves. I am using
> an out-of-source build.
> Signed-off-by: Tamir Duberstein <tamird@...il.com>
This is amazing, I have been missing this for so long 😆 With this patch
I get auto completion of symbols in `bindings` and `uapi`, without it,
no completions. I build out of tree.
For the whole series:
Tested-by: Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@...nel.org>
Best regards,
Andreas Hindborg
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