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Message-ID: <7026deb6-6e35-47f6-9462-0880a5b47509@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 18:07:43 +0100
From: Dirk Behme <dirk.behme@...il.com>
To: Lyude Paul <lyude@...hat.com>, rust-for-linux@...r.kernel.org,
Thomas Gleixner <tglx@...utronix.de>
Cc: Boqun Feng <boqun.feng@...il.com>, Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@...nel.org>,
Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor@...il.com>, Gary Guo <gary@...yguo.net>,
Björn Roy Baron <bjorn3_gh@...tonmail.com>,
Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@...ton.me>,
Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@...nel.org>, Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@...gle.com>,
Trevor Gross <tmgross@...ch.edu>, Peter Zijlstra <peterz@...radead.org>,
Ingo Molnar <mingo@...hat.com>, Will Deacon <will@...nel.org>,
Waiman Long <longman@...hat.com>, Wedson Almeida Filho <wedsonaf@...il.com>,
open list <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH v9 6/9] rust: sync: Add SpinLockIrq
On 27.02.25 23:10, Lyude Paul wrote:
> A variant of SpinLock that is expected to be used in noirq contexts, so
> lock() will disable interrupts and unlock() (i.e. `Guard::drop()` will
> undo the interrupt disable.
> [Boqun: Port to use spin_lock_irq_disable() and
> spin_unlock_irq_enable()]
> Signed-off-by: Lyude Paul <lyude@...hat.com>
> Co-Developed-by: Boqun Feng <boqun.feng@...il.com>
> Signed-off-by: Boqun Feng <boqun.feng@...il.com>
> ---
> rust/kernel/sync.rs | 4 +-
> rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 2 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs b/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs
> index ab2f8d0753116..ac66493f681ce 100644
> --- a/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs
> +++ b/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs
> @@ -139,3 +139,144 @@ unsafe fn assert_is_held(ptr: *mut Self::State) {
> unsafe { bindings::spin_assert_is_held(ptr) }
> }
> }
> +
> +/// Creates a [`SpinLockIrq`] initialiser with the given name and a newly-created lock class.
> +///
> +/// It uses the name if one is given, otherwise it generates one based on the file name and line
> +/// number.
> +#[macro_export]
> +macro_rules! new_spinlock_irq {
> + ($inner:expr $(, $name:literal)? $(,)?) => {
> + $crate::sync::SpinLockIrq::new(
> + $inner, $crate::optional_name!($($name)?), $crate::static_lock_class!())
> + };
> +}
> +pub use new_spinlock_irq;
> +
> +/// A spinlock that may be acquired when local processor interrupts are disabled.
> +///
> +/// This is a version of [`SpinLock`] that can only be used in contexts where interrupts for the
> +/// local CPU are disabled. It can be acquired in two ways:
> +///
> +/// - Using [`lock()`] like any other type of lock, in which case the bindings will ensure that
> +/// interrupts remain disabled for at least as long as the [`SpinLockIrqGuard`] exists.
The [`lock_with()`] below states "interrupt state will not be
touched". Should the [`lock()`] part above mention that the interrupt
state *is* touched, then? Like in the comment in the example below
("... e.c.lock(); // interrupts are disabled now")? For example:
... the bindings will ensure that interrupts are disabled and remain
disabled ...
> +/// - Using [`lock_with()`] in contexts where a [`LocalInterruptDisabled`] token is present and
> +/// local processor interrupts are already known to be disabled, in which case the local interrupt
> +/// state will not be touched. This method should be preferred if a [`LocalInterruptDisabled`]
> +/// token is present in the scope.
> +///
> +/// For more info on spinlocks, see [`SpinLock`]. For more information on interrupts,
> +/// [see the interrupt module](kernel::interrupt).
> +///
> +/// # Examples
> +///
> +/// The following example shows how to declare, allocate initialise and access a struct (`Example`)
> +/// that contains an inner struct (`Inner`) that is protected by a spinlock that requires local
> +/// processor interrupts to be disabled.
> +///
> +/// ```
> +/// use kernel::sync::{new_spinlock_irq, SpinLockIrq};
> +///
> +/// struct Inner {
> +/// a: u32,
> +/// b: u32,
> +/// }
> +///
> +/// #[pin_data]
> +/// struct Example {
> +/// #[pin]
> +/// c: SpinLockIrq<Inner>,
> +/// #[pin]
> +/// d: SpinLockIrq<Inner>,
> +/// }
> +///
> +/// impl Example {
> +/// fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
> +/// pin_init!(Self {
> +/// c <- new_spinlock_irq!(Inner { a: 0, b: 10 }),
> +/// d <- new_spinlock_irq!(Inner { a: 20, b: 30 }),
> +/// })
> +/// }
> +/// }
> +///
> +/// // Allocate a boxed `Example`
> +/// let e = KBox::pin_init(Example::new(), GFP_KERNEL)?;
> +///
> +/// // Accessing an `Example` from a context where interrupts may not be disabled already.
> +/// let c_guard = e.c.lock(); // interrupts are disabled now, +1 interrupt disable refcount
> +/// let d_guard = e.d.lock(); // no interrupt state change, +1 interrupt disable refcount
> +///
> +/// assert_eq!(c_guard.a, 0);
> +/// assert_eq!(c_guard.b, 10);
> +/// assert_eq!(d_guard.a, 20);
> +/// assert_eq!(d_guard.b, 30);
> +///
> +/// drop(c_guard); // Dropping c_guard will not re-enable interrupts just yet, since d_guard is
> +/// // still in scope.
> +/// drop(d_guard); // Last interrupt disable reference dropped here, so interrupts are re-enabled
> +/// // now
> +/// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
> +/// ```
> +///
> +/// [`lock()`]: SpinLockIrq::lock
> +/// [`lock_with()`]: SpinLockIrq::lock_with
> +pub type SpinLockIrq<T> = super::Lock<T, SpinLockIrqBackend>;
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