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Message-ID: <461ad118-a56d-414e-a15e-5ffc10fed4c8@linux.ibm.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 21:14:04 +0530
From: Venkat Rao Bagalkote <venkat88@...ux.ibm.com>
To: Christophe Leroy <christophe.leroy@...roup.eu>,
Madhavan Srinivasan <maddy@...ux.ibm.com>,
linuxppc-dev@...ts.ozlabs.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
Stephen Rothwell <sfr@...b.auug.org.au>,
Michael Ellerman <mpe@...erman.id.au>
Subject: Re: Build Warnings at arch/powerpc/
Hello Christophe,
On 04/03/25 6:43 pm, Christophe Leroy wrote:
> Le 04/03/2025 à 14:03, Venkat Rao Bagalkote a écrit :
>> [Vous ne recevez pas souvent de courriers de venkat88@...ux.ibm.com.
>> Découvrez pourquoi ceci est important à https://aka.ms/
>> LearnAboutSenderIdentification ]
>> On 04/03/25 6:08 pm, Madhavan Srinivasan wrote:
>>> On 3/4/25 4:58 PM, Madhavan Srinivasan wrote:
>>>> On 3/4/25 2:26 PM, Christophe Leroy wrote:
>>>>> Le 04/03/2025 à 07:13, Madhavan Srinivasan a écrit :
>>>>>> On 3/4/25 10:42 AM, Venkat Rao Bagalkote wrote:
>>>>>>> Greetings!!
>>>>>>> Observing build warnings with linux-next and powerpc repo's.
>>>>>>> Issue is currently not seen on mainline yet.
>>>>>>> PPC Repo: https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?
>>>>>>> url=https%3A%2F%2Fgit.kernel.org%2Fpub%2Fscm%2Flinux%2Fkernel%2Fgit%2Fpowerpc%2Flinux.git&data=05%7C02%7Cchristophe.leroy%40csgroup.eu%7C6e17cc771a204b2998b508dd5b1cf2cf%7C8b87af7d86474dc78df45f69a2011bb5%7C0%7C0%7C638766902127463526%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=f0ubC0BiY%2Fw2XLfXcX955JKhJ%2BRkUmTUVO4fV%2F%2F4v2Y%3D&reserved=0
>>>>>>> merge branch
>>>>>>> PPC Kernel Version: 6.14.0-rc4-g1304f486dbf1
>>>>>>> next Repo: https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?
>>>>>>> url=https%3A%2F%2Fgit.kernel.org%2Fpub%2Fscm%2Flinux%2Fkernel%2Fgit%2Fnext%2Flinux-next.git&data=05%7C02%7Cchristophe.leroy%40csgroup.eu%7C6e17cc771a204b2998b508dd5b1cf2cf%7C8b87af7d86474dc78df45f69a2011bb5%7C0%7C0%7C638766902127477000%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=GSDtRBQ35owCeEpjMMCNiJw3iizdrUPQcHznop2BLeQ%3D&reserved=0
>>>>>>> master branch
>>>>>>> next Kernel Version: 6.14.0-rc5-next-20250303
>>>>>>> On linux-next kernel issue got introduced b/w next-20250227 and
>>>>>>> next-20250303
>>>>>>> Build Warnings:
>>>>>>> arch/powerpc/kvm/book3s_hv_rmhandlers.o: warning: objtool:
>>>>>>> .text+0xe84: intra_function_call not a direct call
>>>>>>> arch/powerpc/crypto/ghashp8-ppc.o: warning: objtool:
>>>>>>> .text+0x22c: unannotated intra-function call
>>>>>>> arch/powerpc/kernel/switch.o: warning: objtool: .text+0x4:
>>>>>>> intra_function_call not a direct call
>>>>>> Can you please specific the compiler and compiler version you
>>>>>> found this issue with
>>>>> Can you also tell which defconfig you are using or provide your
>>>>> .config
>>>>> It might also be helpfull if you can provide a disassembly of the
>>>>> three file.o around the warned address.
>>>> I could recreate the issue with gcc 11.4.1 20231218 with today's
>>>> linux-next (but could not recreate with gcc 14 or gcc 11.3.0)
>>>> (20d5c66e1810 (HEAD -> master, tag: next-20250304, origin/master,
>>>> origin/HEAD) Add linux-next specific files for 20250304)
>>>> warning for one of the switch.S file :
>>>> CC arch/powerpc/kernel/syscalls.o
>>>> AS arch/powerpc/kernel/switch.o
>>>> arch/powerpc/kernel/switch.o: warning: objtool: .text+0x4:
>>>> intra_function_call not a direct call
>>> I guess this is becos, for bl .+4, we recently added in the
>>> arch_decode_instruction (decode.c) to set the type as INSN_OTHER
>>> case 18: /* b[l][a] */
>>> if (ins == 0x48000005) /* bl .+4 */
>>> typ = INSN_OTHER;
>>> Which I think is the issue here, changing it to INSN_CALL from
>>> INSN_OTHER fixes the warning
>>> diff --git a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/decode.c
>>> b/tools/objtool/arch/ powerpc/decode.c
>>> index 26d5050424a9..ffd63a61a585 100644
>>> --- a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/decode.c
>>> +++ b/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/decode.c
>>> @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ int arch_decode_instruction(struct objtool_file
>>> *file, const struct section *sec
>>> switch (opcode) {
>>> case 18: /* b[l][a] */
>>> if (ins == 0x48000005) /* bl .+4 */
>>> - typ = INSN_OTHER;
>>> + typ = INSN_CALL;
>>> else if (ins & 1) /* bl[a] */
>>> typ = INSN_CALL;
>>> else /* b[a] */
>>> Maddy
>> Maddy,
>> I changed the code manually and gave it a try. The Proposed fix,
>> partially fixes the issue. It gets rid of two of the warnings, but below
>> warning still persists.
> It fixes the issue for you but will reintroduce the issue with clang.
> The real fix is to remove the ANNOTATE_INTRA_FUNCTION_CALL in:
> arch/powerpc/kernel/switch.S:42: ANNOTATE_INTRA_FUNCTION_CALL
> arch/powerpc/kvm/book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S:1527:
> arch/powerpc/kvm/book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S:1534:
Removed ANNOTATE_INTRA_FUNCTION_CALL in above mentioned line, and it
fixes couple of warnings. But below warning still persists.
arch/powerpc/crypto/ghashp8-ppc.o: warning: objtool: .text+0x22c:
unannotated intra-function call.
> Can you give it a try ?
> For the last one, can you provide an assembly dump ? You get it with
> "objtool -dr arch/powerpc/crypto/ghashp8-ppc.o"
Assembly dump:
objdump -dr arch/powerpc/crypto/ghashp8-ppc.o
arch/powerpc/crypto/ghashp8-ppc.o: file format elf64-powerpcle
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000000 <gcm_init_p8>:
0: f0 ff 00 3c lis r0,-16
4: 10 00 00 39 li r8,16
8: ff ff 80 39 li r12,-1
c: 20 00 20 39 li r9,32
10: 78 03 00 7c mr r0,r0
14: 30 00 40 39 li r10,48
18: 99 26 20 7d lxvd2x vs41,0,r4
1c: 78 3a e7 7c xor r7,r7,r7
20: 08 00 e7 38 addi r7,r7,8
24: 4c 38 a0 7c lvsr v5,0,r7
28: 0c 03 cf 10 vspltisb v6,15
2c: c4 34 a5 10 vxor v5,v5,v6
30: 6b 49 29 11 vperm v9,v9,v9,v5
34: 0c 03 10 11 vspltisb v8,-16
38: 0c 03 a1 10 vspltisb v5,1
3c: 00 40 08 11 vaddubm v8,v8,v8
40: c4 24 84 10 vxor v4,v4,v4
44: 84 2c 08 11 vor v8,v8,v5
48: ec 23 08 11 vsldoi v8,v8,v4,15
4c: 6c 28 c4 10 vsldoi v6,v4,v5,1
50: 00 40 08 11 vaddubm v8,v8,v8
54: 0c 03 e7 10 vspltisb v7,7
58: 84 34 08 11 vor v8,v8,v6
5c: 0c 4a c0 10 vspltb v6,v9,0
60: c4 29 29 11 vsl v9,v9,v5
64: 04 3b c6 10 vsrab v6,v6,v7
68: 04 44 c6 10 vand v6,v6,v8
6c: c4 34 29 11 vxor v9,v9,v6
70: 2c 4a 29 11 vsldoi v9,v9,v9,8
74: 2c 42 04 11 vsldoi v8,v4,v8,8
78: 2c 4a 64 11 vsldoi v11,v4,v9,8
7c: 2c 22 49 11 vsldoi v10,v9,v4,8
80: 99 1f 00 7d stxvd2x vs40,0,r3
84: 99 1f 68 7d stxvd2x vs43,r8,r3
88: 99 1f 29 7d stxvd2x vs41,r9,r3
8c: 99 1f 4a 7d stxvd2x vs42,r10,r3
90: 78 63 8c 7d mr r12,r12
94: 20 00 80 4e blr
98: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
9c: 00 0c 14 00 .long 0x140c00
a0: 00 00 02 00 .long 0x20000
a4: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
00000000000000a8 <gcm_gmult_p8>:
a8: f8 ff 00 3c lis r0,-8
ac: 10 00 00 39 li r8,16
b0: ff ff 80 39 li r12,-1
b4: 20 00 20 39 li r9,32
b8: 78 03 00 7c mr r0,r0
bc: 30 00 40 39 li r10,48
c0: 99 1e 60 7c lxvd2x vs35,0,r3
c4: 99 26 68 7d lxvd2x vs43,r8,r4
c8: 0c 00 80 7d lvsl v12,0,r0
cc: 99 26 29 7d lxvd2x vs41,r9,r4
d0: 0c 03 a7 10 vspltisb v5,7
d4: 99 26 4a 7d lxvd2x vs42,r10,r4
d8: c4 2c 8c 11 vxor v12,v12,v5
dc: 99 26 00 7d lxvd2x vs40,0,r4
e0: 2b 1b 63 10 vperm v3,v3,v3,v12
e4: c4 24 84 10 vxor v4,v4,v4
e8: c8 5c 03 10 vpmsumd v0,v3,v11
ec: c8 4c 23 10 vpmsumd v1,v3,v9
f0: c8 54 43 10 vpmsumd v2,v3,v10
f4: c8 44 e0 10 vpmsumd v7,v0,v8
f8: 2c 22 a1 10 vsldoi v5,v1,v4,8
fc: 2c 0a c4 10 vsldoi v6,v4,v1,8
100: c4 2c 00 10 vxor v0,v0,v5
104: c4 34 42 10 vxor v2,v2,v6
108: 2c 02 00 10 vsldoi v0,v0,v0,8
10c: c4 3c 00 10 vxor v0,v0,v7
110: 2c 02 c0 10 vsldoi v6,v0,v0,8
114: c8 44 00 10 vpmsumd v0,v0,v8
118: c4 14 c6 10 vxor v6,v6,v2
11c: c4 34 00 10 vxor v0,v0,v6
120: 2b 03 00 10 vperm v0,v0,v0,v12
124: 99 1f 00 7c stxvd2x vs32,0,r3
128: 78 63 8c 7d mr r12,r12
12c: 20 00 80 4e blr
130: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
134: 00 0c 14 00 .long 0x140c00
138: 00 00 02 00 .long 0x20000
13c: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
0000000000000140 <gcm_ghash_p8>:
140: f8 ff 00 3c lis r0,-8
144: 10 00 00 39 li r8,16
148: ff ff 80 39 li r12,-1
14c: 20 00 20 39 li r9,32
150: 78 03 00 7c mr r0,r0
154: 30 00 40 39 li r10,48
158: 99 1e 00 7c lxvd2x vs32,0,r3
15c: 99 26 68 7d lxvd2x vs43,r8,r4
160: 0c 00 80 7d lvsl v12,0,r0
164: 99 26 29 7d lxvd2x vs41,r9,r4
168: 0c 03 a7 10 vspltisb v5,7
16c: 99 26 4a 7d lxvd2x vs42,r10,r4
170: c4 2c 8c 11 vxor v12,v12,v5
174: 99 26 00 7d lxvd2x vs40,0,r4
178: 2b 03 00 10 vperm v0,v0,v0,v12
17c: c4 24 84 10 vxor v4,v4,v4
180: 99 2e 60 7c lxvd2x vs35,0,r5
184: 10 00 a5 38 addi r5,r5,16
188: f0 ff c6 38 addi r6,r6,-16
18c: 2b 1b 63 10 vperm v3,v3,v3,v12
190: c4 04 63 10 vxor v3,v3,v0
194: 0c 00 00 48 b 1a0 <gcm_ghash_p8+0x60>
198: 00 00 00 60 nop
19c: 00 00 00 60 nop
1a0: f0 ff c6 30 addic r6,r6,-16
1a4: c8 5c 03 10 vpmsumd v0,v3,v11
1a8: 11 01 00 7c subfe. r0,r0,r0
1ac: c8 4c 23 10 vpmsumd v1,v3,v9
1b0: 38 30 00 7c and r0,r0,r6
1b4: c8 54 43 10 vpmsumd v2,v3,v10
1b8: 14 02 a5 7c add r5,r5,r0
1bc: c8 44 e0 10 vpmsumd v7,v0,v8
1c0: 2c 22 a1 10 vsldoi v5,v1,v4,8
1c4: 2c 0a c4 10 vsldoi v6,v4,v1,8
1c8: c4 2c 00 10 vxor v0,v0,v5
1cc: c4 34 42 10 vxor v2,v2,v6
1d0: 2c 02 00 10 vsldoi v0,v0,v0,8
1d4: c4 3c 00 10 vxor v0,v0,v7
1d8: 99 2e 60 7c lxvd2x vs35,0,r5
1dc: 10 00 a5 38 addi r5,r5,16
1e0: 2c 02 c0 10 vsldoi v6,v0,v0,8
1e4: c8 44 00 10 vpmsumd v0,v0,v8
1e8: 2b 1b 63 10 vperm v3,v3,v3,v12
1ec: c4 14 c6 10 vxor v6,v6,v2
1f0: c4 34 63 10 vxor v3,v3,v6
1f4: c4 04 63 10 vxor v3,v3,v0
1f8: a8 ff 82 41 beq 1a0 <gcm_ghash_p8+0x60>
1fc: c4 34 00 10 vxor v0,v0,v6
200: 2b 03 00 10 vperm v0,v0,v0,v12
204: 99 1f 00 7c stxvd2x vs32,0,r3
208: 78 63 8c 7d mr r12,r12
20c: 20 00 80 4e blr
210: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
214: 00 0c 14 00 .long 0x140c00
218: 00 00 04 00 .long 0x40000
21c: 00 00 00 00 .long 0x0
220: 47 48 41 53 rlwimi. r1,r26,9,1,3
224: 48 20 66 6f xoris r6,r27,8264
228: 72 20 50 6f xoris r16,r26,8306
22c: 77 65 72 49 bla 1726574 <gcm_ghash_p8+0x1726434>
230: 53 41 20 32 addic r17,r0,16723
234: 2e 30 37 2c cmpdi r23,12334
238: 20 43 52 59 rlmi r18,r10,r8,12,16
23c: 50 54 4f 47 .long 0x474f5450
240: 41 4d 53 20 subfic r2,r19,19777
244: 62 79 20 3c lis r1,31074
248: 61 70 70 72 andi. r16,r19,28769
24c: 6f 40 6f 70 andi. r15,r3,16495
250: 65 6e 73 73 andi. r19,r27,28261
254: 6c 2e 6f 72 andi. r15,r19,11884
258: 67 3e 00 00 .long 0x3e67
> Also can you tell which defconfig you use or provide your .config if
> not standard one ?
Attached is .config file used.
> Christophe
>> arch/powerpc/crypto/ghashp8-ppc.o: warning: objtool: .text+0x22c:
>> unannotated intra-function call
>>>> CC arch/powerpc/kernel/irq.o
>>>> CC arch/powerpc/kernel/align.o
>>>> CC arch/powerpc/kernel/signal_64.o
>>>> Objdump of switch.o:
>>>> arch/powerpc/kernel/switch.o: file format elf64-powerpcle
>>>> Disassembly of section .text:
>>>> 0000000000000000 <flush_branch_caches>:
>>>> 0: a6 02 28 7d mflr r9
>>>> 4: 05 00 00 48 bl 8 <flush_branch_caches+0x8>
>>>> 8: 05 00 00 48 bl c <flush_branch_caches+0xc>
>>>> c: 05 00 00 48 bl 10 <flush_branch_caches+0x10>
>>>> 10: 05 00 00 48 bl 14 <flush_branch_caches+0x14>
>>>> 14: 05 00 00 48 bl 18 <flush_branch_caches+0x18>
>>>> 18: 05 00 00 48 bl 1c <flush_branch_caches+0x1c>
>>>> 1c: 05 00 00 48 bl 20 <flush_branch_caches+0x20>
>>>> 20: 05 00 00 48 bl 24 <flush_branch_caches+0x24>
>>>> 24: 05 00 00 48 bl 28 <flush_branch_caches+0x28>
>>>> 28: 05 00 00 48 bl 2c <flush_branch_caches+0x2c>
>>>> arch/powerpc/kernel/switch.S failing src section:
>>>> .balign 32
>>>> .global flush_branch_caches
>>>> flush_branch_caches:
>>>> /* Save LR into r9 */
>>>> mflr r9
>>>> // Flush the link stack
>>>> .rept 64
>>>> bl .+4
>>>> .endr
>>>> b 1f
>>>> nops 6
>>>> Maddy
>>>>> Christophe
>> Regards,
>> Venkat.
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