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Message-ID: <20250304225245.2033120-21-benno.lossin@proton.me>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:56:10 +0000
From: Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@...ton.me>
To: Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@...ton.me>, Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@...nel.org>, Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor@...il.com>, Boqun Feng <boqun.feng@...il.com>, Gary Guo <gary@...yguo.net>, Björn Roy Baron <bjorn3_gh@...tonmail.com>, Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@...nel.org>, Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@...gle.com>, Trevor Gross <tmgross@...ch.edu>, Danilo Krummrich <dakr@...nel.org>
Cc: linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org, rust-for-linux@...r.kernel.org
Subject: [PATCH 20/22] rust: pin-init: add miscellaneous files from the user-space version
Add readme and contribution guidelines of the user-space version of
Signed-off-by: Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@...ton.me>
rust/pin-init/CONTRIBUTING.md | 72 +++++++++++
rust/pin-init/README.md | 228 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 300 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 rust/pin-init/CONTRIBUTING.md
create mode 100644 rust/pin-init/README.md
diff --git a/rust/pin-init/CONTRIBUTING.md b/rust/pin-init/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..16c899a7ae0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/pin-init/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Contributing to `pin-init`
+Thanks for showing interest in contributing to `pin-init`! This document outlines the guidelines for
+contributing to `pin-init`.
+All contributions are double-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT. You can find the respective licenses
+in the `LICENSE-APACHE` and `LICENSE-MIT` files.
+## Non-Code Contributions
+### Bug Reports
+For any type of bug report, please submit an issue using the bug report issue template.
+If the issue is a soundness issue, please privately report it as a security vulnerability via the
+GitHub web interface.
+### Feature Requests
+If you have any feature requests, please submit an issue using the feature request issue template.
+### Questions and Getting Help
+You can ask questions in the Discussions page of the GitHub repository. If you're encountering
+problems or just have questions related to `pin-init` in the Linux kernel, you can also ask your
+questions in the [Rust-for-Linux Zulip](https://rust-for-linux.zulipchat.com/) or see
+## Contributing Code
+### Linux Kernel
+`pin-init` is used by the Linux kernel and all commits are synchronized to it. For this reason, the
+same requirements for commits apply to `pin-init`. See [the kernel's documentation] for details. The
+rest of this document will also cover some of the rules listed there and additional ones.
+[the kernel's documentation]: https://docs.kernel.org/process/submitting-patches.html
+Contributions to `pin-init` ideally go through the [GitHub repository], because that repository runs
+a CI with lots of tests not present in the kernel. However, patches are also accepted (though not
+preferred). Do note that there are some files that are only present in the GitHub repository such as
+tests, licenses and cargo related files. Making changes to them can only happen via GitHub.
+[GitHub repository]: https://github.com/Rust-for-Linux/pin-init
+### Commit Style
+Everything must compile without errors or warnings and all tests must pass after **every commit**.
+This is important for bisection and also required by the kernel.
+Each commit should be a single, logically cohesive change. Of course it's best to keep the changes
+small and digestible, but logically linked changes should be made in the same commit. For example,
+when fixing typos, create a single commit that fixes all of them instead of one commit per typo.
+Commits must have a meaningful commit title. Commits with changes to files in the `internal`
+directory should have a title prefixed with `internal:`. The commit message should explain the
+change and its rationale. You also have to add your `Signed-off-by` tag, see [Developer's
+Certificate of Origin]. This has to be done for both mailing list submissions as well as GitHub
+[Developer's Certificate of Origin]: https://docs.kernel.org/process/submitting-patches.html#sign-your-work-the-developer-s-certificate-of-origin
+Any changes made to public APIs must be documented not only in the commit message, but also in the
+`CHANGELOG.md` file. This is especially important for breaking changes, as those warrant a major
+version bump.
+If you make changes to the top-level crate documentation, you also need to update the `README.md`
+via `cargo rdme`.
+Some of these rules can be ignored if the change is done solely to files that are not present in the
+kernel version of this library. Those files are documented in the `sync-kernel.sh` script at the
+very bottom in the `--exclude` flag given to the `git am` command.
diff --git a/rust/pin-init/README.md b/rust/pin-init/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c68fffba540f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/pin-init/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# Pinned-init
+<!-- cargo-rdme start -->
+Library to safely and fallibly initialize pinned `struct`s using in-place constructors.
+[Pinning][pinning] is Rust's way of ensuring data does not move.
+It also allows in-place initialization of big `struct`s that would otherwise produce a stack
+This library's main use-case is in [Rust-for-Linux]. Although this version can be used
+There are cases when you want to in-place initialize a struct. For example when it is very big
+and moving it from the stack is not an option, because it is bigger than the stack itself.
+Another reason would be that you need the address of the object to initialize it. This stands
+in direct conflict with Rust's normal process of first initializing an object and then moving
+it into it's final memory location. For more information, see
+This library allows you to do in-place initialization safely.
+### Nightly Needed for `alloc` feature
+This library requires the [`allocator_api` unstable feature] when the `alloc` feature is
+enabled and thus this feature can only be used with a nightly compiler. When enabling the
+`alloc` feature, the user will be required to activate `allocator_api` as well.
+[`allocator_api` unstable feature]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/unstable-book/library-features/allocator-api.html
+The feature is enabled by default, thus by default `pin-init` will require a nightly compiler.
+However, using the crate on stable compilers is possible by disabling `alloc`. In practice this
+will require the `std` feature, because stable compilers have neither `Box` nor `Arc` in no-std
+## Overview
+To initialize a `struct` with an in-place constructor you will need two things:
+- an in-place constructor,
+- a memory location that can hold your `struct` (this can be the [stack], an [`Arc<T>`],
+ [`Box<T>`] or any other smart pointer that supports this library).
+To get an in-place constructor there are generally three options:
+- directly creating an in-place constructor using the [`pin_init!`] macro,
+- a custom function/macro returning an in-place constructor provided by someone else,
+- using the unsafe function [`pin_init_from_closure()`] to manually create an initializer.
+Aside from pinned initialization, this library also supports in-place construction without
+pinning, the macros/types/functions are generally named like the pinned variants without the
+`pin_` prefix.
+## Examples
+Throughout the examples we will often make use of the `CMutex` type which can be found in
+`../examples/mutex.rs`. It is essentially a userland rebuild of the `struct mutex` type from
+the Linux kernel. It also uses a wait list and a basic spinlock. Importantly the wait list
+requires it to be pinned to be locked and thus is a prime candidate for using this library.
+### Using the [`pin_init!`] macro
+If you want to use [`PinInit`], then you will have to annotate your `struct` with
+`#[`[`pin_data`]`]`. It is a macro that uses `#[pin]` as a marker for
+[structurally pinned fields]. After doing this, you can then create an in-place constructor via
+[`pin_init!`]. The syntax is almost the same as normal `struct` initializers. The difference is
+that you need to write `<-` instead of `:` for fields that you want to initialize in-place.
+use pin_init::{pin_data, pin_init, InPlaceInit};
+struct Foo {
+ #[pin]
+ a: CMutex<usize>,
+ b: u32,
+let foo = pin_init!(Foo {
+ a <- CMutex::new(42),
+ b: 24,
+`foo` now is of the type [`impl PinInit<Foo>`]. We can now use any smart pointer that we like
+(or just the stack) to actually initialize a `Foo`:
+let foo: Result<Pin<Box<Foo>>, AllocError> = Box::pin_init(foo);
+For more information see the [`pin_init!`] macro.
+### Using a custom function/macro that returns an initializer
+Many types that use this library supply a function/macro that returns an initializer, because
+the above method only works for types where you can access the fields.
+let mtx: Result<Pin<Arc<CMutex<usize>>>, _> = Arc::pin_init(CMutex::new(42));
+To declare an init macro/function you just return an [`impl PinInit<T, E>`]:
+struct DriverData {
+ #[pin]
+ status: CMutex<i32>,
+ buffer: Box<[u8; 1_000_000]>,
+impl DriverData {
+ fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self, Error> {
+ try_pin_init!(Self {
+ status <- CMutex::new(0),
+ buffer: Box::init(pin_init::zeroed())?,
+ }? Error)
+ }
+### Manual creation of an initializer
+Often when working with primitives the previous approaches are not sufficient. That is where
+[`pin_init_from_closure()`] comes in. This `unsafe` function allows you to create a
+[`impl PinInit<T, E>`] directly from a closure. Of course you have to ensure that the closure
+actually does the initialization in the correct way. Here are the things to look out for
+(we are calling the parameter to the closure `slot`):
+- when the closure returns `Ok(())`, then it has completed the initialization successfully, so
+ `slot` now contains a valid bit pattern for the type `T`,
+- when the closure returns `Err(e)`, then the caller may deallocate the memory at `slot`, so
+ you need to take care to clean up anything if your initialization fails mid-way,
+- you may assume that `slot` will stay pinned even after the closure returns until `drop` of
+ `slot` gets called.
+use pin_init::{pin_data, pinned_drop, PinInit, PinnedDrop, pin_init_from_closure};
+use core::{
+ ptr::addr_of_mut,
+ marker::PhantomPinned,
+ cell::UnsafeCell,
+ pin::Pin,
+ mem::MaybeUninit,
+mod bindings {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ pub struct foo {
+ /* fields from C ... */
+ }
+ extern "C" {
+ pub fn init_foo(ptr: *mut foo);
+ pub fn destroy_foo(ptr: *mut foo);
+ #[must_use = "you must check the error return code"]
+ pub fn enable_foo(ptr: *mut foo, flags: u32) -> i32;
+ }
+/// # Invariants
+/// `foo` is always initialized
+pub struct RawFoo {
+ #[pin]
+ _p: PhantomPinned,
+ #[pin]
+ foo: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<bindings::foo>>,
+impl RawFoo {
+ pub fn new(flags: u32) -> impl PinInit<Self, i32> {
+ // SAFETY:
+ // - when the closure returns `Ok(())`, then it has successfully initialized and
+ // enabled `foo`,
+ // - when it returns `Err(e)`, then it has cleaned up before
+ unsafe {
+ pin_init_from_closure(move |slot: *mut Self| {
+ // `slot` contains uninit memory, avoid creating a reference.
+ let foo = addr_of_mut!((*slot).foo);
+ let foo = UnsafeCell::raw_get(foo).cast::<bindings::foo>();
+ // Initialize the `foo`
+ bindings::init_foo(foo);
+ // Try to enable it.
+ let err = bindings::enable_foo(foo, flags);
+ if err != 0 {
+ // Enabling has failed, first clean up the foo and then return the error.
+ bindings::destroy_foo(foo);
+ Err(err)
+ } else {
+ // All fields of `RawFoo` have been initialized, since `_p` is a ZST.
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+impl PinnedDrop for RawFoo {
+ fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
+ // SAFETY: Since `foo` is initialized, destroying is safe.
+ unsafe { bindings::destroy_foo(self.foo.get().cast::<bindings::foo>()) };
+ }
+For more information on how to use [`pin_init_from_closure()`], take a look at the uses inside
+the `kernel` crate. The [`sync`] module is a good starting point.
+[`sync`]: https://rust.docs.kernel.org/kernel/sync/index.html
+[pinning]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/pin/index.html
+[structurally pinned fields]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/pin/index.html#pinning-is-structural-for-field
+[stack]: https://docs.rs/pin-init/latest/pin_init/macro.stack_pin_init.html
+[`Arc<T>`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/alloc/sync/struct.Arc.html
+[`Box<T>`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/alloc/boxed/struct.Box.html
+[`impl PinInit<Foo>`]: https://docs.rs/pin-init/latest/pin_init/trait.PinInit.html
+[`impl PinInit<T, E>`]: https://docs.rs/pin-init/latest/pin_init/trait.PinInit.html
+[`impl Init<T, E>`]: https://docs.rs/pin-init/latest/pin_init/trait.Init.html
+[Rust-for-Linux]: https://rust-for-linux.com/
+<!-- cargo-rdme end -->
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