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Message-ID: <CAFr9PXmXsW=RqJsWPCUDvQO+vst-wSj__Fi3nuxCo7ZRAi0wOA@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 19:43:44 +0900
From: Daniel Palmer <daniel@...f.com>
To: Finn Thain <fthain@...ux-m68k.org>
Cc: Josh Juran <jjuran@...il.com>, geert@...ux-m68k.org, linux-m68k@...ts.linux-m68k.org,
Subject: Re: Bootloaders, was Re: [RFC PATCH 0/3] m68k goes DT
Hi Finn,
On Tue, 7 Jan 2025 at 09:57, Finn Thain <fthain@...ux-m68k.org> wrote:
> Some of those bugs and missing features apply to EMILE as well. IMHO, what
> EMILE really needs is a MacOS GUI like Penguin. So my advice to
> prospective mac bootloader developers is, add a GUI to EMILE rather than
> try to maintain both packages.
FWIW I have started to move EMILE over to using meson to build (so
it's easier to build on modern systems) and fixing up some of the
issues it has with building with recent GCC.
I have it working enough to boot HEAD on a LC475 and on QEMUs Q800
machine. While the penguin ui is nice EMILE seems to work well enough
and it can be used to generate bootable CDs.
I have a setup now that can generate a bootable CD with the kernel and
a buildroot based userland that I can drop on the SD card for my
bluescsi and boot into Linux without any macos intervention.
So basically, for 68k mac I think EMILE is the way to go.
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