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Message-ID: <m2dz6cw6eq7ztnfdispocvt2dxtumeazbgyts5em55n67cfxlz@fwirkughbj66>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 23:25:27 +0200
From: Dmitry Baryshkov <>
To: Xiangxu Yin <>
Cc: Rob Clark <>, 
	Abhinav Kumar <>, Sean Paul <>, 
	Marijn Suijten <>, Maarten Lankhorst <>, 
	Maxime Ripard <>, Thomas Zimmermann <>, 
	David Airlie <>, Simona Vetter <>, Rob Herring <>, 
	Krzysztof Kozlowski <>, Conor Dooley <>, 
	Kuogee Hsieh <>, Vinod Koul <>, 
	Kishon Vijay Abraham I <>, Linus Walleij <>, 
	Bartosz Golaszewski <>,,,,,,,,,
Subject: Re: [PATCH 3/8] phy: qcom: qmp-usbc: Add DP phy mode support on

On Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 06:20:45PM +0800, Xiangxu Yin wrote:
> On 12/20/2024 8:01 AM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 08:55:54PM +0800, Xiangxu Yin wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On 12/12/2024 3:15 AM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> >>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 08:50:02PM +0800, Xiangxu Yin wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 12/11/2024 5:46 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 08:46:16AM +0800, Xiangxu Yin wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 12/10/2024 11:09 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 05, 2024 at 08:31:24PM +0200, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 05, 2024 at 09:26:47PM +0800, Xiangxu Yin wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On 11/29/2024 10:33 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 29 Nov 2024 at 09:59, Xiangxu Yin <> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Extended DP support for QCS615 USB or DP phy. Differentiated between
> >>>>>>>>>>> USBC and DP PHY using the match table’s type, dynamically generating
> >>>>>>>>>>> different types of cfg and layout attributes during initialization based
> >>>>>>>>>>> on this type. Static variables are stored in cfg, while parsed values
> >>>>>>>>>>> are organized into the layout structure.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> We didn't have an understanding / conclusion whether
> >>>>>>>>>> qcom,usb-ssphy-qmp-usb3-or-dp PHYs are actually a single device / PHY
> >>>>>>>>>> or two PHYs being placed next to each other. Could you please start
> >>>>>>>>>> your commit message by explaining it? Or even better, make that a part
> >>>>>>>>>> of the cover letter for a new series touching just the USBC PHY
> >>>>>>>>>> driver. DP changes don't have anything in common with the PHY changes,
> >>>>>>>>>> so you can split the series into two.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Before implement DP extension, we have discussed with abhinav and krishna about whether use combo, usbc or separate phy.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> What is "DP extension"?
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'm sorry confusion casued by my description. It's means extend DP implemnt for USBC phy driver.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> We identified that DP and USB share some common controls for phy_mode and orientation.
> >>>>>>>>> Specifically, 'TCSR_USB3_0_DP_PHYMODE' controls who must use the lanes - USB or DP,
> >>>>>>>>> while PERIPH_SS_USB0_USB3PHY_PCS_MISC_TYPEC_CTRL controls the orientation.
> >>>>>>>>> It would be more efficient for a single driver to manage these controls. 
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The question is about the hardware, not about the driver.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Additionally, this PHY does not support Alt Mode, and the two control registers are located in separate address spaces. 
> >>>>>>>>> Therefore, even though the orientation for DP on this platform is always normal and connected to the video output board, 
> >>>>>>>>> we still decided to base it on the USBC extension.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Could you please clarify, do usb3-or-dp PHYs support DP-over-USB-C? I
> >>>>>>>> thought that usbc-or-dp platforms support that, but they don't
> >>>>>>>> support DP+USB pin configuration. Note, the question is broader than
> >>>>>>>> just QCS615, it covers the PHY type itself.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Also, is TCSR configuration read/write or read-only? Are we supposed to
> >>>>>>>> set the register from OS or are we supposed to read it and thus detemine
> >>>>>>>> the PHY mode?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Any updates on these two topics?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Still confirming detail info with HW & design team.
> >>>>>> I’ll update the information that has been confirmed so far.
> >>>>>> This phy support DP-over-USB-C,but it's not support alt-mode which 2 lane work for DP, other 2 lane work for USB.
> >>>>>> TCSR phy mode is read/write reg and we can read for determine phy mode.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Ok, thanks for the explanation. From my point of view:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> - Implement the DP PHY to be a part of the same driver. Each device
> >>>>>   supported by the usbc driver should get both PHYs.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> - Make sure not to break the ABI: #phy-cells = <0> should still work and
> >>>>>   return USB PHY, keeping backwards compatibility. Newer devices or
> >>>>>   upgraded DT for old devices should return USB PHY for <... 0> and DP
> >>>>>   PHY for <... 1>.
> >>>>>
> >>>> Yes, currently we have implemented like your description,
> >>>> Each deivce shoud get both PHYs, DP PHY for <... 1> and USB PHY for <... 0>.
> >>>
> >>> Please note the backwards compatibility clause.
> >>>
> >> For the USB node, we kept the same implementation as the original function interface, and the devicetree node definition also remains unchanged.
> >> In subsequent patches, I will follow Krzysztof’s suggestion to use a separate DT-binding to describe the DP PHY configuration, 
> >> without making changes to the USB devicetree and DT-binding implementation.
> >>>>> - I'm not shure how to handle the USB and DP coexistence, especially in
> >>>>>   your case of the USB-or-DP PHY.
> >>>>>
> >>>> For coexistence process:
> >>>>
> >>>> When we start implement DP part, usb driver team said only need config TCSR phy mode and orientation during switch in USB-C port.
> >>>> Based on your previous comments avout SW_PWRDN, I'm confirming with the USB team whether SW_REST/SWPWRDN/START_CTRL registers might affect DP.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks!
> >>>
> >>>> Anyway, even though the original SoC design supports DP or USB over Type-C,
> >>>> but on QCS615 ADP AIR platform, there are only four USB-A port which works with 'qcs615-qmp-usb3-phy' driver, and no USB-C port.
> >>>> DP port is mappped from usb pin to the video out sub-board.
> >>>> so we are unable to verify the switching case between DP and USB devices under USB-C.
> >>>
> >>> That's also fine. We will get to that point once MSM8998 / SDM660
> >>> get USB-C support (the only current blocker is the support for the
> >>> TYPEC block of the PMI8998).
> >>>
> >> I can't access MSM8998 / SDM660 documents now, but I have confirmed detail info about USB & DP phy design for sm6150.
> >>
> >> The 'usb-ssphy-qmp-usb3-or-dp PHY' on the current platform is essentially composed of three sub-PHYs, 
> >> which can even be considered as three separate PHYs: USB3 primary PHY, USB3 secondary PHY, and USB3 DP PHY.
> > 
> > I've looked at sm6150-usb.dtsi and now I'm completely puzzled by your
> > answer. The msm-4.14 kernel lists a single USB QMP PHY at 0x88e6000,
> > used for the primary USB3 host. It it defined as
> > qcom,usb-ssphy-qmp-usb3-or-dp. Secondary USB host is listed as USB 2.0
> > only. So what do you mean by the USB3 secondary PHY? Which PHY and which
> > pins are connected to your video-out board?
> > 
> Five PHYs are integrated into Talos SoC: two USB2 PHYs, two USB3 PHYs, and one DP PHY.
> The USB3 secondary PHY(0x088E8000) is the one mutually exclusive with the DP PHY, which controlled by the TCSR switch.
> USB3 secondary PHY is not configed in qcs615 dtsi.

Okay, thanks for the explanation. I'm still puzzled by msm-4.14 defining
primary USB3 PHY as 'qcom,usb-ssphy-qmp-usb3-or-dp', but it might be
some kind of a hack or just a difference between QCS615 and SM6150.

If QCS615 follows other platforms of the same generation, I'd assume
that the correct way to handle it would be:

- Keep the primary USB3 PHY as is (it needs to be reposted though, the
  driver part didn't make it in).

- Extend the qmp-usbc driver to support USB+DP 'exclusive combo' PHYs by
  registering two PHYs for a single device. Make sure to continue
  supporting #phy-cells = 0 and region size = 0x1000. Use definitions
  from include/dt-bindings/phy/phy-qcom-qmp.h .

- Make sure that the PHY driver doesn't allow both PHYs to be powered
  on. Add TCSR programming to the power_on / power_off callbacks,
  implementing the switch between DP and USB3.

At this point all PHYs in qmp-usbc can be switched to the new USB+DP
configuration, still providing backwards compatibility with the existing
board DTs.

> In Ride, DP PHY, DP lane 0~3 and DP aux pins are connected to video-out board.
> >>
> >> On the QCS615, the USB primary PHY is currently used to handle USB 3.0 communication for the previously mentioned four USB Type-A ports, 
> >> while the USB3 secondary PHY and USB3 DP PHY are used for the output of the Type-C port,
> >> but since the Type-C port is forcibly pin-to-pin configured to the video out board, the Type-C port will always configure as DP PHY.
> >>
> >> The internal registers of these three PHYs are independent of each other, Neither their respective SWPWR_DN nor SWRST will affect the other two PHYs.
> >> Additionally, there was a misunderstanding about the orientation previously.
> >> The USB orientation setting only affects the current PHY and does not impact the DP PHY. The DP PHY is configured in the DP_PHY_CFG_1.
> >>
> >> TSCR_PHY_MODE can specify which PHY outputs to the Type-C port, and the global reset will simultaneously reset the two associated PHYs. 
> >> Therefore, the correct switching process is as follows.
> >> When switching the inserted device:
> >> 	1.Identify the PHY type.
> >> 	2.Enable the regulator.
> >> 	3.Trigger a reset.
> >> 	4.Enable the clock.
> >> 	5.Configure PHY type related orientation
> >> 	6.switch the TCSR PHY mode.
> >> 	7.Configure the registers of PHY.
> >> During release:
> >> 	1.Reset.
> >> 	2.Disable the clock.
> >> 	3.Disable the regulator.
> >>
> >> Our current design overall complies with this process, but it lacks the configuration for DP_PHY_CFG_1.
> >>
> >> Shall we continue the discussion to clarify remain comments of the USBC driver?
> >>
> >>>> However, I'm also confirming whether anything other will affect USB and DP each other.
> >>>
> >>
> > 

With best wishes

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