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Message-ID: <274e6669-adf1-4bb3-9237-2313b0d7fe09@amd.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 15:22:16 +0100
From: Michal Simek <michal.simek@....com>
To: Junzhong Pan <panjunzhong@...look.com>,
Radhey Shyam Pandey <radhey.shyam.pandey@....com>
Cc: gregkh@...uxfoundation.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
linux-usb@...r.kernel.org, peter.chen@...nel.org,
radhey.shyam.pandey@....com, siva.durga.prasad.paladugu@....com
Subject: Re: [PATCH V2] usb: chipidea: udc: Add revision check of
+ Radhey.
On 3/6/25 15:12, Junzhong Pan wrote:
> Hi Piyush,
>> Issue: Adding a dTD to a Primed Endpoint May Not Get Recognized with
>> revision 2.20a.
>> There is an issue with the add dTD tripwire semaphore (ATDTW bit in
>> USBCMD register) that can cause the controller to ignore a dTD that is
>> added to a primed endpoint. When this happens, the software can read
>> the tripwire bit and the status bit at '1' even though the endpoint is
>> unprimed.
>> This issue observed with the Windows host machine.
> Sorry to dig through this old patch email.
> May I ask what does **the scene look like (bus condition/dtd status)**
> when this issue observed with the Windows host machine occurs?
> I want to know if it's relevant to an issue I encountered recently.
> I met this a tricky issue with an soc have a marvel udc (driven by
> mv_udc_core.c, it's a same chipidea IP accordingly) when running rndis
> gadget with the Windows host machine.
> When the rndis gadget running for a long time (randomly), the udc would
> suddenly stopped and no longger response to IN token sent from the host.
> The bus trace looks like this:
> IN
> DATA0 120 Bytes
> DATA1 98 Bytes
> BULK IN ??
> .....
> IN !!Propagated Error!!(Turnaround/Timeout Error)
> The driver doesn't receive any further interrupts when it stopped,
> though the IN 102 Bytes transaction is finished on the bus, but the
> TD_TOTAL_BYTES of that dTd is never updated.
> ep num: 1 dir: 1(in)
> qh of current ep: 1 dir: 1(in)
> qh maxpacklen: 0x22000000, token: 0x668080
> qh td_dma curr_dtd_ptr: 0x658403c0, next_dtd_ptr: 0x1
> qh buf p0: 0x672dcde, p1: 0x672e378, p2: 0x672f000, p3: 0x6730000, p4: 0x6731000
> req 0xd81e245540 len: **102**, first_dtd: 0x658403c0, last_dtd: 0x658403c0, dtd_count: 1, actual: 102
> [qh->curr_dtd_ptr]dtd dma 0x658403c0, token: 0x668080, err: 0x0, dtd_nxt: 0x65840540
> buf p0:0x672dcde p1:0x672e000 p2:0x672f000 p3:0x6730000 p4:0x6731000 scr: 0x0
> req 0xd81e245b40 len: 1558, first_dtd: 0x65840540, last_dtd: 0x65840540, dtd_count: 1, actual: 1558
> [---]dtd dma 0x65840540, token: 0x6168080, err: 0x0, dtd_nxt: 0x65840080
> buf p0:0x20ce50de p1:0x20ce6000 p2:0x20ce7000 p3:0x20ce8000 p4:0x20ce9000 scr: 0x0
> ......
> epnak: 0x00070003
> epsetupstat: 0x00000000
> epprime: 0x00000000
> epflush: 0x00000000
> epstatus: 0x00020002
Piyush is no longer with us but Radhey will take care about this.
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