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Message-ID: <a0b0cbfb-6a43-db68-3c0c-c5b1c498c3f4@huawei.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 11:44:56 +0800
From: "lihuisong (C)" <lihuisong@...wei.com>
To: Sudeep Holla <sudeep.holla@....com>
CC: <linux-acpi@...r.kernel.org>, <linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org>, Jassi Brar
<jassisinghbrar@...il.com>, Adam Young <admiyo@...amperecomputing.com>,
Robbie King <robbiek@...ghtlabs.com>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 02/14] mailbox: pcc: Always clear the platform ack
interrupt first
在 2025/3/5 22:29, Sudeep Holla 写道:
> On Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 11:45:35AM +0800, lihuisong (C) wrote:
>> 在 2025/3/3 18:51, Sudeep Holla 写道:
>>> The PCC mailbox interrupt handler (pcc_mbox_irq()) currently checks
>>> for command completion flags and any error status before clearing the
>>> interrupt.
>>> The below sequence highlights an issue in the handling of PCC mailbox
>>> interrupts, specifically when dealing with doorbell notifications and
>>> acknowledgment between the OSPM and the platform where type3 and type4
>>> channels are sharing the interrupt.
>>> Platform Firmware OSPM/Linux PCC driver
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> build message in shmem
>>> ring type3 channel doorbell
>>> receives the doorbell interrupt
>>> process the message from OSPM
>>> build response for the message
>>> ring the platform ack interrupt to OSPM
>>> --->
>>> build notification in type4 channel
>>> start processing in pcc_mbox_irq()
>>> enter pcc handler for type4 chan
>>> command complete cleared
>>> read the notification
>>> <--- clear platform ack irq
>>> * no effect from above as platform ack irq *
>>> * not yet triggered on this channel *
>>> ring the platform ack irq on type4 channel
>>> --->
>>> leave pcc handler for type4 chan
>>> enter pcc handler for type3 chan
>>> command complete set
>>> read the response
>>> <--- clear platform ack irq
>>> leave pcc handler for type3 chan
>>> leave pcc_mbox_irq() handler
>>> start processing in pcc_mbox_irq()
>>> enter pcc handler for type4 chan
>>> leave pcc handler for type4 chan
>>> enter pcc handler for type3 chan
>>> leave pcc handler for type3 chan
>>> leave pcc_mbox_irq() handler
>> This is not easy to understand to me.
>> The issue as below described is already very clear to me.
>> So suggest remove above flow graph.
> I understood it with the graph similar to the one above, though I simplified
> it in terms of PCC rather than specific IP reference.
>>> The key issue occurs when OSPM tries to acknowledge platform ack
>>> interrupt for a notification which is ready to be read and processed
>>> but the interrupt itself is not yet triggered by the platform.
>>> This ineffective acknowledgment leads to an issue later in time where
>>> the interrupt remains pending as we exit the interrupt handler without
>>> clearing the platform ack interrupt as there is no pending response or
>>> notification. The interrupt acknowledgment order is incorrect.
>> Has this issue been confired? It's more better if has the log.😁
>> But it seems a valid issue.
> Yes Robbie reported this. He is away and can't test or respond until next
> week. The log just says there was loads of spurious interrupts and nobody
> cared log as you got in the first patch of yours fixing similar race.
>>> To resolve this issue, the platform acknowledgment interrupt should
>>> always be cleared before processing the interrupt for any notifications
>>> or response.
>> AFAIC,always clearing the platform ack interrupt first which is also the
>> communication flow as ACPI spec described.
> Indeed, not sure how we missed it so far.
>> I am not sure if it is ok when triggering interrupt and clearing interrupt
>> occur concurrently.
> Should be OK as we start clearing all the channels that share, if the
> handler doesn't clear any source, the interrupt must remain asserted.
ok, thank you for clarifying to me.
>> But this scenario is always possible. I think It doesn't matter with this
>> patch. It's just my confusion.
> Indeed, it can happen any time as you mentioned. No worries better to ask
> and clarify than assume. Thanks for your time and review.
> --
> Regards,
> Sudeep
> .
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