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Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 00:02:56 +0100
From: Armin Wolf <>
To: Kurt Borja <>,
 Ilpo Järvinen <>
Cc: Hans de Goede <>,,,
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 10/10] Documentation: wmi: Improve and update
 alienware-wmi documentation

Am 06.03.25 um 01:57 schrieb Kurt Borja:

> Use tables to describe method operations instead of using pseudo-code.
> Drop unknown method descriptions to avoid redundancy. Drop GPIO section
> as it is currently irrelevant to this driver. Update Thermal_Information
> method documentation. Add one more helpful developer to the kudos section.

Reviewed-by: Armin Wolf <>

> Signed-off-by: Kurt Borja <>
> ---
>   Documentation/wmi/devices/alienware-wmi.rst | 383 +++++++++-------------------
>   1 file changed, 117 insertions(+), 266 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Documentation/wmi/devices/alienware-wmi.rst b/Documentation/wmi/devices/alienware-wmi.rst
> index ddc5e561960e05fc7cffe700d7d278e32ff2e7b2..79238051b18bc5de9b502325017cd5c5fcf41748 100644
> --- a/Documentation/wmi/devices/alienware-wmi.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/wmi/devices/alienware-wmi.rst
> @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The WMI device WMAX has been implemented for many Alienware and Dell's G-Series
>   models. Throughout these models, two implementations have been identified. The
>   first one, used by older systems, deals with HDMI, brightness, RGB, amplifier
>   and deep sleep control. The second one used by newer systems deals primarily
> -with thermal, overclocking, and GPIO control.
> +with thermal control and overclocking.
>   It is suspected that the latter is used by Alienware Command Center (AWCC) to
>   manage manufacturer predefined thermal profiles. The alienware-wmi driver
> @@ -69,9 +69,6 @@ data using the `bmfdec <>`_ utility:
>      [WmiMethodId(164), Implemented, read, write, Description("Tobii Camera Power Off.")] void TobiiCameraPowerOff([out] uint32 argr);
>    };
> -Some of these methods get quite intricate so we will describe them using
> -pseudo-code that vaguely resembles the original ASL code.
> -
>   Methods not described in the following document have unknown behavior.
>   Argument Structure
> @@ -87,175 +84,133 @@ ID 0xA0, the argument you would pass to the method is 0xA001.
>   Thermal Methods
>   ===============
> +WMI method GetFanSensors([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
> +-------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| Operation (Byte 0) | Description                        | Arguments          |
> ++====================+====================================+====================+
> +| 0x01               | Get the number of temperature      | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | sensors related with a fan ID      |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x02               | Get the temperature sensor IDs     | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | related to a fan sensor ID         | - Byte 2: Index    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +
>   WMI method Thermal_Information([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
>   -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -::
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x01:
> -         argr = 1
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x02:
> -         argr = SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x03:
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x00:
> -                 argr = FAN_ID_0
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x01:
> -                 argr = FAN_ID_1
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x02:
> -                 argr = FAN_ID_2
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x03:
> -                 argr = FAN_ID_3
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x04:
> -                 argr = SENSOR_ID_CPU | 0x0100
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x05:
> -                 argr = SENSOR_ID_GPU | 0x0100
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x06:
> -                 argr = THERMAL_MODE_QUIET_ID
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x07:
> -                 argr = THERMAL_MODE_BALANCED_ID
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x08:
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x09:
> -                 argr = THERMAL_MODE_PERFORMANCE_ID
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x0A:
> -                 argr = THERMAL_MODE_LOW_POWER_ID
> -
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 0x0B:
> -                 argr = THERMAL_MODE_GMODE_ID
> -
> -         else:
> -                 argr = 0xFFFFFFFF
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x04:
> -         if is_valid_sensor(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                 argr = SENSOR_TEMP_C
> -         else:
> -                 argr = 0xFFFFFFFF
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x05:
> -         if is_valid_fan(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                 argr = FAN_RPM()
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x06:
> -         skip
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x07:
> -         argr = 0
> -
> - If BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x08:
> -         if is_valid_fan(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                 argr = 0
> -         else:
> -                 argr = 0xFFFFFFFF
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x09:
> -         if is_valid_fan(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                 argr = FAN_UNKNOWN_STAT_0()
> -
> -         else:
> -                 argr = 0xFFFFFFFF
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x0A:
> -         argr = THERMAL_MODE_BALANCED_ID
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x0B:
> -         argr = CURRENT_THERMAL_MODE()
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x0C:
> -         if is_valid_fan(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                 argr = FAN_UNKNOWN_STAT_1()
> -         else:
> -                 argr = 0xFFFFFFFF
> -
> -Operation 0x02 returns a *system description* buffer with the following
> -structure:
> -
> -::
> -
> - out[0] -> Number of fans
> - out[1] -> Number of sensors
> - out[2] -> 0x00
> - out[3] -> Number of thermal modes
> -
> -Operation 0x03 list all available fan IDs, sensor IDs and thermal profile
> -codes in order, but different models may have different number of fans and
> -thermal profiles. These are the known ranges:
> -
> -* Fan IDs: from 2 up to 4
> -* Sensor IDs: 2
> -* Thermal profile codes: from 1 up to 7
> -
> -In total BYTE_1(ARG2) may range from 0x5 up to 0xD depending on the model.
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| Operation (Byte 0) | Description                        | Arguments          |
> ++====================+====================================+====================+
> +| 0x01               | Unknown.                           | - None             |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x02               | Get system description number with | - None             |
> +|                    | the following structure:           |                    |
> +|                    |                                    |                    |
> +|                    | - Byte 0: Number of fans           |                    |
> +|                    | - Byte 1: Number of temperature    |                    |
> +|                    |   sensors                          |                    |
> +|                    | - Byte 2: Unknown                  |                    |
> +|                    | - Byte 3: Number of thermal        |                    |
> +|                    |   profiles                         |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x03               | List an ID or resource at a given  | - Byte 1: Index    |
> +|                    | index. Fan IDs, temperature IDs,   |                    |
> +|                    | unknown IDs and thermal profile    |                    |
> +|                    | IDs are listed in that exact       |                    |
> +|                    | order.                             |                    |
> +|                    |                                    |                    |
> +|                    | Operation 0x02 is used to know     |                    |
> +|                    | which indexes map to which         |                    |
> +|                    | resources.                         |                    |
> +|                    |                                    |                    |
> +|                    | **Returns:** ID at a given index   |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x04               | Get the current temperature for a  | - Byte 1: Sensor   |
> +|                    | given temperature sensor.          |   ID               |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x05               | Get the current RPM for a given    | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | fan.                               |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x06               | Get fan speed percentage. (not     | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | implemented in every model)        |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x07               | Unknown.                           | - Unknown          |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x08               | Get minimum RPM for a given FAN    | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | ID.                                |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x09               | Get maximum RPM for a given FAN    | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | ID.                                |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x0A               | Get balanced thermal profile ID.   | - None             |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x0B               | Get current thermal profile ID.    | - None             |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x0C               | Get current `boost` value for a    | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | given fan ID.                      |                    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
>   WMI method Thermal_Control([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
>   ---------------------------------------------------------------
> -::
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x01:
> -         if is_valid_thermal_profile(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                 SET_THERMAL_PROFILE(BYTE_1(arg2))
> -                 argr = 0
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x02:
> -         if is_valid_fan(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                 SET_FAN_SPEED_MULTIPLIER(BYTE_2(arg2))
> -                 argr = 0
> -         else:
> -                 argr = 0xFFFFFFFF
> -
> -.. note::
> -   While you can manually change the fan speed multiplier with this method,
> -   Dell's BIOS tends to overwrite this changes anyway.
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| Operation (Byte 0) | Description                        | Arguments          |
> ++====================+====================================+====================+
> +| 0x01               | Activate a given thermal profile.  | - Byte 1: Thermal  |
> +|                    |                                    |   profile ID       |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x02               | Set a `boost` value for a given    | - Byte 1: Fan ID   |
> +|                    | fan ID.                            | - Byte 2: Boost    |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
>   These are the known thermal profile codes:
> -::
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Thermal Profile              | Type     | ID   |
> ++==============================+==========+======+
> +| Custom                       | Special  | 0x00 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| G-Mode                       | Special  | 0xAB |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Quiet                        | Legacy   | 0x96 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Balanced                     | Legacy   | 0x97 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Balanced Performance         | Legacy   | 0x98 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Performance                  | Legacy   | 0x99 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Balanced                     | USTT     | 0xA0 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Balanced Performance         | USTT     | 0xA1 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Cool                         | USTT     | 0xA2 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Quiet                        | USTT     | 0xA3 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Performance                  | USTT     | 0xA4 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> +| Low Power                    | USTT     | 0xA5 |
> ++------------------------------+----------+------+
> - CUSTOM                         0x00
> +If a model supports the User Selectable Thermal Tables (USTT) profiles, it will
> +not support the Legacy profiles and vice-versa.
> - BALANCED_USTT                  0xA0
> - COOL_USTT                      0xA2
> - QUIET_USTT                     0xA3
> - PERFORMANCE_USTT               0xA4
> - LOW_POWER_USTT                 0xA5
> -
> - QUIET                          0x96
> - BALANCED                       0x97
> - BALANCED_PERFORMANCE           0x98
> - PERFORMANCE                    0x99
> -
> - GMODE                          0xAB
> -
> -Usually if a model doesn't support the first four profiles they will support
> -the User Selectable Thermal Tables (USTT) profiles and vice-versa.
> -
> -GMODE replaces PERFORMANCE in G-Series laptops.
> +Every model supports the CUSTOM (0x00) thermal profile. GMODE replaces
> +PERFORMANCE in G-Series laptops.
>   WMI method GameShiftStatus([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
>   ---------------------------------------------------------------
> -::
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x1:
> -         TOGGLE_GAME_SHIFT()
> -         argr = GET_GAME_SHIFT_STATUS()
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x2:
> -         argr = GET_GAME_SHIFT_STATUS()
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| Operation (Byte 0) | Description                        | Arguments          |
> ++====================+====================================+====================+
> +| 0x01               | Toggle *Game Shift*.               | - None             |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
> +| 0x02               | Get *Game Shift* status.           | - None             |
> ++--------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------+
>   Game Shift Status does not change the fan speed profile but it could be some
>   sort of CPU/GPU power profile. Benchmarks have not been done.
> @@ -267,131 +222,27 @@ Thermal_Information does not list it.
>   G-key on Dell's G-Series laptops also changes Game Shift status, so both are
>   directly related.
> -WMI method GetFanSensors([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> -::
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x1:
> -        if is_valid_fan(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                argr = 1
> -        else:
> -                argr = 0
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0x2:
> -        if is_valid_fan(BYTE_1(arg2)):
> -                if BYTE_2(arg2) == 0:
> -                        argr == SENSOR_ID
> -                else
> -                        argr == 0xFFFFFFFF
> -        else:
> -                argr = 0
> -
>   Overclocking Methods
>   ====================
> -.. warning::
> -   These methods have not been tested and are only partially reverse
> -   engineered.
> -
> -WMI method Return_OverclockingReport([out] uint32 argr)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> -
> -::
> -
> - CSMI (0xE3, 0x99)
> - argr = 0
> -
> -CSMI is an unknown operation.
> -
> -WMI method Set_OCUIBIOSControl([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> -::
> -
> - CSMI (0xE3, 0x99)
> - argr = 0
> -
> -CSMI is an unknown operation.
> -
> -WMI method Clear_OCFailSafeFlag([out] uint32 argr)
> ---------------------------------------------------
> -
> -::
> -
> - CSMI (0xE3, 0x99)
> - argr = 0
> -
> -CSMI is an unknown operation.
> -
> -
>   WMI method MemoryOCControl([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
>   ---------------------------------------------------------------
>   AWCC supports memory overclocking, but this method is very intricate and has
>   not been deciphered yet.
> -GPIO methods
> -============
> -
> -These methods are probably related to some kind of firmware update system,
> -through a GPIO device.
> -
> -.. warning::
> -   These methods have not been tested and are only partially reverse
> -   engineered.
> -
> -WMI method FWUpdateGPIOtoggle([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> -::
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0:
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 1:
> -                 SET_PIN_A_HIGH()
> -         else:
> -                 SET_PIN_A_LOW()
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 1:
> -         if BYTE_1(arg2) == 1:
> -                 SET_PIN_B_HIGH()
> -
> -         else:
> -                 SET_PIN_B_LOW()
> -
> - else:
> -         argr = 1
> -
> -WMI method ReadTotalofGPIOs([out] uint32 argr)
> -----------------------------------------------
> -
> -::
> -
> - argr = 0x02
> -
> -WMI method ReadGPIOpPinStatus([in] uint32 arg2, [out] uint32 argr)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> -::
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 0:
> -         argr = PIN_A_STATUS
> -
> - if BYTE_0(arg2) == 1:
> -         argr = PIN_B_STATUS
> -
>   Other information Methods
>   =========================
>   WMI method ReadChassisColor([out] uint32 argr)
>   ----------------------------------------------
> -::
> -
> +Returns the chassis color internal ID.
>   Acknowledgements
>   ================
> -Kudos to `AlexIII <>`_ for documenting
> -and testing available thermal profile codes.
> +Kudos to `AlexIII <>`_ and
> +`T-Troll <>`_ for documenting and
> +testing some of this device's functionality, making it possible to generalize
> +this driver.

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