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Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 05:20:32 +0000
From: "Ng, Boon Khai" <>
To: David Laight <>, Johan Hovold
CC: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>,
	"" <>,
	"" <>, "Ang, Tien
 Sung" <>, "Ang, Tien Sung" <>,
	"Ng, Boon Khai" <>
Subject: RE: [PATCH v1] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Altera USB
 Blaster 3

> Also, is there any actual software that can use them through this driver?
> The Altera 'quartus' software that is usually used to program (etc) the fpga is
> pretty proprietary.
> I think some bits have been reverse engineered, but only for a few simple
> actions.

Hi David, 

The software that mainly connect to this fdti driver are the 
debug or configuration software, includes Quartus programmer, 
System Console, SignalTap, Nios debugger etc.

> I'm not even sure the Altera code even loads a driver - just uses the userspace
> USB library.

No, those software are not loading the driver, it just access it from the ftdi_sio.

> I'll have used it on a system with a custom kernel to program (etc) a CycloneV.
> No hint of needing to recompile a driver.
> (The sheer amount of software you need to command-line program a device is
> stunning! - I had to parcel it all up so we could use a usb to jtag cable to in-situ
> program one of the smaller PLD devices on a small board.)
> So what is the real 'use case'?

Cyclone V should be an older family device,
But for this use case it is to support mainly 2 use cases on the USB Blaster 3.
1) USB Blaster 3 cable
2) On Board USB Blaster 3.

The hardware designers will decide, what kind of configuration needed on the board.
We have total 8 types of configurations.
1) PID 0x6020, FT2232, 1 JTAG port
2) PID 0x6021, FT2232, 2 JTAG ports
3) PID 0x6022, FT2232, 1 JTAG port + Port B as UART
4) PID 0x6023, FT2232, Cable USB-Blaster 3
5) PID 0x6024, FT4232, 1 JTAG port
6) PID 0x6025, FT4232, 1 JTAG port + Port C as UART
7) PID 0x6026, FT4232, 1 JTAG port + Port C, D as UART
8) PID 0x602e, FT4232, 1 JTAG port + Port B, C, D as UART

Boon Khai

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