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Message-ID: <4cbde456-9a2e-4404-abff-3f3c53ed9d15@panix.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 18:04:21 -0800
From: Kenneth Crudup <kenny@...ix.com>
To: Lukas Wunner <lukas@...ner.de>,
Mika Westerberg <mika.westerberg@...ux.intel.com>, Me <kenny@...ix.com>
Cc: Bjorn Helgaas <helgaas@...nel.org>, ilpo.jarvinen@...ux.intel.com,
Bjorn Helgaas <bhelgaas@...gle.com>, Jian-Hong Pan <jhp@...lessos.org>,
linux-pci@...r.kernel.org, linux-kernel@...r.kernel.org,
Nikl??vs Ko??es??ikovs <pinkflames.linux@...il.com>,
Andreas Noever <andreas.noever@...il.com>,
Michael Jamet <michael.jamet@...el.com>,
Yehezkel Bernat <YehezkelShB@...il.com>, linux-usb@...r.kernel.org
Subject: Re: diagnosing resume failures after disconnected USB4 drives (Was:
Re: PCI/ASPM: Fix L1SS saving (linus/master commit 7507eb3e7bfac))
On 3/6/25 08:45, Lukas Wunner wrote:
> Thanks for testing. Would you mind giving the below a spin?
> I've realized this can likely be solved in a much easier way:
OK, I've tried all the scenarios that had failures with your original
commit, and with your latest change I've not had any issues.
ACK :)
Kenneth R. Crudup / Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Orange
County CA
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